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Online and Continuing Education
The Online and Continuing Education HUB is a newly formed strategic division that is leading the development of online and digital learning, along with delivering market-driven continuing education programming at the University of Alberta. The HUB partners with University faculties to enable growth through purpose-built online credit programs as well as non-credit Continuing Education programming. The HUB focuses on developing quality online learning rooted in innovation that puts our students at the centre of its design.
Online and Continuing Education works collaboratively with other University of Alberta faculties and educational institutions, community and professional associations, business organizations, and public agencies. It promotes responsive community-university engagement through a wide range of innovative learning opportunities and citizenship activities.
Online and Continuing Education delivers hundreds of courses annually to thousands of learners, many of whom are international students. Short programs and courses are offered in business and leadership; environmental studies; health, safety, and wellness; information access and protection of privacy; land use planning; local and regional governance; residential interiors; technology; visual arts; and writing and communications.
Online and Continuing Education students, our partners in learning, benefit from our instructors who are experts in their fields. Our students earn credentials through flexible delivery methods, advancing their careers and enriching their lives.
Programs and Courses
For full listings of courses or further information, please refer to the Online and Continuing Education website.
Procedures for Academic Assessment and Appeals
Online and Continuing Education has developed policies and procedures in order that learners who encounter concerns related to academic standing, learning assessment/grades, program requirements, or other academic matters may have them reviewed equitably and expeditiously. The Online and Continuing Education Assessment and Grading Policy can be found here.