Maximum of ★3 from any given course can be used for the certificate.
No more than ★3 of the ★12 credits may be transfer credits from other postsecondary institutions.
Students must meet the necessary prerequisites, co-requisites, and/or restrictions for courses used to satisfy the ★9 set out in ★9 selected from.
* Course/Section Clarifications:
ALES 391 is applicable only for sections that are a part of the Field Course in Agriculture and Food Production (AlbertA/Hiroshima Exchange Program).
BIOL 498 is applicable only for sections that are a component of the Southern African Field School, as verified in writing by the Department of Biological Sciences.
CSL 480 is applicable under the following conditions: For students in the Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, please ensure you are registered in the appropriate section for your Faculty, as approved by the Faculty’s Associate Dean (Undergraduate Programs). For students outside of the Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, please obtain information on the eligibility of other sections from Community Service Learning, University of Alberta at
EDFX 425 and EDFX 450, are applicable only for international sections.
KRLS 440/KRLS 441 or equivalent, as verified in writing by the Play Around the World Program Director, will be applicable.
MEAS 300, MUSIC 144, MUSIC 444 and MUSIC 365 are applicable only for sections that are part of the Education Abroad Program in Ghana.
NURS 425, NURS 485 and NURS 498 are applicable only for sections with the variable title: International.
SOC 302 is applicable only for sections with the variable title: Anti-Racism and Racial Injustice.
SOC 402 is applicable only for sections with the variable titles: The Commons and Climate Justice, Indigenous Settler Relations, Migration & Public Policy, or Gender, Race & Culture.