Jan 23, 2025  
University of Alberta Calendar 2021-2022 
University of Alberta Calendar 2021-2022 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Faculty of Engineering Regulations

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Admission and Registration

General University admission requirements are set out in Programs of Study  and General Undergraduate Admission Requirements . Specific admission information for the Faculty of Engineering is detailed in Faculty of Engineering .

Residence Requirements

A student proceeding toward a BSc degree in Engineering is expected to complete at least half of the credits required through courses offered by the University of Alberta (either “on” or “off” campus in Fall/Winter or Spring/Summer). Normally, at least half of these “University of Alberta” courses will be courses from Terms 5 through 8, as shown in the Faculty of Engineering  traditional and co-op program requirements. Credits obtained by special assessment at the University of Alberta may be included in the count of courses used to satisfy the residence requirements. (See Credit by Special Assessment .)

Where a student has been accepted as a transfer student from another accredited engineering program at a Canadian university and has the equivalent of six full terms of transfer credit, reducing the residence requirement to one academic year consisting of two full terms may be considered.

Academic Regulations

  1. Admissions: The Faculty of Engineering admits students into a first- or qualifying-year program and into specialized programs at the second-year level. High school students are only admitted into the qualifying (first) year. All admissions are on a competitive basis.

    Admissions into the first or qualifying year program include students who are coming directly from high school and students with less than 30.0 engineering units of postsecondary transfer credit. On an annual basis, the minimum high school average for students entering directly from high school is reviewed and may be adjusted to reflect demand and space availability. This average is calculated across the five required admission subjects (Alberta Grade 12 Chemistry 30, English 30-1, Mathematics 30-1, Mathematics 31 and Physics 30 or their equivalent).
    There is a maximum number of students which can be accommodated in the first or qualifying year program. Spaces available after all eligible applicants from high school have been admitted are offered to students with postsecondary transfer credit. Factors in selecting students from this group for admission are academic performance and the specific courses which earn transfer credit.

    The Faculty offers a number of engineering degree program choices as indicated below:

    Chemical Process Control Option
    Chemical Biomedical Option
    Civil Environmental Option
    Computer Software Option
    Computer Nanoscale System Design Option
    Electrical Biomedical Option*
    Electrical Nanoengineering Option
    Engineering Physics*
    Engineering Physics Nanoengineering Option*
    Mechanical Biomedical Option**
    Materials Biomedical Option
    Materials Nano and Functional Materials Option

    Most of these programs are offered in both the Traditional and Co-op formats except as indicated by the asterisks - *Traditional only, **Co-op only. All of the specialized or discipline specific programs start in second year and each has a limited number of spaces. On an annual basis the Faculty reviews the number of spaces in all disciplines and may change the number of spaces in specific degree programs to reflect student demand and the market demand for these disciplines subject to the availability of Faculty resources.

    Students admitted to the qualifying year must normally qualify for a specialized program in not more than two terms (one year). Students entering directly from high school or with less than 15.0 units of transfer credit may, subject to space availability, be allowed an additional two terms (one year) to qualify. Students entering with 15.0 or more units of transfer credit must qualify in not more than two terms (one year).In order to qualify, a student must be in satisfactory standing after Fall/Winter and have credit in at least 30.0 units (excluding ENGG 100 /ENGG 160 ) of courses transferable to a specialized program. A student who is offered admission to a specialized program after two terms has qualified and may not continue as a qualifying student. Students who fail to qualify within the indicated number of terms are required to withdraw and are not normally readmitted to the Faculty.

    Students are admitted to a specialized program based first of all on academic performance in the first or qualifying year and secondly on their program preferences. These preferences are communicated by completing a Program Selection Form (PSF). All students in the qualifying year, and new applicants, must complete the PSF which is accessed through the Faculty web site. All applicants with previous postsecondary education must submit a PSF. Applicants who do not have sufficient transfer credit for admission to a second year program (to be determined by the Faculty) may be considered for a qualifying year.

    Students who are offered admission to one of the specialized programs must register in the Fall and/or Winter Term immediately following; otherwise they must reapply and again compete for a space in these programs.

    Spaces in each specialized program are reserved for students who do not have an undergraduate engineering degree. Students who already hold an undergraduate engineering degree are not eligible for admission to a second undergraduate program in the Faculty. Study of a different engineering discipline can be done through registration as a Special Student or registration in a graduate program.
  2. Engineering Graduation Average
    1. The Engineering Graduation Average (EGA) is based on
      1. mandated, graded program courses including Faculty of Engineering approved electives in an engineering program taken at the University of Alberta. Courses not required to complete the degree will not be considered in EGA calculations.
      2. a minimum of the last ★70 in an engineering program as defined in (i). As many full terms as required will be included in the calculation of the EGA to reach the total of at least ★70.
    2. Requirements to Graduate: To graduate, a student must
      1. pass all courses required by the specific program;
      2. have an Engineering Graduation Average of 2.0 or greater;
      3. be in satisfactory academic standing, i.e., have a Fall/Winter GPA of 2.0 or greater.

        A student who is otherwise eligible to graduate but has an EGA of less than 2.0 and/or a Fall/Winter GPA in the range 1.7 to 1.9 is permitted to return for one additional term provided this term falls within the 72 month degree time limit as specified in Time Limit for Completion of Degree. Courses to be taken during this additional term are specified by the Dean. If the student’s EGA and Fall/Winter GPA following this term are not both 2.0 or greater, the student will not qualify for a degree and will not be allowed to continue in the Faculty.

        The preceding paragraph also applies to any student who has completed all course requirements and chooses to return for an extra term. The courses which the student takes in this subsequent term are to be specified by the Dean.
  3. Time Limit for Completion of Degree: All students must complete their degree requirements within 72 months from the time of their initial admission to a specialized degree program in Engineering.

    The time measurement starts at the beginning of the term following a student’s initial admission to a specialized degree program in Engineering. This time limit includes all time during which a student is not in attendance either by personal choice or as a result of suspension or a requirement to withdraw. When a student encounters special circumstances that necessitate an absence from the University for an extended period of time, the student may apply to the Faculty for an extension to the degree time limit. Such an application must be made prior to the absence or at the earliest opportunity. Extensions are not granted for cases where a student has spent time on withdrawal or suspension.
  4. Course Load
    1. Students in specialized degree programs are not required to meet any minimum course load requirement except as noted in Marginal Standing-Academic Warning but must meet the degree time limit as specified in Time Limit for Completion of Degree. A course load less than that required to maintain full time status, as defined in Glossary , may have scholarship eligibility, income tax and student loan implications.
    2. Students in their qualifying year may not normally take a course load with fewer than 37.0 units in Fall/Winter, excluding the 3.1 units for ENGG 100 /ENGG 160 .
  5. Courses Outside of Degree Requirements

    Courses which are taken in addition to a student’s degree requirements are designated “Not for Degree Credit” or “Extra to Degree”. Since GPA calculations include the grades earned in these non-degree courses, students musts obtain prior written approval from their Department before registering in such courses unless it is a requirement imposed by the Faculty. Only students whose GPA in the immediately preceding term is 2.5 or above will receive approval from their Department. These courses must be at the 200-level or above. Not all courses will be considered. See www.engineering.ualberta.ca for more information. Students who have registered in courses outside their degree program without formal approval will be withdrawn from these courses and are responsible for any associated fees.
  6. Promotion: A student’s progress is evaluated on completion of academic studies for Fall/Winter and on completion of any academic term occurring in Spring/Summer that is a scheduled term within the student’s degree program. Scheduled terms are those shown in the Faculty of Engineering  traditional and co-op program requirements. Evaluation is on the basis of the Fall/Winter GPA or Spring/Summer GPA [see Additional Grades and Remarks ]. A student registered in Co-op Work Experience for the Winter Term and simultaneously registered in one or more courses is considered to have completed their academic studies for Fall/Winter after the Fall Term.
    1. Satisfactory Standing: Fall/Winter or Spring/Summer GPA of 2.0 or greater. Promotion, repeating any failed course(s).
    2. Marginal Standing-Academic Warning: Fall/Winter or Spring/Summer GPA of 1.7 to 1.9 inclusive. Proceed to next term on academic warning, repeating any failed course(s) and other courses as specified by the Dean, unless one of the following conditions applies, in which case the student must withdraw:
      1. occurs immediately upon completion of the qualifying year [also see Time Limit for Completion of Degree with respect to students who entered directly from high school or with less than 15.0 units of transfer credit].
      2. previously on academic warning on two or more occasions.
      3. previously required to withdraw and previously on academic warning.
      4. already on academic warning or probation.

        Students on academic warning or probation will be evaluated at the end of each term. Spring/Summer is not considered a term unless it is a scheduled term within the student’s degree program. To clear academic warning or probation, a student must achieve an engineering term average of at least 2.0 while carrying a minimum course load of 14.0 units.
    3. Unsatisfactory Standing-Required to Withdraw: Fall/Winter or Spring/Summer GPA less than 1.7. Student must withdraw.

      Students who meet all Fresh Start admission criteria (Fresh Start Program ) and were registered in the first qualifying year (students directly from high school or with less than 15.0 engineering units of transfer credit) may be recommended to Fresh Start. Such a recommendation is dependent on the student’s agreement that by entering Fresh Start they will not be eligible for readmission to the Faculty of Engineering and must apply to another Faculty.
  7. Work Experience Credit: Work Experience (WKEXP) courses in the cooperative education program are graded on a Pass/Fail (Credit/No Credit) basis. A student receiving a grade of Fail/No Credit is normally required to withdraw from the cooperative program and the Faculty of Engineering.
  8. Deficiencies from a Previous Term: Where a student is deficient in credits in a course (or courses) from a previous term, through failure or otherwise, that student must normally clear that deficiency the next time the course (or courses) is (are) offered.

    Where the deficiency is the result of failure or withdrawal from an elective course, another course may be substituted if Faculty approval is first received to do so.
  9. Readmission after a Requirement to Withdraw: A student required to withdraw must stay out for two terms before being eligible for readmission. In this context, Spring/Summer is not counted as a term unless it is a scheduled term within the student’s degree program.

    If a student receives a suspension for academic misconduct which overlaps the period of withdrawal resulting from poor academic performance, the periods of withdrawal and suspension will run sequentially. The total length of the required absence is to be equal to the period of the suspension plus the period of withdrawal for academic reasons.

    All students are readmitted on probation and must take all the previously failed courses and other courses as specified by the Dean. For students in the co-op program, readmission must coincide with the start of an academic term. A student required to withdraw a second time is not normally readmitted to the Faculty of Engineering.

    The requirements to clear probation are explained in Marginal Standing-Academic Warning.
  10. Withdrawal from Courses: (See Academic Schedule  for deadline dates.)
  11. Missed Term and Final Exams: Refer to Attendance  and Evaluation Procedures and Grading System . There are no deferred term exams for courses offered in the Faculty of Engineering. In instances where a student has a documented reason for missing a term exam(s) and at the discretion of the instructor, the value of a missed term exam(s) can be added to the value of the final exam. A missed term exam(s) is considered assigned term work which has not been completed in determining eligibility for a deferred final exam. If the resulting final exam weight exceeds that allowed under Weighting of Term Work and Final Examinations (no more than 70%), then the office of the Dean shall be notified.
  12. Transfer Credit: Students planning to earn transfer credit for a course(s) taken elsewhere should obtain Department and Faculty approval in the form of a Letter of Permission prior to taking the course(s). The Faculty is under no obligation to grant transfer credit without such preapproval. Letters of Permission are not given to students who have been required to withdraw until they have been readmitted. Students returning for a second qualifying year who have successfully completed a qualifying year course(s) which was (were) not taken or not passed in their first qualifying year will automatically receive credit for such courses and cannot retake them.
  13. Reexaminations: See Reexaminations .
  14. Academic Awards and Recognition
    1. Awards and Scholarships
      Information about awards and scholarships is available in the University of Alberta Awards Publication. A number of scholarship competitions are open to high school students who plan to study Engineering at the University. Students who are continuing in the Faculty may apply for various awards. In addition, a number of awards are made by Faculty or Department nomination. Awards and scholarships are awarded after the second, fourth, sixth, and eighth academic terms and require a student to carry a full course load. For University-wide award competitions, this is the course load calculated from BSc in Engineering - Qualifying Year  and Faculty of Engineering  traditional and co-op program requirements, as appropriate. In the case of Faculty and Department awards, a full course load is defined as at least 35.0 units. Because of their course load requirements co-op students are not eligible for awards in the third year of their program.
    2. First-Class Standing
      First-class standing is awarded following the second, fourth, sixth, and eighth academic terms based on a GPA of 3.5 or greater, calculated on a course load of not less than 35.0 units in the two preceding academic terms.
    3. Graduation “With Distinction”
      To graduate “With Distinction,” a student must have an Engineering Graduation Average of 3.5 or greater.
  15. Communication with Students Re Academic and Discipline Matters: Pursuant to Electronic Communication Policy for Students and Applicants , the Faculty of Engineering will communicate all academic standing decisions and all decisions relating to charges under the Code of Student Behaviour electronically. The decision letter will be an electronic document attached to an e-mail forwarded to the student’s campus e-mail address which includes the ualberta.ca extension or available through Bear Tracks.
  16. Appeals
    1. Academic Standing: A student wanting to appeal an academic standing decision must first attempt to resolve the issue with the Faculty of Engineering, Associate Dean (Student and Co-op Services). If the matter remains unresolved, the student may then appeal to the Faculty of Engineering Academic Appeals Committee. To do so, the student must provide a written letter of appeal addressed to the Dean which outlines the basis for the appeal. The letter of appeal must be received by the Dean within 28 calendar days from the decision date. This is the date of the letter in which the student was first advised of the academic standing decision. The 28 days include mailing time and all time spent in attempting to resolve the matter with the Associate Dean (Student and Co-op Services).

      Note: An unsuccessful appeal within the Faculty or any conditions imposed as part of the appeal decision within the Faculty may be carried to the General Faculties Council Academic Appeals Committee. See Appeals and Grievances . The appeal of any conditions in an appeal decision by the Faculty must occur within the timelines set out for any appeal to the General Faculties Council Academic Appeals Committee. The consequences resulting from a subsequent failure to meet the conditions are not appealable.
    2. Grievances Concerning Grades: The assignment of marks and grades is the initial responsibility of an instructor. Any grievances concerning grades should first be discussed with the instructor. If the problem is not resolved, the student should talk with the Chair of the Department where the course is taught.

      For courses taught in the Faculty of Engineering, final recourse is to the Faculty of Engineering Academic Appeals Committee. To appeal to this committee, the student must submit the appeal in writing to the Dean within 60 calendar days after the final examination period.
    3. Work Term Status: Faculty initiated withdrawal from a work term, denial of work term or disciplinary decisions related to a work term are appealable to the GFC Practice Review Board (see Calendar Practicum Intervention Policy ). Failure of a work term which results from lack of performance and/or termination of employment by the employer is an academic standing decision and is appealable as described in Academic Standing.

      A copy of the Faculty of Engineering Regulations regarding appeals may be obtained from the Faculty Office, 9-201 Donadeo Innovation Centre for Engineering.
  17. Engineering Ethics, Practice and Profession: Students will be afforded only one opportunity to pass ENGG 100 , ENGG 160 , or ENGG 400 . Students failing any of ENGG 100 , ENGG 160 , or ENGG 400  will be required to complete alternative replacement courses (one replacement course for each instance of ENGG 100 , ENGG 160 , or ENGG 400  graded as F or No Credit, NC, as appropriate) and/or supplemental work, where appropriate, at the discretion of the Dean. Such alternative courses will only be approved by the Dean if a student has previously failed to achieve credit in scheduled courses.

Criteria for achieving credit in ENGG 160 : Proven completion of required safety training through the Office of the Dean, plus successful completion of supplemental work and/or equivalent course(s) nominated solely at the discretion of the Dean.

Criteria for achieving credit in ENGG 400 : Successful completion of an ethics course nominated solely at the discretion of the Dean.

Calculators in Examinations

Instructors must specify in the syllabus for each course, the course policy with respect to calculators in examinations. The policy choices are:

  1. no calculators
  2. approved non-programmable calculators
  3. approved programmable calculators or approved non-programmable calculators

A list of acceptable calculators in the non-programmable and programmable categories is available from the Faculty and Department offices. Only approved calculators may be taken into an exam. Approved calculators must bear a sticker that identifies it as to type and acceptability. Students must bring their calculator(s) to the Faculty or Department office to have the appropriate sticker affixed.

Minors [Engineering]

Application to a minor: At any time following completion of all courses of their academic terms five and six, engineering students may apply to the Faculty of Engineering to complete a minor in an area of concentration in other Faculties to expand their breadth of knowledge if they have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0. The concentration department and the Faculty of Engineering may impose quotas on the number of students that will be allowed in the minor. In these cases students with the highest cumulative GPA applying to this minor will be allocated their preferred minor choices first.

Completion of minors: Students are responsible to ensure that they meet all the area requirements of the minors. In some minor areas, listed courses may not always be offered or open to all; students should contact the specific department for additional information. Courses taken to satisfy the requirements of the engineering program can be used to satisfy the requirements of the minor program.

Engineering programs are rigid in their timetabling; minors will usually extend the length of an engineering program which must be completed within 72 months of starting a program (requirements to graduate ), including additional courses from a minor. Minors should be undertaken after completing all engineering degree requirements; it is the responsibility of the student to ensure that their schedule allows for timetabling courses of their minor if they choose to complete them earlier. It is recommended that students plan their entire program prior to starting a minor and have the sequence approved by a student advisor.

Students registering in a minor are subject to the minor-related rules and requirements of the granting Faculty.

Minor in Arts

Engineering students may obtain a minor in a Faculty of Arts subject area of concentration (with the exception of Arts Cultural Management). All Arts minors require at least ★12 senior, including at least ★6 in 300-level or higher courses, though some minors require specific courses, or more credits than the minimum. See BA Honors and BA Major/Minor Requirements   for specific requirements for each minor.

Minor in Business

The minor in Business seeks to provide students in Engineering with introductory training in a variety of choice business areas. The Engineering Profession is unique in that it is highly analytical, yet requires consideration of business, social, and legal issues. The minor in Business was designed with a view to enabling engineering students to develop an analytical framework within which various organizational and business problems are addressed. It is envisaged that, with an ability to create solutions to these organizational and business challenges, engineering students will be better prepared and informed to serve the Profession.

Engineering students must take ECON 204  as the complementary studies elective if they choose to pursue a minor in Business. A minor in Business may be created in the following way:

  1. Engineering students must complete ★34 to receive a minor in Business. Students must complete five mandatory primary core business courses (★15) or equivalent: ACCTG 311 , ENGG 420  OR B LAW 301 , FIN 301 , MARK 301 , SEM 301  OR SEM 310 .
  2. ★3 in ENG M 402 ;
  3. ★12 in senior-level (300- or 400-level) courses in the Faculty of Business. Students should select senior–level coursework in accordance with the concentration that they have chosen. Students must have prerequisites for the courses chosen.
  4. ★4 in ENGG 490  
  5. Students may wish to focus their minor in Business in a particular area. A minor in an area of Business may be satisfied by taking any one of the following suggested lists of courses:
    1. Business Economics and Law: BUEC 311 , B LAW 402  or B LAW 403 , ★6 of any 400-level BLAW or BUEC courses;
    2. Business Studies: ACCTG 322 , ★9 of any 300- or 400-level Business courses in at least two different subject areas. Subject areas include Accounting (ACCTG), Business Economics (BUEC), Business Law (B LAW), Finance (FIN), Management Information Systems (MIS), Management Science (MGTSC), Marketing (MARK), Operations Management (OM), and Strategic Management and Organization (SMO). BTM 311 , OM 352 , SEM 441  are recommended;
    3. Finance: FIN 412 , ★9 of any 400–level FIN course;
    4. International Business: ★12 of B LAW 442 , B LAW 444 ; FIN 442 ; MARK 442 ; SEM 417 , SEM 435 ;
    5. Marketing: MARK 312 , MARK 320  and ★6 of any 400-level MARK course; or
    6. Strategic Management and Organization: SEM 441 , ★9 of any 300- or 400-level SMO course.

Students must complete these business minor courses after completing all the requirements of their engineering program.

Minor in Science

Engineering students may obtain a minor in a Faculty of Science concentration area subject to the requirements and pre-requisites of that area. Engineering students may not take a minor in Bioinformatics. Computer Engineering students may not take a minor in Computing Science. Engineering Physics students may not take a minor in Physics. All Science minors must have at least ★24 with at least ★6 in 300-level or higher courses. Acceptance into any minors in Science is contingent on course availability and may be restricted or closed some years.

In cases where Engineering students wish to pursue a minor in mathematics they are required to take:

Additional Information

Engineering students undertaking areas of concentration other than Mathematics must follow the course requirements provided by the concentration program (see Minors [Science] ). Students should consult with advisors about course equivalencies. Students selecting areas of concentration other than Mathematics and must complete these other Science minors after completing all the requirements of their engineering program.