Specialization in Planning
The School of Urban and Regional Planning educates students in the scientific, aesthetic, and orderly disposition of land, resources, facilities and services with a view to securing the physical, economic and social efficiency, health and well-being of communities. Planners work for all levels of government and in professional planning consultancies The School of Urban and Regional Planning in the Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences offers a BA major in Planning and a BSc Specialization in Planning. Students interested in focusing on natural science elements of planning, including environmental management and the use of geographic information sciences, should consider the BSc program and those interested in the aesthetic, economic, and social issues of planning should consider the BA program (see Planning of the Calendar).
Continuation in the Specialization in Planning program requires a minimum 2.3 GPA in the previous Fall/Winter. To graduate in four years, a student needs 30 units per year.
Graduation requires a minimum 2.3 GPA on the last 60 units credited to the degree. A student enrolling in the Specialization program should confer with the Planning program student advisor before registration.
Special Note: Prior to the 2020/21 Calendar, the Course Designation of HGP was used for HGEO and PLAN courses. HGP courses can be used in place of HGEO or PLAN courses provided they have the same course numbers, for example HGP 399 can be used in place of either HGEO 399 or PLAN 399. Similarly, HGEO or PLAN courses of the same number can be used in place of HGP courses for those following earlier versions of the Calendar.