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Students should consult the following regulations of the Augustana Faculty in tandem with the University Regulations , Academic Schedule , and Admissions Policy , with particular attention to Registration , Tuition and Fees , and Academic Regulations .
Admission and Transfer
If students who are registered in an Augustana degree program wish to enrol in a course offered by another institution and apply the credits for this course toward the Augustana degree, they must obtain the approval of their Academic Adviser before registering for the course. If approval is granted students must then obtain a Visiting Student Authorization letter from the Office of the Registrar at Augustana Campus. Please note that Augustana guarantees consideration for transfer of credits only to courses explicitly identified in the Visiting Student Authorization letter. Credits to be transferred from the other institution are judged on the same basis as transfer credits granted at the time of admission.
General regulations for students regarding registration are contained in Registration and Tuition and Fees .
- Deadlines: Students should familiarize themselves with the deadlines pertaining to registration, as outlined in Academic Schedule , and be aware that these deadlines are strictly enforced.
- Student Responsibility: Students are responsible for familiarizing themselves with program requirements and limitations as specified in the Calendar and for ensuring their programs are properly planned in accordance with degree specifications. Please read the Calendar carefully before registering in courses, and if you are in doubt about any regulations pertaining to your program, consult Student Academic Services for clarification.
- Academic Advice: A student is encouraged to consult an Admissions Counsellor when selecting courses for the first year of university studies. Academic advice is provided by Academic Advisers to assist a student in registering for subsequent years of studies.
- Failure to ‘drop’ a course: Students who do not formally withdraw from a course but who are absent from the final examination without excuse (see Absence from Final Exams ) will be given a mark of zero (0) on the final examination. The final grade in the course will then be determined by combining the appropriately weighted term grade and the assigned zero in the final examination, the mathematical result rounded to the lowest whole number. Students who register in a course but do not attend and do not formally withdraw will receive a grade of F1.
- Change in program: A student who wishes to change from one major, minor, or degree program to another within the Augustana Faculty must consult with an Academic Adviser. A student wishing to change degree program, or transfer into another Faculty, should also consult Readmission or Internal Transfer for requirements on readmission and internal transfer.
- Withdrawal from Augustana: A student who wishes to withdraw from Augustana should first discuss the matter with their Academic Adviser. At the discretion of their Adviser, the student may be referred to a University Counsellor in the Augustana Personal Counselling Centre and/or the Director, Student and Residence Services (if the student is living in residence). All deadlines related to withdrawals are strictly enforced; students should consult Academic Schedule and Registration .
- Auditing courses: Students interested in registering to audit one or more courses in the Augustana Faculty should refer to Auditors .
Attendance, Evaluations and Grading
Since presence at lectures, participation in classroom discussions and projects, and the completion of assignments are important components of most courses, students will serve their interests best by regular attendance. Those who choose not to attend must assume whatever risks are involved. Students should pay close attention to any further requirements on attendance and class participation indicated on course outlines (see Evaluation Procedures and Grading System ). As well, students should refer to Attendance for specific regulations regarding exams.
Every student’s performance will be evaluated at least two times in each course. The evaluations may take the form of tests, essays, and/or other assignments. The results of at least one evaluation in each course will be available to students no later than eight weeks into a standard Fall or Winter Term, seven weeks into an 11-week Augustana course, or eight instructional days into a 3-week Augustana course. For further information on evaluations, grading, and exams, see Evaluation Procedures and Grading System and Examinations (Exams) .
No examination valued at more than 20% of the final grade shall be scheduled during the last ten instructional days of a standard Fall or Winter Term course, the last eight instructional days of an 11-week Augustana course, or the last three instructional days of a 3-week Augustana course (the exception being a final exam in a 3-week course, which typically will occur on the last day of the course).
No student shall be required to write three final exams in one day (i.e., in the morning, afternoon, and evening exam periods). Should a student have three exams scheduled in one day, the student should contact the Office of the Registrar at Augustana as soon as possible for assistance in rescheduling one exam to another time within that final examination period.
Policy on Academic Dishonesty
For information on Academic Dishonesty, including definitions, potential sanctions, the discipline process, and procedures for appeal, a student should consult the University of Alberta Student Academic Integrity Policy. Amendments to the Student Academic Integrity Policy occur throughout the year. The official version of the Student Academic Integrity Policy, as amended from time to time, is housed on the University of Alberta Policies and Procedures Online (UAPPOL) website.
Academic Standing and Graduation
Determination of Academic Standing
Academic standing is assessed based on a student’s Grade Point Average (GPA). (Rules for computing the GPA are listed in Evaluation Procedures and Grading System .) Students are expected to maintain a 2.0 minimum GPA. Students who do not maintain this level of academic performance may be permitted to continue under academic warning or may be required to withdraw.
The assignment and reassignment of academic standing is based on a student’s performance in a minimum of 12 units of course weight. If, at the time of review, the student has attempted fewer than 12 units since the last assignment of academic standing, there will be a program review, but the assessment of academic standing will be deferred and the academic standing assigned at the last review will remain in effect until the next review
A review of academic performance is conducted for each student at the end of each Fall/Winter Terms, based on all courses completed during those Fall/Winter Terms. In addition, any courses taken during the preceding Spring/Summer will be included in the review. Students whose assessment was deferred at the last review will be assessed on the cumulative results of all courses completed since their last academic standing assignment.
Assessment of Academic Standing
- First-Class standing and the Dean’s List: First-class standing in a given year is awarded to any undergraduate student who obtains a GPA of at least 3.5, the GPA to be computed on a minimum of 24 units of course weight taken during Fall/ Winter. Students who attend in only one term of the Fall/Winter are eligible if they complete at least 12 units with a minimum GPA of 3.5. Dean’s List: This designation is given to students who achieve a GPA of at least 3.7 on a minimum of 18 units in Fall/Winter. Students who attend for only one term of Fall/Winter are eligible if they complete at least 9 units with a minimum GPA of 3.7.
- Satisfactory Standing: Satisfactory standing is given to a student who achieves a GPA of at least 2.0. Students with satisfactory standing are academically eligible to continue studies in Augustana Faculty.
- Marginal standing: Marginal standing is given to a student who achieves a GPA of 1.7 to 1.9. Students with marginal standing will be placed on academic warning and will normally have one Fall/Winter of assessment to return to satisfactory standing. Students failing to return to satisfactory standing will be required to withdraw from Augustana Faculty. Students with marginal standing will also be required to withdraw if they have previously had unsatisfactory or marginal standing at the end of any period of assessment at Augustana Faculty or have previously been required to withdraw from Augustana, another Faculty, or another postsecondary institution.
- Unsatisfactory standing: Unsatisfactory standing is given to a student who obtains a GPA less than 1.7. Students with unsatisfactory standing will be required to withdraw from Augustana Faculty.
- Probation
Students who have been required to withdraw and who have successfully appealed that decision will be placed on Probation (See also Academic Warning, Academic Probation, Required to Withdraw ).
- Probationary students complete a minimum of 24 units of course weight with a GPA of 2.0 or higher or 18 units with a GPA of 2.7 or higher
- Probationary students may not take any more than 13 units of course weight in each of Fall and Winter Terms (no more than 3-unit 3-week courses and no more than 10-unit 11-week courses).
- Probationary students may take more than one set of Fall/Winter Terms to complete probation, (courses taken in the Spring or Summer terms will be included in the GPA calculation).
- Probationary students may also be subject to other requirements as specified by the Associate Dean, Academic.
Note: The probationary GPA for students who take longer than one Fall/Winter to complete probationary requirements and who take more than 24 units of course weight during the period of probation may be based on more than 24 units. Grades for all courses completed during the probationary period are used.
Probationary students who fail to attain the GPA and other requirements for probation as specified by the Associate Dean will fail Probation and will be required to withdraw from the Augustana Faculty without appeal.
A maximum of two periods of Probation are allowed while registered in the Augustana Faculty. Students who have cleared their second Probation and whose GPA at the end of a subsequent Fall/Winter falls below 2.0 will not be permitted to continue on Academic Warning, nor will they be allowed a third period of Probation. Such students are required to withdraw from the Augustana Faculty.
Subsequent to having been required to withdraw, students may be required to successfully complete 18 units of course weight transferable to the University with an AGPA of 2.7 or 24 units transferable to the University with an AGPA of 2.0 at another postsecondary institution, after which they may apply for readmission to a Faculty.
Other Regulations Related to Academic Standing
A student who has been required to withdraw from Augustana or any other Faculty, or from another postsecondary program, will not be considered for readmission until at least one full year has elapsed, except in the case of students granted Probation due to a successful appeal to the Associate Dean, Academic.
Documentation of Academic Standing
At the end of each academic year, a statement of grades is available on Bear Tracks.
Grades Required in Courses Presented for the Bachelor’s Degree
- Courses presented for the Bachelor’s degree are limited to those in which a grade of at least D has been attained. If a student has successfully completed more than the number of credits required for the degree, the courses presented to satisfy all the requirements are chosen to the student’s advantage.
- A student must achieve a Graduation Grade Point Average (GGPA) of at least 2.0 to be eligible for a bachelor’s degree. The GGPA is based on the last 90 units of course weight presented for the degree (whether earned at Augustana Faculty, University of Alberta or elsewhere).
- A student must achieve a GPA of at least 2.0 in each declared area of study. Each GPA major or minor is calculated over all presented courses that apply to the area of study, including those courses contributing to the first 30 units.
- The degree is awarded “with distinction” to a student who achieves a GGPA (as defined in item 2, above) of at least 3.5.
Graduation Requirements
- Students wishing to receive an Augustana Faculty degree at an upcoming convocation must apply for graduation on Bear Tracks in accordance with the deadlines specified in Academic Schedule . Also see Graduation . The University of Alberta Augustana Faculty will hold one convocation ceremony each year at Augustana campus, normally scheduled in June. Students registered in Augustana Faculty who are eligible to graduate in Fall may attend the Fall convocation held on North campus.
- In order to graduate, a candidate must fulfill all program requirements and satisfy the grade point average and residence requirements specified above.
- If a graduand has not paid all outstanding fees and accounts, the degree parchment and transcripts will be withheld until all amounts owing are paid in full.
Grievances and Appeals
A copy of the Augustana Faculty regulations regarding appeals on grades and academic standing may be obtained from Student Academic Services. Certain academic standing decisions made by the Augustana Faculty Academic Appeals Committee may be appealed to the General Faculties Council Academic Appeals Committee. See Appeals and Grievances .
Note: Deadlines exist for submission of appeals. Contact the Faculty for details.