Mar 14, 2025  
University of Alberta Calendar 2025-2026 
University of Alberta Calendar 2025-2026

Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry Programs of Study

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Protection for Persons in Care

Students should be aware that under the Protection for Persons in Care Act all students going to any clinical placement or rotation in Alberta are required to complete a Police Information Check (also known as a Criminal Record Check, Security Clearance Check, or Police Clearance), which must include a Vulnerable Sector Check. The clinical practice site will determine the criteria for acceptance/denial of a placement. Students are responsible for having a criminal record check completed upon receiving conditional admission to the Faculty.

Students who have concerns related to their ability to provide a clear Police Information Check should consult with the Faculty. The ultimate responsibility for ensuring that students meet the requirements of clinical agencies lies with the students. Other background checks may be required by a clinical agency, such as a child intervention record check. Students will be advised if any additional background checks are required by a clinical agency. See Requirement for Police Information Checks  for more information on the general requirements concerning Police Information Checks and the fees associated with them.

Should a student subsequently be charged or convicted while enrolled in the program, the student must advise the Faculty. Students should be aware that having an unclear Police Information Check can prevent them from securing a clinical placement and hence, preclude them from graduating from the program and/or becoming licensed to practice.

MD with Special Training in Research

This program is for students looking for in-depth exposure to research during medical school. Students complete a minimum of 24 weeks of hypothesis-driven research requiring collection of primary data, analysis and presentation in oral and written formats. Flexible timelines for completion of the program are available. A Faculty member who has a committed research program supervises the student. The supervisor and student have made arrangements for financial support of the student for summer months. The MD Research Committee monitors the program and evaluates student performance. Successful students receive an academic honor of “with Special Training in Research” that is denoted officially on their transcripts and degree parchment. For information, contact the Office of Research, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, 2-13 Heritage Medical Research Centre.

Honors in Research Program in Medical Laboratory Science

This program is for students looking for in-depth exposure to research during Medical Laboratory Science education. Students wanting to pursue this program will maintain a minimum GPA 3.5 and have completed STAT 141, STAT 151 STAT 252 , STAT 337 , or equivalent. Students must spend one summer (16 weeks) and complete a 6-unit research course offered by the Division. All students are supervised by a staff member who has shown commitment to the project and to the financial support of the student for the summer months. The program is monitored by the MD Research Committee. Successful students receive recognition on their transcripts and degrees through the notation “With Honors in Research.” For information, contact the Director, Division of Medical Laboratory Science, 5-411 Edmonton Clinic Health Academy.

Graduate Studies

The Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry offers Master’s, PhD and MD/PhD degrees. Details on these programs can be found in the Graduate Programs  section of the Calendar, listed by department.

Continuous Professional Learning

Continuous Professional Learning provides practicing physicians with the opportunity to remain up-to-date in knowledge, skills and attitudes. The division currently offers the Video-conference program, the Urban Program and PCN customized programs for urban physicians. The division is also involved in the Physician Learning Program, a collaboration project with the University of Calgary. The Physician Learning Program is an evidence-based, practice specific learning tool. Using provincial data sources to capture both perceived and unperceived learning needs, physicians can become informed about their individual needs and receive guidance and assistance in the pursuit of educational activities in light of the evidence. The Division enjoys the support of the College of Family Physicians of Alberta, Alberta Health, and the Alberta Medical Association.  See the Physician Learning Program website for more information.

Inquiries about these programs should be directed to the Associate Dean, Continuous Professional Learning, 2-590 Edmonton Clinic Health Academy, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB T6G 1C9.

Continuing Dentistry Education

The Department of Dentistry sponsors a wide variety of continuing dental education opportunities throughout the year through the Continuing Dental Education program. Courses are offered both on campus and occasionally at other sites within the province. Annually, thousands of dentists, dental hygienists, dental assistants and others participate in the many lecture, hands-on clinical and laboratory-type courses that are offered. Local and visiting speakers of national and international reputation provide continuing education of a high quality.

Postgraduate Medical Education

Postgraduate medical training is a component of eligibility for licensure in Canada. Programs are operated by the University of Alberta according to guidelines established by the College of Family Physicians of Canada and by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada.

Postgraduate training accredited by the College of Family Physicians of Canada is available under the auspices of the Department of Family Medicine. In addition to the standard two-year program required for certification in Family Medicine, a Certificate of Added Competency (CAC) recognizing enhanced skills in the area of Emergency Medicine, Care of the Elderly, Enhanced Surgical Skills, Family Practice Anesthesia, Palliative Care, Occupational Medicine and Sport and Exercise Medicine are also available.

Specialty programs accredited by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada include the following:

Primary Certification Programs

Anatomical Pathology
Cardiac Surgery
Diagnostic Radiology
Emergency Medicine
General Pathology
General Surgery
Hematological Pathology
Internal Medicine
Medical Microbiology
Neurology (Adult and Pediatric)
Nuclear Medicine
Obstetrics and Gynecology
Occupational Medicine
Orthopedic Surgery
Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Plastic Surgery
Public Health and Preventive Medicine
Radiation Oncology

Subspecialty Certification

Cardiology (Adult and Pediatric)
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Critical Care Medicine
Developmental Pediatrics
Endocrinology (Adult and Pediatric)
Forensic Pathology
Forensic Psychiatry
Gastroenterology (Adult and Pediatric)
Geriatric Medicine
Geriatric Psychiatry
Infectious Diseases (Adult and Pediatric)
Medical Oncology
Neonatal Perinatal Medicine
Nephrology (Adult and Paediatric)
Occupational Medicine
Pediatric Emergency Medicine
Pediatric Hematology/Oncology
Pediatric Radiology
Respirology (Adult and Pediatric)

Special Programs

Clinician Investigator Program

Special programs accredited by Professional sub-specialty organizations include the following:

  • Clinical Biochemistry – accredited by Canadian Academy of Clinical Biochemistry
  • Clinical Microbiology – accredited by the Canadian College of Microbiologists
  • Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics – accredited by the American Society of
  • Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics
  • Molecular Genetics - accredited by the Canadian College of Medical Geneticists
  • Cytogenetics - accredited by the Canadian College of Medical Geneticists
  • Biochemical Genetics - accredited by the Canadian College of Medical Geneticists

Inquiries regarding these programs should be directed to the Associate Dean, Postgraduate Medical Education, 2-76 Zeidler Ledcor Centre, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB T6G 2E1.

All postgraduate medical trainees are registered as graduate students in the Division of Postgraduate Medical Education of the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry and pay a program registration fee.

Application for entry-level postgraduate positions in all Primary Certification Programs is made through the Canadian Resident Matching Service (CaRMS) in the final year of medical school. Further information is available from the Canadian Resident Matching Service, 2283 St Laurent Blvd Ste 110, Ottawa, ON K1G 3H7. Certificate of Special Competence program require prior training in a Primary Certification Program. All international medical graduates must pass the Evaluating Examination and Part I of the Qualifying Examination of the Medical Council of Canada. Information is available from the Medical Council of Canada, Box 8234, Station T, Ottawa, ON K1G 3H7.

The requirements for a portable license valid in all Canadian provinces except Quebec are as follows:

  1. An MD degree.
  2. The Licentiate of the Medical Council of Canada (LMCC), obtained after successfully passing Parts I and II of the Medical Council of Canada Qualifying Examination (MCCQE). Part I is normally written in May of the final year of medical school. Part II is normally written after completing 12 months of postgraduate clinical training.
  3. Certification from either the College of Family Physicians of Canada or the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada.

Further information regarding licensure is available from the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta, #2700 Telus Plaza, 10020-100 Street NW, Edmonton, AB T5J 0N3.

The requirements for entry of Special Programs are program specific and is available from the programs directly. Application for positions in Special Programs is made directly to the program.

Note: For classification purposes, postgraduate medical students are considered graduate students. As such, they have the option of paying fees to the Graduate Students’ Association.

Postgraduate Dental Education

General Practice Residency

The General Practice Residency is designed to enhance the diagnostic, treatment planning and clinical skills of general dentists in management of patients with complex systemic health issues, as well as key specialty disciplines so that they can successfully deliver a broader range of oral health care services.

This general practice residency program is one calendar year in length, July 1 through June 30. Three recent DDS graduates are accepted each year, generally graduates of accredited Canadian dentistry programs.

Under the direction of dental specialists and general practitioners, residents will provide care to patients who frequently are not seen in community dental practices for reasons of systemic disease or disability. Patients are treated at University of Alberta Hospital during scheduled day-time hours, during a walk-in emergency clinic evenings and week-ends, and occasionally on-call. Residents also provide patient care at the University of Alberta School of Dentistry in the Edmonton Clinics and other affiliated hospitals. Through seminar sessions and clinical teaching, the areas of endodontics, periodontics, prosthodontics, oral surgery, dental implants, pediatric dentistry, hospital dentistry, conscious sedation, advanced oral diagnosis and treatment planning, oral medicine, orofacial pain and advanced general dentistry are taught.

An important additional component of this residency program will include health care rotations by each resident to an underserved area of this province.

Combined Program for the Degrees of MD and PhD

Highly qualified students wanting to pursue a career of teaching and research, as well as clinical medicine, may enrol in a program leading to the acquisition of both an MD and a PhD degree. See the Doctor of Medicine and Doctor of Philosophy Combined Degrees Program  for more information.