Oct 26, 2024  
University of Alberta Calendar 2023-2024 
University of Alberta Calendar 2023-2024 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

General University Policies

Return to: University Regulations  

Mission Statement

Within a vibrant and supportive learning environment, the University of Alberta discovers, disseminates, and applies new knowledge for the benefit of society through teaching and learning, research and creative activity, community involvement, and partnerships. The University of Alberta gives a national and international voice to innovation in our province, taking a lead role in placing Canada at the global forefront.

University Equity Statement in Student Affairs

The University recognizes the diversity of the Canadian population and obligation to be accessible to all sectors of society. The University therefore encourages diversity and welcomes applications from all qualified persons including women, members of visible minorities, First Nations, Métis, and Inuit, persons with disabilities, and sexual and gender minorities. The University Calendar will use gender inclusive language when referring to members of the University Community. In these ways, this demonstrates the University’s commitment to accommodating and improving the representativeness of its diverse communities.

The Alberta Human Rights Act prohibits discrimination against any person because of race, religious beliefs, colour, gender, gender identity, gender expression, physical disability, mental disability, ancestry, place of origin, marital status, source of income, family status or sexual orientation, except where the distinction can be shown to be reasonable and justifiable in the circumstances. The University of Alberta complies with the Act when it considers students for admission, promotion, and graduation. Of its own volition, the University of Alberta does not discriminate on the basis of political belief.

Subject to the limits set out in the Alberta Human Rights Act, the University of Alberta affirms its right to determine the criteria by which applicants are accepted into the University community. Individuals seeking admission to or continuance in academic programs must meet the qualifications and performance standards set out by the University’s governing bodies. 

See Règlements de la Faculté Saint-Jean  for French Translation.

Electronic Communication Policy for Students and Applicants

The University of Alberta uses and will use electronic communication with its students and applicants in lieu of many paper-based processes. “Electronic communication” includes anything that is created, recorded, transmitted or stored in digital form or in any other intangible form by electronic, magnetic or optical means or by any equivalent means. Currently, this most often includes information communicated by e-mail and via a website.

All references in the Calendar and in other University policies to any method of communication by the University by any media, shall be deemed to include the right of the University to make such communication by electronic means.

It is important to note that communication by electronic means between the University and its students and applicants remains at the option of the University. Some Faculties, Departments or other offices of the University may maintain policies to communicate by non-electronic means, in certain cases, or generally. The following determine what form of communication students and applicants should use in response to communications from the University:

  1. if a specific method of response (such as by e-mail, a web-based form, or a paper form) is stated as being required in the communication from the University, use that method;
  2. if an option to use different methods of communication is provided, any of the options may be used;
  3. if no specified method or option for response is stated, respond using the same method in which the communication was made. That is, if an e-mail is received, respond by e-mail; if a letter or other communication in paper form is received, reply in paper form.

All students and applicants will be assigned a University of Alberta Campus Computing ID (CCID) with e-mail privileges (see Information Services and Technology contact information on the Inquiries  page).

Where the University chooses to communicate by e-mail, the communication will normally be directed to the e-mail address that was originally assigned by the University.

Important note: Information Services and Technology allows students and applicants to change their originally assigned University e-mail address to a preferred University e-mail address. If students or applicants choose to change their originally assigned e-mail address to a preferred e-mail address, the preferred e-mail address will become the one used by the University pursuant to this policy, and e-mail will not be received at the original address. It is the responsibility of all students and applicants to ensure that it is possible for them to receive, access, read and act upon all e-mail from the University in a timely fashion. The University is not responsible for failure to receive communications as a result of students or applicants having changed their originally assigned e-mail address to a preferred e-mail address. If students or applicants choose to forward their University directed e-mail to other non-University e-mail addresses such as those offered by Hotmail, Yahoo, Shaw, Telus, etc., they do so at their own risk.

Electronic communications sent by the University will be deemed received the next University business day after the day the e-mail was sent, regardless of any error, failure notice, internet service provider problem, virus, e-mail filters, or auto-reply related to students’ or applicants’ e-mail, unless the error or problem originated with the University of Alberta. Students and applicants are expected to check their e-mail account frequently in order to stay current with University communications. Information Services and Technology must be advised of any problems encountered with e-mail accounts immediately by contacting the Help Desk at (780) 492-9400. Failure to receive or read in a timely manner University communications sent to the e-mail address does not absolve students and applicants from knowing, responding to or complying with the content of that communication.

While the University of Alberta may require students and applicants to use electronic communication, they must nonetheless continue to exercise prudence and common sense in their electronic communications with the University, recognizing that:

  1. great care must be taken to ensure that the e-mail is addressed only to the intended recipients;
  2. caution should be exercised when copying or forwarding information to others;
  3. the use of file attachments with e-mail communications is discouraged unless the sender has verified that the attachments will be accessible to and readable by all intended recipients and that they are virus-free;
  4. students and applicants should check their mailboxes regularly to ensure there is enough available space for new messages;
  5. students and applicants must inform Information Services and Technology immediately by contacting the Help Desk at (780) 492-9400 if their e-mail is not working;
  6. if students and applicants do not have the ability to access e-mail communications or the web, they must inform the Office of the Registrar in order to make alternate arrangements.

Electronic communication will be subject to the same policies on information disclosure as other methods of communication (see Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy). The laws of Alberta will apply to all electronic transactions and communications involving the University of Alberta.

Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy

On September 1, 1999, the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act came into effect at the University of Alberta. The purpose of this Act is to allow any person a right of access to the records of the University, to control the manner in which the University may collect information from individuals, to control the use that the University may make of that information, to control its disclosure of that information, to allow individuals the right of access to information about themselves, to allow individuals a right to request corrections to their personal information and to provide for an independent review of decisions of the University made under this Act, and the resolution of complaints under this Act.

The University of Alberta creates and collects information for the purposes of admission, registration and other activities directly related to its education programs. All applicants for admission are advised that the information they provide, and any other information placed into the student record, will be protected and used in compliance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

University Infectious Diseases Regulation

The University of Alberta’s regulation on infectious diseases is designed to limit the possibility of transmission of infectious diseases within the educational setting. The University recognizes, however, that it is not possible to completely eliminate the risk of infection. Concern about limiting the transmission of infectious diseases must be balanced against the University’s duty to provide a work, study and living environment which is free from discrimination except where that discrimination can be shown to be reasonable and justifiable in the circumstances.

Students, Academic staff, Non-academic staff and other individuals at the University of Alberta shall observe Routine Practices and Additional Precautions at all times within the educational setting to lessen their risk of acquiring or transmitting infectious diseases from/to another person. These precautions entail the avoidance of direct contact with the blood, blood products, and other body fluids of another person.

All staff and students who have any exposure of blood and/or body fluids to non-intact skin, a mucous membrane or a needlestick injury during the course of their work or study are required to report that exposure to their supervisors and to Environment, Health and Safety. These individuals are also required to seek medical attention as soon as possible through their supervisor, pre-established departmental procedures, or Emergency Department. 

Further information pertaining to the reduction of transmission of infectious diseases and/or routine practices and additional precautions may be obtained from Environment, Health and Safety.

  1. Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV): Students should be aware of the appropriate obligations or standards of practice of their professional regulatory authority. Any student performing or assisting with exposure-prone procedures is expected to know and, if infected, report their status to their respective professional regulatory authority or directly to the Alberta Expert Review Panel for Bloodborne Viral Infections. The Panel will provide the student with recommendations for participation in curricular activities and follow-up.
  2. Medical Testing and Immunization Requirements: To ensure, insofar as possible, both student and patient safety, the Faculties of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences (Dietetic Interns), Medicine and Dentistry (Medicine, Dentistry, Dental Hygiene, Medical Laboratory Science, Radiation Therapy), Nursing, Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, and Rehabilitation Medicine (Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, Speech Language Pathology) require immunization against, and/or proof of immunity to the following diseases; diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, measles, mumps, rubella, varicella and hepatitis B. A one-step tuberculin skin test is also required upon entry into programs. All students must have their immunization status reviewed and updated as necessary by a qualified healthcare professional upon acceptance into a health sciences program. Any fees associated with immunization updates are the responsibility of the student. If unable to meet these requirements due to a medical contraindication(s), students must sign a waiver. Please note the consequences of choosing to sign a waiver may include not being able to attend certain clinical placements or practicums which may affect the student’s ability to complete requirements of their degree.


  1. For updates on changes to medical testing and immunization requirements refer to the Faculty Student Services offices.
  2. Under the terms of the Student Placement Agreement between the University of Alberta and Alberta Health Services, AHS may remove students who do not meet these immunization requirements during their clinical placement at any time. The University can request that AHS perform a risk assessment for those students who do not meet the requirement. Please contact your Faculty office for more information.
    1. Tetanus/Diphtheria: Documented history of a primary vaccination series is required for both of tetanus and diphtheria, and one documented reinforcing dose of tetanus/diphtheria-containing vaccine within the last 10 years.
    2. Pertussis: One documented dose of acellular pertussis-containing vaccine on/after 18 years of age is required.
    3. Measles: Two valid documented doses of measles-containing vaccine are required.
    4. Mumps: Two valid documented doses of mumps-containing vaccine are required.
    5. Rubella: Legislated under the Public Health Act; Communicable Diseases Regulation, documentation of at least one valid dose of rubella-containing vaccine is required.
    6. Varicella (Chickenpox): Documented history of valid age-appropriate varicella vaccine, or laboratory evidence of immunity, or strong history of past infection at 12 months of age or greater is required.
    7. Tuberculosis: A single baseline tuberculin skin test (TST) is required upon entry to the programs, within 12 months of the program start date. If the student has documentation of a prior positive TST; a documented chest x-ray within 6 months of the program start date is required. Students with a positive TST who meet the criteria outlined in the AHS Immunization Program Standards manual shall be referred by the treating clinician to TB Services for further assessment.
    8. Hepatitis B: Students will be required to show proof of immunity to hepatitis B as per the current Alberta Health Services Standard for Immunization of Health Care Workers.

Other Third-Party Regulations

Where a student or instructor is required to attend another third-party site for their academic program or employment, and where that third-party site has other immunization requirements, the student or instructor is expected to be in compliance with that third-party regulation.  It is important that students and instructors understand and follow these third-party regulations as they may impact a student’s or instructor’s ability to continue or complete their academic programs or employment, respectively.  Students with questions about their placements at third-party sites, and the immunization regulations that they need to follow, should speak with a faculty advisor.


Please be aware that this calendar section provides a broad outline of immunizations required and adheres to the recommended best practices prescribed by Alberta Health Services, the details of which are found on their Immunization Program Standards Manual webpage. This section is subject to change based on any revisions made to the Alberta Health Services Immunization Program Standards Manual.

University Patent Policy

By accepting admission, students agree to abide by the provisions of the University of Alberta Patent Policy, as the same may be amended from time to time, with regard to any patentable discoveries or inventions in which students may participate. Acceptance of this policy is a condition of registration in any University program. An unabridged copy of the University’s Patent Policy may be obtained from University Governance.

Human Research Ethics Policy

After extensive consultation the Board of Governors of the University of Alberta approved a policy in 2011 for the ethical treatment of human research participants. This policy applies to all research that involves human participants. An unabridged copy of the University’s Human Research Ethics Policy may be obtained from University Governance.

Emergency Management

The Office of Emergency Management has been established to ensure the University has policies, procedures and plans in place to address any emergency or disaster situation.  Visit Emergency Preparedness and Response for more information.

University of Alberta Policies and Procedures Online (UAPPOL)

University of Alberta Policies and Procedures Online (UAPPOL) is a resource for university policies and procedures, in addition to those found in the Calendar.  These policies include:

  • Academic Policies
  • Advancement​ Policies
  • Research Policies
  • Human Resources Policies
  • Finance Policies
  • Administration & Operations Policies
  • University Relations Policies
  • Safety Policies
  • Environment, Health and Safety Management System
  • Information Management & Information Technology Policies
  • Facilities, Properties & Equipment Policies

For more information, visit UAPPOL.