Mar 14, 2025  
University of Alberta Calendar 2025-2026 
University of Alberta Calendar 2025-2026

Career and Technology Studies

Career and Technology Studies (CTS) is an Alberta Education program consisting of numerous one credit courses within five clusters:

  1. Business, Administration, Finance, and IT (BIT);
  2. Health, Recreation, and Human Sciences (HRH);
  3. Media, Design, and Communication Arts (MDC);
  4. Natural Resources (NAT); and
  5. Trades, Manufacturing, and Transportation (TMT).

Each cluster is a pathway. Specialized and credentialed pathways are available to Alberta’s senior high students.

In the CTS curriculum area, there are 10 majors and 1 minor. Students cannot enrol in both a major and a minor in CTS.

The 10 majors are:

  1. CTS: Business, Administration, Finance (BIT)
  2. CTS: Computing Science (BIT)
  3. CTS: Health (HRH)
  4. CTS: Recreation (HRH)
  5. CTS: Human Sciences (HRH)
    Note: Previously known as Human Ecology: Community Health, Fashion Studies and Foods
  6. CTS: Media (MDC)
  7. CTS: Design (MDC)
  8. CTS: Communication Arts (MDC)
  9. CTS: Natural Resources (NAT)
  10. CTS: Trades, Manufacturing and Transportation (TMT)

CTS Majors (36 units)

See Education Chart 1 : CTS Major programs for course requirements.

Students must take EDSE 317  during the IPT*, which is normally offered in the Fall Term only.

Students must take EDSE 417  during the APT**, which is normally offered in the Winter Term only.


For students granted up to 30 units of advanced standing (e.g., provincial and federal journey certification or two-year diploma) refer to Education Chart 1  Requirements for Major Teaching Subject in the Secondary Education Route for required courses. Contact Education Student Services for more information.

CTS Minors (18 units)

See Education Chart 2 : CTS Minor programs for course requirements.

Students must take EDSE 318 . It is normally offered in the Fall Term only.

CTS BEd After Degree

See § of the University of Alberta Calendar

Education Chart 2 Requirements for Minor Teaching Subject in the Secondary Education Route

Suspended Minors

Effective September 2025, there will be no further admission to the following minors:

  • Career and Technology Studies: Business, Administration, Finance (BIT)
  • Career and Technology Studies: Communication Arts (MDC)
  • Career and Technology Studies: Computing Science (BIT) 
  • Career and Technology Studies: Design (MDC) 
  • Career and Technology Studies: Health (HRH) 
  • Career and Technology Studies: Human Sciences (HRH) 
  • Career and Technology Studies: Media (MDC) 
  • Career and Technology Studies: Natural Resources (NAT) 
  • Career and Technology Studies: Recreation (HRH) 
  • Career and Technology Studies: Trades, Manufacturing, and Transportation (TMT)

Students who entered these prior to September 2025 must complete all program requirements by September 1, 2030. The last degree with these specific minors will be granted at Fall Convocation 2030. Continuing students must refer to the Calendar under which they were admitted for program, promotion and graduation requirements.