Return to: Admission Requirements by Faculty
Bloodborne Pathogens Policy
The University of Alberta recognizes its duty to minimize the risk of transmission of bloodborne pathogens to/by individuals studying or working at this University.
The Bloodborne Pathogens policy limits the possibility of transmission of bloodborne pathogens within the educational setting. The University recognizes, however, that it is not possible to completely eliminate the risk of infection.
Because there is a greater potential for transmission of bloodborne pathogens to/by students during clinical experiences in practice settings, students in the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry are required to undergo testing for bloodborne pathogens.
Note: For updates on changes to medical testing and immunization refer to the Faculty Office.
BSc in Medical Laboratory Science
The current quota for Phase I students is 29.
- Preprofessional Year
Those wishing to enrol in the BSc Medical Laboratory Science program must complete a preprofessional year before applying for admission to the Faculty. The required courses or their transfer equivalents are available at various postsecondary institutions in Alberta. Students should where possible take these courses (equivalent to ★30 at the University of Alberta) as one year of full-time study.
- Academic Requirements
The following ★30 are required.
- English ★6
- General Chemistry ★6
- Organic Chemistry ★6
- Biology ★3 (cell biology)
- ★3 from Biology, Genetics, Microbiology, or Zoology
- Statistics ★3
- ★3 options (any Faculty)
Other Requirements
Selection Process: A minimum GPA of 2.0 is required in preprofessional coursework. The selection process is competitive, and applicants will be ranked primarily on academic achievement in the required preprofessional courses. Other factors considered in ranking include overall academic achievement (emphasizing recent academic performance), a demonstrated ability to perform well in a consecutive Fall/Winter Term of fulltime study (preferably 30 units), a personal interview, and a letter of intent.
Preference will be given to those students who have completed the required ★30 in one academic year. An applicant may not benefit from additional postsecondary courses.
Letter of Intent: Applicants must submit a letter with their application for admission stating their career goals, knowledge of the profession, related experience, and reasons for seeking admission to Medical Laboratory Science. Prospective students are encouraged to investigate the career to assist in their understanding of the program.
Personal Interview: Interview selection is based on postsecondary academic records and a letter of intent received by April 1 [see Medicine and Dentistry (Admission and Readmission Deadlines) ]. Selected applicants will be interviewed to determine if they have the qualities necessary for the profession. The interview will evaluate qualities such as communication, teamwork, reflection, conflict resolution, empathy, responsibility, initiative, problem-solving ability, prioritization and organization. Short-listed applicants will be advised of the interview date.
Police Information Checks: Applicants should be aware that a clear Police Information Check is required at the time of admission and that any criminal charges pending must be declared.
Under the Protection for Persons in Care Act, all students going to any clinical placement or rotation in Alberta are required to complete a Police Information Check (also known as a Criminal Record Check, Security Clearance Check, or Police Clearance), which must include a Vulnerable Sector Check. The clinical practice site will determine the criteria for acceptance/denial of a placement. Students are responsible for having a Police Information Check completed upon receiving admission to the Faculty.
Students who have concerns related to their ability to provide a clear Police Information Check should consult with the Faculty. The ultimate responsibility for ensuring that students meet the requirements of clinical agencies lies with the students. Other background checks may be required by a clinical agency, such as a child intervention record check. Students will be advised if any additional background checks are required by the clinical agency. See Requirement for Police Information Checks for more information on the general requirements concerning Police Information Checks and the fees associated with them.
Deposit: Upon notification of acceptance, applicants will be required to confirm their admission and intention to register by submitting a nonrefundable tuition deposit within the time specified in the letter of acceptance. The deposit will be credited toward payment of tuition upon completion of registration. (See Program-specific Deposits on Confirmation of Admission ).
Technical Standard: The Division of Medical Laboratory Science Technical Standards Policy defines the necessary knowledge, skills, professional behaviours, and attitudes required of students. Please see the Medical Laboratory Science website for further information.
Aboriginal Applicants
The Division of Medical Laboratory Science will give up to one position within the quota for the BSc MLS program to Aboriginal applicants. Students of Aboriginal ancestry within the meaning of the Constitution Act, 1982, Section 35, Part 2, or a person accepted by one of the Aboriginal peoples of Canada as a member of their community, will be considered in this category.
Candidates will be subject to normal minimum admission requirements as outlined in BSc in Medical Laboratory Science and approval by the Divisional Admissions Committee. If there are no qualified Aboriginal applicants in any given year, the position will be allocated to the general applicant pool.
- For More Information
Individuals considering entering the preprofessional year should contact the Division of Medical Laboratory Science, 5-411 Edmonton Clinic Health Academy, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB T6G 1C9.
Post-Professional Certificate BSc in Medical Laboratory Science
- Admission Requirements
In order to be eligible for admission to the post-professional certificate program applicants must have:
- Successfully completed the Canadian Society for Medical Laboratory Science (CSMLS) General Certification.
- Within the last five years: CSMLS certification or related work experience.
- Other Requirements
- Official transcripts from technical institutes and clinical training sites, CSMLS certification, and other postsecondary institutions,
- Resumé,
- Letter indicating history of employment as a medical technologist with particular attention paid to the description of the type of work in which the applicant was involved. In this letter a statement of career goals and reasons for seeking admission to the BSc program in Medical Laboratory Science should be included.
- For More Information
Individuals considering entrance to the post-professional certificate program should contact the Division of Medical Laboratory Science, 5-411 Edmonton Clinic Health Academy, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB T6G 1C9 or by e-mail Paper application is required after March 1.
Dental Hygiene Diploma
Application for Admission and Application for Readmission
Admission to the two-year Diploma program is being suspended subject to approvals by Government. Students interested in the Dental Hygiene Program should apply to Bachelor of Science (Dental Hygiene Specialization) starting in Fall 2017. Past graduates of the Dental Hygiene Diploma Program will continue to be able to obtain a Bachelor of Science (Dental Hygiene Specialization) by applying to the Post Diploma Degree Completion program.
Only electronic applications will be accepted. To access the online application for the University of Alberta please visit
For detailed application and program information please visit
Enrolment: Enrolment is limited to an annual quota of 40 students. Of the 40 positions available 85% are reserved for Alberta residents, 10% for Non-Alberta residents and 5% for International students (see Residence Requirements ).
Because the number of candidates who meet the minimum requirements for admission far exceeds the quota, it should be understood that eligibility does not guarantee admission. Admission is determined on a competitive basis.
- Admission Requirements
Academic Requirements: The minimum requirement for admission to the Dental Hygiene Program is completion of ★30 transferable, of which ★24 must be taken during one Fall/Winter.
The required courses or their equivalents are available at various universities and colleges, including the University of Alberta.
The preprofessional requirements are:
- English (★6)
- Organic Chemistry (★3)
- General Chemistry (★3)
- Biology (★3) (BIOL 107 or equivalent required)
- Sociology (★3)
- Psychology (★3)
- Statistics (★3)
- Option any Faculty (★6)
Applicants having sequential high school background courses in English Language Arts 30-1, Mathematics 30-1, Chemistry 30, Biology 30, and a 30 level Subject from Group A or C will be best prepared to succeed in the preprofessional year.
Personal Interview: Interview selection is based on interim transcripts and postsecondary academic record. The interim document deadline is February 1. Competitive applicants will be interviewed by a team to determine if they have the personal qualities necessary for the profession. The interview evaluates an applicant’s maturity, motivation, initiative, ability to communicate, personal qualities and interests. The interview schedule differs every year; short-listed applicants will be advised of the interview dates by letter.
- Other Requirements
- Language Proficiency Requirements: All applicants must meet the English Language Proficiency and Spoken English requirements (see Language Proficiency Requirements ).
- Medical Testing and Immunization Requirements: Prior to orientation students admitted to the Dental Hygiene program require immunization against, and/or proof of immunity to, poliomyelitis, diphtheria, tetanus, measles, mumps, rubella, and hepatitis B. As well, a varicella titre test and a tuberculin skin test are required in the first year of the program.
See Medical Testing and Immunization Requirements for regulations concerning medical testing and immunization. Note: For updates on changes to medical testing and immunization refer to the Faculty Office.
- Proof of Residency Status: Because residency status determines the competitive pool in which an applicant is ranked, applicants may be required to present proof of residency status. See Residence Requirements , residence requirements.
- Police Information Checks: Applicants should be aware that a clear Police Information Check (PIC) is required as a condition of admission and that any criminal charges pending must be declared.
Under the Protection for Persons in Care Act, all students going to any clinical placement or rotation in Alberta are required to complete a Police Information Check (also known as a Criminal Record Check, Security Clearance Check, or Police Clearance), which must include a Vulnerable Sector Check. The clinical practice site will determine the criteria for acceptance/denial of a placement.
Police Information Checks are due at the time admission is confirmed. Applicants should plan to have their PIC completed prior to an offer of admission.
Students who have concerns related to their ability to provide a clear Police Information Check should consult with the Department of Dentistry. The ultimate responsibility for ensuring that students meet the requirements of clinical agencies lies with the students. Other background checks may be required by a clinical agency, such as a child intervention record check. Students will be advised if any additional background checks are required by a clinical agency. See Requirement for Police Information Checks and Protection for Persons in Care for more information on the general requirements concerning Police Information Checks and the fees associated with them.
- Final Selection
Applicant profiles are made up primarily of the following:
- Overall GPA achieved on all transferable postsecondary work completed as a full-time student taken during Fall/Winter or Spring/Summer Terms. For overall GPA calculation full-time study is equivalent to a minimum of ★18 taken during Fall/Winter Terms or ★12 taken during Spring/Summer Terms.
- Interview score.
In order to be competitive, applicants should strive for a minimum GPA of 3.0. Students with a GPA of less than 2.7 will not be considered for admission.
For applicants who have completed four or more years of transferable postsecondary work, the cumulative (overall) GPA is calculated with the deletion of the lowest Fall/Winter GPA, provided it is not the most recent Fall/Winter or the only Fall/Winter where ★24 was taken.
As admission into the program is limited to a quota of 40 students, the Admissions Committee has the responsibility of selecting those applicants who demonstrate promise to successfully complete the program. The Admissions Committee reserves the right to use its judgment with respect to individual cases.
Applicants who have extenuating circumstances may submit a letter requesting special consideration to the Admissions Committee with supporting documentation. Such applicants must have completed the preprofessional requirements. Applicants seeking special consideration must contact the School of Dentistry Admissions Office prior to submitting their request for a Request for Special Consideration form. Special consideration requests must be received by the Admissions Office by January 31 of the year admission is sought.
Deposit: Upon notification of acceptance, applicants will be required to confirm their admission and intention to register by submitting a nonrefundable tuition deposit within the time specified in the letter of acceptance. The deposit will be credited toward payment of tuition upon completion of registration. (See Program-specific Deposits on Confirmation of Admission ).
- Aboriginal Applicants
Besides the regular quota positions, additional position(s) per year are available in the Dental Hygiene program for a qualified student of Aboriginal identity, within the meaning of the Constitution Act of 1982, Section 35(2). Applicants interested in this program should contact the Administrator, Indigenous Health Initiatives, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry. See also Admission of Aboriginal Applicants .
Bachelor of Science (Dental Hygiene Specialization)
Application for Admission and Application for Readmission
For applicants admitted Fall 2017
Only electronic applications will be accepted. To access the online application for the University of Alberta please visit
For detailed application and program information please visit
Enrolment: Enrolment is limited to an annual quota of 40 students. Of the 40 positions available 85% are reserved for Alberta residents, 10% for Non-Alberta residents and 5% for International students (see Residence Requirements ).
- Admission Requirements
Academic Requirements: The minimum requirement for admission to the Dental Hygiene Program is completion of ★30 transferable, of which ★24 must be taken during one Fall/Winter.
The required courses or their equivalents are available at various universities and colleges, including the University of Alberta.
The preprofessional requirements are:
- English (★6)
- Organic Chemistry (★3)
- General Chemistry (★3)
- Biology (★3) (BIOL 107 or equivalent required)
- Sociology (★3)
- Psychology (★3)
- Statistics (★3)
- Option any Faculty (★6)
Applicants having sequential high school background courses in English Language Arts 30-1, Mathematics 30-1, Chemistry 30, Biology 30, and a 30 level Subject from Group A or C will be best prepared to succeed in the preprofessional year (see General Admission Requirements ).
Personal Interview: Interview selection is based on interim transcripts and postsecondary academic record. The interim document deadline is February 1. Competitive applicants will be interviewed by a team to determine if they have the personal qualities necessary for the profession. The interview evaluates an applicant’s maturity, motivation, initiative, ability to communicate, personal qualities and interests. The interview schedule differs every year; short-listed applicants will be advised of the interview dates by letter.
- Other Requirements
- Language Proficiency Requirements: All applicants must meet the English Language Proficiency and Spoken English requirements (see Language Proficiency Requirements ).
- Medical Testing and Immunization Requirements: Prior to orientation students admitted to the Dental Hygiene program are required to undergo medical testing for Hepatitis B and meet all immunization requirements. As well, a varicella titre test and a tuberculin skin test are required in the first year of the program.
See Medical Testing and Immunization Requirements for regulations concerning medical testing and immunization. Note: For updates on changes to medical testing and immunization refer to the Faculty Office.
- Proof of Residency Status: Because residency status determines the competitive pool in which an applicant is ranked, applicants may be required to present proof of residency status. See Residence Requirements .
- Police Information Checks: Applicants should be aware that a clear Police Information Check (PIC) is required as a condition of admission and that any criminal charges pending must be declared.
Under the Protection for Persons in Care Act, all students going to any clinical placement or rotation in Alberta are required to complete a Police Information Check (also known as a Criminal Record Check, Security Clearance Check, or Police Clearance), which must include a Vulnerable Sector Check. The clinical practice site will determine the criteria for acceptance/denial of a placement.
Police Information Checks are due at the time admission is confirmed. Applicants should plan to have their PIC completed prior to an offer of admission. Failure to submit a clear and complete PIC by the date noted in the offer of admission will result in the offer of admission being revoked.
Students who have concerns related to their ability to provide a clear Police Information Check should consult with the Department of Dentistry. The ultimate responsibility for ensuring that students meet the requirements of clinical agencies lies with the students. Other background checks may be required by a clinical agency, such as a child intervention record check. Students will be advised if any additional background checks are required by a clinical agency. See Requirement for Police Information Checks and Protection for Persons in Care for more information on the general requirements concerning Police Information Checks and the fees associated with them.
- Final Selection
Applicant profiles are made up of the following:
- Overall GPA achieved on all transferable postsecondary work completed as a full-time student taken during Fall/Winter or Spring/Summer Terms. For overall GPA calculation full-time study is equivalent to a minimum of ★18 taken during Fall/Winter Terms or ★12 taken during Spring/Summer Terms.
- Interview score.
In order to be competitive, applicants should strive for a minimum GPA of 3.0. Students with a GPA of less than 2.7 will not be considered for admission.
For applicants who have completed four or more years of transferable postsecondary work, the cumulative (overall) GPA is calculated with the deletion of the lowest Fall/Winter GPA, provided it is not the most recent Fall/Winter or the only Fall/Winter where ★24 was taken.
The Admissions Committee reserves the right to use its judgment with respect to individual cases. Applicants who have extenuating circumstances may submit a letter requesting special consideration to the Admissions Committee with supporting documentation. Such applicants must have completed the preprofessional requirements. Applicants seeking special consideration must contact the School of Dentistry Admissions Office prior to submitting their request for a Request for Special Consideration form. Special consideration requests must be received by the Admissions Office by January 31 of the year admission is sought.
Deposit: Upon notification of acceptance, applicants will be required to confirm their admission and intention to register by submitting a nonrefundable tuition deposit within the time specified in the letter of acceptance. The deposit will be credited toward payment of tuition upon completion of registration. (See Program Specific Deposits on Confirmation of Admission ).
- Aboriginal Applicants
Besides the regular quota positions, additional position(s) per year are available in the Dental Hygiene program for a qualified student of Aboriginal ancestry, within the meaning of the Constitution Act of 1982, Section 35(2). Applicants interested in this program should contact the Administrator, Indigenous Health Initiatives, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry. See also Admission of Aboriginal Applicants .
Bachelor of Science (Dental Hygiene Specialization) Post Diploma Degree Completion Program
Application for Admission and Application for Readmission
Only electronic applications will be accepted. To access the online application for the University of Alberta go to
- Academic Admission Requirements
This program is for graduates of University of Alberta, Dental Hygiene Program or dental hygiene graduates of other accredited Canadian or international dental hygiene programs. Students will be placed in program A, B, or C depending on the year and place of graduation (refer to Dental Hygiene Diploma/Bachelor of Science (Dental Hygiene Specialization) ). The main criterion for admission is academic standing.
Programs A or C Admission Requirements
- Graduation from University of Alberta Dental Hygiene Diploma program.
- Minimum GPA of 2.0 in the above program.
- Letter/s of good standing from current and previous licensing bodies.
Program B Admission Requirements
- Graduation from University of Alberta Dental Hygiene Diploma program prior to 1998 or dental hygiene graduates of other accredited Canadian or international dental hygiene programs.
- Minimum GPA of 2.0 in the above program.
- For non-graduates of the University of Alberta program, applicants must have completed an additional ★30 of which the following are required:
- English (★6)
- Psychology (★3)
- Sociology or Humanities (★3)
- Statistics (★3)
- For non-graduates of the University of Alberta program, proof of licensure to practice dental hygiene within Canada.
- Other Requirements
All applicants must meet the English Language Proficiency and Spoken English requirements (see Language Proficiency Requirements ).
Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS)
Application for Admission and Application for Readmission
Only electronic applications will be accepted. To access the online application for the University of Alberta go to
For detailed application and program information please visit
Note: Applicants who have been Required to Withdraw, or equivalent, from any postsecondary program will not be considered for admission.
Enrolment: Enrolment is limited to an annual quota of 31 students. Of the 31 positions available 85% are reserved for Alberta residents, 10% for Non-Alberta residents and 5% for International students (see Residence Requirements ).
Because the number of candidates who meet the minimum requirements for admission far exceeds the quota, it should be understood that eligibility does not guarantee admission. Admission is determined on a competitive basis.
- Admission Requirements
Academic Requirements: The minimum requirement for admission to the DDS Program is the satisfactory completion of ★60 of transferable postsecondary work, of which ★30 must be taken during one Fall/Winter.
The preprofessional requirements are:
- General Chemistry (★6)
- Organic Chemistry (★6)
- Biology(★6)
- Physics (★6)
- English (★6)
- Statistics (★3)
- Introductory Biochemistry (★3)
The requirements can be met in various patterns in different faculties. Students are urged to take the program that they find most interesting and that will still give them these prerequisites.
Applicants having sequential high school background courses in English Language Arts 30-1, Biology 30, Chemistry 30, Mathematics 30-1, and Physics 30 will best be prepared to succeed in the two-year predental program.
Dental Aptitude Test: Each applicant will be required to take the Canadian Dental Association Dental Aptitude Test. The dental aptitude test is an important component in the selection process and must have been written within the last five years.
The latest the test may be written is the autumn prior to admission. If the test is taken more than once the best set of scores will be used. It is up to each applicant to decide whether or not the test should be retaken. Information and application forms are available at
The deadline date for submitting Dental Aptitude Test results to the Admissions Office is January 15 of the year admission is sought.
Personal Interview: Interview selection is based on interim transcripts, postsecondary academic record and DAT scores. The interim document deadline is February 1. Competitive applicants will be interviewed by a team to determine if they have the personal qualities necessary for the profession. The interview evaluates an applicant’s maturity, motivation, initiative, ability to communicate, personal qualities and interests. The interview schedule differs every year; shortlisted applicants will be advised of the interview dates by letter.
- Other Requirements
- Language Proficiency Requirements: All applicants must meet the English Language Proficiency and Spoken English requirements (see Language Proficiency Requirements ).
- Medical Testing and Immunization Requirements: Prior to orientation students admitted to the DDS program require immunization against, and/or proof of immunity to, poliomyelitis, diphtheria, tetanus, measles, mumps, rubella, and hepatitis B. As well, a varicella titre test and a tuberculin skin test are required in the first year of the program. See Medical Testing and Immunization Requirements for regulations concerning medical testing and immunization.
Note: For updates on changes to medical testing and immunization refer to the Faculty Office.
- Proof of Residency Status: Because residency status determines the competitive pool in which an applicant is ranked, applicants may be required to present proof of residency status. See Residence Requirements .
- Police Information Checks: Applicants should be aware that a clear Police Information Check (PIC) is required as a condition of admission and that any criminal charges pending must be declared.
Under the Protection for Persons in Care Act, all students going to any clinical placement or rotation in Alberta are required to complete a Police Information Check (also known as a Criminal Record Check, Security Clearance Check, or Police Clearance), which must include a Vulnerable Sector Check. The clinical practice site will determine the criteria for acceptance/denial of a placement.
Police Information Checks are due at the time admission is confirmed. Applicants should plan to have their PIC completed prior to an offer of admission.
Students who have concerns related to their ability to provide a clear Police Information Check should consult with the Department of Dentistry. The ultimate responsibility for ensuring that students meet the requirements of clinical agencies lies with the students. Other background checks may be required by a clinical agency, such as a child intervention record check. Students will be advised if any additional background checks are required by a clinical agency. See Requirement for Police Information Checks and Protection for Persons in Care for more information on the general requirements concerning Police Information Checks and the fees associated with them.
- Final Selection
Applicant profiles are made primarily up of the following:
- Overall GPA achieved on all transferable postsecondary work completed as a full-time student taken during Fall/Winter or Spring/Summer Terms. For overall GPA calculation full-time study is equivalent to a minimum of ★18 taken during Fall/Winter Terms or ★12 taken during Spring/Summer Terms.
- Dental aptitude test scores
- Interview score
In order to be competitive, applicants should strive for a minimum GPA of 3.5 in their university studies. Students with a GPA of less than 3.0 will not be considered for admission.
For applicants who have completed four or more years of transferable postsecondary work, the cumulative (overall) GPA is calculated with the deletion of the lowest Fall/Winter GPA, provided it is not the most recent Fall/Winter or the only Fall/Winter where ★30 was taken.
Applicants who do not meet the minimum criteria will not be considered for admission. As admission into the program is limited to a quota of 31 students, the Admissions Committee has the responsibility of selecting those applicants who demonstrate promise to successfully complete the program. The Admissions Committee reserves the right to use its judgment with respect to individual cases.
Applicants who have extenuating circumstances may submit a letter requesting special consideration to the Admissions Committee with supporting documentation. Such applicants must have completed the preprofessional requirements. Applicants seeking special consideration must contact the School of Dentistry Admissions Office prior to submitting their request for a Request for Special Consideration form. Special consideration requests must be received by the Admissions Office by January 31 of the year admission is sought.
Deposit: Upon notification of acceptance, applicants will be required to confirm their intention to register by submitting a nonrefundable tuition deposit within a specified time. The deposit will be credited toward payment of tuition upon completion of registration.
- Aboriginal Applicants
Besides the regular quota positions, an additional position per year is available in the DDS program for a qualified student of Aboriginal ancestry, within the meaning of the Constitution Act of 1982, Section 35, Part 2. Applicants interested in this program should contact the Administrator, Indigenous Health Initiatives, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry. See also Admission of Aboriginal Applicants .
DDS Advanced Placement Program
For detailed application and program information please visit
Limitation of Enrolment: Enrolment is limited.
Because the number of candidates who meet the minimum requirements for admission far exceeds the quota, it should be understood that eligibility does not guarantee admission. Admission is determined on a competitive basis.
- Admission Requirements
In order to be eligible to apply to the DDS Advanced Placement program applicants must:
- Be graduates of a minimum four-year University dental program, not recognized by the Commission on Dental Accreditation of Canada (CDAC) or the Joint Commission for Dental Accreditation of the American Dental Association (JCDA).
- Have successfully completed the Assessment of Fundamental Knowledge (AFK) sponsored by the National Dental Examining Board of Canada (NDEB) within two years prior to the application deadline. For information on the NDEB Equivalency Process or to register for the exam please visit
- Letter/s from Licensing Bodies: Applicants who are or have been licensed to practice dentistry in any jurisdiction must submit letters of good standing (in English) from current and previous licensing bodies.
- Language Proficiency Requirements: All applicants must meet the English Language Proficiency and Spoken English requirements (see Language Proficiency Requirements ).
- Citizenship: Applicants must be Canadian citizens or Permanent Residents of Canada on or before the deadline date for applications. A notarized copy of proof of Canadian citizenship or Permanent Resident status must be submitted with the application for admission.
- Pre-Entry Examination: Applicants who are considered to have potential based on their application documents and AFK results may qualify for the Pre-Entry Examination. Prior to the examination, a nonrefundable Pre-Entry Examination fee will be required from each applicant. Upon successful completion of the Pre-Entry Examination, applicants will qualify to proceed to the Introduction to DDS Advanced Placement (DDS 829 ).
- Introduction to DDS Advanced Placement: Nonrefundable course fees plus mandatory fees for equipment or materials owned or leased is required from each applicant. Refer to for detailed information.
- Medical Testing and Immunization Requirements: Prior to the beginning of the Introduction to Advanced Placement course (DDS 829 ) applicants require immunization against, and/or proof of immunity to, poliomyelitis, diphtheria, tetanus, measles, mumps, rubella, and hepatitis B. As well, a varicella titre test and a tuberculin skin test are required in the first year of the program. See Medical Testing and Immunization Requirements for regulations concerning medical testing and immunization.
Note: For updates on changes to medical testing and immunization refer to the Faculty Office.
- Final Selection: Applicant profiles are made up primarily of results of the Assessment of Fundamental Knowledge sponsored by the National Dental Examining Board of Canada (NDEB), Language Proficiency/Spoken English results, Pre-Entry Examination results, and successful completion of the Introduction to Advanced Placement course (DDS 829 ).
As admission into the program is limited, the Admissions Committee has the responsibility of selecting those applicants who demonstrate promise to successfully complete the program. The Admissions Committee reserves the right to use its judgement with respect to individual cases. The decision concerning admission is final. No appeal mechanism exists.
- Police Information Checks: Applicants should be aware that a clear Police Information Check (PIC) is required as a condition of admission and that any criminal charges pending must be declared.
Under the Protection for Persons in Care Act, all students going to any clinical placement or rotation in Alberta are required to complete a Police Information Check (also known as a Criminal Record Check, Security Clearance Check, or Police Clearance), which must include a Vulnerable Sector Check. The clinical practice site will determine the criteria for acceptance/denial of a placement.
Police Information Checks are due at the beginning of the Introduction to Advanced Placement course (DDS 829 ). Applicants should plan to have their PIC completed prior to an offer of admission.
Students who have concerns related to their ability to provide a clear Police Information Check should consult with the Department of Dentistry. The ultimate responsibility for ensuring that students meet the requirements of clinical agencies lies with the students. Other background checks may be required by a clinical agency, such as a child intervention record check. Students will be advised if any additional background checks are required by a clinical agency. See Requirement for Police Information Checks and Protection for Persons in Care for more information on the general requirements concerning Police Information Checks and the fees associated with them.
- National Dental Examining Board of Canada (or equivalent) Examinations: In accordance with National Dental Examining Board of Canada (NDEB) regulations, students enrolled in Advanced Placement programs are eligible to take the NDEB exams within three months of their expected date of graduation. For further information, refer to the NDEB by-laws governing examinations and certification eligibility,
- Deposit: Upon notification of acceptance, successful applicants will be required to confirm their intention to register by submitting a nonrefundable tuition deposit within a specified time. The deposit will be credited towardpayment of tuition upon completion of registration.
Doctor of Medicine (MD)
Application for Admission and Application for Readmission
Only electronic applications are accepted. To access the online application for the University of Alberta go to
The Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry offers a four-year program leading to the degree of Doctor of Medicine. Although applicants differ in terms of academic talents and interests, common factors exist relating to the admissions procedure that those contemplating application should be familiar with. Because the number of applicants greatly exceeds the number of places available, a careful selection process is carried out as described below.
Applicants should be aware of the total length of time required to obtain a medical degree and following this a licence to practise-the usual time is a minimum of two years of pre-medical (normally four years pre-medical); four years of medical studies, at which point the MD degree is awarded; and then a minimum of two years of internship before licensure in Alberta.
- Quotas
A quota exists in Medicine. 85% of the positions are reserved for Alberta residents and 15% of the positions are for Non-Alberta residents.
Positions within quota may be available for qualified Aboriginal applicants (see III) and qualified applicants from Rural community (see IV).
- Academic Requirements
All students considering Medicine must register in a degree program and maintain good standing in that program.
- To be considered for admission, students must normally have achieved a GPA 3.3 for Alberta residents, 3.5 for Non-Alberta residents, on a minimum of ★60. ★30 must be taken during one Fall/Winter.
Students are encouraged to obtain a baccalaureate degree before admission but may apply after two or three years in a degree program.
To be considered for entry after only two or three years at university or college, a student must have an exceptional GPA (minimum GPA of 3.7) and exceptional personal qualifications.
Please note transcript deadlines in Undergraduate Application Procedures .
- Medical College Admission Test (MCAT): All applicants must take the MCAT. The MCAT is electronic and there are several writings throughout the year. Please refer to the MCAT website for information on test dates and locations. All information and registration is through the MCAT office at Students must release their MCAT scores through the electronic THx system through the AAMC’s website by the application deadline in Undergraduate Application Procedures . If an applicant has written the MCAT more than once, MCAT scores from the most successful sitting will be considered by the Faculty. The MCAT must have been written within the last five years prior to application deadline in Undergraduate Application Procedures . The Faculty will not accept the MCAT written in the spring of the year of admission. All applicants must write the MCAT before making application to the program.
- Interview and Letters of Reference: Qualified applicants must present themselves for a personal interview. Closed letters of reference are required. Failure to provide these by the deadline in Undergraduate Application Procedures may result in closure of the applicant’s file.
- Spoken English Requirement: Applicants must meet a spoken English requirement (see Spoken English Requirement ).
- Personal Requirements: While admission to the MD program is based mainly on academic performance, lack of essential personal qualities in an applicant may be deemed sufficient cause for refusal of admission. There is no discrimination with respect to the applicant’s sex or age in the selection process.
- Selection Factors: Selection of students for admission to the MD program follows guidelines established by the Board of Governors of the University of Alberta, General Faculties Council, and the Faculty Council of the Faculty of Medicine. Selection is the responsibility of the MD Admissions Committee.
Selection factors will consist of the following:
- Overall GPA (achieved on all transferable postsecondary work including, at least one Fall/Winter of 30 credits);
- MCAT score;
- Interview score;
- Letters of reference;
- Personal activities.
For applicants who have completed three or more years of postsecondary transferable coursework, the admissions GPA (overall GPA) is calculated with the deletion of the lowest year GPA, provided it is not the most recent year, or the one and only year where ★30 (5 full course equivalents) have been completed.
An admission decision is normally valid only for the Fall/Winter term for which it is approved.
- Police Information Checks: Applicants should be aware that a clear Police Information Check (PIC) is required as a condition of admission and that any criminal charges pending must be declared.
Under the Protection for Persons in Care Act, all students going to any clinical placement or rotation in Alberta are required to complete a Police Information Check (also known as a Criminal Record Check, Security Clearance Check, or Police Clearance), which must include a Vulnerable Sector Check. The clinical practice site will determine the criteria for acceptance/denial of a placement. Students are responsible for having a criminal record check completed upon receiving conditional admission to the Faculty.
Students who have concerns related to their ability to provide a clear Police Information Check should consult with the Faculty. The ultimate responsibility for ensuring that students meet the requirements of clinical agencies lies with the students. Other background checks may be required by a clinical agency, such as a child intervention record check. Students will be advised if any additional background checks are required by a clinical agency. See Requirement for Police Information Checks for more information on the general requirements concerning Police Information Checks and the fees associated with them.
- Deposit: Applicants are advised of the decision of the Admissions Committee in the Spring. Upon notification of admission, successful applicants, on accepting a place in the first-year class, must confirm their admission and intention to register by submitting a nonrefundable tuition deposit within the time specified in the offer of admission, payable to the University of Alberta. This deposit will be credited toward payment of tuition upon completion of registration.. Should a candidate withdraw after accepting a position or not meet specified conditions within the time allowed as stated in the offer of admission, this deposit is forfeited. (See Program-specific Deposits on Confirmation of Admission ).
- Students admitted to the MD program must present all required documentation to the Faculty office before orientation. Documentation includes photos and the College of Physicians and Surgeons form.
Aboriginal Applicants
The Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry may provide up to five positions within quota for the MD program to qualified Aboriginal applicants over and above Aboriginal applicants who were admitted in the regular process. Candidates will be subject to normal minimum admission requirements as outlined in Doctor of Medicine (MD) and to approval by the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry Admissions Committee. For more information, contact the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry Undergraduate Admissions Office.
Students who are of Aboriginal ancestry within the meaning of the Constitution Act, 1982, Section 35(2) will be considered in this category.
Aboriginal student applicants and prospective pre-medical students should contact the Coordinator, Aboriginal Health Care Careers, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry for individual counseling and career planning. See also Admission of Aboriginal Applicants .
Rural Applicants
The Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry may provide up to ten positions within quota for the MD program to qualified Rural applicants over and above the Rural applicants who were admitted in the regular process. Candidates will be subject to normal minimum admission requirements as outlined in Doctor of Medicine (MD) and to approval by the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry Admissions Committee.
Bachelor of Science in Radiation Therapy
Entrance Requirements
- Preprofessional Year
Those wanting to enrol in the BSc Radiation Therapy program must complete a preprofessional year before applying for admission to the Faculty. The required courses or their transfer equivalents are available at various postsecondary institutions in Alberta. Preference will be given to Alberta applicants; however applicants from other provinces may also be considered. Students should, where possible, take the preprofessional requirements (equivalent to ★30 at the University of Alberta) as one year of full-time study.
- Academic Requirements
A minimum of ★30 are required. The appropriate courses would include the following:
- English (★3)
- Statistics (★3)
- Physics (★6)
- Psychology and/or Sociology (★6 in any combination)
- Mathematics (Calculus) (★3)
- Cell Biology (★3)
- General Chemistry (★3)
- Organic Chemistry (★3)
- Other Requirements
- Selection Process: A minimum GPA of 3.2 is required in preprofessional course work. The selection process is competitive, and applicants will be ranked primarily on academic achievement in the prerequisite courses. Preference will be given to residents of Alberta. Other factors considered in ranking include overall academic achievement (emphasizing recent academic performance), a demonstrated ability to perform well in a consecutive Fall/Winter Term of full-time study (preferably 30 units). a personal interview, and a career reflection letter.
- Spoken Language Requirement: Besides demonstrating overall English language proficiency, students need a further level of spoken English proficiency regardless of citizenship status or country of origin. (See Language Proficiency Requirements ).
- Career Reflection Letter: Applicants must submit a career reflection letter outlining evidence of personal reflection regarding their career choice, professional goals, personal skills and attributes, knowledge of the profession, related experience, and reasons for seeking admission to the Radiation Therapy program. (See Admission and Readmission Deadlines .)
- Personal Interview: Interview selection is based on postsecondary academic records and a career reflection letter received by April 1 (see Admission and Readmission Deadlines ). Selected applicants will be interviewed to determine if they have the personal qualities necessary for the profession. The interview evaluates an applicant’s empathy, communication, teamwork, reflection, conflict resolution, responsibility, initiative, problem-solving, prioritization and organization. Short-listed applicants will be advised of the interview date.
- Criminal Record checks: Applicants should be aware that under the Alberta Protection of People in Care Act, they will be required to satisfy a criminal record check once they are accepted into the Radiation Therapy program (Refer to Requirement for Police Information Checks .)
- Final Selection: Final admission decisions are made by the Radiation Therapy Admissions Committee.
- Deposit: Upon notification of acceptance, applicants will be required to confirm their intention to register by submitting a nonrefundable deposit within a specified time. The deposit will be credited toward payment of tuition upon completion of registration.
- Citizenship: Applicants must be Canadian citizens or Permanent Residents of Canada on or before the deadline date for applications. A notarized copy of proof of Canadian citizenship or Permanent Resident status must be submitted with the application for admission.
- Technical Standard: Students who are admitted to this program will satisfy the Technical Skills Policy and acknowledge that they have the skills and abilities noted in the Policy prior to being accepted into the Program. Students who have concerns related to their ability to satisfy these requirements should consult with the program office immediately and prior to the acceptance deadline. Students whose skills and abilities change during their studies must declare this change to the program designate immediately. The program will attempt to provide reasonable accommodation, however, the student may be required to withdraw from the program if this is not possible.
Note: Because the number of candidates who meet the minimum requirements for admission exceeds the quota, it should be understood that eligibility does not guarantee admission. Admission is determined on a competitive basis.
- Aboriginal Applicants
The Department of Oncology will provide up to one position within the quota for the BSc Radiation Therapy program to Aboriginal applicants. Students of Aboriginal ancestry within the meaning of the Constitution Act, 1982, Section 35, Part 2, or a person accepted by one of the Aboriginal peoples of Canada as a member of their community, will be considered in this category.
Candidates will be subject to normal minimum admission requirements as outlined in Bachelor of Science in Radiation Therapy and approval by the Radiation Therapy Admissions Committee. If there are no qualified Aboriginal applicants in any given year, the position will be allocated to the general applicant pool.
Aboriginal applicants should contact the Department of Oncology in the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry for career planning.
MD/PhD Program
Highly qualified students motivated toward a career in medical research may wish to consider the MD/PhD program. This program is described in the Medicine and Dentistry as well as the Graduate Programs sections.
MD/MBA Program
The Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry and the Faculty of Business offer a program of combined study that permits highly qualified students to earn both the MD and MBA degrees in five years.
Each student must apply separately to the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry (for admission into the MD program) and at any time in the first two years of the MD program, may apply to the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research (for admission into the MBA program).