Science Internship Program
The Science Internship Program (SIP) offers the Faculty of Agricultural Life and Environmental Sciences (ALES) undergraduate students work experience opportunities in addition to their academic courses.
To be eligible to register in this program, a student must:
● Have successfully completed a minimum number of units prior to the start of the internship.
● Have at least 9 units remaining at the end of their internship, to be completed at the University of Alberta.
● Have a minimum 2.3 GPA in the previous year (Fall/Winter).
Students accepted into the program will receive access to approved position descriptions from employers wishing to hire SIP students. Employers are responsible for interviewing and selecting students for the positions. The ultimate responsibility for securing work rests with the student and there is no guarantee that all qualified students will be placed.
Internships can be anywhere from 4 - 16 months long and start at the beginning of May, September or January.
Students who successfully complete a minimum of eight months internship will receive the SIP designation on their degree parchment. Work during the internship period is full time, for which the student is paid by the employer at competitive rates. The student, employer and the Faculty must agree to terms of the internship. During the period of the internship, the student registers in a work experience (WKEXP) course each term (WKEXP 981 , WKEXP 982 , WKEXP 983 , WKEXP 984 , WKEXP 985 , WKEXP 986 , WKEXP 987 ) As a result students maintain a full-time student status at the University of Alberta.
Work experience courses are assigned no units of course weight and are graded credit/no credit, with the exception of the WKEXP 986 and WKEXP 987 , both worth 3 units. Assessment in the WKEXP course(s) is determined by the student’s job performance as evaluated by the employer, and/or by the successful completion of required assignments.
A Science Internship Program designate maintains contact with the student and the person assigned by the employer to be responsible for the student. During this time, if the student’s performance is not satisfactory as evaluated by the employer, the internship may be terminated and the student would then return to classes at the next available opportunity. Following completion of the work experience, students return to the University of Alberta to complete their degree program.
Students should be aware that under Alberta’s Protection for Persons in Care Act, they may be required to satisfy a criminal records check before being allowed to serve a period of internship work. See Requirement for Police Information Checks for further details.
Detailed information about the Science Internship Program is available at
Cooperative Education Program
The Cooperative Education Program is coordinated by the Faculty of Business and is open to students registered in Agricultural/Food Business Management, Fashion Business Management or Forest Business Management programs. Details related to admissions and requirements are described in BCom (Cooperative Education Program).
All students who are Canadian citizens or permanent residents are eligible to compete for places in the co-op program following successful completion of the second year of studies in Agricultural/Food Business Management, Fashion Business Management or Forest Business Management.
The required courses for Cooperative Education students are the same as provided in the BSc Agricultural/Food Business Management Program, BSc Fashion Business Management Program or BSc Forest Business Management Program. In addition, Year 3 includes Introduction to Cooperative Education (non-credit seminar) and WKEXP 911 Year 4 (and 5) include WKEXP 912 and WKEXP 913 . Note that the final term in the Cooperative Education Program must be a school term.
Exchange Programs
ALES students are encouraged to consider participating in one of the many exchange programs that are available through the University of Alberta. Exchange programs involve spending at least one semester taking courses at a partner university. There are opportunities for exchanges at other universities in Canada or internationally. Interested students should also contact ALES Student Services. Additional Information about international exchange programs is available through Education Abroad.