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Augustana Faculty offers five degree programs:
Bachelor of Arts (BA)
Bachelor of Management (BMgt)
Bachelor of Music (BMus)
Bachelor of Science (BSc)
Bachelor of Science (BSc)/Bachelor of Education (BEd) (Secondary) Combined Degrees Program (Augustana)
See Augustana Faculty for Admission Requirements and see Programs for Major and Minor Requirements.
The Augustana Academic Course Schedule
The academic course schedule for Augustana Faculty provides a unique rhythm for each academic year that advances experiential learning opportunities for students, creates connections between these opportunities and more traditional classroom work, offers greater flexibility for students in managing course workloads and degree completion times, and provides greater accommodation to a variety of student learning styles. Augustana Faculty features an academic schedule in which each of the traditional Fall and Winter Terms consist of students taking a single course for three weeks, followed by a number of courses for 11 weeks. There are a smaller number of additional 3-week courses available at the start of the standard University Spring Term. This schedule creates a potential annual student academic enrollment cycle of 3-11-3-11-3. Students typically register in a single 3-unit course in the 3-week period and a combination of courses totalling 12 units during the 11-week period.
The Augustana Core
Augustana Faculty orients its programs towards a broad education realized through foundational experience, knowledge, and skills. Collectively, this commitment is incorporated in the Augustana Core.
Augustana provides a rigorous foundational course experience that encourages the development of intellectual and work habits necessary for academic and career success, such as critical and creative thinking, clear and effective writing and communication, and management of information. It also offers students an interdisciplinary experience to begin their Augustana career.
Augustana embraces a liberal arts and sciences education that embodies many different ways of knowing. The ability to use a range of approaches to solve problems enables citizens to face the complexities of society with flexibility and innovation. Students achieve this breadth of knowledge by taking courses in each of the following areas:
- Fine Arts,
- Humanities,
- Social Sciences, and
- Science.
For more information on breadth of Knowledge requirements, see Bachelor of Arts [Augustana] , Bachelor of Management [Augustana] , Bachelor of Science [Augustana] , and Bachelor of Science (Augustana) / Bachelor of Education in Secondary Education Combined Degrees Program [Augustana] , under The Augustana Core: Knowledge.
At Augustana, students acquire core academic skills through their major. These skills are the mark of a successful education and the basis for continued learning. Therefore, Augustana deliberately sets for itself the goal that, upon graduation, all students will be equipped with a skill set of which they can be justifiably proud. Students find these skills possess immense practical value, enabling our graduates to make meaningful contributions to their communities and workplaces.
Augustana aims to develop students who are thinkers, researchers, and communicators.
As Thinkers, Augustana students can
- read, view, listen, and reflect carefully and extensively;
- engage in issues from a variety of perspectives, cultures, or traditions; and
- approach problems using evidence, reasoning, and creativity.
As Researchers, Augustana students can
- design and execute projects from conception to fruition;
- analyze and synthesize data, concepts, and ideas;
- assert their own perspective on a topic through argument, presentation, or interpretation; and
- employ information literacy skills to assemble and evaluate the most suitable materials.
As Communicators, Augustana students can
- clearly convey ideas, creative work, and research in an artistic or scholarly manner;
- present information confidently, showing command of oral, digital, written, visual, or artistic expression;
- employ effective presentation and rhetorical strategies tailored to specific audiences; and
- write logically and grammatically.
While these skills are not attached to any specific credit requirement, skill development is incorporated into several aspects of each degree program and is reviewed by the Faculty on a regular basis.
General Program Information
The following terms, definitions, and abbreviations are used throughout the Augustana Faculty section of the Calendar.
- Unit of Course Weight: A unit of course weight indicates the instructional credit assigned to a course. Units of course weight form a part of the degree requirements and are also used to calculate a student’s Grade Point Average (GPA).
- Junior-level Courses: Courses numbered 100-199.
- Senior-level Courses: Courses numbered 200-599.
- Term: The standard University of Alberta instructional periods are from September to December (Fall Term), January to April (Winter Term), May/June (Spring Term), and July/August (Summer Term). Augustana Faculty further divides these periods as follows:
- 3-week courses: Augustana designates three specific instructional periods during the academic year, consisting of approximately three weeks duration, normally in September, January, and May.
- 11-week courses: Augustana designates two specific instructional periods during the academic year, consisting of approximately 11 weeks, extending from late-September to December, and from late-January to April
- Single-term Course: A standard credit course has a course weight of 3 units and normally extends over a single instructional period (3-week or 11-week). Certain courses may present an alternative course weight
- Two-term Course: A two-term course is a course with a course weight of 6 units that normally extends over two or more instructional periods. Certain courses may present an alternative course weight.
- Year Status: Each student who has been admitted to a degree program at Augustana is classified according to year status as follows:
- 0-23 units earned: first-year standing. First-year students are normally not eligible to take courses numbered 200 or higher.
- 24-53 units earned: second-year standing.
- 54-83 units earned: third-year standing.
- 84 units or more earned: fourth-year standing.
- Course load: The normal full course load is 30 units of course weight for the academic year.
- Minimum Passing Grade: The minimum passing grade in University of Alberta undergraduate courses is a D. The minimum final grade for transfer of courses from other postsecondary institutions is C-.
- Overlapping Options:
- A course that fulfills more than one requirement for a major or in a major/ minor combination, or in some form of major/minor/certificate combination;
- A course that fulfills a requirement in both the core and within a specific program.
- Non-Overlapping Options:
- A course that is not allowed to count towards more than one requirement within a major;
- No course may be counted towards more than one core requirement.
- Supporting Course: A course from outside a particular major which generally complements the study of that major; it is a requirement for the completion of the major, but is not used in calculating the major GPA.
- Option: The term “option” where it appears in programs means a course chosen by the student from offerings by the Augustana Faculty if the necessary prerequisites have been met, and which is not a specific program requirement.
- Arts Courses/Options: Courses offered by the Augustana Faculty which are classified as “Arts” courses (see Classification of Courses ) for which the student is eligible and which meet degree requirements.
- Music Courses/Options: Courses offered by the Augustana Faculty which are classified as “AUMUS” courses (see Course Listings ) for which the student is eligible and which meet degree requirements.
- Science Courses/Options: Courses offered by the Augustana Faculty which are classified as “Science” courses (see Classification of Courses ) for which the student is eligible and which meet degree requirements.
- Specialized Professional Courses: Courses offered by the Augustana Faculty which are classified as neither “Arts” nor “Science” courses (see Classification of Courses ) for which the student is eligible and which meet degree requirements.
General Regulations Governing Course Selections
- Junior-level courses (numbered 100-199) should be taken as early as possible. A first-year student is normally not permitted to take senior-level courses (numbered 200 and higher).
- All programs must include at least 72 units at a senior level.
- A limited number of specialized professional courses may be substituted for arts and science courses in a BA or BSc program. The maximum allowed is 18 units.
- The maximum number of specialized professional courses allowed in the BMgt program is 36 units.
- A maximum of 12 units of Physical Education Activity (AUPAC) is allowed.
- Each major or minor must consist of a distinct set of courses. No course may be counted toward more than one such area of study. This restriction does not apply to courses listed in the Calendar as “supporting courses.” If a course is specifically required by two or more of a student’s declared areas of study, the course may be counted toward only one area and a substitute course in each of the other areas must be selected with the approval of the student’s Department Chair.
Augustana Faculty currently offers two certificates to graduating students which acknowledge formally that students have studied particular themes, within one discipline, or across disciplines. Normally the requirements for the certificates can be completed as part of the requirements for the degree; however, in some cases, a student may need to take more than the minimum required for the degree program in order to qualify for both the degree and the certificate. The following certificates are available from Augustana:
Certificate in Community Mental Health: Theory and Practice: available to students with a major in Psychology in the Augustana Faculty BA or BSc program (see Certificate in Community Mental Health: Theory and Practice ).
Certificate in Writing Studies: available to students in any Augustana degree program (see Certificate in Writing Studies ).
Augustana students are also eligible to pursue embedded certificates offered by other Faculties, but which are open to students across the University. These certificates include:
Certificate in Sustainability: offered through the Faculty of Agricultural, Life, and Environmental Sciences (ALES) in conjunction with the Office of Sustainability (see Certificate in Sustainability ).
Certificate in Community Engagement and Service-Learning: offered through the Faculty of Arts (see Certificate in Community Engagement and Service-Learning ).