Mar 14, 2025  
University of Alberta Calendar 2025-2026 
University of Alberta Calendar 2025-2026

Augustana Faculty Courses

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Course Listings

Augustana courses are listed in Course Listings  under Augustana Faculty with the following subject headings:

Accounting (AUACC)
Biology (AUBIO)
Chemistry (AUCHE)
Classical Studies (AUCLA)
Community Service Learning (AUCSL)
Computing Science (AUCSC)
Crime and Community (AUCRI)
Drama (AUDRA)
Economics (AUECO)
Education Field Experience (AUEFX)
Educational Computing (AUEDC)
Educational Psychology (AUEPS)
English (AUENG)
English for Academic Purposes (AUEAP)
Environmental Studies (AUENV)
Fine Arts (AUFAR)
French (AUFRE)
Geography (AUGEO)
German (AUGER)
Global and Development Studies (AUGDS)
History (AUHIS)
Humanities (AUHUM)
Indigenous Studies (AUIND)
Interdisciplinary Studies (AUIDS)
Language Studies (AULAN)
Latin (AULAT)
Management (AUMGT)
Mathematics (AUMAT)
Music (AUMUS)
Philosophy (AUPHI)
Physical Activity (AUPAC)
Physical Education (AUPED)
Physics (AUPHY)
Political Studies (AUPOL)
Psychology (AUPSY)
Religion (AUREL)
Scandinavian Studies (AUSCA)
Science (AUSCI)
Social Sciences (AUSSC)
Sociology (AUSOC)
Spanish (AUSPA)
Statistics (AUSTA)

Classification of Courses

In the determination of eligibility for an Augustana Faculty degree, courses are classified as follows:

  1. The following are classified as Science courses:
    1. all Biology (AUBIO).
    2. all Chemistry (AUCHE).
    3. Community Service-Learning AUCSL 361 .
    4. all Computing Science (AUCSC).
    5. Economics AUECO 206 , AUECO 311 , AUECO 449 .
    6. Environmental Studies AUENV 120 , AUENV 201 , AUENV 218 , AUENV 220 AUENV 230 , AUENV 231 , AUENV 233 AUENV 234 , AUENV 252 , AUENV 301 , AUENV 320 AUENV 324 , AUENV 334 , AUENV 335 , AUENV 350 AUENV 351 , AUENV 354 AUENV 401 , AUENV 420 , AUENV 421 , AUENV 425 AUENV 431 , AUENV 434 , AUENV 459 .
    7. Geography AUGEO 301, AUGEO 401 
    8. Interdisciplinary Studies AUIDS 137 , AUIDS 211 .
    9. Management AUMGT 206 .
    10. all Mathematics (AUMAT).
    11. Physical Education AUPED 112 , AUPED 215 , AUPED 216 , AUPED 232 , AUPED 251 , AUPED 314 , AUPED 317 , AUPED 343 , AUPED 344 , AUPED 374 , AUPED 375 , AUPED 393 , AUPED 414 , AUPED 497 .
    12. all Physics (AUPHY).
    13. Psychology (AUPSY) courses having odd numbers (last digit is 1, 3, 5, 7, or 9).
    14. all Science (AUSCI)
    15. all Statistics (AUSTA).
  2. The following courses are designated as Social Science courses (and for the purposes of the BA are also categorized as Arts courses):
    1. Classics AUCLA 223 , AUCLA 224 .
    2. all Community Service-Learning (AUCSL), except AUCSL 361 .
    3. all Crime and Community (AUCRI).
    4. all Economics (AUECO) except AUECO 206 , AUECO 311 , AUECO 449 .
    5. Environmental Studies AUENV 202 , AUENV 302, AUENV 327 , AUENV 328 , AUENV 341 , AUENV 344 , AUENV 358 , AUENV 375 , AUENV 402 ,  AUENV 475 .
    6. Geography AUGEO 341 .
    7. all Global and Development Studies (AUGDS).
    8. all History (AUHIS).
    9. all Indigenous Studies (AUIND), except AUIND 240 .
    10. Interdisciplinary Studies AUIDS 100 AUIDS 200 , AUIDS 230 AUIDS 250 , AUIDS 292 , AUIDS 302 , AUIDS 450  
    11. all Language Studies (AULAN).
    12. Management AUMGT 323 , AUMGT 345 AUMGT 350 AUMGT 360 , AUMGT 370 .
    13. all Physical Education (AUPED) except AUPED 112 , AUPED 215 , AUPED 216 , AUPED 232 , AUPED 251 , AUPED 275 , AUPED 282 , AUPED 314 , AUPED 317 , AUPED 343 , AUPED 344 , AUPED 374 , AUPED 375 , AUPED 393 , AUPED 414 , AUPED 497  
    14. all Political Studies (AUPOL).
    15. all Psychology (AUPSY) courses having even numbers (last digit is 0, 2, 4, 6, or 8).
    16. Religion AUREL 266 .
    17. Scandinavian Studies AUSCA 231 .
    18. Spanish AUSPA 241 , AUSPA 250 , AUSPA 252 , AUSPA 253 AUSPA 341 .
    19.  all Social Sciences (AUSSC)
    20. all Sociology (AUSOC).
  3. The following courses are classified as Humanities courses (and for the purposes of the BA are also categorized as Arts courses).
    1. all Classics (AUCLA) except AUCLA 223 , AUCLA 224 .
    2. all English (AUENG).
    3. all English for Academic Purposes (AUEAP).
    4. Environmental Studies AUENV 345 , AUENV 355 , AUENV 365 ,  AUENV 368 .
    5. all French (AUFRE).
    6. all German (AUGER).
    7.  all Humanities (AUHUM).
    8. Indigenous Studies AUIND 240 .
    9. Interdisciplinary Studies AUIDS 244 .
    10. all Latin (AULAT).
    11. all Philosophy (AUPHI).
    12. all Religion (AUREL) except AUREL 266 .
    13. all Scandinavian Studies (AUSCA) except AUSCA 231 .
    14. all Spanish (AUSPA) except AUSPA 241 , AUSPA 250 , AUSPA 252 , AUSPA 253 , AUSPA 341 .
  4. The following courses are classified as Fine Arts courses (and for the purposes of the BA are also categorized as Arts courses).
    1. all Art (AUART)
    2. all Drama (AUDRA).
    3.  all Fine Arts (AUFAR).
    4. all Music (AUMUS).
  5. Education courses (AUEDC, AUEFX, AUEPS), Management courses (all AUACC and AUMGT 310 , AUMGT 320 , AUMGT 399  and AUMGT 490 ) and AUPED 275  and AUPED 282  are classified as specialized professional courses [see General Regulations Governing Course Selections Notes 3 & 4 ].
  6. All other courses not identified in (1) to (5) above are classified as Arts courses.