Mar 11, 2025  
University of Alberta Calendar 2016-2017 
University of Alberta Calendar 2016-2017 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

The Professors

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Teaching and Scholarship

The Faculty of Education’s history of excellence in teaching and scholarship is reflected through the following award winners:

3M National Teaching Fellowship

Toni Samek (2012)
Olenka Bilash (2010)
Graham Fishburne (1990)

Provost’s Award for Early Achievement of Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching

Cheryl Poth (2013)
Lynette Shultz (2010)

Rutherford Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching

David Chorney (2014)
Carla Peck (2013)
Clive Hickson (2007)
Amanda Montgomery (2004)
Katherine Willson (2003)
Lynn McGarvey (2002)
Susan Gibson (2001)
Olenka Bilash (1999)
Roberta McKay (1997)
Marg Iveson (1996)
Moira Juliebo (1995)
Robert de Frece (1993)
Graham Fishburne (1987)
David Wangler (1987)

Teaching Unit Award

Lynn McGarvey, Gladys Sterenberg, Julie Long, Beverley Kula, Audrey Hodgson-Ward, Allison Finch, Carrie Watt and Janelle McFeetors (2012)

William Hardy Alexander Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching

Randy Dziwenka (2008)
Beverley Kula (2005)
William Smale (2003)
Hedy Bach (2002)

Award for Excellence in Graduate Teaching

Jerry Kachur (2013)

Faculty of Education Graduate Teaching Award
Denise Larsen (2016)
Ali Shiri (2016)
Makere Stewart-Harawire (2015)
Dip Kapoor (2014)
Jerry Kachur (2013)
Linda Phillips (2012)
Randolph Wimmer (2012)
D Jean Clandinin (2011)
Anna Kirova (2010)
Ali Abdi (2009)
Toni Samek (2009)
Rosemary Foster (2008)
Jill McClay (2008)
George Buck (2007)
Margaret Mackey (2007)
Frank Peters (2006)
Joyce Bainbridge (2005)
Tara Fenwick (2005)
Julia Ellis (2004)
Ingrid Johnston (2004)
Carolyn Kreber (2003)
Anna Altmann (2002)
José da Costa (2002)
Faculty of Education Sessional Teaching Award
Robyn Shewchuk (2016)
Robert Bechtel (2015)
Beverley Preston (2014)
Bill Munro (2013)
Harold Pearse (2012)
Roland Duquette (2011)
Leonora Macy (2011)
Kerri Norberg (2010)
Daniel Robinson (2009)
Michael Burke (2008)
Randy Dziwenka (2008)
Joan Scott (2008)
Joanne Harle (2007)
Anthony Hollihan (2007)
Diane Shieron (2007)
Rillah Sheridan-Carson (2006)
Yvette Stack (2006)
Nancy Davis (2005)
Kathy Paterson (2005)
Audrey Hodgson-Ward (2004)
Sally Brenton-Hayden (2003)
Gail de Vos (2003)
Dougal MacDonald (2003)
Beverley Kula (2002)
William Smale (2002)
Hedy Bach (2001)
Bryan Connors (2001)
Glenys Berry (2000)
Douglas Brown (2000)
Lloyda Jones (2000)
Patricia Payne (2000)
Ray Benton-Evans (1999)
Joanne Sommerfeld (1999)
Faculty of Education Technology in Teaching Award

Douglas Gleddie (2015
William Dunn (2014)
Denyse Hayward (2014)
Amanda Montgomery (2014)
David Chorney (2013)
George Georgiou (2012)
Patricia Boechler, Mike Carbonaro (2011)
Jennifer Branch-Mueller, Joanne DeGroot (2011)

Faculty of Education Undergraduate Teaching Award
Jason Wallin (2015)
Bonnie Watt (2014)
David Chorney (2013)
Carla Peck (2012)
William Dunn (2009)
André Grace (2008)
Tom Dust (2007)
Clive Hickson (2007)
Ali Abdi (2006)
George Richardson (2006)
Nancy Melnychuk (2005)
Amanda Montgomery (2004)
Jack Goldberg (2003)
jan jagodzinski (2002)
Lynn McGarvey (2002)
Susan Gibson (2001)
Stan Wilson (2001)
Olenka Bilash (1999)
Brenda Gustafson (1999)
Eamonn Callan (1998)
Joe Norris (1998)
Bob Frender (1997)
Roberta McKay (1997)
Katherine Willson (1996)
Marg Iveson (1995)
Moira Juliebo (1995)
Jim Parsons (1995)
John Mitchell (1994)
Dave Wangler (1994)
Robert de Frece (1993)
Graham Fishburne (1993)
Fern Snart (1993)
J Gordin Kaplan Award for Excellence in Research

Max van Manen (2002)
D Jean Clandinin (2001)
JP Das (1987)

ATA Educational Research Award

Lynn Wiltse (2012)
Robert Klassen (2011)
Dwayne Donald, Florence Glanfield, Gladys Sterenberg (2010)
Terry Carson, Dwayne Donald, Ingrid Johnston, George Richardson (2008)
Phil McRae, Jim Parsons (2007)
José da Costa (2006)
Michael Emme, Anne Kirova (2005)
André Grace (2003)
David Smith (2002)
Fern Snart (2001)
José da Costa, Margaret Haughey (2001)
Joyce Bainbridge (2000)
Roberta McKay, Katherine Willson (1997)

Coutts-Clarke Fellowship
Dinesh Rathi (2015)
Ying Cui (2014)
Kent den Heyer (2013)
Cathy Adams (2012)
George Georgiou (2012)
Patricia Boechler (2011)
Marian Rossiter (2010)
Diane Conrad (2009)
Claudia Eppert (2009)
Robert Klassen (2008)
Ali Shiri (2008)
Heidi Julien (2006)
Noorfarah Merali (2006)
Lisa Given (2005)
Jacqueline Leighton (2005)
George Richardson (2005)
Ali Abdi (2004)
Christina Rinalidi (2004)
Xin Ma (2003)
Rauno Parrila (2003)
Alison Taylor (2003)
André Grace (2002)
Mark Gierl (2001)
Tara Fenwick (2001)
Judy Cameron (2000)
Susan Gibson (2000)
Ingrid Johnston (1999)
Margaret Mackey (1999)
Tracey Derwing (1998)
Canadian Centre for Research on Literacy Research Fellowship

Alison McInnes (2014)
Lynne Wiltse (2013)
Denyse Hayward (2012)
George Georgiou (2010)
Linda Laidlaw (2009)
Patricia Boechler (2008)
Jacqueline Leighton (2007)
Lynn McQuarrie (2006)
Heidi Julien (2005)
Rauno Parrila (2004)
André Grace (2003)
José da Costa (2002)
Jill McClay (2001)

Centennial Professorship

Linda Philips (2012)

Killam Award for Excellence in Mentoring

D Jean Clandinin (2009)
Todd Rogers (2005)

Killam Annual Professorship

Andre Grace (2011)
Jan Jagodzinski (2011)
Rauno Parrila (2010)
Margaret Mackey (2009)
Tracey Derwing (2008)
Stephen Norris (2006)
Max van Manen (2005)
D Jean Clandinin (2005)
Linda Phillips (2004)
D Jean Clandinin (2003)
Richard Sobsey (2000)
Graham Fishburne (1997)
Carolyn Yewchuk (1995)
Tom Kieren (1994)
Ronna Jevne (1991)

Larry Beauchamp Senior Research Fellow

Tracey Derwing (2011)
Stephen Norris (2010)
Jan Jagodzinski (2009)
Jean Clandinin (2008)
Linda Phillips (2007)

Martha Cook Piper Research Prize

George Georgiou (2014)
Lisa Given (2010)
Mark Gierl (2006)
Judy Cameron (2002)

McCalla Professorship

Christina Rinaldi (2014)
Elaine Simmt (2012)
Ingrid Johnston (2011)
Ali Abdi (2009)
André Grace (2008)
Alison Taylor (2007)

McCalla Research Professorship
Margaret Mackey (2006)
David Smith (2005)
Judy Cameron (2004)
jan jagodzinski (2003)
Linda Phillips (2002)
Pat Rowell (2001)
Linda McDonald (2000)
Joyce Bainbridge (1999)
Graham Fishburne (1998)
Marg Iveson (1997)
Carolyn Yewchuk (1997)
Daiyo Sawada (1996)
Todd Rogers (1995)
Ronna Jevne (1994)
John Osborne (1993)
Don Sawatzky (1993)
Richard Sobsey (1992)
Robert Carney (1991)
John Mitchell (1991)
Max Van Manen (1990)
Tom Kieren (1989)
Lorraine Wilgosh (1989)
Bruce Bain (1989)
Robert Mulcahy (1987)
William Fagan (1986)
Steve Hunka (1985)
Heidi Kass (1985)
Charles Anderson (1984)
Kazim Bacchus (1984)
Tom Maguire (1983)
Michael Rodda (1983)
Gerry Kysela (1982)
Erwin Miklos (1982)
Robert Patterson (1981)
UNESCO Prize for Peace Education

Swee-Hin Toh (2000)

Members of the Faculty

Officers of the Faculty

Dean (Interim)

R Wimmer, EdD

Vice-Dean and Associate Dean (Academic)ß

L McGarvey, PhD

Associate Dean (Research)

P Boechler, PhD

Associate Dean (Graduate Studies)

D Larsen, PhD

Associate Dean (Undergraduate Programs and Services)

CN Hickson, PhD

Associate Dean (Undergraduate Teacher Education)

W Dunn, PhD

Associate Dean (International Initiatives)

L Shultz, PhD

Assistant Dean (Finance and Administration)

Y Norton, BA

Assistant Dean (Field Experiences)

R Smilanich

Assistant Dean (Academic Technologies)

J Welch, PhD

Director, Student Support

C Christianson, PhD

Manager, Undergraduate Student Services

H Kennedy-Plant, MEd

Manager, International Initiatives

L de Fabrizio, MA

Faculty Adjunct Professors
L Booi, BEd
P Calahasen, MEd
E Clintberg, PhD
C Cumming, PhD
C Desrochers, PhD
L Given, PhD
W Jerome, PhD
H Juergens, PhD
I Lewis, MEd
L Paradis, PhD
M Phair, MEd
R Spelliscy, PhD
D Swanson, PhD
GR Thomas, PhD
M Yurick, EdD
G Zwozdesky, BEd
Faculty Adjunct Associate Professors

F Burghardt, MEd
T Saarivirta, PhD
M Steier, MEd
E Whitford, MEd
SB Woitas, MEd
T Woods, MEd

Faculty Adjunct Assistant Professors

H Bach, PhD
G Brertton, Elder First Nations
F Brokop, MEd
C Huang, PhD
F Whiskeyjack, Elder First Nations

Educational Policy Studies

Chair (Interim)

D Oberg, PhD


JL da Costa, EdD
JL Kachur, PhD
HA Kanuka, PhD
DP Kapoor, PhD
JR Kelly, PhD
MW Stewart Harawira, PhD
RJ Wimmer, EdD

Associate Professors

D Da Costa, PhD
LA Shultz, PhD
JM Sousa, PhD
B Stelmach, PhD
E Steinhauer, PhD
CK Weber-Pillwax, PhD

Assistant Professors

J Anuik, PhD
S Carpenter, PhD
A Da Costa, PhD
D Hunter, PhD
M McKay, PhD
RS Sockbeson, PhD
KD Wells, PhD

Adjunct Professors

J Carr, MEd
V Cawagas, EdD
E Schmidt, MEd
A Schrader, PhD
A Taylor, PhD
D Wood, PhD
N Yanitski, EdD

Adjunct Associate Professors

J Burger, PhD
KA Holihan, PhD
J Iseke, PhD
E Lemaire, PhD
L Parker EdD
S Stiles, MEd
S Wilson, PhD

Adjunct Assistant Professors

D Clément, PhD
L D’Elia, MEd
R Guimarães-losif, PhD
A Hodgkins, PhD
N Lamba, PhD
E Lange, PhD
P McRae, PhD
M Nungu, PhD
P Rempel, PhD
P Steeves, PhD
TL Thompson, PhD
L Yochim, PhD

Assistant Chair (Administration)

S White, BA

Educational Psychology
Professor and Chair

JP Leighton, PhD


PM Boechler, PhD
GH Buck, PhD
MD Carbonaro, PhD
MJ Gierl, PhD
A Grace, PhD
DJ Larsen, PhD
RK Parrila, PhD
CM Rinaldi, PhD
FD Snart, PhD
D Truscott, PhD

Associate Professors

M Abbott, PhD
Y Cui, PhD
LM Daniels, PhD
GK Georgiou, PhD
W Hanson, PhD
S King, PhD
LM McQuarrie, PhD
N Merali, PhD
M Mrazik, PhD
JR Pei, PhD
CA Poth, PhD
L Ranta, PhD
MJ Rossiter, PhD
V Smith, PhD
KJ Van Vliet, PhD
WJ Whelton, PhD
SC Yohani, PhD

Assistant Professors

H Brown, PhD
O Bulut, PhD
D Cormier PhD
M Cutumisu, PhD
J Harley, PhD
D Hayward, PhD
A McInnes, PhD

Adjunct Professors

R Klassen, PhD
G Lefrancois, PhD
T Loreman, PhD
KA Noels, PhD

Adjunct Associate Professors

W Dunn, PhD
M Guardado, PhD
M Jahnukainen, PhD
M Lewis, MD
B Monkhouse, PhD
S Varnhagen, PhD

Adjunct Assistant Professors
R Adkins, PhD
O Babenko, PhD
S Brenton-Haden, PhD
D Brown, PhD
O Cankaya, PhD
S Carter, PhD
W Chambers, PhD
L Chmiliar, PhD
C Christianson, PhD
JC Dunn, PhD
W Edey, MEd
S ElAtia, PhD
RO Gervais, PhD
T Janzen, PhD
M Kadambi, PhD
J Light, MEd
R Lucardie, PhD
D Massey, PhD
V Massey, PhD
J Moench, PhD
L Moussu, PhD
M Nelson, PhD
A Oswald, MEd
R Petryshyn, PhD
W Randall, PhD
C Rasmussen, PhD
S Ross, PhD
L Schnirer, PhD
G Stewart, PhD
B Symes, PhD
J Welch, PhD
JS White, PhD
E Wikman, PhD
Assistant Chair (Administration)

E Grieve, MLIS

Elementary Education Chair (Interim)

M Doherty, PhD


HA Blair, PhD
BJ Gustafson, PhD
CN Hickson, PhD
A Kirova, PhD
LM McGarvey, PhD
AP Montgomery, DMusEd
L Prochner, EdD

Associate Professors

JL Branch-Mueller, PhD
J Huber, PhD
M Kim, PhD
L Laidlaw, PhD
CA Leroy, PhD
C Peck, PhD
J Pegg, PhD
PV Pente, PhD
KM Robinson, PhD
L Wiltse, PhD
J Wu, PhD

Assistant Professors

T Cardinal, PhD
L Gibson, PhD
D Gleddie, PhD
J Long, PhD
PJ McFeetors, PhD

Adjunct Professors

P Campbell, EdD
M Emme, PhD
H Pearse, PhD

Adjunct Associate Professors

D Dachyshyn, PhD
G Sterenberg, PhD

Adjunct Assistant Professors

L Barrankoik, PhD
J de Groot, PhD
J Ewing, PhD
L Macy, PhD
R Nixon, PhD
T Paszek, PhD
P Steeves, PhD
S Woitte, PhD

Assistant Chair (Administration)

V Grabia, MA

School of Library and Information Studies


A Samek, PhD


M Mackey, PhD
A Shiri, PhD

Associate Professors

D Rathi, PhD
D Zhao, PhD

Assistant Professors

M McNally, PhD
T Oliphant, PhD
A Worrall, PhD

Adjunct Professors

G Beasley, MA
G deVos, MLS

Assistant Chair, Administration

A Powar-Grewal, BEd

Secondary Education Professor and Chair

FA Glanfield, PhD


OSE Bilash, PhD
TJ Dust, DMusEduc
JJ Jagodzinski, PhD
JB Parsons, PhD
GW Richardson, PhD
ESM Simmt, PhD
GP Thomas, PhD

Associate Professors

CA Adams, PhD
DW Chorney, PhD
DH Conrad, PhD
A Fidyk, PhD
K den Heyer, PhD
DT Donald, PhD
WE Dunn, PhD
C Eppert, PhD
NM Nocente, EdD
J Wallin, PhD
B Watt, PhD

Assistant Professors

D Lewkowich, PhD
L Sulz, PhD

Adjunct Professors

S Barker, PhD
A Binde, PhD
M Mackey, PhD

Adjunct Associate Professors

L Cammarata
A Halai, PhD
F Jenkins, PhD
MC Shanahan, PhD

Adjunct Assistant Professors

R Bechtel, PhD
R Cardinal, Sr
W Diefenthaler, PhD
F Elliott PhD
B Oswald, MEd
T Skuce, PhD

Assistant Chair (Administration)

V Grabia, MA

Education Centres Canadian Centre for Research on Literacy Director

LM Phillips, PhD

Centre for Global Citizenship Education and Research Director

L Shultz, PhD

Centre for Mathematics, Science and Technology Education Director

J Pegg, PhD and E Simmt, PhD

Centre for Research in Applied Measurement and Evaluation Director

M Gierl, PhD

Centre for Research in Teacher Education and Development Director

J Huber, PhD

Institute for Sexual Minority Studies and Services Director

A Grace, PhD and K Wells, PhD

JP Das Centre on Development and Learning Disabilities Director

R Parrila, PhD

Western Canadian Centre for Deaf Studies Director

LM McQuarrie, PhD

Additional Members of Faculty Council

President and Vice-Chancellor

DH Turpin, CM, PhD, LLD, FRSC

Registrar of the University

LM Collins

One Representative from the following Faculties:

Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences
Augustana Campus
Faculté Saint-Jean
Native Studies
Physical Education and Recreation
Rehabilitation Medicine

Herbert T Coutts Library

One Representative

Alberta Education

One Representative

Alberta Teachers’ Association

One Representative

Education Students’ Association

Two Representatives

Graduate Students’ Association

Two Representatives

Non-academic Staff

Two Representatives

Sessional Staff

Two Representatives