Professional Standards
All students enrolled in the FoMD are bound by and shall comply with the Professional Code of Ethics governing their respective professional program.
The Professional Code of Ethics refers to all relevant professional codes and practice standards for professionals and students including:
Students are held accountable to the University of Alberta Student Conduct Policy and Student Academic Integrity Policy and should be familiar with them. (Amendments to the Student Conduct Policy and the Student Academic Integrity Policy occur throughout the year. The official version of the Student Conduct Policy and the Student Academic Integrity Policy, as amended from time to time, is housed on the University of Alberta Policies and Procedures Online (UAPPOL) website.)
The following additional Codes govern each of the various FoMD programs as follows:
Doctor of Medicine:
- Canadian Medical Association Code of Ethics,
- College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta Code of Conduct
Doctor of Dental Surgery:
- Alberta Dental Association & College Code of Ethics
Dental Hygiene:
- College of Registered Dental Hygienists of Alberta Code of Ethics
Medical Laboratory Science:
- College of Medical Laboratory Technologists of Alberta Code of Ethics,
- College of Medical Laboratory Technologists of Alberta Standards of Practice,
- Canadian Society for Medical Laboratory Science Code of Ethics
Radiation Therapy:
- The Canadian Association of Medical Radiation Technologists (CAMRT) Member Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct,
- The Alberta College of Medical Diagnostic and Therapeutic Technologists (ACMDTT) Code of Ethics
- The Alberta College of Medical Diagnostic and Therapeutic Technologists (ACMDTT) Standards of Practice
Technical Standards
The Technical Standards Policy defines the necessary knowledge, skills, professional behaviours, and attitudes required of students.
Students must be able to meet the technical standards throughout their program.
Students whose abilities change during their studies must declare this change to their program immediately. The program will attempt to provide reasonable accommodation, however the student must still be able to meet all technical standards and expected outcomes of the program.
Certification Requirements
For all programs, with the exception of the Medical Laboratory Science (MLS), a valid certification of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) at the Healthcare Provider Level is required at the start of the respective program and must be maintained throughout the period of study within that program. A CPR Healthcare Provider Certificate is valid for one year from the date of certification and evidence of recertification in each subsequent year is required. Those holding a certificate in Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) will be considered as having met the CPR for Healthcare Provider Level requirement.
Medical Testing and Immunization Requirements
See University Infectious Diseases Regulation
Course Exemption/Credits
DDS and DDS Advanced Placement Programs
No credit will be granted for courses completed in preprofessional years and no course exemptions will be allowed.
Bachelor of Science (Dental Hygiene)
Students entering the Dental Hygiene program may be granted credit for courses completed that are deemed by the Program Director, in consultation with the course coordinator, to be demonstrably equivalent to courses for which credit is being sought. Students carrying an academic load reduced by 6 units of course weight or more from the full course load of their academic year will not be eligible for awards.
MD Program
No credit will be granted for courses completed in preprofessional years and no course exemptions will be allowed.
Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory Science
Students entering the MLS program may be granted credit for courses completed that are deemed by the Program Director, in consultation with the course coordinator, to be demonstrably equivalent to courses for which credit is being sought.
Bachelor of Science in Radiation Therapy
Students entering the Radiation Therapy Program will be granted credit for all required pre-professional year courses. Credit may be granted for any other courses completed that are deemed by the Program Director to be demonstrably equivalent to courses for which credit is being sought.
Students are advised at the beginning of each course and year, of the attendance requirements and of the procedures to be used in their evaluation, the determination and reporting of their grades, and the standards required by the Faculty and the University.
For promotion and graduation within their respective program, students need to adhere to and meet the requirements as stated in the program’s current Attendance Policy. (See Academic Regulations > Attendance )
Faculty Advisor
At the discretion of the program, an advisor/mentor may be assigned to students having difficulty meeting promotion requirements. The method of assignment and the role of the advisor/mentor is determined by the respective program.
Grades and Ranking
The Council of the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry approves the principle that the means of assessing a student’s progress and determining a student’s grades may vary from one course to another in accordance with the nature of the course. Factors other than examination results may be used to a variable extent by instructors in determining grades. Students are informed at the beginning of each course how grades are to be determined. Students are also advised of the procedures for appeal established within the Faculty and the University.
For MD, DDS and DDS Advanced Placement Programs
On their official transcripts students are not ranked or assigned a numeric grade, but are designated as having passed (received credit) or failed a course.
Academic Standing and Promotion
Students enrolled in health professional programs are under the obligation to meet the expected competencies through achieving learning objectives as distributed throughout the existing courses in the current program, attendance policies and other expected requirements. The programs are sequentially designed to provide students with the opportunity to ultimately demonstrate satisfactory completion of all necessary requirements and competencies to graduate and be eligible for licensure in their respective profession.
As a student progresses through their professional program, they participate in more advanced clinical and patient care learning, and their ability to competently provide care, adhere to codes of ethics and expected professional behaviour, builds upon previous knowledge, skills, attitude and behaviours. Therefore promotion from year to year and ultimately graduation requires full completion of all program requirements in that current year before being able to progress to more advanced responsibilities and clinical learning.
The academic progress of all students in the FoMD undergraduate programs (not including students who are enrolled in the Dental Assisting Certificate Program) are subject to review each year by both Program Academic Standing and Faculty Academic Standing and Promotion committees.
At the beginning of each academic year, students in each program will be advised of all relevant academic policies, including Faculty and University appeal processes.
DDS and DDS Advanced Placement Program
Academic Standing
Decisions regarding academic standing and promotion to the next year or graduation are made by the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry Academic Standing and Promotion Committee.
- Each student’s academic standing will normally be assessed at the end of the regular academic year. Students with Conditional Standing who are on probation will be assessed at the end of each term.
- No student may proceed to any subsequent year of the DDS program or graduate unless they have passed all courses for that academic year.
Students in the DDS program are required to participate in a full course load due to the sequential and integrated learning expectations of the professional degree program. As necessary prerequisite material is covered in previous courses, all preceding courses are considered as prerequisite courses for the next course(s) in sequence.
Conditional Standing and Academic Probation
- Conditional Standing is assigned to a student who at the end of the year, fails to achieve a pass in all courses.
- A student assigned Conditional Standing will be placed on academic probation and will have academic progress regularly reviewed and reported upon at the end of each term.
YEAR 1 and YEAR 2
- A student who fails more than two courses within a year, or unsuccessfully completes a failed course through reexamination or reassessment, will be assigned Conditional Standing and will be placed on Academic probation and given the opportunity to enroll in a repeat of the year.
- To clear Conditional Standing and Academic probation and to qualify for promotion, the student must achieve Satisfactory Standing in all courses in the probationary year. Students who fail to do so will be Required to Withdraw. Any student in a probationary year who fails a course will be Required to Withdraw immediately and subsequent registration will be cancelled.
YEAR 3 and YEAR 4
- A student who fails to achieve a pass in a year-long clinical course (DDS 530, DDS 540) or to successfully complete reassessment of a failed course (DDS 531, DDS 542) during either third or fourth year will be assigned Conditional Standing.
- A student who has been assigned Conditional Standing will be reviewed by the Academic Standing Committee and either Required to Withdraw from the program or placed on Academic Probation. A student placed on Academic Probation will be offered the opportunity to enroll in a repeat of the year.
- To clear Conditional Standing and Academic Probation and to qualify for promotion or graduation, the student must achieve Satisfactory Standing in the probationary (repeat) year at assessment checkpoints at the end of each term during that year. Students who fail to perform satisfactorily at any of those assessment points will be Required to Withdraw immediately and subsequent registration will be cancelled.
Regulations Concerning Continuation of Fourth Year:
Special Category Continuing Fourth Year Student: a student who fails to meet all clinical competency requirements or attendance policy requirements in the final-year of the program may be designated a Special Category Continuing student. In order to be considered as a Special Category Continuing student in fourth-year Dentistry, the student must
- have clinical deficiencies in no more than two clinical disciplines and have been advised that the deficiencies could be corrected within one term of instruction; and
- have successfully completed all other assessments in the DDS program.
Bachelor of Science (Dental Hygiene)
Academic Standing
- Decisions regarding academic standing and promotion to the next year or graduation are made by the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry Academic Standing and Promotion Committee based on the recommendations of the Department of Dentistry Academic Standing Committee.
- A student may not proceed to any subsequent year of the Dental Hygiene program or graduate unless they have passed all courses for that academic year.
- Recommendations for promotion and graduation are based on a grade of at least D in each subject and a GPA of at least 2.0.
- Students may not re-register for credit more than once in any failed course required within the dental hygiene program. This includes any University or equivalent University-transferable course work.
- With Distinction: awarded to graduating students who have obtained an average GPA of not less than 3.5 during the final 60 credits of course work.
Conditional Standing and Academic Probation
Students in the Dental Hygiene program are not permitted to repeat any year, except for exceptional cases as determined by the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry Academic Standing and Promotion Committee based on the recommendations of the Department of Dentistry Academic Standing Committee. Students not meeting the requirements to continue in the program, but granted permission to repeat the year will be assigned Conditional Standing and placed on Academic Probation. These students will be considered for awards, if taking a full course load. To clear Conditional Standing and Academic Probation and to qualify for promotion or graduation, the student must achieve a minimum GPA of 2.3 at the end of the probationary year. Students who fail to meet this requirement will be Required to Withdraw.
A student with Conditional Standing on Academic Probation may retain credit for passed courses, other than laboratory and clinical courses, only at the discretion of the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry Academic Standing and Promotion Committee acting on the advice of the Dental Hygiene Program. A student with Conditional Standing and on Academic Probation may be required to participate in a modified program of study. During the repeated year, a grade of at least C+ is required for Dental Hygiene courses.
A student with Conditional Standing and on Academic Probation, in any single year of the program, will only be allowed to repeat one year. If the student is unable to achieve a minimum conditional standing GPA of 2.3, or does not meet the promotional standards for subsequent years, they will be required to withdraw from the program.
Special Category Students
Students presenting deficiencies in their final year of clinical course work will be considered Special Category students. These students must have achieved a minimum GPA of 2.7 in their final year, and have clinical/practicum deficiencies in no more than one clinical course. Any clinical/practicum deficiencies must be corrected within a four-month period of remedial instruction. These students must have successfully completed all written examinations in the Dental Hygiene Program.
Special Category students who do not meet these requirements for graduation will be required to withdraw from the Dental Hygiene program.
Certificate in Dental Assisting
Academic Standing
- Decisions regarding academic standing for graduation are made by the Director, Dental Assisting and the full-time Dental Assisting Faculty.
- Each student’s academic standing will normally be assessed at the end of each course.
- No student may proceed to the next course, until they have met all prerequisites.
- For graduation, students need to adhere to and meet the requirements as stated in the department’s current Attendance Policy.
- Awards distribution will be based on a full course load only and utilizing original not reexamination or reassessment grades in calculation of the GPA.
- Students are advised of Faculty and University appeals processes at the beginning of each academic year.
Students in the DA program are required to participate in a full course load due to the sequential and integrated learning expectations of the professional certificate program. As necessary prerequisite material is covered in previous courses, all preceding courses are considered as prerequisite courses for the next course(s) in sequence.
Students must complete their certificate requirements within two academic years from the time of their initial admission. This time limit includes all time during which a student is not in attendance, either for personal reasons (see Voluntary Temporary Withdrawal) or as a result of suspension or academic probation. Any failure or inability to complete the program within two years is cause for Requirement to Withdraw from the program.
MD Program
Final decisions regarding academic standing and promotion to the next year or graduation are made by the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry Academic Standings and Promotion Committee (FASPC) based on recommendations of the MD Program Academic Standing Committees.
Students may only proceed to a subsequent year of the medical program if they have passed all courses or clinical rotations for the current academic year. Courses and clinical rotations must be completed before students can commence with electives or other core course work for subsequent years. The Associate Dean, MD program may approve exceptions to this requirement when it is not possible to meet this requirement on the basis of lack of space in a course or rotation (hence requiring deferral) or a resource-intensive component that occurs infrequently (eg. Comprehensive examinations MED 520 and MED 540). Note that electives do not take precedence over completion of required core coursework or rotations.
Academic Probation
- Academic Probation is assigned to a student who at the end of the year or term, fails to achieve a pass in all courses.
- A student on Academic Probation will have academic progress regularly reviewed and reported upon at the end of each term. A student on Academic Probation may be required by the program to participate in a structured learning program.
- Students with more than two failed courses or clinical rotations in the academic year may be allowed to continue on Academic Probation at the discretion of the Associate Dean, MD program, and will be reviewed by the Academic Standing Committee and Faculty Academic Standing and Promotion Committee.
- A student who has been assigned Academic Probation will be reviewed by the Academic Standing Committee and Faculty Academic Standing and Promotion Committee and may be either granted an opportunity to enroll in a repeat of the year, an opportunity to remediate failed coursework before advancing to the next year of the program, or may be Required to Withdraw from the program.
- To clear Academic Probation and to qualify for promotion or graduation, the student must achieve Satisfactory Standing in the probationary or repeat year at assessment checkpoints at the end of each term during that year. Students who fail to perform satisfactorily at any of those assessment points will be Required to Withdraw immediately and subsequent registration will be cancelled.
Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory Science and Post-Professional Certification degree completion
Final decisions regarding academic standing and promotion to the next year or graduation are made by the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry Academic Standings and Promotion Committee based on recommendations of the Medical Laboratory Science Academic Standing Committee.
Progression in the program is term by term.
Final approval of academic standings is conducted at the end the academic year, with the exception of “Unsatisfactory Standing”. In any term if a student falls under the category “Unsatisfactory Standing” their academic standing will be assessed immediately.
- First Class Standing:
Awarded to students with a GPA of not less than 3.5 while enrolled in a normal academic course load.
- Satisfactory Standing:
Promotion in the Medical Laboratory Science program depends on passing grades in all subjects of the previous year with a minimum GPA of 2.0, as well as the following requirements:
Year 2 - BSc in Medical Laboratory Science
Each laboratory instructor provides students with formative feedback on communication, professional behaviour, and technical skills throughout the academic year. At the end of the year, the instructors consider this feedback and other performance indicators to assign each student a pass or unsatisfactory proficiency rating for each course. Students with a minimum GPA of 2.0 who have a majority of pass ratings are permitted to proceed into Year 3 with Satisfactory Standing. Students with a minimum GPA of 2.0 who have a majority of unsatisfactory proficiency ratings are permitted to proceed into Year 3 on probation. To clear probation, the student must achieve Satisfactory Standing in all terms during the probationary year and fulfill all conditions of the probation.
Year 3 - BSc in Medical Laboratory Science
For those Medical Laboratory Science courses with both technical and academic demands, the student must successfully complete the requirements of both components to receive a passing grade.
Each student’s competence in communication skills, comprehension of material, technical skills and professional behaviour will be assessed according to the Competency Based Objectives (CBOs) for each Medical Laboratory Science course. To pass each course, students must demonstrate competence in each CBO as outlined in the course manual. Students who do not achieve this level of competence in any one course will be required to satisfactorily fulfill specified course or performance competence standards within a given period of time. Students requiring additional training time in more than one course may be required to withdraw from the program. Students who have entered Year 3 on probation (see Year 2) or Academic Warning (see below) will not normally be allowed additional remedial training to reach competence and will be required to withdraw from the program if they do not meet the CBOs in the normal period of time.
- Marginal Standing-Academic Warning:
Students with a GPA of 1.8 to 1.9 inclusive may be considered to be in Marginal Standing and may be permitted to continue on Academic Warning.
To clear academic warning and return to satisfactory standing, a student must obtain a minimum 2.0 GPA in the subsequent fall/winter term. Students who fail to clear academic warning are required to withdraw.
- Unsatisfactory Standing:
Assigned to students whose GPA is below 1.8 or has failed a course. Any student whose technical work and academic performance is deemed unsatisfactory may be required to withdraw from the Faculty.
- A student permitted to repeat a course or an entire year must withdraw unless a minimum average grade of 2.0 is obtained on the repeated work.
- Graduation
- Students must be in satisfactory standing and complete all program requirements in order to graduate.
- With Distinction: awarded to graduating students who have obtained an average GPA of not less than 3.5 during the final 60 credits of course work.
BSc Program in Radiation Therapy
Academic Standing: Final decisions regarding academic standing and promotion to the next year or graduation are made by the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry Academic Standing and Promotion Committee based on recommendations of the Radiation Therapy Program Academic Standing Committee.
Final approval of academic standings is conducted at the end of each student’s academic year, with the exception of students that fall into the categories of “Unsatisfactory Standing” and “Required to Withdraw”. Students falling in either of these categories will be assessed at the end of the term in which they received either of these standings.
- First-Class Standing: Awarded to a student who obtains a GPA of 3.5 or above and passes all courses while enrolled in the full normal academic/clinical course load after the completion of the academic year.
- Satisfactory Standing: For promotion, a student must pass all courses and obtain a minimum GPA of 2.7.
- Conditional Standing: Whenever a student receives a final grade of less than a B- in a Radiation Therapy Program course, the student’s total academic and clinical performance in the program will be reviewed and the student will be placed on probation. To clear conditional standing and probation, the student must achieve a minimum of Satisfactory Standing in all terms of the proceeding academic year.
- Unsatisfactory Standing: Students who fail any academic course in an academic year (Fall, Winter, Spring & Summer) will not be allowed to progress to the next term, will be placed on probation and may be required to repeat the full program year in which the failure occurred.
- Required to Withdraw:
Any student who:
- fails any clinical course;
- is unable to obtain a minimum GPA of 2.7 in any term.
- Probation: Students who have either been required to withdraw and have successfully appealed or have a conditional or unsatisfactory standing will be placed on probation.
To clear probation and qualify for promotion, the student must achieve Satisfactory Standing in all terms during the probationary year. Students who fail to do so will be required to withdraw. A course failure during the probationary period may result in a required to withdraw.
- Only one year of probation is allowed while registered in the BSc in Radiation Therapy program.
Progression in the program is term by term. Accordingly, all students in a particular cohort of the program will be registered in the same courses in each term (see Degree of BSc in Radiation Therapy .) Additionally, any student who is undergoing academic standing review during any term and/or academic year may not continue on to any subsequent clinical simulation or placement courses.
Academic Performance for Graduation: Students must achieve Satisfactory Academic Standing or First Class Standing in their final year of the program; successfully complete all program requirements; and present a graduation average of at least 2.7.
Students who do not successfully complete courses and other requirements for promotion and graduation may be eligible for re-examination and/or re-assessment according to the following policies for each program.
Definitions: “examination” refers to any final examination worth >=40% of a student’s final grade and “assessment” refers to any evaluation < 40% of the final grade. “Reexamination” refers to an opportunity to demonstrate competency in a final examination with a weight of >=40%, and “reassessment” refers to an opportunity to demonstrate competency in an assessment with a weight of less than 40%.
DDS and DDS Advanced Placement Program
- Students are allowed reexamination only in courses or didactic components of courses that are failed.
- For any failed course or didactic component of a course, the following reexamination policies apply:
- The Associate Chair, Academic may allow reexamination of a course or didactic component of a course only where the Final Examination is a 40% or greater component of the course grade.
- The Associate Chair, Academic may allow reexamination of a didactic component of a course if a student fails the didactic component of a clinical or laboratory course but passes the clinical or laboratory portion. Reexamination is not permitted in courses that are entirely clinical or laboratory or in clinical or laboratory components of courses that include both didactic and clinical or laboratory components.
- Students with more than two failed courses in the academic year will not be allowed further reexamination privileges and may be assigned Conditional Standing and placed on Academic probation. (see Conditional Standing and Academic Probation)
- If a reexamination is approved, satisfactory completion of a remedial program may be required by the Associate Chair, Academic before the student is permitted to take the reexamination.
- The reexamination mark will replace the original final exam mark. For the course to be passed, the new grade with the new reexamination final exam mark, must equal or surpass the required passing grade for the course.
- Students may be granted reexaminations at the end of each term for failed courses within that term that meet the above requirements, but not exceeding more than two overall in an academic year. The Academic Standing Committee would be notified of all reexaminations granted.
- A student who does not take a reexamination within the period of time prescribed by the Faculty will remain with a failed course, and a failed year and will not be allowed to continue further in the program, and will not be eligible for promotion or graduation. (See Conditional Standing and Academic Probation)
- Students are allowed reassessment only in courses or course components that are failed.
- For any failed course or course component, the following reassessment policies apply
YEAR 1 and YEAR 2
- The Associate Chair, Academic may allow reassessment of any failed course or component of a course as follows: didactic components where the final examination is less than 40% course weight, laboratory, and/or clinical components.
- Students with more than two failed courses in the academic year will not be allowed further reassessment privileges and may be assigned Conditional Standing and placed on Academic probation. (See Conditional Standing and Academic Probation)
- If a reassessment is approved, satisfactory completion of a remedial program may be required by the Associate Chair, Academic before the student is permitted to take the reassessment.
- If reassessment is approved for a failed course or course component, the student will be informed of the required reassessment activities, the expected level of achievement to successfully complete them and the timelines for completion.
- If reassessment is successfully completed, the grade attained for the course will be the established pass score for the course.
- A student who does not complete required reassessment within the period of time prescribed by the Faculty will remain with a failed course, and a failed year and will not be allowed to continue further in the program, and will not eligible for promotion or graduation. (see Conditional Standing and Academic Probation)
YEAR 3 and YEAR 4
- No reassessment is permitted for the year-long clinical courses DDS 530 (3rd yr) and DDS 540 (4th yr).
- The Associate Chair, Academic may allow reassessment of DDS 531 (3rd yr clinical skills) and DDS 542 (4th yr electives) courses or their course components if this is the only failed course or course component in that academic year.
- If a reassessment is approved, satisfactory completion of a remedial program may be required by the Associate Chair, Academic before the student is permitted to take the reassessment.
- If reassessment is approved for a failed course or course component, the student will be informed of the required reassessment activities, the expected level of achievement to successfully complete them and the timelines for completion.
- If reassessment is successfully completed, the grade attained for the course will be the established pass score for the course.
- A student who does not complete required reassessment within the period of time prescribed by the Faculty will remain with a failed course, and a failed year and will not be allowed to continue further in the program, and will not be eligible for promotion or graduation. (see Conditional Standing and Academic Probation)
Bachelor of Science (Dental Hygiene)
- Students are allowed reexamination only in courses or didactic components of courses that are failed. The format for reexaminations will be at the discretion of the course coordinator.
- The Department of Dentistry Academic Standing Committee and the Faculty Academic Standing and Promotion Committee must approve reexaminations for students who fail one or two courses. Students with more than two failed courses in any academic year will not be allowed reexamination privileges.
- Students must achieve a GPA of 2.0 in the academic year, inclusive of the failed course, in order to be considered for reexamination.
- Students may be granted rewrites at the end of each term for failed courses within that term that meet the above requirements, but not exceeding more than two overall in an academic year. The Academic Standing Committee would be notified of all reexaminations granted.
- If a reexamination is approved, satisfactory completion of a remedial program may be required before the student is permitted to take the reexamination or reassessment.
- The reexamination mark will replace the original final exam mark.
- Any student who, after reexamination and/or evaluation fails to meet promotion/graduation requirements, is deemed to have failed the year and will not be allowed to continue further in the program.
- A student who does not take a reexamination within the period of time prescribed by the Faculty will remain with a failed course, and a failed year and not be allowed to continue further in the program.
- For students registered in the BSc Dental Hygiene program, the total reexamination privileges will not exceed five reexaminations or a maximum of 20 units of course weight in total over all three years of the program.
- The Department of Dentistry Academic Standing Committee may allow reexamination of the didactic component of a course if a student fails the didactic component of a clinical course but passes the clinical portion. Reexamination is not permitted in courses that are entirely clinical or in clinical components of courses that include both didactic and clinical components.
Students are allowed reassessment only in courses or course components that are failed. For any failed course or course component, the following reassessment policies apply:
- The Director, Dental Hygiene may allow reassessment of any failed course or component of a course as follows: didactic components where an examination is less than 40% course weight, laboratory, and/or clinical components.
- A student repeating a year may be allowed reassessment privileges in that year at the discretion of the Director, Dental Hygiene.
- If a reassessment is approved, satisfactory completion of a remedial program may be required by the Director, Dental Hygiene program before the student is permitted to take the reassessment.
- If reassessment is approved for a failed course or course component, the student will be informed of the required reassessment activities, the expected level of achievement to successfully complete them and the timelines for completion.
- If reassessment is successfully completed, the grade obtained for the reassessed area will be the established pass score for the assessment.
Certificate in Dental Assisting
- Students are allowed reexamination only in courses or didactic components of courses that are failed.
- For any failed course or didactic component of a course, the following reexamination policies apply:
- The Director, Dental Assisting may allow reexamination of a course or didactic component of a course only where the Final Examination is a 40% or greater component of the course grade.
- The Director, Dental Assisting may allow reexamination of a didactic component of a course if a student fails the didactic component of a clinical or laboratory course but passes the clinical or laboratory portion. Reexamination is not permitted in courses that are entirely clinical or laboratory or in clinical or laboratory components of courses that include both didactic and clinical or laboratory components.
- If a reexamination is approved, satisfactory completion of a remedial program may be required by the The Director, Dental Assisting before the student is permitted to take the reexamination.
- The reexamination mark will replace the original final exam mark. For the course to be passed, the new grade with the new reexamination final exam mark, must equal or surpass the required passing grade for the course.
- Students may be granted rewrites at the end of each term for failed courses within that term that meet the above requirements, but not exceeding more than two overall in their program.
- A student who does not take a reexamination within the period of time prescribed by the Faculty will remain with a failed course, and a failed year and will not be to continue in the program.
Students are allowed reassessment only in courses or course components that are failed. For any failed course or course component, the following reassessment policies apply:
- The Director, Dental Assisting may allow reassessment of any failed course or component of a course as follows: didactic components where an examination is less than 40% course weight, laboratory, and/or clinical components.
- If a reassessment is approved, satisfactory completion of a remedial program may be required by the Director, Dental Assisting program before the student is permitted to take the reassessment.
- If reassessment is approved for a failed course or course component, the student will be informed of the required reassessment activities, the expected level of achievement to successfully complete them and the timelines for completion. If reassessment is successfully completed, the grade obtained for the reassessed area will be the established pass score for the assessment.
MD Program
Progression through the program requires that the student demonstrate competency in the objectives and standards outlined for each course, rotation or clinical experience. The program acknowledges that there may be subtle differences in the approach to an objective depending on the course or rotation and that repetition solidifies learning. Students are encouraged to take full advantage of all of these opportunities to demonstrate their competency in different rotations and courses, even if an objective has been repeated
Comprehensive Exams - MED 520 (year 2) and MED 540 (year 4)
- At the end of second year, students take a preclinical comprehensive examination (denoted as MED 520) covering material presented in the first two years of the program.
- After completing year three requirements, students must successfully complete an objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) as the first component of MED 540, comprehensive examination. This first exam covers material presented in the first three years of the program. At the end of fourth year, students will then be required to successfully complete the second component of MED 540 comprehensive examination by completing a knowledge-based assessment. This exam will cover material presented in all four years of the program.
- Students must pass the above comprehensive examination(s) before being promoted to the next academic year (MED 520) or allowed to graduate (MED 540). Deferral of MED 520 or MED 540 may be offered at the discretion of the Associate Dean, MD program. Students with incomplete coursework in year 2 or year 4, may be allowed to write the relevant comprehensive examinations at the discretion of the Academic Standing Committee. Students with incomplete coursework, who are granted permission to write the comprehensive examination will not receive their mark for MED 520 or MED 540 until all preceding coursework and rotations have been completed.
All other program requirements must be successfully completed in order to be eligible to take the second component of MED540.
Note that MED 520 (second year preclinical comprehensive examination) and MED 540 (a 2-part comprehensive examination in year 4) cannot be attempted before prior program requirements have been completed.
- Students are allowed reexamination only in courses or didactic components of courses that are failed.
- For any failed course or didactic component of a course, the following reexamination policies apply:
- A deferred final examination may be approved at the discretion of the course coordinator and/or Associate Dean, MD Program.
- A student repeating a year may be allowed reexamination privileges in that year at the discretion of the Associate Dean, when there are extenuating circumstances that affected the student’s performance. When medical illness is the reason for failure, students may be asked to provide supporting documentation for confirmation in accordance with the University of Alberta’s policy and procedures.
- The Associate Dean, MD Program may allow reexamination of a course or didactic component of a course only where the Final Examination is a 40% or greater component of the course grade. This includes MED 520 (second year comprehensive examination) and MED 540 (fourth year 2-part comprehensive examination).
- The Associate Dean, MD Program may allow reexamination of a didactic component of a course if a student fails the didactic component of a course or rotation but passes the clinical portion.
- Students with more than two failed courses or clinical rotations in the academic year may be allowed to continue on Academic Probation at the discretion of the Associate Dean, MD Program, and will be reviewed by the Academic Standing Committee and Faculty Academic Standing and Promotion Committee.
- If a reexamination is approved, satisfactory completion of a remedial program may be required by the Associate Dean, MD Program before the student is permitted to take the reexamination.
- The reexamination mark will replace the original final exam mark. For the course to be passed, the new grade with the new reexamination final exam mark, must equal or surpass the required passing grade for the course.
- All students are allowed two opportunities to pass each assessment or examination throughout all years of the MD Program.
- A student who does not take a reexamination within the period of time prescribed by the Faculty will remain with a failed course, and a failed year and not be allowed to continue further in the program. If extra-ordinary circumstances prevent a student from completing the reexamination within the period of time prescribed by the Faculty, the student may appeal to the Associate Dean, MD Program for an extension.
- Students are allowed reassessment only in courses or course components that are failed.
- For any failed course or didactic component of a course, the following reassessment policies apply:
- The Associate Dean, MD Program may allow reassessment of any failed course or component of a course as follows: didactic components that are not eligible for reexamination (i.e. greater than 40% course weight), laboratory, and/or clinical components.
- A student repeating a year may be allowed reassessment privileges in that year at the discretion of the Associate Dean, MD Program.
- Students with more than two failed courses in the academic year will be assigned Academic Probation. (See Academic Probation).
- If reassessment is approved, satisfactory completion of a remedial program may be required by the Associate Dean, MD Program, before the student is permitted to take the reassessment.
- If reassessment is approved for a failed course or course component, the student will be informed of the required reassessment activities, the expected level of achievement to successfully complete them and the timelines for completion.
- If reassessment is successfully completed, the grade attained for the course will be the established pass score for the course.
- A student who does not complete required reassessment within the period of time prescribed by the Faculty will remain with a failed course, and a failed year and not be allowed to continue further in the program and will not be eligible for promotion or graduation. (see Academic Probation) If extraordinary circumstances prevent a student from completing the reexamination within the period of time prescribed by the Faculty, the student may appeal to the Associate Dean, MD Program for an extension.
Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory Science and Post-Professional Certification degree completion
- Students are allowed reexamination only in courses or didactic components of courses that are failed. The format for reexaminations or reassessments will be at the discretion of the course coordinator.
- If a reexamination is approved, satisfactory completion of a remedial program may be required before the student is permitted to take the reexamination or reassessment.
- Students may be granted rewrites at the end of each term for failed courses within that term that meet the above requirements. The Academic Standing Committee would be notified of all reexaminations granted.
- A student who does not take a reexamination within the period of time prescribed by the Faculty will remain with a failed course, and a failed year and not be allowed to continue further in the program.
- Students must achieve a GPA of 2.0 inclusive of the failed course in order to be considered for reexamination.
Bachelor of Science in Radiation Therapy
- Students are permitted reexamination only for failed final exams that resulted in a failure of didactic courses.
- Following the University’s guidelines, requests for reexamination must be received within 10 days of the posting of the results.
- If the reexamination is granted the exam will be held according to the deadlines outlined in the Academic Regulations section of the University of Alberta Calendar.
- A student who does not take a reexamination within the period of time prescribed by the University will remain with a failed course, and a failed year and not be allowed to continue further in the program.
- The format for reexaminations will be at the discretion of the course coordinator.
- Reexamination is not permitted in clinical courses.
- If a reexamination is approved, satisfactory completion of a remedial program may be required before the student is permitted to take the reexamination
- The weight of reexamination is at least that of the final examination.
- The reexamination mark will replace the original final exam mark.
- Students will be permitted one reexamination in any academic year.
- The RADTH Academic Standing Committee would be notified of all reexamination requests
- Students are permitted reassessments only for failed final exams that resulted in a failure of didactic courses.
- Following the University’s guidelines, requests for reassessments must be received within 10 days of the posting of the results.
- If the reassessment is granted the exam will be held according to the deadlines outlined in the Academic Regulations section of the University of Alberta Calendar
- A student who does not take a reassessment within the period of time prescribed by the University will remain with a failed course, and a failed year and not be allowed to continue further in the program.
- The format for reassessment will be at the discretion of the course coordinator.
- Reassessment is not permitted in clinical courses.
- If a reassessment is approved, satisfactory completion of a remedial program may be required before the student is permitted to take the reassessment.
- The weight of reassessment is at least that of the final examination.
- The reassessment mark will replace the original final exam mark.
- Students will be permitted one reassessment in any academic year.
- The RADTH Academic Standing Committee would be notified of all reassessment requests.
The Dean, or Supervisor acting on behalf of the Dean, may immediately deny assignment of a student to, withdraw a student from, or vary terms, conditions or site of practicum/clinical placement if the Dean or Supervisor has reasonable grounds to believe that this is necessary in order to protect the Public Interest. (See Practicum Intervention Policy )
Voluntary Temporary Withdrawal (Leave of Absence): A student wishing to temporarily withdraw registration from their program of study is required to make written application to the lead of their program, stating the reasons for the leave and the intended period.
Readmission to the program of study following Voluntary Temporary Withdrawal will be based on the following:
- review, by the Faculty, of the reasons for withdrawal and of the student’s academic record;
- availability of a place, within quota, in the class to which the student seeks readmission. Priority will be assigned in the following order:
- students who have met normal promotion requirements.
- Faculty approved repeating students and students returning after Voluntary Temporary Withdrawal, in order of academic standing
- The length of time the student interrupts studies leading to the completion of their degree must not exceed two years, either at one time or cumulatively.
Withdrawal from Program: A student wishing to permanently discontinue studies in their program should seek advice from their program office.
- Students who have withdrawn from their FoMD program may be considered for readmission but will be required to re-apply to their program of study.
Required to Withdraw: in certain circumstances, a students’ academic standing may result in a requirement to withdraw. Please see the academic standing section for each program for further information.
Appeals and Grievances
Students may appeal academic standing decisions in the Faculty. There are informal ways to appeal as well as strict deadlines for submission of formal appeals. Students may obtain the Faculty’s complete appeal regulations from the Office of the Dean, 2J2 Walter Mackenzie Health Sciences Centre. Under certain conditions, an unsuccessful appeal in the Faculty may be carried to the General Faculties Council Academic Appeals Committee. See Appeals and Grievances .
Students who have a grievance about a grade in an individual course taught in this Faculty should consult Appeals and Grievances , which describes the informal process for addressing concerns about grades. There is also a formal process in the Faculty for appealing a grade. This process, including deadlines for submission of an appeal, is set out in the Faculty’s academic appeal regulations, available from the Office of the Dean, 2J2 Walter Mackenzie Health Sciences Centre.