General Information
The program leading to the MD degree is conducted over four years. The curriculum committee is responsible for the overall design, management and evaluation of a coherent and coordinated curriculum.
Years 1 and 2 are the pre-clerkship years in which the material is presented in a series of system-based courses. Each course presents the material in a reasoned progression from basic information to clinical application. There are several coordinated courses, dealing with the social/sociological/public health and clinical skills aspects of medicine, which are scheduled throughout this period.
Years 3 and 4 are the clerkship years, commonly called the clinical clerkship. During the clerkship, each student must maintain a record of the number and variety of the student’s clinical experiences, in order to ensure that the objectives of the clerkship have been met. Year 3 includes a Link course of 2 weeks, followed by clinical rotations totaling about 49 weeks. During this latter period there are also some opportunities for elective courses and vacation. Year 4 is a senior clinical year of approximately 34 weeks, which includes clinical rotations, electives, and a vacation period. Electives in the clerkship must be organized so that each student has an elective experience in a minimum of three different disciplines, each of which shall take place for a minimum of two weeks. Approved elective programs are available in diverse fields of medical science and practice.
It is mandatory that each student, after acceptance into the program, attend Orientation. This is scheduled immediately before the beginning of the first term.