Mar 14, 2025  
University of Alberta Calendar 2025-2026 
University of Alberta Calendar 2025-2026

Faculté Saint-Jean General Information (English)

Return to: Faculté Saint-Jean (English)  

Pour la version française, allez sur: Renseignements généraux (En Français)  

History of the Faculté

Juniorat Saint-Jean was founded in 1908, the same year as the inauguration of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences of the University of Alberta.

Though of the same age, the two institutions have evolved in very differing fashions. On November 27, 1970, the Collège became Collège Universitaire Saint-Jean, an integral part and a bilingual sector of the University of Alberta. Official Faculty status was granted in September 1977, and the name changed to Faculté Saint-Jean in May 1978.

Today, Faculté Saint-Jean is characterized by its French-language university status. It serves students capable of pursuing university studies in French. The Faculté has taken on the mission of serving the particular needs of Francophones in western Canada.

It is the duty of every university to enrich, as much as possible, not only the intellectual but also the cultural life of its students. Therefore Faculté Saint-Jean finds itself with the special mission of contributing to the cultural enrichment of its students as well as of the whole of French life in Alberta. Through this commitment (which has taken concrete form in the development of Saint-Jean) the University hopes to foster French culture in western Canada.

Members of the Faculty

Listings for members of the Faculty can be found in the Campus Saint-Jean Directory.

French Version of the Academic Schedule

The French version of the Academic Schedule  can be found in Renseignements généraux (En Français) .

Linguistic Policy

At Faculté Saint-Jean, the language of academic and social life is French. With the exception of English courses, all our courses and services are offered in French. French is also the language used by the administrators, the professors and the support staff.

All members of the Faculté Saint-Jean community are committed to respecting and fostering the immersive French-language character of the institution, within the bilingual setting offered by the University of Alberta


Library Facilities: The University of Alberta library system makes available to the professors and students of Faculté Saint-Jean a library well stocked with resources in the humanities and social sciences, in the pure sciences, and in education including a collection of pedagogical materials and juvenile literature. Works may be consulted on the premises or may be available for lending. All students also have access to the libraries on the other campus of the University of Alberta.

Academic support: La Centrale offers free peer mentoring services to all Faculté Saint-Jean students who wish to improve their competence in French, English or science.

Counselling: Student Counselling Services offers a wide range of counselling services directed at helping students who are experiencing personal or academic difficulties. These services are offered in French at Faculté Saint-Jean.

Residence: Résidence Saint-Jean is a service which complements the educational experience offered by Faculté Saint-Jean. Students who ask for admission to the residence commit themselves to the active pursuit of the goals of the residence, namely, to live in French in the various environments of Faculté Saint-Jean, to be committed to their studies and to display a spirit of community. The residence is on the Faculté campus and can accommodate approximately 100 students. More detailed information may be obtained at Service des Résidences, 214 Résidence Saint-Jean (780) 466-3824.

​​Mini-bus service: Faculté Saint-Jean is located at 8406-91 Street (about six kilometers east of North Campus, the main University campus). This does not preclude the possibility of students following courses at Faculté Saint-Jean and in another Faculty of the University, since a mini-bus service is provided between courses.

Scholarships and Awards  

See Scholarships, Awards, and Financial Support on the Office of the Registrar website for general information concerning undergraduate awards.

See the Campus Saint-Jean website for information concerning Faculté Saint-Jean awards.