Mar 10, 2025  
University of Alberta Calendar 2018-2019 
University of Alberta Calendar 2018-2019 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Honors in Atmospheric Sciences [Science]

Earth and Atmospheric Sciences encompass the study of the atmosphere, surface and interior of the earth. The Department administers 12 academic programs: Honors and Specialization in Atmospheric Sciences, Honors and Specialization in Environmental Earth Sciences, Honors and Specialization in Geology, Honors and Specialization in Paleontology, BSc Specialization in Planning, BA Major and Minor in Human Geography, and BA Major in Planning. For details on the Major and Minor in Human Geography and on the BA Major in Planning, see Faculty of Arts listing.

Honors in Atmospheric Sciences

Atmospheric science is the study of atmospheric composition, state and motion, from the small scale (e.g., the environment of a single leaf) through medium scales (e.g., a cumulus cloud) to the global scale (global pollution and warming). Most atmospheric scientists in Canada work for Environment Canada, providing weather forecasts or environmental information. Opportunities also arise with provincial governments and in the private sector.

Continuation in the Honors in Atmospheric Sciences program requires successful completion of at least ★24 with a minimum of 3.0 GPA in the previous Fall/Winter. In addition, graduation requires a minimum 3.0 GPA on the last ★60 credited to the degree.

A student enrolling in the Honors program should consult the Atmospheric Sciences advisor before registration each year.


  1. Students are recommended to consult Advisor for approved Science options.
  2. Open option – Chosen from any credit course offered by the University of Alberta.
  3. Recommended Arts options include any HGP courses.
  4. For students entering Atmospheric Science Honors, credit in SCI 100 will be considered equivalent to CMPUT 174 , EAS 100 , MATH 114, MATH 115 , PHYS 144 , PHYS 146  and ★9 Science (see details of courses ) options equivalent to CHEM 101 , CHEM 102  and EAS 105 . Credit in SCI 151  will be considered equivalent to STAT 151  and ★3 Science option.