Mar 14, 2025  
University of Alberta Calendar 2025-2026 
University of Alberta Calendar 2025-2026

Faculty of Education Regulations

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Speech Competency

Besides demonstrating overall English language proficiency, students entering the Faculty expecting to complete teacher certification need a further level of spoken English proficiency, regardless of their citizenship status or country of origin. Speech competence is a prerequisite for enrolment in field experience courses. Students who have not achieved the necessary level of competence may not register for these courses. See English Language Proficiency  and Spoken English Proficiency  for further information.

Registration Requirements

BEd (After Degree);
BA (Native Studies)/BEd (Elementary) (Secondary) Combined Degrees Program;
BMus/BEd (Elementary) (Secondary) Combined Degrees;
BKin/BEd (Elementary) (Secondary) Combined Degrees Program;
BSc in Human Ecology/BEd (Secondary) Combined Degrees Program;
BA (Drama)/BEd (Secondary) Combined Degrees Program

  1. Course Load: The normal full course load for the Bachelor of Education; Bachelor of Education (After Degree); Bachelor of Arts (Native Studies)/Bachelor of Education Combined Degrees Program; Bachelor of Music/Bachelor of Education Combined Degrees; Bachelor of Kinesiology/Bachelor of Education (Elementary) (Secondary) Combined Degrees Program; Bachelor of Science in Human Ecology/Bachelor of Education Combined Degrees Program each term of Fall/Winter is 15 units of course weight. Permission to take more than 15 units of course weight each term may be granted under special circumstances. Students should contact the Education Student Services Office for more information.
  2. Full-Time and Part-Time Registration: Much of the degree program may be taken on a part-time basis; however, students are expected to register full time while doing their student teaching.
  3. Maintaining Registration: Students who wish to interrupt their program without having to compete for admission may apply for permission to “stop out.” Permission is granted only to students in good academic standing and only for a specified period. Information regarding a stop out is available from Education Student Services.

BSc (Specialization in Science and Education)/BEd (Secondary) Combined Degrees Program

Note: Students in the Bachelor of Science (Specialization in Science and Education)/Bachelor of Education (Secondary) Combined Degrees Program are registered in the Faculty of Science for the first two years of the five-year program. They are registered in the Faculty of Education commencing the beginning of third year.

  1. A student in the combined program is not granted the privilege of repeating a failed course more than once during the program except with the permission of the Dean of Education and the Dean of Science. A student is not permitted to repeat a course in which a grade of D or more has been received except with the permission of the Dean of Education and the Dean of Science.
  2. Courses with prerequisites may only be used for credit if the prerequisite requirements have been met. A grade of D is the minimum grade acceptable in a course to be used as a prerequisite.
  3. Normally, no more than 42 units of course weight at the 100-level are permitted in the combined program.
  4. A full-time student in the combined program should normally register in 30 units of course weight during Fall/Winter of each year of the program.
  5. A student may be permitted to complete the requirements for the combined program over a longer period than five years on approval by the Dean of Education and the Dean of Science.

Field Experience Courses (Student Teaching)

  1. Registration in field experience courses is a two-part process. Students must first register in EDFX courses using the Bear Tracks web registration system. Students must then access the Faculty’s Online Registration system via the Field Experiences website.
  2. Students with documented disabilities that might require accommodation should consult Education Student Services.
  3. Because of the Faculty’s commitment to our school partners to ensure that student teachers are able to meet the expectations of full involvement in the school setting, students must not register in any courses additional to those defined as part of the field experience term unless they have received prior approval from the Associate Dean in Education Student Services.
  4. Students are not normally permitted to register in field experience courses while on Academic Warning.
  5. A student who has been assigned a grade of “W” or “NC” in any Introductory Field Experience is entitled to a second registration in an Introductory Field Experience. A student who has been assigned a grade of “W” or “NC” in any Advanced Field Experience is entitled to a second registration in an Advanced Field Experience. See also Reregistration in Courses . Notwithstanding Reregistration in Courses , if a student receives a “W” or “NC” in the second attempt of either an Introductory Field Experience or Advanced Field Experience, they will not be allowed to continue in the Faculty of Education. Any student who has been assigned a grade of “W” or “NC” in any Field Experience must receive the approval of the Assistant Dean (Field Experiences) to reregister in the course.
  6. Given the unique nature of the Field Experience courses and the complexity of the placement process, students who wish to delete a Field Experience course may do so without restriction only until the University’s general add/delete deadline. Students who wish to delete a Field Experience course after the University’s general add/delete deadline, but before the Field Experience delete deadline, may normally do so only once; otherwise, the course deletion will be considered a Withdrawal (‘W’). After the Field Experience delete deadline, all course deletions will be considered a Withdrawal (‘W’).

  7. The Faculty of Education has a Regional placement program in which students may be able to complete field experiences beyond the greater Edmonton area in Alberta. Students who wish to apply for a regional placement must adhere to posted deadlines.
  8. Students are expected to access the Field Experiences website before the beginning of their field experiences. The website provides specific information about student teaching and outlines what is expected of student teachers.
  9. Students in the Faculty of Education are expected to conduct themselves according to the Alberta Teachers’ Association Code of Professional Conduct and the University of Alberta Student Conduct Policy and Student Academic Integrity Policy. During the field experiences Student Teachers shall maintain an ethical and professional attitude toward all members of the school community. The Alberta Teachers’ Association Code of Professional Conduct will be a guideline for behavior in the school community. Student Teachers shall recognize and accept that the welfare of the students is of ultimate concern and that the Mentor Teacher has the final responsibility for what occurs in the classroom.
    Students are held accountable to these standards and answerable to the Dean of Education, or Designate acting on behalf of the Dean.
  10. Program match is the most important variable when making placements. When making placements, consideration is given to the proximity of a school to a student’s place of residence; however, students can be placed anywhere in the Edmonton Capital Region. Access to transportation is not a determining factor in making placements in the Edmonton area.
  11. Field experience courses other than EDFX 476 and EDFX 490 are not normally offered during Spring/Summer.
  12. The Dean of Education, or Designate acting on behalf of the Dean, may immediately deny assignment of a student to, withdraw a student from, or vary terms, conditions or site of a field experience placement if the Dean of Education, or Designate has reasonable grounds to believe that this is necessary in order to protect the Public Interest. Refer to Practicum Intervention Policy  for additional information.

Important Dates - Field Experiences

  1. Students are responsible for being aware of the important dates related to the Field Experience as posted, including delete and withdrawal deadlines.

  2. During the Field Experience, students will follow the calendar of the school at which they are placed.

Student Advising

Education Student Services (ESS)

ESS staff assists with admission, readmission, program requirements, field experiences, and any other issues related to a student’s degree or diploma program.

ESS maintains the official Faculty record of each student’s academic program as well as the student teaching reports. These records are held for three years after graduation.

All queries can initially be handled by ESS staff; if necessary, students will be referred to the appropriate University unit for a final resolution.

Associate Dean(s) (Teacher Education and Undergraduate Programs and Services)

The Associate Dean(s) are responsible for the overall administration of all matters related to the undergraduate program. The Associate Dean(s) works with the Office of the Registrar, other Faculties and units, and the Field Experience Team Lead on program-related concerns Faculty initiatives and any other issues arising in administering Faculty policies and regulations.

Field Experience Team Lead

The Field Experience Team Lead is responsible for all matters related to student teaching and field experience courses. Field Experiences staff arrange for cooperating teachers and university facilitators who work with students regularly during the field experience terms.

Academic Standing and Promotional Standards

BEd; BEd (After Degree); BA (Native Studies)/BEd Combined Degrees Program; BKin/BEd (Elementary) (Secondary) Combined Degrees Program; BSc in Human Ecology/BEd (Secondary) Combined Degrees Program

  1. Academic standing for the Bachelor of Education; Bachelor of Education (After Degree); Bachelor of Arts (Native Studies)/Bachelor of Education Combined Degrees Program; Bachelor of Kinesiology/Bachelor of Education (Elementary) (Secondary) Combined Degrees Program; Bachelor of Science in Human Ecology/Bachelor of Education Combined Degrees Program is assessed based on the Fall/Winter grade point average (GPA). Students are expected to maintain a minimum GPA of 2.0.
    See Evaluation Procedures and Grading System  and Academic History (Transcript) Records  for information on calculation of GPAs and the academic record. The GPA is printed on the official transcript and the Statement of Results issued after each Fall/Winter or Spring/Summer period.
    A review of academic performance is conducted for each student at the end of each Fall/Winter (September to April) and Spring/Summer (May to August), covering the previous period’s work. If a student has only registered for one term during either Fall/Winter or Spring/Summer then a review will be done on that term.
    The assignment and reassignment of categories of academic standing are based on a student’s performance in a minimum of 9 units of course weight. If, at the time of review, the student has attempted fewer than 9 units of course weight since the last assignment of a category of academic standing, the review will be deferred and the academic standing assigned at the last review will remain in effect until the next review. The 9 units of course weight needed for an academic review is cumulative. Once a student has completed a minimum of 9 units of course weight, over one or more terms, a review will be done.
  2. Categories of Academic Standing:
    One of three categories of academic standing is determined for each student based on the GPA.
    Satisfactory Standing: Students with a GPA of 2.0 or greater are considered to be in Satisfactory Standing and may continue in the program.
    Marginal Standing-Academic Warning: Students with a GPA of 1.7 to 1.9 inclusive are considered to be in Marginal Standing and may be permitted to continue on Academic Warning.
    Unsatisfactory Standing-Required to Withdraw: Students with a GPA of 1.6 or less, or students who have been assigned Marginal Standing on two occasions (not necessarily consecutively) while registered in the Faculty, are considered to be in Unsatisfactory Standing and are required to withdraw from the Faculty.

Marginal Standing-Academic Warning

  1. A student placed on Academic Warning resulting from Marginal Standing is bound by the following requirements:
    1. A student must complete 24 units of course weight with a GPA of 2.0; or complete a minimum of 21 units of course weight with a GPA of 2.3; or complete a minimum of 18 units of course weight with a GPA of 2.7; or complete a minimum of 15 units of course weight with a GPA of 3.0.
      Note: Students are not required to complete these minimum number of units of course weight in one Fall/Winter.
    2. A student on Academic Warning must maintain a GPA of at least 2.0 for each full session in which the student is enrolled.
    3. A minimum of 9 units of course weight does not have to be completed for a performance review to be conducted when a student is on Academic Warning. A review will be done after each term on any work done. A minimum GPA of 2.0 must be maintained on all work.
    4. Registration in a field experience term will not be permitted while on Academic Warning. If special circumstances warrant, permission must be obtained from the Associate Dean Education Student Services.
    5. Students are not normally permitted to take courses at another institution while on Academic Warning.
  2. Required to Withdraw
    1. Students cannot be placed on Academic Warning more than once during any degree program offered by the Faculty of Education. Therefore, students must maintain Satisfactory standing after clearing Academic Warning.
    2. Students who fail to meet the standards and requirements of Academic Warning or who are placed on Academic Warning twice during their program will normally be required to withdraw and remain out of the Faculty.
  3. Readmission After Required to Withdraw
    1. A student required to withdraw must apply and compete for readmission to the Faculty of Education after completing a minimum of 24 units of course weight transferable to the University of Alberta. See Bachelor of Education in Elementary, Secondary, and Adult Education Routes  VII.
    2. Normally, students are to successfully complete the 24 units of course weight at another postsecondary institution. Students with a GPA of between 1.3 and 1.6 may be permitted to continue at the University of Alberta in the Fresh Start program to complete the 24 units of course weight providing they have not previously been on Academic Warning or Probation, or have been Required to Withdraw, from any postsecondary program. Further detailed information can be found in First- and Second-Year Students with GPAs of 1.3 to 1.6—Admission to Fresh Start Program  , Academic Warning, Academic Probation, Required to Withdraw , and Fresh Start Program .
    3. Students who have been required to withdraw and who, after being readmitted, are again given Academic Warning will be required to withdraw and will not be readmitted to the Faculty.

Academic Standing for BSc (Specialization in Science and Education) and BEd Combined Degrees Program

  1. Continuation in the Bachelor of Science (Specialization in Science and Education) and Bachelor of Education Combined Degrees Program requires a Fall/Winter Grade Point Average (GPA) of at least 2.3. A student who does not meet the requirement to continue in the combined degrees program must withdraw from the combined program and may apply for admission to either a BEd program or a BSc program, if eligible. Refer to Bachelor of Education in Elementary, Secondary, and Adult Education Routes  or Bachelor of Science (BSc) (General)  for academic standing regulations for admission to the BEd or BSc General programs.
    Note: Students in the BSc/BEd are registered in the Faculty of Science for the first two years of the five-year program. They are registered in the Faculty of Education commencing the beginning of the third year.
  2. Grade Point Average (GPA): The Grade Point Average is the weighted average over all courses attempted while registered in Fall/Winter. See Evaluation Procedures and Grading System  and Academic History (Transcript) Records  regarding rules for calculation of the GPA.

Academic Standing for the BMus/BEd Combined Degrees Program

  1. To be eligible to continue in the program, students will need a minimum GPA of 2.3 for each Fall/Winter. See Evaluation Procedures and Grading System  and Academic History (Transcript) Records  for information on calculation of Fall/Winter GPAs and the academic record.
  2. Successful completion of the program requirements includes a GPA of 2.3 on all courses completed in the program.
  3. Students must complete at least 33 units of course weight during each Fall/Winter in every year except Year 4 where 30 units are required. A reduced course load to 24 units of course weight requires only the approval of the Department of Music; a course load of less than 24 units of course weight requires the approval of both Faculties and is based on a recommendation from the Department of Music.
  4. Students who fail to meet the requirements for promotion as outlined in (1) above will be required to withdraw from the BMus/BEd Combined Degrees program. Such students may transfer to another program in the Faculty of Arts, the Faculty of Education or another Faculty, provided the entrance and promotion requirements for such a program are met. After transfer, all requirements for the new program must be met.
  5. Students who fail to meet the fifth-year requirements in the program will be permitted to fulfill those requirements only with the approval of the Faculty of Arts and the Faculty of Education upon the recommendation of the Department of Music. Otherwise, students must withdraw from the program and, if so desired, transfer to another program in the Faculty of Arts or Education for which they are able to meet entrance and promotion requirements.
  6. The BMus/BEd Combined Degrees program may be interrupted only with the prior consent of the Department of Music, the Faculty of Arts, and the Faculty of Education. Readmission and continuation will be subject to any conditions, including reauditioning and new program requirements, that may be specified by the Department of Music, the Faculty of Arts, and the Faculty of Education.

Residence Requirements

  1. Students proceeding toward the BMus/BEd Combined Degrees program must normally have credit in at least 96 units of course weight offered by the University of Alberta.
  2. Students who take part of their final 60 units of course weight at another postsecondary institution must seek the approval of the Department of Music, the Faculty of Arts, and the Faculty of Education.

Academic Standing for the BA (Drama)/BEd Combined Degrees Program

  1. To be eligible to continue in the program, students will need a minimum GPA of 2.3 for each Fall/Winter.
  2. A 2.7 GPA is required on all senior level (200-level and above) DRAMA courses.
  3. Successful completion of the program requirements includes a grade point average of 2.3 on all courses credited to the degrees (150 units of course weight) and a 2.7 GPA on all senior DRAMA courses applied to the major.
  4. 30 units of course weight are recommended each Fall/Winter; however, students are required to complete at least 24 units during each Fall/Winter. A reduced course load below 24 units of course weight must be approved by both the Faculty of Arts and the Faculty of Education, and is based on a recommendation from the Department of Drama.
  5. Students who fail to meet the requirements for promotion are required to withdraw from the BA (Drama)/BEd Combined Degrees program. Such students may transfer to another program in the Faculty of Arts, the Faculty of Education or another Faculty, if entrance and promotion requirements for such a program are met. After transfer, all requirements for the new program must be met.
  6. Students who fail to meet the fifth-year requirements in the program are permitted to fulfil those requirements only with the approval of the Faculty of Arts and the Faculty of Education upon the recommendation of the Department of Drama. Otherwise, students must withdraw from the program, and, if so desired, transfer to another program in the Faculty of Arts or Education for which they are able to meet entrance and promotion requirements.
  7. The BA (Drama)/BEd Combined Degrees program may be interrupted only with the prior consent of the Department of Drama, the Faculty of Arts, and the Faculty of Education. Readmission and continuation will be subject to any conditions imposed by the Faculties and new program requirements that may be specified by the Department of Drama, the Faculty of Arts, and the Faculty of Education.

Residence Requirements

  1. Students proceeding toward the BA (Drama)/BEd Combined Degrees program must have credit in at least 75 units of course weight offered by the University of Alberta.
  2. After admission to the program, any request to take courses at another postsecondary institution must be approved by both the Faculty of Arts and Education, based on a recommendation of the Department of Drama.

Academic Standing for the Bachelor of Science (BSc)/Bachelor of Education (BEd) (Secondary) Combined Degrees Program (Augustana)

  1. Continuation in the Bachelor of Science (BSc)/Bachelor of Education (BEd) (Secondary) Combined Degrees Program (Augustana) requires a Fall/Winter Grade Point Average (GPA) of a 2.3. A student who does not meet the requirement to continue in the degrees program must withdraw from the program and may apply for admission to either a BEd program or a BSc program, if eligible.

Residence Requirements

  1. Students proceeding toward the BA (Drama)/BEd Combined Degrees program must have credit in at least 75 units of course weight offered by the University of Alberta.
  2. After admission to the program, any request to take courses at another postsecondary institution must be approved by both the Faculty of Arts and Education, based on a recommendation of the Department of Drama.


BEd; BEd (After Degree); BA (Native Studies)/BEd Combined Degrees Program; BMus/BEd Combined Degrees Program; BKin/BEd (Elementary) (Secondary) Combined Degrees Program; BSc in Human Ecology/BEd Combined Degrees Program; BA (Drama)/BEd Combined Degrees Program

Faculty decisions regarding the Bachelor of Education; Bachelor of Education (After Degree); Bachelor of Arts (Native Studies)/Bachelor of Education Combined Degrees Program; Bachelor of Music/Bachelor of Education Combined Degrees Program; Bachelor of Kinesiology/Bachelor of Education (Elementary) (Secondary) Combined Degrees Program; Bachelor of Science in Human Ecology/Bachelor of Education Combined Degrees Program; Bachelor of Arts (Drama)/Bachelor of Education Combined Degrees Program academic standing or standing in an individual course can become the subject of an appeal. A student wanting to appeal an academic decision must attempt to resolve the issue first with the professor concerned (if applicable), then with the academic lead, and, if still unresolved, with the Associate Dean in Education Student Services. If the matter remains unresolved, students may then appeal to the Faculty Academic Appeals Committee.

Further details of the Faculty’s appeal procedures are available from the Associate Dean in Education Student Services, 1-107 Education Centre North. Certain decisions of the Faculty Academic Appeals Committee may be appealed to the General Faculties Council Appeals Committee. See Appeals and Grievances .

BEd/BSc (Specialization in Science and Education) Combined Degrees Program

  1. A student in the Bachelor of Education/Bachelor of Science (Specialization in Science and Education) Combined Degrees Program seeking a review of a decision on academic standing must first consult the Associate Dean (Education Student Services) in the Faculty of Education and submit a written statement pertaining to the specific decision affecting the student’s academic standing. This statement should include related documents on which an appeal can be based and must be made within 30 days of the original decision on academic standing. The Associate Dean of Education consults the Associate Dean, Undergraduate, and they decide on the appeal and inform the student.
  2. If the student is not satisfied with the decision, the student may appeal, in writing, to the Dean of Education. The Dean of Education consults the Dean of Science. They decide on the appeal and inform the student. An appeal to the Dean must be made within 15 days of receiving the written decision from the Associate Dean.
  3. If the student is still not satisfied, the student may appeal, in writing, to the Bachelor of Education/Bachelor of Science (Specialization in Science and Education) Program Appeals Committee on Academic Standing. An appeal to this committee must be made within 30 days of receiving the written decision from the Deans.
  4. If the latter appeal decision is not satisfactory, the student has the right to appeal to the GFC Academic Appeals Committee. An appeal to this committee must be made within 30 days of receiving the written decision from the Combined Program Appeals Committee.

Bachelor of Science (BSc)/Bachelor of Education (BEd) (Secondary) Combined Degrees Program (Augustana)

  1. A student in the Bachelor of Science (BSc)/Bachelor of Education (BEd) (Secondary) Combined Degrees Program (Augustana) seeking a review of a decision on academic standing must first consult an Associate Dean in Education Student Services in the Faculty of Education and submit a written statement pertaining to the specific decision affecting the student’s academic standing. This statement should include related documents on which an appeal can be based and must be made within 30 days of the original decision on academic standing. The Associate Dean of Education consults the Associate Dean, Academic Programs, from the Augustana Faculty, and they decide on the appeal and inform the student.


See Reexaminations .


BEd and BEd (After Degree)

  1. To receive the Bachelor of Education degree, students must:
    1. successfully complete a minimum of 60 units of course weight of their program at the University of Alberta and a minimum of 45 units after admission to the Faculty of Education (After Degree students must complete a minimum of 30 units after admission to the Faculty of Education);
    2. obtain a graduation GPA of 2.0 calculated on the most recent 60  units of course weight completed at the University of Alberta for the Bachelor of Education or the most recent 45 units completed at the University of Alberta for the Bachelor of Education/After Degree. Courses with non-numeric marks are included in the credit count but not in the calculation of the average; and
    3. successfully complete all field experience requirements.
  2. Students may complete up to 12 units of course weight in addition to those required for the degree program to raise their graduation GPA to the required level of 2.0.
  3. To qualify for the notation “With Distinction” on their parchment, students must have achieved a graduation GPA of 3.5, on a minimum of 45 units of course weight completed at the University of Alberta.
  4. For students expecting to convocate at Spring Convocation, all course requirements must be completed by April 30. Those completing degree requirements during Spring/Summer will be eligible for Fall Convocation.
  5. For the After Degree Program students must graduate with the following courses:

Elementary Route
54-60 units in Education courses
6 units in English Literature and Composition
3 units in Mathematics
Secondary Route
48-54 units in Education courses
36 units in the Major
18 units in the Minor
6 units in English/French Literature and Composition
Some of these requirements may be completed prior to admission.

BA (Native Studies)/BEd Combined Degrees Program

  1. Graduation requirements include an overall grade point average of 2.0 on all courses completed in the 150 units of course weight program, and a GPA of 2.0 on all courses completed in the Native Studies major.
    1. 100-level courses: For the purpose of the combined degrees program normally no more than 60 units of course weight at the 100-level may be taken for degree credit.
  2. To qualify for the Bachelor of Native Studies and the Bachelor of Education degrees, students must successfully complete relevant program requirements, have met the promotion, graduation, final year, and residence requirements, and have received the recommendation of the Faculty of Native Studies Council and the Faculty of Education.
  3. Degrees with Distinction shall be awarded to students who achieve a graduation grade point average of 3.5 or higher on the last 90 units of course weight taken at the University of Alberta. In cases where a student has taken courses at another institution as part of these 90 units of course weight, the Degree with Distinction will be awarded at the discretion of the Faculty.

Student Advising: Students will be jointly advised regarding program and course requirements by designated advisors in both the Faculty of Native Studies and the Faculty of Education.

BSc (Specialization in Science and Education)/BEd (Secondary) Combined Degrees Program

To receive the Bachelor of Science (Specialization in Science and Education)/Bachelor of Education (Secondary) Combined Degrees Program, a student must complete all requirements of the combined program and must achieve a graduation GPA of at least 2.3 on all courses with numeric grades credited to the combined program (calculated on the last 90 units of course weight credited to the degree). In addition, a GPA of at least 2.3 must be attained in all courses in the major Subject or Area of Concentration.


  1. Only successfully completed courses applicable to the students’ Bachelor of Science (Specialization in Science and Education)/Bachelor of Education (Secondary) Combined Degrees Program will be used to calculate the graduation GPA.
  2. Students will be allowed to take up to 12 units of course weight in addition to those required for the degree program to raise their graduation GPA to the required level of 2.3.
  3. Students who take part of the final 60 units of course weight at another postsecondary institution must seek approval of the Associate Dean (Education Student Services).
  4. To qualify for the notation “With Distinction” on their parchment, students must achieve a graduation GPA of 3.5.

BMus/BEd (Secondary) Combined Degrees Program

  1. To qualify for the Bachelor of Music/Bachelor of Education (Secondary) Combined Degrees Program, students must successfully complete relevant curriculum requirements, the promotion, final year and residence requirements, and receive the recommendation of the Department of Music, the Faculty of Arts, and the Faculty of Education.
  2. Degrees With Distinction shall be awarded to students who achieve a grade point average of 3.5 or more, both on all of the units of course weight credited to the program and on all of the units of course weight in Music. In the case that transfer or other students have attempted, as part of their program, courses at other institution, the Degree “With Distinction” will be awarded at the discretion of the Faculties.

BKin/BEd (Elementary) (Secondary) Combined Degrees Program

Regulations for the Bachelor of Kinesiology/Bachelor of Education (Elementary) (Secondary) Combined Degrees Program are the same as those for the Bachelor of Education degree (see BEd and BEd (After Degree)).

BSc in Human Ecology/BEd (Secondary) Combined Degrees Program

Regulations for the Bachelor of Science in Human Ecology/Bachelor of Education (Secondary) Combined Degrees Program are the same as those for the Bachelor of Education degree (see BEd and BEd (After Degree)).

BA (Drama)/BEd Combined Degrees Program

To qualify for the Bachelor of Arts (Drama) /Bachelor of Education Combined Degrees, students must successfully complete relevant curriculum requirements, meet the promotion, final year and residence requirements, and receive the recommendation from both the Faculty of Arts and the Faculty of Education.

Degrees With Distinction shall be awarded to students who achieve an average of at least 3.5 or better on the last 90 units of course weight of their programs completed at the University of Alberta, including failed courses but excluding any courses not credited to the degree. If the last 90 units of course weight of the program at the University of Alberta do not fall exactly within a given Fall/Winter or Spring/Summer, a weighted average is used. Please contact the Undergraduate Student Services Office in the Faculty of Arts or Education Student Services in the Faculty of Education for further information.

Bachelor of Science (BSc)/Bachelor of Education (BEd) (Secondary) Combined Degrees Program (Augustana)

  1. To receive the Bachelor of Science (BSc)/Bachelor of Education (BEd) (Secondary) Combined Degrees (Augustana), a student must successfully complete all requirements of the degrees program.
  2. The graduation average is calculated on the most recent 90 units of course weight and must be at least 2.3 on all courses with numeric grades that are credited towards the program.
  3. A Major GPA of at least 2.3 has been achieved, calculated over all courses in the Major Subject, but not including prerequisite and supporting courses.
  4. Students may complete up to 12 units of course weight in addition to those required for the degree program to raise their graduation average to the required level of a 2.3.
  5. To qualify for the notation of “With Distinction” on their parchment, students must have achieved a graduation GPA of a 3.5 or higher.

Special Faculty Regulations

  1. Transfer from One Route to Another: Students who wish to change their route should consult Education Student Services. Route changes are possible, but students must meet all the requirements of the new route, which may involve additional coursework. Admission to the new route is on a competitive basis.
    Students wishing to change their Route must submit an Application for Readmission/Internal Transfer form to the Office of the Registrar.
  2. Review of Programs: A student who has failed to complete the degree in 15 years, may have the program reviewed and, if necessary, rearranged according to prevailing requirements.
  3. Attendance at Another Institution as a Visiting Student: Prior to registering in any course at another institution, all degree/diploma students in the Faculty of Education must apply to Education Student Services for permission. Approval may be granted for students who are:
    1. registered in at least 3 units of course weight at the University of Alberta in the Fall Term;
    2. in Satisfactory Standing (i.e., GPA of 2.0 or greater depending on the program) or have a minimum GPA of 2.7 if this request will result in a course overload.

Approval will not be granted if students have already received the maximum allowable transfer credits.

Teaching Certification

Alberta Teaching Certificates are issued by the Minister of Education and the Registrar, Teacher Certification and Development, Alberta Education. The Faculty of Education recommends for certification those students who have completed the necessary requirements and are Canadian citizens or individuals lawfully admitted to Canada for permanent residence.

Students attending the University of Alberta on a Study Permit who successfully complete the Bachelor of Education program, may apply to Citizenship and Immigration Canada for a work permit. Upon receipt of a valid work permit, they may apply to Alberta Education for the Alberta Interim Professional Certificate.

To be recommended for an Alberta Teaching Certificate, a student must have completed a Bachelor of Education degree and 48 units of course weight of Education courses.

All persons applying for certification as a teacher in Alberta will be subject to the following restrictions on eligibility:

Except where the Minister of Education decides otherwise, the Registrar, Teacher Certification and Development at Alberta Education may not issue a teaching certificate to:

  1. A person who has been convicted of an indictable offence under the Criminal Code; or
  2. A person whom the Registrar, Teacher Certification and Development at Alberta Education has reason to believe should not be issued a certificate.

Applications for a teaching certificate shall be directed to the Registrar, Teacher Certification and Development at Alberta Education. As part of the application process, applicants will be asked whether they possess a criminal conviction. If the response is yes, the nature of the conviction and when and where they were convicted must be detailed.

The Registrar, Teacher Certification and Development at Alberta Education shall refuse to issue a teaching certificate to any applicant possessing an indictable criminal conviction. The Registrar, Teacher Certification and Development at Alberta Education may refuse to issue a teaching certificate to an applicant possessing a criminal conviction of a nature deemed unsuitable for teaching children or for any other reason. Applicants may appeal the decision of the Registrar to a Certification Appeal Committee established by the Minister. Appeals must be made in writing within 30 days of being advised of the Registrar’s (Teacher Certification and Development at Alberta Education) decision not to issue a certificate.