Feb 18, 2025  
University of Alberta Calendar 2021-2022 
University of Alberta Calendar 2021-2022 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Faculty of Nursing - Members of the Faculty

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Teaching and Scholarship

The Faculty of Nursing offers students the opportunity to study with award-winning professors such as the following:

Officer of the Order of Canada

S Stinson, PhD (2002)

Member of the Order of Canada

C Estabrooks, PhD (2016)

Episteme Award

J Morse, PhD (1997/98)

Distinguished University Professor

O Yonge, PhD (2016)

Killam Annual Professorship

PA Field, PhD (1992)
J Lander, PhD (1997)
K Moore, PhD (2004)
JC Ross-Kerr, PhD (1994)

McCalla Research Professorship

M Allen, PhD (2001/2002)
V Bergum, PhD (1997/98)
B Cameron (2010/2011)
S Dahlke, PhD (2019)
T Davis, PhD (2000/2001)
J Drummond, PhD (2003/2004)
R Elliott, PhD (1996/97)
PA Field, PhD (1984/85)
L Jensen, PhD (2004/05)
J Lander, PhD (1992/93)
A Neufeld, PhD (1998/99)
B O’Brien, PhD (2002/2003)
L Ogilvie, PhD (2005/2006)
L Reutter, PhD (2003/2004)
JC Ross-Kerr, PhD (1990/91)

Rutherford Teaching Award

J Boman, PhD (1985/86)
B Cameron, PhD (2000/2001)
T Davis, PhD (1988/89)
PA Field, PhD (1983/84)
O Yonge, PhD (1992/93)

3M Teaching Fellowship

J Boman (1999)
B Cameron, PhD (2004)
O Yonge (1993)

Centennial Professor

G Cummings (2013)​

Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada 

M Stewart (2008)​

Fellow, American Academy of Nursing

G Cummings (​2014)
J Olson (2013)
C Estabrooks (2011)

Canadian Academy of Health Sciences

A Clark (2014)
G Cummings (2011)
A Molzahn (2009)
M Stewart

University of Alberta Award for Excellence in Graduate Teaching

D Kunyk (2019)
L Ogilvie (2012)

Vargo Chair

O Yonge (2012)​​

Royal Society of Canada College of New Scholars, Artists and Scientists

​S Scott (2015)

CASN Pat Griffin Nursing Education Research Scholar Award

O Yonge (2016)
J Profetto-McGrath (2013)
F Myrick (2011)

CASN Ethel Johns Award

A Molzahn (2007)
PA Field (2003)
S Stinson (2000)
M Wood (1999)

CASN Excellence in Nursing Research Award

S Scott (2019)

Canadian Association of Nurses in Oncology (CANO) Pfizer Award for Excellence in Nursing Research

E Pituskin (2019)

AARN/CARNA Award of Nursing Excellence In Research

B Oladuni Salami (2019)
S Scott (2014)
W Duggleby (2013)
W Austin (2009)
G Cummings (2008)
P Marck (2007)
KN Moore (2005)
L Skillen (2003) 
A Neufeld (2002)
J Ross-Kerr (2000) 

CARNA Award of Nursing Excellence in Nursing Education

P Castelein (2010)
M Allen (2008)
F Myrick (2006)
J Boman (2001)
C Sloboda (2000)

CARNA Lifetime Achievement Award 

J Profetto-McGrath (2017)
M Allen (2010)
R Day (2006) 
J Ross-Kerr (2005) 
P Giovanetti (2004)

CARNA Centennial Awards (Education)

M Kleib, PhD (2016)
A Molzahn, PhD (2016)
P Paul, PhD (2016)
O Yonge, PhD (2016)

CARNA Centennial Awards (Research)

O’Brien, Professor Emerita (2016)
S Scott, PhD (2016)
J Spiers, PhD (2016)

Canadian Association of Gerontology (CAG) New Investigator Award

H O’Rourke (2019)

CAG Recognition Award for Excellence in Longitudinal Research: In Honour of Betty Havens

M Hoben (2019)

Canadian Association of Nursing Research (CANR) Nurse Research Award 

S Scott (2016)
W Duggleby (2012)

CANR Nurse Practitioner Research Award 

K Hunter (2014)

CNA Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal

​W Duggleby (2012)

CANR Outstanding New Investigator Award

D Kingston (2014)

CNA Centennial Award

L Douglass
P Giovanetti
C Ross
J Profetto-McGrath
M Stewart

CNA Order of Merit - Research

G Cummings (2010)

National Hartford Center of Gerontological Nursing Excellence (NHCGNE) Distinguished Educator in Gerontological Nursing

S Dahlke (2019)

Canadian Society of Nephrology (CSN) Amgen New Investigator Lectureship Award

K Schick-Makaroff (2019)

Members of the Faculty


M Allen, PhD
W Austin, PhD
V Bergum, PhD
MA Beswetherick, MSc(A)
PJ Brink, PhD
B Cameron, PhD
T Davis, PhD
R Day, PhD
KA Dier, MSc(A)
J Drummond, PhD
MR Elliott, PhD
PA Field, PhD
ID Forrest, PhD
P Giovannetti, PhD
G Gray, MSc(N)
M Harrison, PhD
K Hegadoren, PhD
J Hibberd, PhD

K Kushner, PhD
L Jensen, PhD
J Profetto-McGrath, PhD
J Mill, PhD
K Moore, PhD
J Morse, PhD
F Myrick, PhD
A Neufeld, PhD
BAC O’Brien, DNS
L Ogilvie, PhD
AM Pagliaro, MSN
L Reutter, PhD
JC Ross-Kerr, PhD
L Skillen, PhD
M Stewart, PhD
SM Stinson, EdD, LLD, OC, AOE
V Strang, PhD
B Williams, PhD
MJ Wood, DrPH


Professor and Dean

G Cummings, PhD

Professors and Vice-Deans

M Haykowsky, PhD
D Kunyk, PhD
D Tapp, PhD
O Yonge, PhD

Assistant Professor and Associate Dean

C Raymond, PhD


V Caine, PhD
A Clark, PhD
C Estabrooks, PhD
K Hunter, PhD
A Molzahn, PhD
C Norris, PhD
J Olson, PhD
K Olson, PhD
P Paul, PhD
S Richter, PhD
S Scott, PhD
D Wilson, PhD

Associate Professors

C Ceci, PhD
S Dahlke, PhD
G Low, PhD
E Papathansoglou, PhD
E Pituskin, PhD
B Salami, PhD
A Santos Salas, PhD
D Sellman, PhD
S Slaughter, PhD
S Stahlke, PhD
J Spiers, PhD

Assistant Professors

M Jackson, PhD
M Kleib, PhD
C Lamb, PhD
S MacDonald, PhD
S Meherali, PhD
H O’Rourke, PhD
S Palfreyman, PhD
O Petrovskaya, PhD
C Raymond, PhD
K Schick-Makaroff, PhD
S Sommerfeldt, PhD

Clinical Assistant Professor

D Jackman, PhD

Faculty Service Officer

T Stephen, PhD

Teaching Professors
L Anderson, MN
E Aubin, MScN
N Barnes, MN
M Bazin, MN
S Carless, MN
VJ Gibbins, MSc
L Goin, MN
A Gooley, MSc
J Henson, MN
L Hodge, MN
L Kasa, MN
I Kelly, MHA
A Khin, MB
K King, MPH
D Kocuper, MN
S Laskiwski, MN
H Lee, MN
L Lo, MN, NP
R Low, MEd
DS MacLennan, MN, NP
K Martin, MN
M Meardi, MScHP
S Neufeld, PhD
D Pasieka, MN
K Peterson, MN
L Pollard, MN
I  Popowich, MEd
K Rusk, MN
H Schaefer, MN
AD Schroeder, PhD
G Sullivan, MN
K Sylte, MN
C Tellier, MN
C Wolfe, MN
Assistant Lecturers

L Ballash, BScN
K Benron, BScN
R Chalus, BScN
J Downing, BScN, MSc
J Dzudzelija, BScN
PJ Eatock, RN BA(HA)
B Fyshe, BScN
N Harley, BScN
D Hodge, BScN
S Hoeppner, BScN
J Jamison, BScN
T-M Klauwers, BScN
A Louette, BScN
K Lynn, BScN
B MacIntyre, BScN

D McCaskill, MN
D McIlwraith, MN
J Michaels, BScN
K Mizera, BScN
S Murad, MN
J Olson-Glover, BScN
M Picotte, BScN
L Rinn, BScN
C Rogers, MN
K Shamblaw, BScN
T Stangeland, MN
J Watson, BScN
W Yoon, BScN
K Zelyck, BScN, MA



V Borromeo, Director, Finance
L Candy, Director Teaching and Learning Office
B Thomas, Assistant Dean, Advancement
S Lynch, Assistant Dean, Administration
C Dickau, Student Advisor
L Youell, Director, Undergraduate Services

Additional Members of the Faculty Council

President and Vice-Chancellor

B Flanagan


E Kim, PhD (Rehabilitation Medicine)
M de Montigny, PhD (Campus Saint-Jean)
P Pente, PhD (Education)
E Halpenny, PhD (Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation)
C Sadowski, PharmD (Pharmacy)


S Vanderzee (Alberta Health Services)
L Schneider (Advanced Education)
M Mauro (College and Association of Registered Nurses of Alberta)

Adjunct Faculty

D Allen, PhD
P Aniteye, PhD
L Aziato, PhD
S Barton, PhD
AM Bostrom, PhD
C Covell, PhD
L Cranley, PhD
P de Vos, PhD
H Goldblatt, PhD
K Jarvis, PhD
D Kingston, PhD
J Knopp-Sihota, PhD
H Kohlen, PhD

J Meijers, PhD
F Nabb, PhD
T O’Rourke, PhD
B Parke, PhD
J Peacock, PhD
C Pooler, PhD
S Young, PhD

Clinical Associate Faculty

R Aceron, MN, NP
G Bond, MN, CNS
D Honan,MSN
C Langlois-Klassen, MSc, BLL
L LaPierre, MN, NP
L Meakins, MN, NP
K Reid, MN, NP
T Ruston, MN, CON
K Scherr, MN, NP
S Southon, MN, NP
T Tanguay, NP, CNCC
L Tapper, NP
S Van Hecke, MN, NP
N Wittmeier, MN, NP
S Young, MScN, CHPCN
Program Chairs of Collaborative Colleges

V Sheane, Grande Prairie Regional College
A Starkes, Keyano College
S Malo, Red Deer College