Mar 31, 2025  
University of Alberta Calendar 2023-2024 
University of Alberta Calendar 2023-2024 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Faculty of Science Courses

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Course Listings

Science courses can be found in Course Listings , under the following subject headings:

Astronomy (ASTRO)
Biochemistry (taught by the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry) (BIOCH)
Biochimie (BIOCM) (Faculté Saint-Jean)
Biological Science - Biology (BIOL)
Biological Science - Botany (BOT)
Biological Science - Entomology (ENT)
Biological Science - Genetics (GENET)
Biological Science - Microbiology (MICRB)
Biological Science - Zoology (ZOOL)
Biologie (BIOLE) (Faculté Saint-Jean)
Cell Biology (taught by the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry) (CELL)
Chemistry (CHEM)
Chimie (CHIM) (Faculté Saint-Jean)
Computing Science (CMPUT)
Earth and Atmospheric Sciences [formerly Geography and Geology (EAS)]
Geophysics (GEOPH)
Immunology and Infection (IMIN)
Interdisciplinary Courses offered by the Faculty of Science (INT D)
Laboratory Animal Management (LB AN)
Marine Science (MA SC)
Mathematical Physics (MA PH)
Mathematics (MATH)
Mathématiques (MATHQ) (Faculté Saint-Jean)
Neuroscience (taught by the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry) (NEURO)
Paleontology (PALEO)
Pharmacology (taught by the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry) (PMCOL)
Physiology (taught by the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry) (PHYSL)
Physics (PHYS)
Physique (PHYSQ) (Faculté Saint-Jean)
Psychology (PSYCH)
Science (SCI)
Sciences de la Terre et de l’atmosphére (SCTA) (Faculté Saint-Jean)
Statistics (STAT)
Statistique (STATQ) (Faculté Saint-Jean)


Where a prerequisite is stated in a course description, it is understood that equivalent courses may satisfy the requirement. Also, the department offering a course with prerequisite requirements may waive the prerequisite in writing. (Prerequisite waiver forms are available from the Faculty of Science office and the Department offices.)

Course Exceptions

Biochemistry Courses

All BIOCH courses can be used by students in the Faculty of Science as science courses.

Cell Biology Courses

All CELL courses can be used by students in the Faculty of Science as science courses.

Food Science Courses

NU FS 363  may be used by students in the Faculty of Science as a science course in Microbiology.

Human Geography/Planning Courses

HGEO 470  or PLAN 470  may be used by students in the Faculty of Science as a science course.

Medical Microbiology Courses

All MMI courses, with the exception of MMI 133 , may be used by students in the Faculty of Science as science courses.

Neuroscience Courses

All NEURO courses may be used by students in the Faculty of Science as science courses.

Pharmacology Courses

All PMCOL courses, with the exception of PMCOL 300 , may be used by students in the Faculty of Science as science courses.

Physiology Courses

All PHYSL courses, with the exception of PHYSL 600 , may be used by students in the Faculty of Science as science courses.

Course Exclusion Lists

Each Credit Exclusion List below lists courses in which there is sufficient overlap that credit will be granted for only one of the courses in any degree offered by the Faculty of Science. This does not imply that courses listed together are interchangeable. Program specifications may require a specific course. A student who fails a course may attempt that course once more or may attempt one other from the same Credit Exclusion list, but only once. A student who passes a course may not take for higher standing that course or another course on the same Credit Exclusion list.

Credit will be granted in only one of NEURO 375  or ANAT 401  in any degree offered by the Faculty of Science.

Credit will be granted in only one of PHYSL 210  or (ZOOL 241  and ZOOL 242 ) in any degree offered by the Faculty of Science.

Credit will be granted in only one of (PHYSL 212  and PHYSL 214 ) or (ZOOL 241  and ZOOL 242 ) in any degree offered by the Faculty of Science.

Credit will be granted in only one of ACCTG 300  or ACCTG 311  in any degree offered by the Faculty of Science. ACCTG 300  will be declared extra to the degree for any Science program requiring ACCTG 311 .

Credit will be granted in only one of ANAT 200 , KIN 100 , NURS 106 , NURS 140  or PTHER 350  in any degree offered by the Faculty of Science.

Credit will not be granted for MIS 311, BTM 311 , MIS 415, BTM 415, MIS 419 or BTM 419  towards the BSc Specialization in Computing Science in Software Practice degree or the BSc Specialization in Computing Science - Minor in Business degree. In all other degrees offered by the Faculty of Science, credit will be granted in only one of CMPUT 301  or MIS 419 or BTM 419 .

Credit will be granted in only one of STAT 252  or MGTSC 312  in any degree  offered by the Faculty of Science. MGTSC 312  will be declared extra to the degree for any Science program requiring STAT 252 .

Credit will  be granted in only one of STAT 151 , STAT 161 , KIN 109 , PTHER 352  or SOC 210  in any degree offered by the Faculty of Science. KIN 109 , PTHER 352  or SOC 210  will be declared extra to the degree for any Science program requiring STAT 151  or STAT 161 .

Graduate Courses

Courses numbered 500 and up are restricted to graduate students and normally may not be taken for credit by undergraduate science students without prior written permission by the Associate Dean, Undergraduate or designate.