General Information
The Department of Occupational Therapy offers a program leading to a Master of Science degree in Occupational Therapy (MScOT). The MScOT program is designed to address practice and theoretical issues within a broad range of settings. Upon completion of their degree, students will be able to evaluate programs, participate in research, and critically appraise current assessment and intervention options.
The MScOT program is currently offered at three campus locations: Edmonton, Augustana (Camrose), and Calgary. Of the students admitted to the program, a portion are admitted to our Edmonton, Augustana, and Calgary campuses based on student preference. With MScOT’s distributed education model, students at all campuses complete the same core program of required courses. Each campus may offer unique elective opportunities reflective of local expertise and community partnerships in addition to the online electives available to all.
An MScOT postprofessional stream for occupational therapists with a bachelor’s entry level degree in occupational therapy provides clinicians with the research and leadership skills to enhance their abilities in various settings. An MScOT entry-level stream for students who hold an undergraduate degree in a variety of fields other than occupational therapy provides the academic and fieldwork education required for certification by provincial and national professional associations.
An Interprovincial Agreement between the Province of Alberta and the Province of Saskatchewan exists for the Department of Occupational Therapy. Contact the Department for further information.
Entrance Requirements
The Department’s minimum admission requirements are a four-year baccalaureate degree with an admission GPA of at least 3.0 on the 4-point scale from the University of Alberta, or an equivalent qualification and standing from a recognized institution. The admission GPA will be calculated on the last 60 units of graded coursework completed, or on the equivalent of the last two years of full-time graded coursework.
The selection process is competitive and will be based on the GPA in the most recent 60 units taken prior to January of the admission year. Applicants are initially rank ordered according to their admission GPA. Applicants with the same GPA who have completed 30 units over two consecutive terms will be ranked above those who have taken fewer than 30 units. Preference will be given to residents of Alberta; approximately 15% of the available seats will be offered to out-of-province and international applicants. Seats will continue to be reserved for Saskatchewan residents under the interprovincial agreement with the Province of Saskatchewan, and will not be part of the 15% for non-Alberta residents.
Activity courses in Physical Education, studio/performance courses in Fine Arts, practicum courses, pass/fail courses and seminar/research/thesis/ individual studies courses are not considered part of the required 60 units of admission requirements and are not included in the calculation of the admission GPA.
With the exception of prerequisite courses, courses completed extra to degree must be undergraduate senior level (typically 300- and 400-level) to be included in the admission GPA calculation.
One Statistics course (3 units), one human anatomy course (3 units), and one Canadian Indigenous History course, all completed within the last ten years.
The Canadian Indigenous History requirement may be fulfilled through the certificate version of the University of Alberta Indigenous Canada Massive Open Online Course (MOOC), or an academic equivalent (3 units).
Where applicable, applicants must provide proof of English Language Proficiency (refer to English Language Requirement ). Any one of the following is acceptable:
- a minimum TOEFL score of 100 with a score of at least 25 on each of the individual skill areas (Internet-based), or equivalent; or
- a minimum Academic IELTS overall score of 7.5, with at least 7.0 on each band.
All applicants are also required to submit the following:
- a curriculum vitae in a pre-set format (available for download with the Online Application for Graduate Admission),
- a description/evidence of suitability for this program and profession.
In addition, applicants are required to complete an online situational judgement test as part of the application package.
The deadline for receipt of applications for the entry-level stream is January 31 at 11:59pm MST for September admission.
All components of the application package will be considered in the admission decision. Outstanding applicants will be recommended for early acceptance. The remaining applicants will be advised of their status by June 30 of the admission year.
Academic Standing Requirement
Students are required to pass all courses and to maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0 throughout the course of the program.
The first failure of an MScOT academic or fieldwork course, or failure to maintain the required cumulative GPA may result in a recommendation by the Graduate Coordinator to GPS that the student be placed on academic probation or required to withdraw.