Mar 14, 2025  
University of Alberta Calendar 2025-2026 
University of Alberta Calendar 2025-2026

Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine Regulations

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Professional Ethics/Student Conduct Policy/Student Academic Integrity Policy

Note: Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy and Speech Language Pathology are regulated health professions that are governed by the Health Professions Act in a manner that protects and serves the public interest. Students in the Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine must adhere to the professional code of ethics of their respective professional/licensing bodies that describe the set of ethical principles and values that guide interactions with patients, healthcare professionals, and the public. Professionalism is a core value of the Code of Ethics and is also central to the Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine. Health professionals are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that maintains public confidence in the integrity and dignity of our professions. In selecting students we are looking for applicants who will conduct themselves in a manner befitting our professions. As such, any and all communications and interactions with the Faculty before and during admission are considered part of the admission process and may be taken into account during admission deliberations. Admission may be denied to applicants who communicate or act in a manner that may be considered inappropriate or unprofessional regardless of academic standing.

Refer to the Student Conduct Policy and the Student Academic Integrity Policy. Amendments to these policies occur throughout the year. The official versions of the Student Conduct Policy and the Student Academic Integrity Policy, as amended from time to time is housed on the University of Alberta Policies and Procedures Online (UAPPOL) website.

Academic Standing and Graduation

  1. Passing Grade: Under normal circumstances, each student must obtain a grade of no less than D+ in every course during the student’s program of study.
  2. Failure in Fieldwork or Clinical Work:
    1. A student must successfully complete each fieldwork/clinical course to graduate from the program. A student may fail only one fieldwork/clinical course during the student’s program. If a student fails a fieldwork/clinical course, that course must normally be successfully repeated before subsequent fieldwork/clinical courses can be taken. If a student fails a repeat fieldwork/clinical course, the student will be required to withdraw from the program. If a student fails another separate fieldwork/clinical course, the student will be required to withdraw from the program.
    2. A student who fails a fieldwork/clinical placement may appeal that decision. Information regarding appeal procedures is available in the fieldwork/clinical placement procedures manual.
  3. Promotion and/or Continuation
    1. Any student failing to obtain a minimum GPA of 2.0 in any academic year will be required to withdraw from the Faculty.
    2. Students identified as second-time problem students by the Revisions Committee and referred to the Department Chair for review may also be required to withdraw.
  4. Grade of Incomplete: Subject to the approval of the Dean, a grade of incomplete is normally used when a student is prevented by illness, domestic affliction or other extreme circumstances from completing the course requirements at the specified time. Where this grade has been given, the student must submit the assignment within 10 days after the series of final examinations scheduled for this particular course is complete, except in cases where, at the discretion of the Department Chair, the Dean grants an extension. Failure to comply with this regulation results in a grade of 0 for the portion of the course in which the grade of incomplete was given.
  5. Time Limits for Completion of Programs: All programs must be completed within the time limits for completion set out in Time Limit for Completion of Graduate Programs  of the Calendar.
  6. Electives: An elective course is approved if it (a) does not duplicate material covered in any compulsory course in the student’s program; (b) does not duplicate material covered in the previously approved elective courses; (c) is offered when no timetable conflict exists. Permission to take courses in other universities toward meeting the elective requirements of the student’s program is normally granted if these criteria are met. Credit is granted for approved off-campus courses if a grade of C (or equivalent) is obtained.
  7. Academic and Clinical Requirements: To graduate, a student must meet the academic and clinical requirements outlined in the Calendar.
  8.  Repeating Courses
    1. Students may repeat a failed course only once.
    2. Students registered in the Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine may not repeat any successfully completed course in their program.
    3. Students in any Faculty may not repeat for credit any successfully completed course offered by the Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine.
  9. Reexamination Criteria: See Examinations (Exams) .

Transfer Credit, Course Exemption/Substitution and Credit by Special Assessment

Refer to Transfer Credit, Course Exemption, and Credit by Special Assessment  for the policy defined by the Faculty of Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies.

Practicum Intervention Policy

The Dean, or supervisor acting on behalf of the Dean, may immediately deny assignment of a student to, withdraw a student from, or vary terms, conditions, or site of practicum/clinical placement if the Dean or supervisor has reasonable grounds to believe that this is necessary in order to protect the public interest. Refer to Practicum Intervention Policy  for additional information.

Fieldwork/Clinical Practice Requirements

  1. Procedures: The procedures governing fieldwork/clinical practice are binding and will be provided in a procedures manual.
  2. Fieldwork/Clinical Practice at Sites: When students attend required fieldwork/clinical placements at approved institutions, students will also follow the administrative procedures and regulations of that institution. Students must attend fieldwork/clinical placement orientation seminars.
  3. CPR Certification: Students in the Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine must obtain certification in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) before entering their clinical fieldwork placements. All fees and other costs for CPR certification and recertification are the students’ responsibility. Students must maintain their certification by recertifying in each of the subsequent years they are in the program.

    Occupational therapy students may complete approved CPR certification courses offered elsewhere.
  4. Police Information Check: Under the Protection for Persons in Care Act, all students going to any clinical placement in Alberta are required to complete a Police Information Check (also known as a Criminal Record Check, Security Clearance Check, or Police Clearance), which must include a Vulnerable Sector Check. Clinical agencies/practice sites may require additional background checks, such as a Child Intervention Record Check. Students will be advised if a clinical agency/practice site requires any additional background checks. See Requirement for Police Information Checks  for more information on the general requirements concerning Police Information Checks and the fees associated with them.

    Each Department will collect Police Information Checks at a time designated by that Department. Typically, only one Police Information Check will be required for the duration of a student’s program. The Police Information Check must be dated no earlier than 90 days prior to the date of collection as designated by each Department.

    The ultimate responsibility for ensuring that a student meets the requirements of clinical agencies/practice sites lies with that student. A student for whom a Police Information Check reveals a criminal record may be unable to complete the required clinical placements and may be required to withdraw from their program. The clinical agency/practice site will determine the criteria for acceptance/denial of a placement if the Police Information Check reveals a criminal record. A student who has concerns related to the possibility that a Police Information Check might reveal a criminal record should consult with the Faculty of the Department in which they are enrolled.
  5. University Infectious Diseases Regulation: See University Infectious Diseases Regulation .
  6. Fit Testing for Respirator Mask, as required.
  7. Dress requirements: Students will be advised of dress requirements at the time of registration.

Appeals and Grievances

Every student may have individual grades reviewed. Students should first approach the instructor concerned, then, if necessary, see the Department Chair.

Decisions affecting a student’s academic standing may be heard by the Faculty Academic Appeals Committee. Full academic appeal regulations may be obtained in the Office of the Dean.

Certain unsuccessful appeals at the Faculty level may be further appealed to the GFC Academic Appeals Committee. See Appeals and Grievances .


All appeals regarding academic standing must be received in writing by the Dean, within 21 calendar days, following publication of final results.