Mar 03, 2025  
University of Alberta Calendar 2018-2019 
University of Alberta Calendar 2018-2019 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

The Professors

Return to: Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation  

Members of the Faculty

Officers of the Faculty


K Mummery, PhD

Vice Dean

J Spence, PhD

Associate Dean, Research

N Holt, PhD

Associate Dean, Graduate Studies

N Boule, PhD

Associate Dean, Undergraduate Programs

J Causgrove Dunn, PhD

Administrative Officers

B Esslinger

Academic Staff


T Berry, PhD
N Boule, PhD
J Causgrove Dunn, PhD
D Collins, PhD
KS Courneya, PhD
J Dunn, PhD
K Fox, PhD
D Goodwin, PhD
N Holt, PhD
B Maraj, PhD
D Mason, PhD
PH Markula, PhD
K Mummery, PhD
SR Petersen, PhD
W Rodgers, PhD
J Spence, PhD
G Walker, PhD

Associate Professors

T Berry, PhD
V Carson, PhD
J Causgrove Dunn, PhD
D Collins, PhD
L Chiu, PhD
J Davidson, PhD
D DeLorey, PhD
J Denison, PhD
E Halpenny, PhD
H Harshaw, PhD
K Jones, PhD
M Kennedy, PhD
L McDermott, PhD
T McHugh, PhD
T Putman, PhD
P Reichwein, PhD
Z Robinson, PhD
J Scherer, PhD
N Spencer-Cavaliere, PhD

Assistant Professors

C Chapman, PhD
M Davenport, PhD
A Mosewich, PhD
C Steinback, PhD
B Soebbing, PhD

Faculty Lecturers

J Auger, PhD
A Bayduza, PhD
C Cameron, PhD
T Bliss, MA
S Ryan, PhD



I Reade, PhD

Associate Directors of Athletics

V Ioannides, BA, BEd
K Spriggs, MBA

Head Athletic Therapist

J Matthews White, PhD

Head Coaches

B Craddock, BSc
T Danyluk, BPE
O Dawkins, BEd
H Draper, MA
S Edwards, BEd
LC Eisler, MA
L Jepsen, BEd
R Krepps, BPE
W Moerman, BSc
C Morris, BEd
M Parrish, BA
R Sluchinksi, BPE
R Stewart, BPE
L Vickery, MSc

Sport Development

Associate Director, Sport Development/Head Coach Curling

R Krepps, BPE

Head Coach, Sport Conditioning

M Cook, MSc

Head Coach, Mental Skills

K Sapieja, MA

Planning & Logistics Coordinator

B Gallaher, BARLS

Coach Pathway Coordinator

M Parrish, BSc


M Gutsch

Campus & Community Recreation 


C Harwardt, MBA

Projects Lead 

D Budynski

Arena Supervisor

M Wood

Promotions/Events Coordinator

R Mullen

Client Engagement 

Facility Allocation/Events Coordinator

B Gratrix, MBA

Facility Services Supervisor 

H Kura

Customer Service Centre Supervisor

A Leblanc, BScKin

CLASS Facility Software Administrator

T Dieno, BA


Associate Director, Programming

G Garcia, MA

Program Coordinator, Instructional Recreation and Dance

N Marsall, MSc

Program Coordinator, Intramural Sports

M Edmonds, BSc

Program Coordinator, LiveWell

M Ragush, BSc

Program Coordinator, Club Sports

E Sokolowski, BPE

Aquatics Supervisor

B Bowers

Climbing Centre Supervisor

L King

South Campus

Associate Director, South Campus

G Lembke, BPE

Manager, Tennis

R Sluchinski, BPE

Manager, Foote Field

R Stewart, BA

Manager, Saville Community Sports Centre, West


Saville Community Sports Centre – Operations/Maintenance Supervisor

B Bouguignon

Administration Supervisor

L Ennik, BARLS

Program Coordinator, Group Exercise

N Preston, BSc

Fitness & Lifestyle Centres Supervisor

K Johner, BPE

Bookings/Events Coordinator

S Stewart, BKin

Athlete Pathway Coordinator


Foote Field and South Campus Events Supervisor

M McKee, BPE/BEd

Curling Supervisor

C Tully

Development and Alumni Relations


E Upton, BPE, BEd

Professors Emeriti
AF Affleck, BPHE, BEd, MS
RB Alderman, BPE, MPE, EdD
G Bell, PhD
JL Boorman, MA, PhD
M Bouffard, PhD
TL Burton, BSc, PhD
CJ Drake, BPE, BEd, MSc
M Ellis, Dip, Teach Cert, MA, PhD
P Gervais, BPE, BA, MHK, PhD
RG Glassford, BPE, MA, PhD
MA Hall, BA, BPHE, MA, PhD
VJ Harber, PhD
DJ Harris, BA
RBJ Macnab, BS, MA, PhD
HJ McLachlin, BSc, MSc, PhD
S Mendryk, BEd, MS, PhD
EB Mitchelson, BA, BPE, MA, PhD
G Redmond, MS, PhD
HA Scott, BS, MPE, PhD
M Singh, BA, MA, Dip in PhysEd, BEd, Dr of Phys Ed
GJ Smith, BPE, MA, PhD
MFR Smith, BEd, PhD
RD Steadward, BPE, MSc, PhD, OC, LLD (Hons)
J Vallentyne, MA
LM Wankel, BA(PE), BEd, MA, PhD
RB Wilberg, BEd, MS, PhD
ED Zemrau, BSc

Additional Members of Faculty Council

President and Vice-Chancellor

DH Turbin, CM, LLD, FRSC


F Colbourne, PhD (Faculty of Science)
D Gleddie, PhD (Faculty of Education)
M Stickland, PhD (Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry)
G Forth, (Faculty of Arts)

Vice-Provost & University Registrar

LM Collins

Adjunct Professors

P Gervais, PhD
M Stickland, PhD