The English Language School offers
- English for Academic Purposes (EAP) at a range of language proficiency levels as both credit and non-credit courses.
- Academic Foundations (AF) courses designed for students who wish to enter EAP courses, but have not yet reached the required level of proficiency.
- Short-term study abroad courses for students seeking an immersive language experience, which include Communication Skills for Global Citizenship, English for Science and Technology and English for Nursing.
- Short-term customized programs of study to groups of language teachers or language learners. These programs are designed to improve not only English language skills, but often other related academic or professional competencies.
The English Language School is a key partner in the University of Alberta Bridging Program. This program provides students with the opportunity to combine university degree courses with English for Academic Purposes (EAP) classes, allowing qualified applicants to improve their English language proficiency.
For more information, visit the English Language School webpage, or e-mail, phone (780) 492-5530.
For course listings, see Course Listings under English for Academic Purposes (EAP).
English for Academic Purposes: Undergraduate Admission
The courses EAP 136 and INT D 137 form a progressive program designed to meet the English language proficiency requirement for undergraduate admission at the University of Alberta. Students who successfully complete these courses will be able to synthesize and analyze information from a variety of sources. They will also focus on developing the skills to present their ideas, both in writing and verbally, in accordance with first-year university standards.
For more information, visit the Academic English for Undergraduate Admission webpage, e-mail, or phone (780) 492-5530.
For course listings, see Course Listings under English for Academic Purposes (EAP).
English for Academic Purposes: Graduate Admission
The University of Alberta recruits, attracts, and welcomes the best and the brightest minds to its programs. As English is the primary language of instruction and communication at the University of Alberta, proficiency in English is a prerequisite for graduate admission. All applicants are expected to demonstrate English language proficiency prior to admission.
Students who successfully complete EAP 550 will have met the minimum English language proficiency requirements for admission to many Master’s or PhD programs at the University of Alberta. Students are responsible for contacting their prospective UAlberta graduate program to verify their language proficiency requirements.
For more information, visit the Academic English for Graduate Admission webpage, e-mail, or phone (780) 492-5530.
For course listings, see Course Listings under English for Academic Purposes (EAP).
English Medium Instruction (EMI)
English Medium Instruction (EMI) courses assist university instructors of all subject areas and experience levels to enhance their teaching skill and confidence in implementing English medium instruction methodologies.
For more information, visit English Medium Instruction Series, e-mail, or phone (780) 492-5530.
Bridging Program for Undergraduates
The University of Alberta Bridging Program (BP) provides students the opportunity to combine university degree courses with English for Academic Purposes (EAP) classes. BP is a program for excellent students who meet all of UAlberta’s academic criteria but still need to improve their English skills in order to enter a degree program.
For more information, visit the Bridging Program webpage, e-mail, or phone (780) 492-5530.
Short Term Study Abroad (STSA)
Short term study abroad courses are designed for students seeking an immersive language experience, which include Communication Skills for Global Citizenship, English for Science and Technology and English for Nursing. Students will have the opportunity to collaborate with other students on a variety of given topics. The courses are interactive and engaging with a focus on speaking, listening and reflective writing.
For more information, visit the English Language School webpage, e-mail, or phone (780) 492-5530.
Communication Skills for the Workplace (CSW)
The Communication Skills for the Workplace (CSW) Certificate is a language-based learning certificate intended for international speakers of English working in the public or private sector, or for individuals looking to increase their employability by building their knowledge of workplace communications and cultural competencies. Courses include: Pronunciation for Effective Communication, Critical Thinking and Vocabulary Building, Persuasive Presentations, Writing for Professional Communication, Communication Skills for Global Citizens, Soft Skills for Success, and Leadership Fundamentals.
For more information, visit the Communication Skills for the Workplace webpage, e-mail, or phone (780) 492-5530.