Mar 14, 2025  
University of Alberta Calendar 2025-2026 
University of Alberta Calendar 2025-2026

Faculté Saint-Jean Courses (English)

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Pour la version française, allez sur: Les cours  

General Information

At Faculté Saint-Jean, all courses, except English courses, are taught in French.

Course Description

The following symbol and numbers are used in the course description:

  1. units - This stands for units of course weight and the accompanying number is used in computing grade point averages.
    Normally an ordinary full-session course is weighted 6 units, a single-term course 3 units and some courses offered over a six week period are weighted 1.5 units.
  2. fi - Stands for “Fee Index” and is the value used to calculate the instructional fees for each course. (See Tuition and Fees .)
  3. (x term, X-X-X) - The figures enclosed in parentheses give information on when the course is offered and the hours of instruction per week. The first position indicates lecture hours, the second seminar hours (s), demonstration (d), clinic (c), or lecture-laboratory hours (L), the third position indicates laboratory hours.

Restricted Enrolment Courses: Classes in some courses must for academic reasons be restricted in size. Such courses will be labelled “restricted enrolment” courses in the timetable. If such a course is found to be oversubscribed, students whose programs do not require that course may be required to delete it from their registration.

Physical Requirements for University Courses

The University has a commitment to the education of all academically qualified students and special services are frequently provided on campus to assist students with disabilities.

Nevertheless, some courses make certain unavoidable demands on students, with respect to the possession of a certain level of physical skill or ability, if the academic objectives of the course are to be realized. In case of doubt, students are advised to contact the Department concerned and the Coordinator of Services for Students with Disabilities.

Since support services cannot be guaranteed for all off-campus courses, instructors may be obliged to refuse registration in such courses.

Course Availability

The appearance of a course description, in this Calendar, does not constitute any guarantee that the course will be offered in the forthcoming session. Information as to which courses will be offered, the names of the instructors, and all further details must be sought from the office of the Associate Dean (Academic).

Faculté Saint-Jean courses can be found in Course Listings , under the following subject headings:

Administration (ADMI)
Anatomie (ANATE)
Andragogie (ANDR)
Anglais (ANGL)
Anglais langue seconde (ALS)
Anthropologie (ANTHE)
Art dramatique (ADRAM)
Art de la scène (ARTSC)
Arts (ARTE)
Biochimie (BIOCH)
Biologie (BIOLE)
Botanique (BOTQ)
Chimie (CHIM)
Développement durable (DEVDU)
Économie (ECONE)
Éducation - Fondements (EDU F)
Éducation - Méthodologie et Curriculum (EDU M)
Éducation - Psychologie de l’éducation (EDU P)
Éducation - Stages (EDU S)
Enseignement pratique (ENPRQ)
Espagnol (ESPA)
Études canadiennes (ETCAN)
Études interdisciplinaires (ETIN)
Études de la religion (ET RE)
Français (FRANC)
Français pour éducateur (trice) (FR ED)
Génétique (GENEQ)
Histoire (HISTE)
Humanités (HUME)
Immunologie (IMINE)
Informatique (INFOR)
Linguistique (LINGQ)
Littérature (LITT)
Maîtrise en sciences de l’éducation (M EDU)
Mathématiques (MATHQ)
Microbiologie (MICRE)
Musique (MUSIQ)
Philosophie (PHILE)
Physiologie (PHYSE)
Physique (PHYSQ)
Psychologie (PSYCE)
Science politique (SC PO)
Sciences de la terre et de l’atmosphère (SCTA)
Sciences sociales (SCSOC)
Sciences sociopolitiques (SCSP)
Sociologie (SOCIE)
Statistique (STATQ)
Zoologie (ZOOLE)