General Information
The two programs at Faculté Saint-Jean prepare teachers to work in francophone schools and in French immersion programs. Students having successfully completed their studies will obtain a BEd and will be recommended for the Interim Professional Certificate.
- The 4-year program to students meeting admission requirements normally after completion of first-year university studies. The program consists of 120 units. Credits from the first year of university are included in the 120 units.
- The 2-year program (BED/AD) to holders of approved undergraduate degrees (BA, BSc or other). The program consists of 66 units.
Campus Saint- Jean also offers the BEd and the BEd/AD at the following satellite campuses:
- Calgary
- Grande-Prairie
- Red Deer
- First and second years (BEd, BEd/AD): courses taken at the satellite campuses
- Third and fourth years (BEd): courses taken at Campus Saint-Jean.
For more information, see Campus Saint-Jean website.
Teaching Certificate: Beginning September 15, 1990 all persons applying for certification as a teacher in Alberta will be subject to the following restriction on eligibility:
Except where the Minister of Education decides otherwise, the Registrar for Alberta Education shall not issue a teaching certificate to:
- a person who has been convicted of an indictable offence under the Criminal Code; or
- a person whom the Registrar has reason to believe should not be issued a certificate.
Applications for a teaching certificate shall be directed to the Registrar. As part of the application process, applicants will be asked whether they possess a criminal conviction. If the response is yes, the nature of the conviction and when and where they were convicted must be detailed.
The Registrar shall refuse to issue a teaching certificate to any applicant possessing an indictable criminal conviction. The Registrar may refuse to issue a teaching certificate to an applicant possessing a criminal conviction of a nature deemed unsuitable for teaching children or for any other reason. Applicants may appeal the decision of the Registrar to a Certification Appeal Committee established by the Minister. Appeals must be made in writing within 30 days of being advised of the Registrar’s decision to not issue a certificate.
For additional information please contact Alberta Education Professional Development and Certification Branch at (780) 427-2045.
Field Experiences
Practicum Goals
The teaching practicum is a program element which takes place in the real-life context of a Francophone or French immersion classroom to allow the student to continue acquiring the 12 professional competencies that the program aims to develop. These 12 competencies are aligned with the Teaching Quality Standard.
Practicum Structure
The field experiences comprise three compulsory parts.
The first part consists of the course EDU S 201 , which includes six half-days in the classroom, usually with other FSJ students. This practicum is used to familiarize the student with inclusive Francophone and French immersion classrooms. It also includes a series of seminars at the Faculté Saint-Jean.
The second and third parts, “EDU S 420 , EDU S 421 ” (Elementary) and “EDU S 470 , EDU S 471 ” (Secondary) consist of 16 weeks of practical experience in a school environment
Practicum Locations
For the most part, student teachers are placed in the province of Alberta. A student may ask for a practicum elsewhere in Western Canada, but it must be noted that: 1) this type of placement is at the discretion of the Practicum Office and there is no guarantee that the student can be placed in another province, and 2) in almost all cases, out-of-province placements are only possible for students in their final practicum (EDU S 421 or EDU S 471 ).
Students registered in EDU S 420 , EDU S 421 , EDU S 470 and EDU S 471 may be required to complete their practicum outside of Edmonton.
A field placement in the Edmonton metropolitan area may require travel up to a maximum of 75 kilometers from the Faculté Saint-Jean.
Practicum Rules
- Student teachers work within the instructions and rules set out in the practicum guide.
- To promote the respect of the principles of Equity, Diversity and Inclusivity, organizing practicums will be done by the Field Experience Office. Students may not initiate contact in school environments for the purpose of organizing their own practicum.
- Students who wish to drop a Field Experience course (see Note 1) may do so without restriction only until the Campus Saint-Jean add/drop deadline. However, given the unique nature of the Field Experience courses and the complexity of the placement process, students are required to contact the Director of the Field Experience Office prior to dropping the course.
- Students who wish to withdraw from a Field Experience course (see Note 1) after the Campus Saint-Jean add/drop deadline will normally receive a Withdrawal (‘W’). Before withdrawing, students are required to contact the Director of the Field Experience Office (see Note 2).
- A student who has been assigned a grade of “W” or “NC” in a Field Experience course (see Note 1) is entitled to a second registration in this course subject to (6) and (7).
- Students are allowed only one “W” or “NC” in the sequence of their Field Experience courses (see Note 1). A student who receives a “W” or “NC” in a second Field Experience course is required to withdraw from the Education program at Faculté Saint-Jean.
- Students who receive a “W” or “NC” in EDU S 420 , EDU S 421 , EDU S 470 , EDU S 471 must have the approval of the Associate Dean of Education to reregister for that course.
- Students on probation for academic reasons may not register in EDU S 420 , EDU S 421 , EDU S 470 , EDU S 471 .
Note 1: Field Experience Courses include: EDU S 101 , EDU S 201 , EDU S 420 , EDU S 421 , EDU S 470 , EDU S 471
Note 2: When serious and exceptional factors outside a student’s control have adversely affected their performance in the practicum, the Director may decide not to assign the mark of “W”. In these cases, students may be asked to provide supporting documentation.
Practicums and Linguistic Evaluation
Achievement of the required level on the DELF or an equivalent test (see Acceptable Proof of Linguistic Competence Equivalent to the DELF “Strong B2” Level) is a condition of admission to the B.Ed. program after earning a first degree (B.Ed./A.D.) and a condition of admission to practicums in the other Education programs (see Linguistic Evaluation).