Mar 10, 2025  
University of Alberta Calendar 2021-2022 
University of Alberta Calendar 2021-2022 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Centre collégial de l’Alberta Regulations

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ERRATA [Mar. 12, 2021] - Additional options for meeting the English Language Proficiency requirements were added. See Addenda and Errata  for more information.


Application for Admission :

Application procedure is explained on the Centre collégial de l’Alberta website.


  1. Deadlines for applications for admission and readmission are posted on the Centre collégial de l’Alberta website at
  2. Please take note that the Application fees are non-refundable.

Admission Requirements

French Language Proficiency : French is the language of instruction in all programs at Centre collégial de l’Alberta. Unless stated otherwise in specific programs, French language proficiency is demonstrated by :

  1. Successful completion of the following Alberta Education curriculum

    1. Français 30-1, 30-2
    2. French Language Arts 30-1, 30-2
    3. French 30 (9 year), 31, OR

2. Successful completion of four years of education in French. Such education can be in a combination of secondary and postsecondary training, OR

3. Graduation from a diploma or degree program offered by an accredited postsecondary institution at which French is the language of instruction.

Further information may be obtained from the Admission office, Centre collégial de l’Alberta.

English Language Proficiency : English Language Proficiency is generally demonstrated by the successful completion of English Language Arts 30-1 or 30-2. Applicants to Centre collégial de l’Alberta need not demonstrate proficiency in English prior to admission being granted into most programs unless stated otherwise in the specific program admission requirements. However, they must demonstrate proficiency in English before they are granted a certificate or diploma or before they are considered for a Letter of Permission to study in another institution to complete their program. Students will be required to demonstrate proficiency in one of the following ways:

  1. Successful completion of courses of English as a second language at the initial advanced proficiency level (CLB Level 9).
  2. TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language): score of 74 iBT
  3. IELTS (International English Language Testing System): an overall score of de 5.5, and a score of no less than 5.0

Requirements for the Technique en administration des affaires (TAA) and Gestion touristique (GTO) diploma programs

  1. Successful completion of one of Français 30-1, 30-2, French Language Arts 30-1, 30- 2, French 30 (9 year), 31
  2. Successful completion of one of English 30-1, 30-2 or proof of English Language Proficiency before being considered for graduation of for a Letter of Permission to study in another institution to complete their program.
  3. Successful completion of one of Mathematics 30-1, 30-2, Pure Math 30, Applied Math 30

Requirements for the Préposé aux soins de santé certificate program

  1. Successful completion of one of Français 20-1, Français 20-2, French Language Arts 20-1 or French Language Arts 20-2, French 30 (9 years).
  2. Minimum of 60 % in English Language Arts 20-2 or equivalent /
    Satisfactory score on an approved English proficiency test administered by Centre Collégial de l’Alberta (For more information, consult the office of Centre collegial de l’Alberta)

Acceptable proof of language proficiency equivalent to 60% in English Language Arts 20-2 or equivalent

English Language Proficiency must be demonstrated before admission is granted. Applicants who do not present 60 % in English Language Arts 20-2 or equivalent must demonstrate proficiency in one of the following ways prior to admission:

  • TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language), score of 71.
  • IELTS (International English Language Testing System), overall score of 6 with no section less than 5.5.
  • CLB (Canadian Language Benchmarks), score of 7.
  • CELPIP General: 7; no section score below 6.

Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR)

PLAR involves assessing and recognizing a person’s knowledge and skills, acquired through work/life experiences, non-formal, and informal learning, in relation to the applicable program or course learning outcomes.

A PLAR assessment may include (but is not limited to) the following:

  • Written challenge exam
  • Oral exam or interview
  • Performance assessment
  • Portfolio assessment
  • Course equivalencies involving evaluation of non-university/collegiate and/or non-credit programs, courses, certificates and designations by accredited universities and colleges.

Note: Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition is not open for international students.

Contact the Centre Collegial de l’Alberta for further information

Mature Applicants

Applicants 21 years and older who do not present the minimum requirements may be considered for admission as a mature student. Candidates will be considered on a case by case basis. Their prior learning and work experience will be analyzed. Contact the Centre collégial de l’Alberta Admissions office for more information,

Language Test 

Compulsory French Language Test for all students: All students will be required to register for and write a French Language Placement Test. This test determines the level of competency in the French Language and determines the placement in the Français courses available.

Compulsory Test for Students Admitted without English 30 or Equivalent: Students admitted without English 30 or equivalent will be required to register and write an English language placement test. This test determines the level of competency in the English language and determines the placement in the English courses available.

Note: Compulsory Test for Students Admitted Without English 30 or Equivalent does not apply to students registered in the Préposé aux soins de santé certificate program.


Students registered in the Technique d’administration des affaires or Gestion touristique diploma programs must complete at least ★30 at the Centre collégial de l’Alberta to be eligible for graduation from the University of Alberta. Students registered in the Préposé aux soins de santé certificate program must complete at least ★15 credits at the Centre collégial de l’Alberta to be eligible for graduation from the University of Alberta.

Letter of permission

Students may be allowed to take courses at another institution to obtain credits for a program at Centre collégial de l’Alberta. Before registering in another institution, a letter of permission must first be obtained from the Centre collégial de l’Alberta’s Admission Office. A letter of permission will only be granted to students who have a satisfactory academic standing and who have successfully met all the requirements of the program.

Academic Standing and Graduation

Academic Standing

At the end of each term (Fall or Winter) and according to the grade point average (GPA) of that semester, students are placed in one of the three following categories: Note: a minimum grade point average of 2.0 is required to obtain a certificate or diploma.

  • Satisfactory standing: Students who maintain a GPA of 2.0 or greater may continue their studies at Centre collégial de l’Alberta.
  • Marginal standing: Students who receive a GPA of 1.7 to 1.9 inclusive will be placed on academic probation and warned that if they have not met the requirements of the probation, they must withdraw from the program.
  • Unsatisfactory standing: Students who receive a GPA of 1.6 or less will be required to withdraw from the program. Such students may apply for readmission, although normally at least one year must elapse before readmission will be granted (on a probationary basis).

Students are expected to maintain satisfactory performance and achievement levels in all elements of their program.

Academic Probation

Students who are authorized to continue their studies on probation for academic reasons or who are readmitted after being required to withdraw for the program must demonstrate the ability to meet promotion standards and will be bound by the following requirements:

  • Register as a full-time student during the session (Fall or Winter) and complete at least ★9 with a minimum GPA of 2.0.
  • No failing grades are permitted.


A minimum grade point average of 2.0 is required to obtain a credential.

Honor’s mention:

Honor’s notations are granted in the following manner:

  • Students who complete their academic year with a GPA of 3.5 in a minimum of ★24 during Fall/Winter shall be awarded ‘First-Class’ standing.
  • Students who complete their academic year with a GPA of 3.7 in a minimum of ★24 during Fall/Winter shall be commended to the Dean’s list.

Application for Graduation:

During the final term of their final year, all students must apply for graduation on Bear Tracks ( by September 1 for Fall Convocation or by February 1 for Spring Convocation.

Students who have studied in another institution with a Letter of permission must speak with someone from the Centre collégial de l’Alberta’s Admission Office before applying for graduation. They must provide the Admission Office with an Official Transcript of the courses taken and the marks obtained before being considered for graduation.

Appeals and Grievances

The Centre collégial de l’Alberta has established two committees through which disagreements between students and staff can be resolved: The CCA Grade Review Committee for grade grievances, and the CCA Appeals Committee for other academic matters. Students may obtain the policies and procedures of the two committees from the Admissions Office.

Informal Procedures

The CCA Grade Review Committee and the CCA Appeals Committee will undertake no formal action until it has the assurance that students have already used all normal means at their disposal to resolve the problem informally, such as:

  • In the case of a grade grievance or a problem with an instructor, the student will first try to resolve the problem with the individual concerned.
  • If unsatisfied with the outcome of this first step, or if the issue does not fall within the instructor’s competence, the student will then refer the problem to the Centre collégial de l’Alberta’s Director. If the issue is still not resolved to the student’s satisfaction, the latter may then refer to the Associate Dean (Academic).
  • If the student is still unsatisfied with the results of the above mentioned proceedings, the latter will be notified by the Associate Dean (Academic) of their right to make a formal request or appeal.

Formal Procedures

Students who are still unsatisfied, after completing the informal procedures, may submit a formal request to the CCA Grade Review Committee, in the case of a grade grievance, or a formal appeal to the CCA Appeals Committee, in the case of a problem of an academic nature.

The decision of the CCA Grade Review Committee is final. If the decision of the CCA Appeals Committee is not satisfactory, students may appeal to the GFC Academic Appeals Committee. (See Appeals and Grievances)

Academic Advising

Centre collégial de l’Alberta staff provides academic advising to assist students in program planning. All new students must have an individual interview with a member of the staff at the beginning of their first term. Students who need accommodations must refer to Student Accessibility Services ( It is the student’s responsibility to be acquainted with all rules, regulations and requirements related to their particular program. Any exceptions to the requirements must be approved in writing by the Associate Dean (Academic).