Mar 14, 2025
University of Alberta Calendar 2025-2026
Certificate in Ethics
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The Certificate in Ethics is a Faculty of Arts certificate that aims to develop future ethical leaders in the humanities, business, science and the professions. The Certificate program will provide students with an understanding of central ethical theories and with core competencies in the application of this theoretical knowledge to emerging ethical issues. Students who complete the program may choose to utilize the learning outcomes in a professional career outside the academy or to continue with a career in the academic setting.
The Certificate is offered by the Faculty of Arts, but is open to undergraduate students in all Faculties at the University of Alberta. Students wishing to pursue the Certificate in Ethics must apply through the Undergraduate Student Services in the Faculty of Arts by the application Deadline for Graduation (see Academic Schedule ).
Certificate Requirements
Students must complete all program requirements for any undergraduate degree at the University of Alberta, including: 15 units in additional required courses from the list of approved courses
- Variable content courses may be repeated for credit if topics vary.
- PHIL 486 /PHIL 487 and PHIL 498 may only be applied when topic is appropriate and approved by the Associate Chair, Undergraduate Studies.
- Other PHIL or AUPHIL courses may be applied when appropriate and approved by the Associate Chair, Undergraduate Studies.
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