The following definitions that have been prepared by the Calendar Editor are unofficial and should be used for information only.
If needed, official definitions should be obtained from the Office of the Registrar.
Academic Schedule - A schedule of events and deadlines of importance to students and prospective students, covering the period of the University’s academic year, July 1 to June 30.
Academic Year - The consecutive twelve-month period from the start of Fall Term to the end of Summer Term in the following year.
Admission or Readmission - Acceptance of a candidate for enrolment in a specified program and Faculty.
Admission Grade Point Average (AGPA) - AGPA is calculated on all university transferable coursework completed in the most recent two terms of study, provided they contain a minimum of 24 units of course weight. If those two terms contain less than 24 units of course weight, then all work in the next most recent term(s) will be included in the calculation until the minimum total of 24 units of course weight has been achieved. Two-term courses will be considered as second-term courses in these calculations. For applicants who have attempted less than 24 units of course weight of transferable postsecondary work, the AGPA will be based on all university or university transfer credits attempted.
Advanced Placement - see Advanced Placement for the admission regulation or Advanced Placement (AP) for the high school program.
Advanced Standing - See Transfer Credit.
Aegrotat Standing - Provision whereby a Faculty may grant deserving students credit in one or more courses in which they have missed the final examination because of illness.
Audit Only Students (Auditors) - see Audit Only Students
Bear Tracks - An online self-access portal for information and processes used by applicants, students, and staff. See Bear Tracks Resources for more information.
Calendar - An annual publication of academic regulations, schedules, programs of study, and course descriptions.
Certificate - Embedded credit certificates are designed to be completed during a regular degree program, whereas freestanding credit certificates are meant to be taken independent of a degree program. See Certificate Program Regulations .
Combined Degree Programs - A pathway by which students can pursue two separate Univeristy of Alberta degrees concurrently, within a compressed time frame.
Cooperative Education Program - A program that formally integrates a student’s academic studies with work experience in employer organizations. These work experiences are paid.
Corequisite - see Corequisite
Course Weight - See Units of Course Weight.
Course Load Requirement - The number of courses a student is expected to take while in attendance in a given academic session.
Credit - The quantitative measurement assigned to a course. At the University of Alberta a credit is equivalent to one unit of course weight.
Credit by Special Assessment (Credit by Challenge) - The procedure whereby a student may seek credit in certain specified courses without actually registering in and taking the courses at the University of Alberta. This privilege is limited to students who have been admitted to the University.
Credit Course - A course that carries credit toward a degree or diploma.
Degrees with Distinction - see Degrees with Distinction
Degree with Honors (Honors Program) - A four-year concentrated course of study under the supervision of one of the departments in the Faculty of Arts or Faculty of Science.
Entrance Requirements - Academic background necessary for admission to a particular program of study.
Extension Students - Students who are registered in any of the courses offered by the Faculty of Extension.
Faculty - A formal subdivision within the University whose mission is the administration of programs and courses relating (usually) to common fields of study and academic disciplines.
Fall Term - The period of the academic year which runs from September through December.
Fall/Winter (September-April) - The period of the academic year which runs from September through April.
Fee Index - see Fee Index
First-Class Standing - see First-Class Standing
Fresh Start Program - see Fresh Start Program
Full-Time Students - Students who are registered for credit in the equivalent of 9 units of course weight or more in a Fall/Winter Term. In Spring/Summer Terms, a student is considered full-time if one of these conditions applies: a class of 3 weeks duration with 3 or more units of course weight; or a class of 6 weeks duration with 6 or more units of course weight; or a class of 6 weeks duration with 3 course units of course weight and attendance of 10 hours per week.
General Faculties Council (GFC) - see General Faculties Council (GFC) webpage
Grade Point Average (GPA) - see Grade Point Average (GPA)
Grade Points - see Grade Point Average (GPA)
Graduate Students-Students admitted to the Faculty of Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies.
Interdisciplinary Course-A course that is offered jointly by two or more departments, not necessarily in the same Faculty.
Joint Degree Progams - A degree program that is designed and delivered by two or more partner institutions (in different countries). A student receives a single credential. The Alberta institution retains responsibility for program governance, delivery, oversight and quality assurance.
Junior-level Courses - See Details of Courses
Nonmatriculated Applicants - Students who are at least 21 years of age, and who are given permission to enrol in a degree program although they do not meet the regular admission requirements of a Faculty.
Off-campus student - A student whose registration in a given term consists exclusively of designated off-campus sections of courses.
On-campus student - A student whose registration in a given term consists primarily of designated on-campus sections of courses.
Open Studies - see Open Studies
Part-Time Students - Students who are registered for credit in the equivalent of fewer than 9 units of course weight in a term. See Course Load Requirement.
Practicum Program-A program that formally integrates a student’s academic studies with volunteer or work experience in employer organizations. These work experiences are generally unpaid.
Prerequisite - see Prerequisite
Previous Student- A student who has been required to withdraw and is now reapplying to the same program, or a student who is reapplying after any absence of 12 consecutive months or more to the same program in which the student was most recently enrolled. (If another institution has been attended in the interim, then the classification is Postsecondary Transfer Applicant.)
Reading Week-A recess near the middle of the Fall and Winter terms designed to allow students to catch up on outstanding reading and to prepare for the oncoming final examinations.
Readmission-(See Admission or Readmission.)
Reappraisal-The process of having a final examination paper reread in a particular course. Reappraisals apply only to final examination papers. [See Reappraisals .]
Reexamination-The provision whereby students may be granted (subject to the conditions published by their Faculties) a further examination in a course if their standing following the final examination is unsatisfactory. (See Reexaminations )
Residence Requirements-See Transfer Credit, Course Load Requirement.
Seminar-A group of students who meet regularly for reports and discussion in an area of research under the guidance of a professor.
Senior Level - see Details of Courses
Single Term Course-A course with a weighting factor of less than six that normally extends over one University term.
Spring/Summer (May-August)-A period of lessons and study during the months of May through August which is divided into two, six-week terms. The first term runs from the first week of May to the second week of June, inclusive; the second term runs from the first week of July to the second week of August, inclusive.
Spring Term-The period of the academic year which runs from May through June.
Statement of Results-An unofficial copy of the student’s year-end academic results, with neither an original signature nor a seal.
Summer Term-The period of the academic year which runs from July through August.
Term-The academic year is divided into four (Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer) terms for the purposes of registration and the scheduling of classes and examinations.
Term Examination-An examination which is conducted prior to the time that the instructional portion of a course has been completed.
TOEFL-Test of English as a Foreign Language.
Transcript-A statement of the student’s entire official academic record.
Transfer Credit (Advanced Credit)-Course credit which an institution accepts towards a degree and which the student has not earned in the course work at that institution. A maximum of two years of transfer credit will be granted toward a U of A undergraduate degree program. (See General Undergraduate Admission Requirements - Transfer of Credit and Academic Regulations > Transfer of Credit )
Two-Term Course-A course with a weighting factor of six or greater that normally extends over two consecutive University terms.
Undergraduate Students-Students registered at the University of Alberta in a Faculty other than the Faculties of Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies or Open Studies, or in Online and Continuing Education.
Units of Course Weight - see Details of Courses University Year - The consecutive twelve-month period from July 1 through June 30.
Visiting Student Certificate Program - see International Visiting Student Program
Weighting Factor-A unit used in the calculation of a student’s overall grade point average. In most Faculties a weight of six is assigned to a two-term course (or equivalent) and a weight of three to a single term course.
Winter Term-The period of the academic year which runs from January through April.