General Information
The Bachelor of Arts (Native Studies) / Bachelor of Education in Secondary Education Combined Degrees program consists of 150 units overall. The first three years (90 units) are taken in the Faculty of Native Studies and the last two years (60 units) are taken in the Faculty of Education. Students in this Combined Degrees program may choose a Cree Major or a Native Studies Major.
Native Studies Major students select a Teachable Major from the following Education Majors: Art, Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Drama, English Language Arts, General Sciences, Mathematics, Music (Wind Band), Physical Education, Physical Science, Physics, Second Language French or Social Studies.
Cree Major students select a Teachable Minor from the following Education Minors: Art, Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Drama, English Language Arts, General Sciences, Mathematics, Music (Wind Band), Physical Education, Physical Science, Physics, Second Language French or Social Studies.
Students are advised to refer to Education Chart 1 on the Bachelor of Education in Secondary Education page when selecting courses for their Education Major Teaching Subject, or Education Chart 2 for their Education Minor Teaching Subject.
The sequencing of courses taken in the program does not allow for much flexibility throughout the five years; therefore, students should plan their programs carefully. Students are advised to follow the prescribed order as closely as possible.
Graduation Requirements
Graduation requirements include an overall grade point average of 2.0 on all courses completed in the 150-unit program, and a GPA of 2.1 on all courses completed in the Native Studies major. 100-level courses: For the purpose of the combined degrees program normally no more than 60 units at the 100-level may be taken for degree credit. To qualify for the Bachelor of Native Studies and the Bachelor of Education degrees, students must successfully complete relevant program requirements, have met the promotion, graduation, final year, and residence requirements, and have received the recommendation of the Faculty of Native Studies Council and the Faculty of Education.
Degrees with Distinction shall be awarded to students who achieve a graduation grade point average of 3.5 or higher on the last 90 units taken at the University of Alberta. In cases where a student has taken courses at another institution as part of these 90 units, the Degree with Distinction will be awarded at the discretion of the Faculty. Student Advising: Students will be jointly advised regarding program and course requirements by designated advisors in both the Faculty of Native Studies and the Faculty of Education.