General Information
The Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry offers an undergraduate degree program in Medical Laboratory Science. The program is designed to develop competent, critical thinking, reflective medical laboratory technologists who effectively contribute to the care of patients and who are committed to excellence in professional practice.
This degree also prepares graduates to pursue post-baccalaureate or graduate programs that may lead to advanced practice opportunities.
The preprofessional year and Phases I and III of the program are normal university years. In Phase I foundational concepts are taught. Phase II, consists of clinical hospital laboratory training under the direct supervision of the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry. In Phase III students explore advanced concepts in laboratory medicine. If successful in all competency based objectives, students may write certification examinations with the Canadian Society for Medical Laboratory Science, general certification.
Note: Because individuals working in hospital laboratories run some risk of infection from materials they handle, all students in the Medical Laboratory Science program must take a series of immunizations approved by the Office of the Dean of Medicine and Dentistry and the Health Sciences Council before beginning Phase I. See University Infectious Diseases Regulation .
It is mandatory that each student, after acceptance into the program, attend Orientation. This is scheduled immediately before the beginning of the first term.