Mar 14, 2025  
University of Alberta Calendar 2025-2026 
University of Alberta Calendar 2025-2026

Faculty of Engineering General Information

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Introduction to the Faculty of Engineering

The Faculty of Engineering, University of Alberta is a world leader in engineering education and research. It has fully Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board accredited engineering programs leading to Bachelors of Science degrees.  It offers a number of specialized graduate course- and research-based programs. It also has a list of professional development opportunities.

To find descriptions of the various disciplines of Engineering, visit Explore our Programs on the Faculty of Engineering website.

Members of the Faculty

Office of the Dean

Please see the Faculty of Engineering’s Find a Professor page to find faculty and staff from the following departments:

  • Biomedical Engineering
  • Chemical and Materials Engineering
  • Civil & Environmental Engineering and the School of Mining & Petroleum Engineering
  • Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • School of Engineering Safety and Risk Management

BSc Engineering

The Faculty of Engineering, University of Alberta has fully Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board accredited engineering programs.  All such programs meet the strict accreditation requirements that include knowledge and skill development.

The Faculty of Engineering offers undergraduate programs leading to BSc degrees in Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Engineering Physics, Materials Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Mining Engineering, and Petroleum Engineering.

To find descriptions for the various disciplines of Engineering, visit Explore our Programs on the Faculty of Engineering website.

All engineering students follow a common curriculum in their first year and take courses in Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics, Computing, English, Engineering Mechanics, and Introduction to the Engineering Profession. In March of the first year, students choose among the various engineering disciplines offered and also between the traditional and cooperative education streams. The disciplines and education streams are described in the following sections.

The second-year programs include courses such as Mathematics and Humanities, common to all departments, as well as courses specific to the chosen discipline. As students progress through the program, courses become more specialized. Also, exposure to basic business concepts is important to an engineering education. Programs for all disciplines include courses in engineering economics, and several engineering management and business electives are available.

All Engineering programs include ENGG 400 , MATH 201 , MATH 209 , one of ENG M 310  or ENG M 401 , an ITS elective as described in Impact of Technology on Society (ITS) Elective, and a capstone design course.

All engineering programs must also include at least three units at the 200-level in each of at least three of the following five areas: (1) Strength of Materials, (2) Thermodynamics, (3) Materials Science, (4) Fundamental Electrical Engineering, and (5) Engineering Mechanics (Dynamics).

Most programs have traditional programs, which are course-only, and those with CEWIL accredited co-operative, work-experience learning options (Co-op Programs).

Enrolment in all Engineering programs is limited.

Engineering Instruction in French

In conjunction with Faculté Saint-Jean, most of the first-year curriculum can be taken in French on the Faculté Saint-Jean campus (see Faculté Saint-Jean (En Français) , Faculté Saint-Jean (English) ). Academic conditions and content of the courses are equivalent to their English counterparts. Note that only a few second-year and higher level courses for Engineering programs are available in French. See Baccalauréat ès science en génie - Première année (Faculté Saint-Jean) Bachelor of Science in Engineering - First-Year Program [Faculté Saint-Jean]  for further details.

Cooperative Education Program

The Faculty of Engineering offers two types of degree programs to which all students can apply: the traditional program and the cooperative education program. Students in the traditional program typically attend classes from September to April over four years (eight academic terms) to obtain their degree. In the cooperative education program, students complement their academic studies with five four-month terms of paid work experience. The academic requirements for both programs are identical. Because of the work experience component, Co-op students complete the last six academic terms over four years, so a degree with the Cooperative Program designation requires five years.

The Cooperative Program is offered in all Engineering programs. Most programs include one fall work term (September to December), one winter work term (January to April) and three summer work terms (May to August). See individual program requirements in the Faculty of Engineering  for the sequence of academic and work terms. Because of the year-round nature of the Cooperative Program, Co-op students are considered full-time students of the University of Alberta for the full 12 months of any academic year (July 1 to June 30).

Students accepted into the Co-op Program must successfully complete the following six courses and the regular requirements for an Engineering degree within their specialization: ENGG 299 , WKEXP 901 , WKEXP 902 , WKEXP 903 , WKEXP 904 , and WKEXP 905 .

Because work experience is required, the Engineering Co-op Department in the Faculty helps students find suitable employment. Most jobs are in Alberta, but some jobs are elsewhere in Canada or overseas. The ultimate responsibility for obtaining work-term employment is the student’s. Co-op students pay a modest administrative fee for each work term.

Biomedical Engineering

Biomedical engineering is concerned with the application of engineering and the basic sciences to the solution of problems arising in medicine and biology. In its application to human physiology, biomedical engineering involves the understanding of body processes, the diagnosis of different body conditions and the rehabilitation of bodily functions. The tremendous complexity and variety of problems associated with the aforementioned areas require the involvement of engineers of all backgrounds.

Although the Department of Biomedical Engineering does not offer an undergraduate degree, offering only the MSc and PhD degrees, there are formal undergraduate biomedical engineering options and elective sequences in the Departments of Chemical and Materials Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering. To help students understand and prepare for employment in this area, a series of undergraduate electives is available in areas such as physiology, medical instrumentation, medical imaging, modelling of biological systems, biomaterials and biomechanics. At the graduate level, there are programs in these departments as well as the Department of Biomedical Engineering which is in both the Faculty of Engineering and the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry. This latter program is offered jointly by the Universities of Alberta and Calgary.

For further information contact the Chair, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, or a Faculty advisor in any Engineering department.

Business Course Electives for Engineering Students

The Faculty of Engineering has an agreement with the Faculty of Business to permit a limited number of Engineering students to take Business courses. Areas include accounting, finance, industrial relations, and management science. Interested students should contact their Program Advisor for referral to the Engineering-Business Advisor.

Honors Mathematics Courses

Students with exceptionally high interest and ability in mathematics may replace certain engineering mathematics courses with honors mathematics courses. These students would follow the honors calculus sequence MATH 117 , MATH 118 , and MATH 217 , instead of MATH 100 , MATH 101 , and MATH 209 . Students should contact the Honors Chair of the Department of Mathematics for an interview and approval to register immediately after receiving notification of their admission to the first-year Engineering program.

Engineering Safety and Risk Management Courses

Safety, risk, and loss management principles applicable to all engineering activities are covered in ENGG 404  and ENGG 406 . These courses provide a basic understanding of the integrated practices of reducing risks to people, environment, assets, and production. The key role of Engineering and Business graduates in this expanding field is explored, including emphasis on the proactive team approach.

Arrangements with Other Institutions

Alberta Engineering Transfer Programs

Students may complete their first year of Engineering at any of the following Alberta postsecondary institutions: Grande Prairie Regional College, Keyano College (Fort McMurray), University of Lethbridge, Medicine Hat College, MacEwan University (Edmonton), and Red Deer College. Students who complete the Engineering Transfer Program at one of these institutions may apply to enter second-year Engineering at the University of Alberta and will be considered for program placement on an equal basis with continuing University of Alberta Engineering students.

Transfer Credit Agreement Between the University of Alberta and the University of Calgary Faculties of Engineering

Both the Universities of Alberta and Calgary offer undergraduate degree programs in Engineering.

The first year of the programs is similar but not identical. A transfer student may obtain complete or partial credit towards first year depending on the courses selected and the university to which admission is sought.

Complete information for transfer of credits between these programs is provided by the Alberta Learning Information Service through Transfer Alberta. The information is reviewed and updated annually by the Alberta Council on Admissions and Transfer.  See Engineering Programs on the Transfer Alberta website.

Students who complete the first year program at the University of Calgary and are interested in a transfer to the University of Alberta should consult the Faculty of Engineering concerning transfer of credit.

Transfer from Alberta Technical Institutes

Students from Alberta Institutes of Technology (e.g., NAIT, SAIT) should refer to the Alberta Transfer Guide and the Faculty of Engineering website for information on admission policies and potential transfer credit.

British Columbia Engineering Transfer Programs

Students may complete their first year of Engineering at any of the following British Columbia postsecondary institutions: Vancouver Island University Engineering Transfer Certificate and Northern Lights College. Students who complete the Engineering Transfer Program at one of these institutions may apply to enter second-year Engineering at the University of Alberta and will be considered for program placement on an equal basis with continuing University of Alberta Engineering students.

Exchange Program with École Polytechnique

Students in the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Alberta may participate in an exchange program whereby one year of their studies is completed at École Polytechnique in Montréal. École Polytechnique, affiliated with the University of Montréal, is one of the premier schools of engineering in Canada and is the largest French-language school of engineering in the country. Students must have demonstrated superior academic ability and be fluent in French. The exchange normally takes place in a student’s third year. Exchange programs are available in all engineering programs except Petroleum Engineering. Please consult the Associate Dean (Student Services), Faculty of Engineering, for more information.

Special Students

Students with a BSc in Engineering may register as special students in the Faculty as part time students. For further information regarding admissibility, see Special Student .

Graduate Studies

The U of A’s flourishing research programs indicate a commitment to scholarship, pursuit of knowledge, and the application of that knowledge to the solution of contemporary problems. There are graduate programs in many fields of engineering leading to the degrees of Master of Science (MSc), Master of Engineering (MEng), and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD). A combined Master of Business Administration/Master of Engineering (MBA/MEng) degree program is also available. For more information on Graduate Studies, contact the individual Engineering departments.

Professional Associations and Technical Societies

All Engineering programs listed in the Calendar are accredited by the Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board of Engineers Canada. Therefore, graduation from the Faculty of Engineering can lead to registration as a professional engineer in the provincial associations of professional engineers, in accordance with their individual policies.

The practice of engineering throughout Canada is regulated by professional associations in each province. The right to practise and accept professional responsibility is limited to those registered with the professional organization in the province concerned. In Alberta, this is the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta (APEGA). Members of the Engineering Students’ Society are automatically student members of the Association. Graduates are encouraged to join the Association as Engineers in Training. Four years of acceptable experience following graduation are necessary for registration as a professional engineer.

The practising engineer keeps abreast of technological developments through membership in one of several technical societies. Student branches of these societies (CSAE; SChE; CSCE; IEEE; CSME; CIM; ISA; SPE; SAE; SME; ASHRAE) have active chapters on campus. Engineering students are encouraged to join the society closest to their specialty.