Mar 14, 2025  
University of Alberta Calendar 2025-2026 
University of Alberta Calendar 2025-2026

Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation Regulations

Return to: Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation  


General Information

See Programs of Study  and General Undergraduate Admission Requirements  for general admission requirements to the University. Specific admission information regarding the BKin, BA (Recreation, Sport and Tourism), the BSc Kinesiology, and the Combined BKin/BEd Degrees programs is set out in Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation Admission Requirements .

Residence and Enrolment Requirements

  1. Residence:
    1. The Bachelor of Kinesiology, Bachelor of Arts in Recreation, Sport and Tourism, and Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology are degree programs of 120 units of course weight of which:
      1. a minimum 60 units of course weight must be in courses taken at the University of Alberta; and
      2. a minimum of 30 units of course weight must be taken while registered as a student in a degree program within the Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation.
    2. The Bachelor of Kinesiology/Bachelor of Education are degree programs of 150 units of course weight of which:
      1. a minimum of 90 units of course weight must be in courses taken at the University of Alberta; and
      2. a minimum of 24 units of course weight must be taken within the Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation; and
      3. a minimum of 45 units of course weight must be taken within the Faculty of Education
  2. The Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation welcomes and encourages diverse forms of moving and thinking. Students enrolled in courses offered by the Faculty are asked and encouraged to discuss their participation with their course instructor. Should a student have any concerns regarding their participation and/or engagement within a course, it is a responsibility of the student to communicate these participation and/or engagement concerns with their course instructor. The organization and delivery of each course will attempt to provide adaptation for each student differently. Students may also contact the Faculty for further information on program physical activity requirements and assistance. Medical advice is also encouraged, if necessary, in evaluating the specific activities of a course in accordance with one’s own personal participation.
  3. Students should be aware that under the Protection for Persons in Care Act, they can be required to satisfy a criminal records check before being allowed to serve a period of internship/practicum placement/work experience placement. Refer to Requirement for Police Information Checks .

University Infectious Diseases Regulation

See University Infectious Diseases Regulation .

Registration Requirements

  1. Continuous Registration: Students must register in their program on a continuous basis to ensure a place in the program. Students who want to temporarily interrupt their program must obtain prior approval for a formal Leave of Absence by submitting a request to the KSR Student Services Office. Taking a Leave of Absence without permission requires the student to seek readmission and, in this case, readmission is not guaranteed.
    Leave of Absence is normally for a 12 month period and is granted only if all the following conditions are met:
    1. A minimum of 18 units of course weight must be completed within the degree program before the term in which the Leave of Absence begins.
    2. The student is in satisfactory academic standing.
    3. The Leave of Absence period does not exceed 12 months without permission.
    4. No transferable courses are being completed at another institution during the Leave of Absence period.
  2. Normal Course Load: A normal full academic course load is 30 units of course weight taken during Fall/Winter.
    1. Fall/Winter: A normal full course load in the Fall and Winter Terms is 15 units of course weight taken each term, for a total of 30 units.
    2. Spring/Summer: A normal full course load in the Spring and Summer Terms is 6 units of course weight taken each term, for a total of 12 units.


  1. Normally, permission to enrol in extra courses (beyond 15 units of course weight in Fall and Winter or 6 units of course weight in Spring and Summer) is not granted. Where a student wishes to enrol in more than the maximum allowed units of course weight during any term, a request must be submitted to the Student Services Office. Such requests will be considered only if the student has obtained a minimum GPA of 3.3 on a minimum of 24 units of course weight during the previous Fall/Winter period.
  2. Directed Studies and Research Project Courses: Students are normally allowed a maximum of 6 units of course weight Directed Studies and Research Project courses to count toward their degree program.
    In order to be eligible to complete a Directed Studies or Research Project course, students must have completed a minimum of 30 units of course weight and be in satisfactory academic standing. Students must complete an application form to enrol in a Directed Studies or Research Project course, available at the KSR Student Services Office.

Academic Standing

Academic standing is used to determine the eligibility of students to continue or graduate from their programs and is assessed based on a student’s GPA. (Rules for computing the GPA are listed in Evaluation Procedures and Grading System .) Students are expected to maintain a 2.0 minimum GPA.

Initial assessment and subsequent reassessment of academic standing is based on students’ performance in a minimum of 9 units of course weight attempted at the University of Alberta in Fall/Winter terms. Course weight attempted includes university courses completed with a final grade and excludes courses with grades of W (withdrew). Students may not abandon a course. Failure to properly withdraw from a course may result in the assignment of a final grade.

If, at the time of the review, students have attempted fewer than 9 units of course weight since the last assessment, the review is deferred and the academic standing assigned at the last review remains in effect until the next review (unless the student is on Probation or Academic Warning with specific conditions).

Students who take courses only in Fall or only in Winter Terms are subject to assessment. Courses taken in Spring/Summer Terms are excluded from the assessment.

Academic standing is assessed on students’ performance at the end of a student’s program even if less than 9 units of course weight have been attempted at the University of Alberta since the last review. Course weight attempted includes university courses completed with a final grade and excludes courses with grades of W (withdrew).

The GPA is printed on the University of Alberta transcript and final grades are available on Bear Tracks. Students are responsible for reviewing their GPA at the end of each term.

NOTE: Students are encouraged to contact the KSR Student Services Office and consult with an Academic Advisor for assistance with Academic Standing and its calculation, designations, and the academic options available to students.

  1. First-Class Standing: This designation, also referred to as the Dean’s Honour Roll, is assigned to undergraduate students whose performance in a minimum 24 units of course weight attempted at the University of Alberta in Fall/Winter Terms is a minimum GPA of 3.5. A minimum 12 of the 24 units of course weight must be graded work. Students who attend in only one term of the Fall/Winter are assigned this designation if their performance in a minimum of 12 units of graded course weight attempted at the University of Alberta in a Fall or Winter Term is a minimum GPA of 3.5. Course weight attempted includes university courses completed with a final grade and excludes courses with grades of W (withdrew).
  2. Satisfactory Standing: This designation is assigned to undergraduate students whose performance in a minimum 9 units of course weight attempted at the University of Alberta in Fall/Winter terms is a minimum GPA of 2.0. Course weight attempted includes university courses completed with a final grade and excludes courses with grades of W (withdrew). Students in satisfactory standing may continue in and, when requirements are met, graduate from their programs.
  3. Marginal Standing - Academic Warning: This designation is assigned to undergraduate students whose performance in a minimum 9 units of course weight attempted at the University of Alberta in Fall/Winter terms is a GPA of 1.7 to 1.9 inclusive. Course weight attempted includes university courses completed with a final grade and excludes courses with grades of W (withdrew). Students meeting these criteria who do not have, in the Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation, a prior requirement to withdraw, a prior Academic Warning, a prior probation period or their equivalents, may be permitted to continue on Academic Warning in their current Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation program.
    Students who have been assessed Marginal Standing for the first time in the Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation and wish to continue studies in the Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation, must choose one of the following mutually exclusive options:
    1. Attend the subsequent Fall and/or Winter and meet the following conditions to clear academic warning and return to Satisfactory Standing:
      1. achieve a minimum GPA of 2.0 on a minimum of 9 units of course weight attempted at the University of Alberta. Course weight attempted includes university courses completed with a final grade and excludes courses with grades of W (withdrew).
    2. Discontinue studies for normally a minimum period of 12 months and then apply for Fall readmission on Academic Warning. The discontinue studies period can not exceed 12 months without permission. Upon return, the following conditions must be met to clear Academic Warning and return to Satisfactory Standing:
      1. Achieve a minimum 2.0 GPA on a minimum 9 units of course weight attempted at the University of Alberta during the subsequent Fall and/or Winter terms. Course weight attempted includes university courses completed with a final grade and excludes courses with grades of W (withdrew).


  1. No coursework can be attempted during the discontinued study period. Should any coursework be attempted at any institution during this period, students will have waived the option to discontinue their studies for one year and will need to qualify for competitive Fall readmission. The discontinue studies period does not exceed 12 months without Permission.
  2. Students are encouraged to contact the KSR Student Services Office and consult with an Academic Advisor for assistance.

Students who fail the conditions of their academic warning are required to withdraw.

Academic Warning may be offered once only. To remain in Satisfactory Standing students must maintain a minimum 2.0 GPA in all subsequent Fall/Winter terms. Students with a GPA below 2.0 and who have, in the Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation, a prior requirement to withdraw, a prior Academic Warning, a prior probation period or their equivalents are required to withdraw.

  1. Unsatisfactory Standing - Required to Withdraw: This designation is assigned to undergraduate students whose performance in a minimum 9 units of course weight attempted at the University of Alberta in Fall/Winter terms is a GPA of 1.6 or below, or to a student who does not successfully pass their practicum. Course weight attempted includes university courses completed with a final grade and excludes courses with grades of W (withdrew). Unsatisfactory Standing is also assigned to students with a GPA below 2.0 who have in the Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation a prior requirement to withdraw, a prior Academic Warning, a prior probation period or their equivalents. Students with unsatisfactory standing are required to withdraw.

    Requirement to Withdraw and Readmission: Students who are required to withdraw cannot continue or register in subsequent terms beyond Spring. Students who are being required to withdraw for the first time in the Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation and wish to continue studies in the Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation, may choose one of the following mutually exclusive options:
    1. Fresh Start Program: is available by recommendation of the Faculty to students whose GPA is between 1.3 and 1.6 inclusive and have taken less than 60 units of course weight of postsecondary work. Students who have been on probation or have more than one requirement to withdraw or their equivalents, are not eligible for the Fresh Start program. Further, detailed information can be found in Fresh Start Program , First- and Second-Year Students with GPAs of 1.3 to 1.6—Admission to Fresh Start Program  and Academic Regulations > Academic Standing .
    2. Discontinue Studies and Apply for Fall Readmission: Students in the Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation who are being required to withdraw for the first time in their academic record may elect to discontinue studies for normally a minimum period of 12 months and then apply for Fall readmission on Probation (see Probation below). The discontinue studies period cannot exceed 12 months without permission. No coursework can be attempted during this period. Should any coursework be attempted at any institution during this period, students will have waived the option to discontinue their studies for normally 12 months and will need to requalify for readmission (see Requalify below).
    3. Requalify: Students who are being required to withdraw for the first time in the Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation may elect to requalify by taking further postsecondary work. Subsequent to having been required to withdraw, such applicants must present 24 units of course weight transferable to the University of Alberta with a minimum AGPA of 2.0 or 18 units of course weight transferable to the University of Alberta with a minimum AGPA of 2.7 to be considered for readmission.

NOTE: Students are encouraged to contact the KSR Student Services Office and consult with an Academic Advisor for assistance.

  1. Probation:  Probation is granted to Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation students who are required to withdraw and successfully appeal to the Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation or for students who are readmitted after studies were discontinued for academic reasons. Students may also be admitted on probation if their previous academic record is either deficient in some respect or below the standard ordinarily required. When placed on probation, a student must fulfill specific conditions specified by the Associate Dean Undergraduate at the time of readmission. To clear probation and return to satisfactory standing, students must normally successfully complete the following conditions:
    1. Attend the subsequent Fall and Winter terms; and
    2. Achieve a minimum 2.0 GPA on a minimum 18 units of course weight attempted at the University of Alberta. Course weight attempted includes university courses completed with a final grade and excludes courses with grades of W (withdrew); and
    3. Fulfill any other conditions outlined by the Associate Dean Undergraduate.

Students in the Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation who have failed probation or been twice required to withdraw or equivalent by Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation standards must discontinue their studies for a period of five years from the date of last attendance. After the five year period, the student may seek consideration for Fall readmission by writing a letter of petition to the Associate Dean Undergraduate. Readmission, if offered, will be on Probation, subject to conditions specified by the Associate Dean Undergraduate.

Students who fail a second period on probation or who have been required to withdraw three times or equivalent by Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation standards are ineligible for readmission to the Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation.

NOTE: Students are encouraged to contact the KSR Student Services Office and consult with an Academic Advisor for assistance.

Promotion Standards for Bachelor of Kinesiology, Bachelor of Science (Kinesiology), and Bachelor of Arts (Recreation, Sport and Tourism) Degree Programs

  1. Full-time students are promoted from year to year based on the following:
    1. Promotion from Year 1 to Year 2: Students must have successfully completed a minimum of 30 units of course weight applicable to their program.
    2. Promotion from Year 2 to Year 3: Students must have successfully completed a minimum of 60 units of course weight applicable to their program.
    3. Promotion from Year 3 to Year 4: Students must have successfully completed a minimum of 90 units of course weight applicable to their program.
  2. Students who have been approved to pursue the degree on a part-time basis are promoted from one year to the next when they have met the appropriate criteria.

Promotion Standards for the Bachelor of Kinesiology/Bachelor of Education (Elementary) (Secondary) Combined Degrees Program

  1. Full-time students enrolled in the BKin/BEd program are promoted from year to year in the program based on the following guidelines:
    1. Promotion from Year 1 to Year 2: Students must have successfully completed a minimum of 30 units of course weight applicable to the combined program.
    2. Promotion from Year 2 to Year 3: Students must have successfully completed a minimum of 60 units of course weight applicable to the combined program.
    3. Promotion from Year 3 to Year 4: All qualified Year 3 BKin/BEd students will be promoted to Year 4 in the Faculty of Education provided that
      1. a minimum AGPA of 2.0 has been achieved and
      2. a minimum of 90 units of course weight applicable to the BKin/BEd program has been successfully completed.

Note: Students in Year 3 who have completed less than 90 units of course weight toward the BKin/BEd program, but who have an AGPA of at least 2.0, may select one of two alternatives:

  1. Remain in Year 3 of the BKin/BEd program in the Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation for one additional year, or
  2. Apply to enter the BKin degree program and complete a modified Individualized Major.


  1. Application for Degree: Students who intend to receive their degree must apply for graduation on Bear Tracks by February 1 for Spring Convocation or by September 1 for Fall Convocation.
    Note: Students are encouraged to contact their student advisor early (October 15 for Spring convocation and August 15 for those completing programs in Fall Term) so students can be assured in advance of their final terms that their course selections will make them eligible to convocate.
  2. Degree Requirement Deadlines: All requirements for graduation at Spring Convocation must be completed by the end of Fall/Winter. Those completing degree requirements during Spring/Summer will graduate at Fall Convocation.
  3. Common Graduation GPA: To qualify for the Bachelor of Kinesiology, Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology, or Bachelor of Arts in Recreation, Sport and Tourism degree, a student must successfully complete all requirements including a GPA of at least 2.0 on the last 60 units of course weight of their program completed at the University of Alberta.
  4. BKin/BEd Graduation Requirement: To receive the BKin and the BEd degrees concurrently, a student must have completed all the requirements of the combined program and must meet the requirements for graduation for each degree (see BEd and BEd (After Degree) ).
  5. Degree with Distinction: The notation “With Distinction” is inscribed on the permanent record and graduation parchment if a student has obtained a GPA of 3.5 or higher on the last 60 units of course weight of their program completed at the University of Alberta.

Academic Appeals and Grievances

A student wishing to appeal an academic decision within this Faculty must first attempt to resolve the issue with the instructor concerned (if applicable) and, if this is not satisfactory, with the Associate Dean (Undergraduate Programs). If there is still no satisfactory resolution of the issue, the student may then appeal to the Faculty’s Undergraduate Student Academic Appeals Committee by submitting an appeal in writing to the Chair of the Undergraduate Student Academic Appeals Committee within 14 calendar days of notification of the decision to be appealed. Delivery of notification is deemed to have been effected on the date of pick up, personal receipt of hand or courier delivery, or seven calendar days following regular or registered mail. Further details of the Faculty’s appeal procedure are available from the Office of the Associate Dean (Undergraduate Programs). Certain decisions of this Faculty Undergraduate Student Academic Appeals Committee may be appealed to the Academic Appeal Committee of General Faculties Council. For further information, contact the secretary of General Faculties Council. See Appeals and Grievances .

Attendance in Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation Courses

  1. Physical Participation: The Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation welcomes and encourages diverse forms of moving and thinking. Students enrolled in courses offered by the Faculty are asked and encouraged to discuss their participation with their course instructor. Should a student have any concerns regarding their participation and/or engagement within a course, it is a responsibility of the student to communicate these participation and/or engagement concerns with their course instructor. The organization and delivery of each course will attempt to provide adaptation for each student differently. Students may also contact the Faculty for further information on program physical activity requirements and assistance. Medical advice is also encouraged, if necessary, in evaluating the specific activities of a course in accordance with one’s own personal participation.
  2. Attendance in courses: Attendance at lectures and class participation are important components of courses. Students serve their interests best by regular attendance. Those who choose not to attend must assume whatever risks are involved.


Activity course dress requirement for first class: Students are to attend activity course classes appropriately dressed for participation.