Dec 18, 2024
University of Alberta Calendar 2016-2017 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Career and Technology Studies
Career and Technology Studies (CTS) is an Alberta Education program consisting of numerous one credit courses within five clusters:
- Business, Administration, Finance, and IT (BIT);
- Health, Recreation, and Human Sciences (HRH);
- Media, Design, and Communication Arts (MDC);
- Natural Resources (NAT); and
- Trades, Manufacturing, and Transportation (TMT).
Each cluster is a pathway. Specialized and credentialed pathways are available to Alberta’s senior high students.
In the CTS curriculum area, there are 10 majors and 10 minors. Students cannot enrol in both a major and a minor in CTS.
The 10 majors and minors are:
- CTS: Business, Administration, Finance (BIT)
- CTS: Computing Science (BIT)
- CTS: Health (HRH)
- CTS: Recreation (HRH)
- CTS: Human Sciences (HRH)
Note: Previously known as Human Ecology: Community Health, Fashion Studies and Foods
- CTS: Media (MDC)
- CTS: Design (MDC)
- CTS: Communication Arts (MDC)
- CTS: Natural Resources (NAT)
- CTS: Trades, Manufacturing and Transportation (TMT)
CTS Majors (★36):
See Education Chart 1 : CTS Major programs for course requirements.
Students must take EDSE 317 during the IPT*, which is normally offered in the Fall Term only.
Students must take EDSE 417 and EDSE 451 during the APT**, which are normally offered in the Winter Term only.
For students granted up to ★30 advanced standing (e.g., provincial and federal journey certification or two-year diploma) refer to Education Chart 1 Requirements for Major Teaching Subject in the Secondary Education Route for required courses. Contact the Department of Secondary Education for more information.
CTS Minors (★18):
See Education Chart 2 : CTS Minor programs for course requirements.
Students must take EDSE 318 . It is normally offered in the Fall Term only.
CTS BEd After Degree:
See § of the University of Alberta Calendar
Education Chart 1 Requirements for Major Teaching Subject in the Secondary Education Route
Education Chart 2 Requirements for Minor Teaching Subject in the Secondary Education Route