Mar 14, 2025  
University of Alberta Calendar 2025-2026 
University of Alberta Calendar 2025-2026

Social Sciences Route (120 units)

Year 2 (30 units)

  • ART or DES (300-level) (3 units)
  • Arts or Science Options (100 or 200-level) (3 units)
  • Social Science Options (100 or 200-level) (6 units) (See Note)

6 units in Design Foundations

Students must choose one of the following categories.

6 units from

Students must choose one of the following categories.

Year 3 (30 units)

  • HADVC (200-level) (3 units)
  • Arts or Science Options (100 or 200-level) (6 units)
  • DES (400-level) (6 units)
  • Social Science Options (200 or 300-level) (6 units) (See Note)

Year 4 (30 units)

  • ART or DES (300-, 400-, or 500-level) (6 units)
  • Arts or Science Options or non-Arts/Science Options (200- or 300-level) or HADVC 400-level (6 units)
  • DES (500-level) (6 units)
  • Social Science Options (300 or 400-level) (6 units) (See Note)

6 units in Advanced Design

Students must choose one of the following categories.


Social Science Option courses must be chosen from the following disciplines:
Anthropology (ANTHR)
Community Service-Learning (CSL)
Economics (ECON)
History (HIST)
Human Geography (HGEO)
Interdisciplinary Undergraduate (INT D) - subject to approval by the advisor
Linguistics (LING)
Middle Eastern and African Studies (MEAS)
Planning (PLAN)
Political Science (POL S)
Psychology (PSYCH- only those courses designated as Arts courses)
Science, Technology and Society (STS)
Sociology (SOC)
Women’s and Gender Studies (WGS)