Mar 02, 2025
University of Alberta Calendar 2017-2018 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Certificate in Global Citizenship
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Please Note [Oct. 18, 2019] - This page has Errata. BIOL 381 was added as one of the approved courses for this certificate.
For information, contact: gccd@ualberta.ca. Website: www.gccd.ualberta.ca.
★9 selected from:
- ADMI 342 - Introduction au Commerce International
- ANTHE 320 - Anthropologie de la religion
- ANTHR 230 - Anthropology of Science, Technology, and Environment
- ANTHR 310 - The Anthropology of Gender
- ANTHR 372 - Anthropology of Food
- ANTHR 393 - Health and Healing
- ANTHR 417 - Anthropology of Modernity
- ANTHR 460 - Nutritional Anthropology
- AREC 375 - World Food and Agriculture
- AREC 485 - Trade and Globalization in Food and Resources
- BIOL 332 - Community Ecology
- BIOL 367 - Conservation Biology
- BIOL 498 - Research Project *
- BIOLE 381
- BIOLE 381 - Les humains, la pollution et l’environnement
- BOT 384
- BUEC 463 - Energy and the Environment: Industry Structure, Performance and Challenges
BUS 435 - BUS 466 - International Internship
- CHRTC 349 - Social Justice and Christianity
- CSL 100 - An Introduction to Community Engagement
- CSL 300 - Theory and Practice in Community Service-Learning
- CSL 350 - Selected Topics in Community Service-Learning
- CSL 360 - Community Service-Learning Practicum
- CSL 480 - Individual Study in Community Service-Learning *
- D HYG 440 - Advocacy for Change in Healthcare
- EAS 208 - Introduction to Global Change
- EAS 457 - Global Change
- EAS 493
- ECON 101 - Introduction to Microeconomics
- ECON 467 - Environmental and Natural Resource Policy
- ECONE 223 - Enjeux économiques mondiaux
- EDPS 422 - International Development Education
- EDPS 425 - Global Education: Issues and Strategies for Teachers
- EDFX 425 - Elementary Route: Advanced Field Experience *
- EDFX 450 - Secondary Route: Advanced Field Experience *
- EDFX 490 - Additional Placement in an Education Related and/or Outside Alberta Context *
- EDU M 498 - Séminaire citoyenneté globale et justice sociale
- HECOL 441 - Textiles and Apparel in the Global Economy
- HIST 111 - The Early Modern World
- HIST 112 - The Modern World
- HIST 114 - The History of the World in the Last 10 Years
- HIST 123 - Plague: Disease and Epidemics in History
- HIST 127 - Drugs in Modern Global History
- HIST 128 - War, Revolution, and Society
- HIST 210 - Europe in the 19th and 20th Centuries
- HIST 246 - Africa from Medieval to Modern Times
- HIST 247 - Africa in the 20th and 21st Centuries: From Colonial Rule to Modern Nations
- HIST 250 - American History to 1865
- HIST 251 - From the End of Slavery to the Present: American History Since 1865
- HIST 312 - Foundations of East European History
- HIST 313 - Medieval and Early Imperial Russia
- HIST 335
- HIST 342 - Political and Social Revolution in Latin America
- HIST 352 - African American History from Slavery to Black Power
- HIST 356
- HIST 385 - Modern China
- HIST 387 - History of Indian Yoga and Meditation
- HISTE 121 - Histoire du monde pré-industriel
- HISTE 122 - Histoire du monde industrialisé
- HISTE 303 - Construction et identité européennes
- HISTE 311 - Histoire de l’Afrique francophone
- HISTE 350 - Histoire des États-Unis d’Amérique
- INT D 303 - Economics of World Food and Agriculture
- INT D 370
- INT D 361
- INT D 375 - Intercultural Exploration of Health and Practice in Italy
- INT D 393 - Political Sociology
- INT D 457 - Global Health - China Collaboration
- LING 324 - Endangered Languages
- LIS 210
- MARK 455 - Sustainability and Responsible Marketing
- MEAS 300 - Themes and Topics I *
- MUSIC 102 - Introduction to World Music
- MUSIC 143 - Indian Music Ensemble I
- MUSIC 144 - West African Music Ensemble I *
- MUSIC 148 - Middle Eastern and North African Music Ensemble I
- MUSIC 202 - Introduction to Ethnomusicology
- MUSIC 365 - Topics in Ethnomusicology *
- MUSIC 443 - Indian Music Ensemble
- MUSIC 444 - West African Music Ensemble
- MUSIC 448 - Middle Eastern and North African Music Ensemble
- MUSIC 464
- MUSIC 465 - Area Studies in Ethnomusicology
- MUSIC 466 - Topics in Ethnomusicology
- MUSIC 467 - Area Studies in Ethnomusicology: India and South Asia
- MUSIC 468 - Area Studies in Ethnomusicology: The Arab World
- MUSIC 469 - Area Studies in Ethnomusicology: Music and Islam
- MUSIC 472
- MUSIC 473 - Area Studies in Ethnomusicology: The Persianate World
- NS 111 - Contemporary Perspectives in Native Studies
- NS 300 - Traditional Cultural Foundations I
- NS 355 - Native Oral Traditions and Indigenous Knowledge
- NS 361
- NS 405 - Selected Topics in International Indigenous Studies
- NURS 494 - Nursing in Context D1 *
- NURS 495 - Nursing Practice VIII *
- NURS 498 - Special Study - Nursing *
- PERLS 104 - Introduction to Sociology of Sport and Leisure in Canadian Society
- PERLS 440 - Play Around the World Program Preparation *
- PERLS 441 - Play Around the World - Field Placement *
- PERLS 451 - Sport, Leisure and Social Theory
- PHARM 300 - Experiential Learning - Part 1
- PHARM 453 - Intercultural Exploration of Pharmacy and Health
- PHIL 270 - Political Philosophy
- PHIL 301
- PHIL 339 - Contemporary World Views and Christianity
- PHIL 355 - Environmental Ethics
- PHILE 142 - Introduction aux philosophies non occidentales
- POL S 260
- POL S 266
- POL S 396
- POL S 443 - Globalization, Ethnic Politics and the Nation-State
- R SOC 355 - Rural Communities and Global Economies
- R SOC 365 - Sociology of Environment and Development
- R SOC 450 - Environmental Sociology
- RLS 100 - Life, Leisure, and the Pursuit of Happiness
- RLS 130 - Collaborative Skills and Processes for Community Recreation and Leisure
- RLS 223 - Leisure and Human Behavior
- RLS 263 - Principles of Tourism
- RLS 452 - Parks Planning, Management, and Maintenance
- RLS 456
- RLS 463 - Issues in Tourism Development
- SC PO 261 - Relations internationales I
- SC PO 262 - Relations internationales II
- SCI 299 - Science Citizenship
- SOC 269 - Introductory Sociology of Globalization
- SOC 369 - Sociology of Globalization
- SOC 370 - Racism and Decolonization
- SOC 477 - Media and Cultural Globalization: Theory and Practice
- SOCIE 260 - Inégalité et stratification sociales
- SOCIE 269 - Sociologie de la mondialisation
- SOCIE 348 - Sociologie des média et de l’information
- SOCIE 412 - Sociologie du développement
- SMO 417 - Managing the Work Force: International Perspectives
- SMO 435 - Managing International Business
- SMO 437 - Managing Culture
- SMO 442 - International Family Enterprise
- WGS 102 - Gender and Social Justice
- WGS 260 - Women and War
- WGS 310 - Gender, Development, and Beyond
- WGS 365 - Gender, Conflict and Peace Building in International Relations
- BIOL 381 - A Planet in Crisis
- Maximum of ★3 from any given course can be used for the certificate.
- No more than ★3 of the ★12 credits may be transfer credits from other postsecondary institutions.
- Students must meet the necessary prerequisites, co-requisites, and/or restrictions for courses used to satisfy the ★9 set out in ★9 selected from.
* Course/Section Clarifications: BIOL 498 is applicable only for sections that are a component of the Southern African Field School, as verified in writing by the Department of Biological Sciences. CSL 480 is applicable under the following conditions: For students in the Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, please ensure you are registered in the appropriate section for your Faculty, as approved by the Faculty’s Associate Dean (Undergraduate Programs). For students outside of the Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, please obtain information on the eligibility of other sections from Community Service Learning, University of Alberta at cslinfo@ualberta.ca. EDFX 425 and EDFX 450 , are applicable only for international sections. MEAS 300 , MUSIC 144 , MUSIC 444 and MUSIC 365 are applicable only for sections that are part of the Education Abroad Program in Ghana. NURS 494 /NURS 495 is applicable only for sections with the variable title: International. NURS 498 is applicable only for sections with the variable title: Global Citizenship and Health. PERLS 440 /PERLS 441 or equivalent, as verified in writing by the Play Around the World Program Director, will be applicable. |
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