Teaching and Scholarship
In recognition of excellence in teaching, Assistant Professor Esther Kim was selected as the 2013 recipient of the Faculty Teaching Award. Other teaching award recipients for 2013 are Heather Bredy for the Faculty Sessional Teaching Award, and Maxi Miciak for the Graduate Student Teaching Award.
Members of the Faculty
Officers of the Faculty
Interim Dean and Professor
RG Haennel
Associate Dean-Professional Programs and Community Engagement
L Taylor, PhD
Vice Dean-Graduate Studies and Research
T Hopper, PhD
Associate Dean-Strategic Initiatives
B Martin, BScPT, MA
Associate Dean-Graduate Studies and Research
B Martin, BScPT, MA
Professors Emeriti
T Videman, MD, PhD
S Warren, PhD
D Bennett, PhD
M Ferguson-Pell
Professor and Chair in Military and Veteran’s Clinical Rehabilitation
I Cernak, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor
K Adams, PhD
Adjunct Professors
S Aung, PhD
S Hagisawa, PhD
M Redmond, PhD
J Wolfaardt, PhD
Adjunct Associate Professor
A Mihailidis, PhD
Adjunct Assistant Professors
S Caspar
I Henderson, BA, DSP
H Janz
S Leew, PhD
H Logan
A Mihailidis, PhD
L Phillips
P Pilarski
V Smith, PhD
P Tandon
J Wakeling, PhD
Assistant Dean-Administration
D Palmer, MA
Research Facilitator
P Jones
Director of Communications
L Wang
Director of Continuing Professional Education
S Drefs, MSc
Director of Advancement
J Voyer
Communication Sciences and Disorders
Professor and Chair
K Pollock, PhD
Associate Chair
L McFarlane, MSc
Professors Emeriti
A Cook, PhD
S Greiter, PhD
P Hagler, PhD
M Hodge, PhD
G Holdgrafer, PhD
AH Rochet, PhD
P Schneider, PhD
C Boliek, PhD
T Hopper, PhD
J Rieger, PhD
J Volden, PhD
Associate Professors
M Campbell, PhD
S Cleary, PhD
J Cummine, PhD
B Hodgetts, PhD
E Kim, PhD
L McFarlane, MSc
Assistant Professors
M Charest, PhD
T Paslawski, PhD
Adjunct Associate Professors
K Ritter, PhD
D Truscott, PhD
Adjunct Assistant Professor
S Rafaat, MSc
Academic Coordinator of Clinical Education
L McFarlane, MSc
Clinical Supervisors
S Diediw
D Martin
A Rueling
Clinical Lecturers
E Arseneau, Sheldon M Chumir Health Centre, CAR-C
A Baird, Speechworks
J Beebe, CH, Alberta School for the Deaf
A Blandy, Vital Grandin Preschool
J Borle, Scott Robertson School
S Brook, CH, Leduc Public Health Centre
H Burrell, Calgary Health Region
M Carlson, Regina Public Schools
L Carney, Royal University Hospital
A Cassis, Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital
K Catton, North Central Public Health Centre
T Chapman, Calgary Health Region
J Chesworth, Hazeldean School, Early Education Program
P Delaney-Bernier, Calgary Health Region
M Dhillon, North Delta Public Health Unit
T Dow, The Centennial Centre for Mental Health and Brain Injury
L Duffley, Centre Coordinator of Clinical Education, CHA, Community Health Services
S Duggleby-Wenzel, North Central Public Health Centre
M Durbach, Queen Alexandra Centre for Children’s Health, West Shore
K Dyck, Boundary Trails Health Centre
E Ekins, Royal Island Hospital
B Feldbruegge, Royal University Hospital
T Feltham, Vegreville Health Unite
L Figueroa, North East Community Health Centre
K Forst, North East Community Health Centre
B Gallen, Saskatoon Health Region, Public Health
C Gregoret, Conseil Scolaire du Centre-Nord No 2
G Hagan, Peace Country Health
K Handford, Queen Alexandra Centre for Children’s Health, West Shore
T Hardy, Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital
G Hartley, Saskatoon City Hospital
K Hoff Baron, CHA, Speech Language Services (Spruce Grove)
L Hunter Peel, CH Sherwood Park
C Ibbott, Scott Robertson School
B Irvine, Medicine Hat Regional Hospital
A Jansen, Duggan Public Health Centre
R Kajner, Rockyview General Hospital, Calgary
G Kamitomo, University of Alberta Hospital
A Kerr, Centennial Centre for Mental Health and Brain Injury
C Klassen, East Central Health
S Knoot, Public Health Centre, Spirit River
D Kowalchuk, Westview Health Centre
P LaBerge, Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital
T Larson, Cowichan Valley Association for Community Living
D Lieffers
K Lindland, Foothills Medical Centre
H Lomheim, Institute for Stuttering Treatment and Research
J Loncke, Centre Coordinator of Clinical Education, St Joseph’s Healthcare, Hamilton
O Martens, Alvin Buckwold Child Development Program
B McEwen, Alberta Children’s Hospital
J McLean, St Paul’s Hospital |
Z Mohamed, Calgary Health Region, CAR-S
S Moore, Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital
S Nicol, Tevie Miller Heritage School
L Nimcan, The Centennial Centre for Mental Health and Brain Injury
M Oleson, Okotoks Health and Wellness Centre
T Oliver, Wascana Rehabilitation Centre
C Oosthuizen, Prince George and District Child Development Centre
C Pidhayecki Stefishen, Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital
K Reid, Medicine Hat Regional Hospital
S Reynolds, St Albert Public Health Centre
S Rieder, St Kevin’s School
S Robbins, Burnaby Hospital
H Roberts, Elmwood Elementary School
H Robertson, Centre Coordinator of Clinical Education, Calgary Health Region
M Roszell, Teevie Miller Heritage School
P Rubensohn, Alberta Children’s Hospital
A Ruelling, Early Supported Discharge Team
A Rushton, Renfrew Educational Services
S Saifer, Child Guidance Centre
D Saxton, CHA, North Central Public Health Centre
J Schindel, Chinook Health Region, Children’s Care Services
C Schipper, Chinook Health Region, Children’s Care Services
T Seipp, Royal University Hospital
S Sheridan, Nanaimo Regional General Hospital
T Sim, Carewest Dr Vernon Fanning Centre
L Smith, St Albert Public Health Centre
D Sorensen, Red Deer Regional Hospital Centre
E Sovis, Conseil Scolaire du Centre- Nord No 2
C Sparrow, Scott Robertson School
J Stafford, Lethbridge Regional Hospital
L Stene, Foothills Medical Centre
B Strachan, CHA, Neighborhood Chat (Duggan Office)
A Sullivan, Foothills Medical Centre, Tertiary Neurorehab, SSB
K Sutley, Beacon Heights Early Education Program
W Szalay, MSA Abbotsford Hospital
N Tapajna, Holy Spirit Catholic Schools
S Teshima, Homesteader School
R Tomczak, CHA, Community Rehabilitation Interdisciplinary Service
H Tomlinson, Carewest Dr Vernon Fanning Centre
R Tripathy, Rockyview General Hospital
E Van Heerden, Alberta Children’s Hospital
L Ward, CHA, Leduc Public Health Centre
A Wardlaw, Interior Health, Speech and Language Program
K Wasylenko, North Health Centre
A Witt-Lajeunesse, Chinook Regional Hospital
G Yan, Calgary Health Region, Northwest Health Centre
M Yohemas, Alberta Children’s Hospital
D Zeidler, Coast-Garibaldi Health Centre
E Zouck, The Children’s Guild Therapy Centre
S Zwierink, St Albert Public Health Centre |
Clinical Assistant Professors
S Bond, CHA, North East Community Health Centre
C Dearden, Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital
L Foot, Centennial Centre for Mental Health and Brain Injury
L Hunter Peel, CHA, Neighborhood Chat (Sherwood Park Office)
R Illchuk, Westakiwin Health Unit
S Kowton, Elk Island Public Schools
R Mulvey, Foothills Medical Centre
S Reynolds, CHA, St Albert Public Health Centre
H Stamler, Grey Nuns Community Hospital
C Zalmanowitz, Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital
Clinical Associate Professors
C Bakker, Kelowna General Hospital
C Fleck-Prediger, The Centennial Centre for Mental Health and Brain Injury
T Gagnon, Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital
A Guthrie, CHA Community Health Services
L Mackie, University of Alberta Hospital
L Rocchio, Misericordia Hospital
S Watson-Preuss, Misericordia Hospital
Occupational Therapy
Professor and Chair
L Liu, PhD
Professors Emeriti
Y Bhambhani, PhD
BB Fifield, MSc
V Hollis, PhD
HM Madill, PhD
J Magill-Evans, PhD
C Brown, PhD
ES Brintnell, MSc, BOT, Dip P and OT
D McConnell, PhD
J Misiaszek, PhD
S Esmail, PhD
Associate Professors
E Taylor, PhD
Assistant Professors
S Chen, PhD
C Guptill, PhD
P Ferrazzi, PhD
S Bremault-Phillips, PhD
M Forhan, PhD
S Hodgetts, PhD
A Leung, PhD
M Roberts, PhD
S Phelan, PhD
Academic Coordinator of Clinical Education
C Schmitz, MEd, BScOT
Administrative Officer
D MacRitchie, PhD
Adjunct Professors
I Nikolaidis, PhD
E Stroulia, PhD
Adjunct Associate Professor
R Lederer, MDes
Adjunct Assistant Professors
S Berg, PhD
K Churchill, MScOT
T Ohyanagi, PhD
S Friesen, BSc MEDes
R Freund-Heritage, MScOT
D Froese, BMROT
S King, PhD
J Klein, PhD
L Miller, MSc
S Rajan BHScOT
K Tam, BA
W Tilley, BScOT
R Wickman, BA
T Williams BHScOT
Clinical Lecturers
T Bonertz, Alberta Hospital, Edmonton
T Boucher, Children’s Rehabilitation Services, Camrose
D Butterworth, Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital
K Cuglietta, Misericordia Hospital
C Derksen, Rural Rehabilitation and Claresholm Centre for MH
C Eddolls, Home Care, Prince Albert, SK
B Fleet, Alberta Hospital, Edmonton
C Fleming, Hazeldean School, Edmonton
J Fowler, University of Alberta Hospital, Edmonton
B Franchuk, Barrhead Community Health
K Garber, Mayfield Early Education Program, Edmonton
K Gillis, Community Health, Coaldale
J Higgins, Grey Nuns Hospital, Edmonton
S Jadavji, Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital
H Knupp, WCB - Millard Health, Edmonton
F Lopaschuk, Royal Alexandra Hospital, Edmonton
I Maclennan, Extendicare, Edmonton
T Mills, Home Living, Edmonton
A Payne, Peter Lougheed Centre, Calgary
E Pilger, Function First Pediatrics, Grande Prairie
M Pruner, Mayfield Early Education Program, Edmonton
J Quigley, Alberta Children’s Hospital, Calgary
K Rendell, Home Care, Calgary
L Sarabin, Capital Care Strathcona
M Thai, Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital
P Tiedemann, Home Care, Edmonton
S Tkachuk, Capital Care Strathcona
K Valavaara, Foothills Medical Centre, Calgary
B Williams, Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital
G Workkun, Halvar Johnson Centre for Brain Injury, Ponoka
Clinical Assistant Professors
M Anderson, Peace River Community MH Services, Peace River
G Rowland, Centennial Centre for Brain Injury and MH
Clinical Associate Professors
J Betts, Foothills Medical Centre
W Cutten, Alberta Children’s Hospital
K Gillis, Coaldale Community Care
D Groves, Rockyview General Hospital
V Hrynko, Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital
M Lee, Royal Alexandra Hospital
F McLeod, Grey Nuns Community Hospital
G Rowland, The Centennial Centre for Mental Health and Brain Injury
C Whitford, Royal Alexandra Hospital
Clinical Professors
L Erickson, Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital
Physical Therapy
Professor and Interim Chair
D Gross, PhD
Associate Chair
M Hall, PT, PhD
Professors Emeriti
M Crites-Battie, PhD
J Darrah, PhD
S Kumar, PhD, DSc
M Parker, MCSP, HT DipPT
JE Semple, MEd, BPT, Grad Dip Phys, HT, DipPT
Clinical Professor Emeritus
J Loomis, BPT, MEd
L Beaupre, PhD
K Fouad, PhD
D Gross, PhD
RG Haennel, PhD
A Jones, PhD
G Kawchuk, PhD
DJ Magee, BA, BPT, MSc, PhD
P Manns, Phd
J Yang, PhD
Associate Professors
G Bostick, PhD
J Chepeha, Phd
M McNeely, PhD
L Woodhouse, PhD
Assistant Professors
J Whittaker, PhD
L Wiart, Phd
Associate Professor and Clinical Scientist
E Parent, PhD
Academic Clinical Coordinator Education
Clinical Assistant Professors
G Abbud, MSc ExSci
M Barnes
K Dao, DPT
K Murphy, MScPT
B Norton, BScPT
C Zarski, BScPT
Coordinator, Augustana Satellite
L Jasper, MSc, BMR(PT)
Coordinator, Calgary Satellite
J Chow, MScPT
Clinical Coordinator, Calgary Satellite
B Rudland, MScPT
Administrative Officer
S Lynch
Adjunct Professors
C Lebrun
B MacIntosh
B Stephens, PhD
W Janzen, PhD
M Haykowski, PhD
Adjunct Associate Professors
N Prasad, PhD
P Tandon, PhD
D Schopflocher, PhD
Adjunct Assistant Professors
S Armijo
K Bruno, PhD
J Fuentes, PhD
C Miller
P Pilarski
E Pituskin
K Reiss, PhD
P Pilarski
Clinical Lecturers
A Glass, AHS - Calgary Zone
V D’Souza, AHS - Calgary Zone
J Scott, AHS - Calgary Zone
A Gallagher, AHS - Calgary Zone
J Schroder, AHS - Calgary Zone
D Teitelbaum, AHS - Calgary Zone
S Miller, AHS - Calgary Zone
T Hawken, AHS - Central Zone
C Klass, AHS - Central Zone
D Eddy, AHS - Central Zone
L Gartner, AHS - Central Zone
L Steenbergen, AHS - Central Zone
M Hall, AHS - Central Zone
H Lawrence, AHS - Central Zone
K Kopat, AHS - Central Zone
D Jacobson, AHS - Central Zone
C Abraham, AHS - Edmonton Zone
K Tiedemann, AHS - Edmonton Zone
D Wake, AHS - Edmonton Zone
K Benterud, AHS - Edmonton Zone
S DeForge, AHS - Edmonton Zone
L Kim, AHS - Edmonton Zone
M Laurensse, AHS - Edmonton Zone
J Miller, AHS - Edmonton Zone
D Webster, AHS - Edmonton Zone
J Yurick, AHS - Edmonton Zone
J Fehr, AHS - Edmonton Zone
D Hajek, AHS - Edmonton Zone
M Labrentz, AHS - Edmonton Zone
Y Forman, AHS - Edmonton Zone
S Mathews, AHS - Edmonton Zone
M Ching, AHS - Edmonton Zone
P Ross, AHS - Edmonton Zone
J Belter, AHS - Edmonton Zone
D Zayac, AHS - Edmonton Zone
A Barreda, AHS - Edmonton Zone
J Ashmead, AHS - Edmonton Zone
R Wannechko-Koenig, AHS - Edmonton Zone
B Corie, AHS - Edmonton Zone
J Poon, AHS - Edmonton Zone
L McIntosh, AHS - Edmonton Zone
J Brohman, AHS - Edmonton Zone
C Bradner, AHS - North Zone
K Eldred, AHS - North Zone
L Dunsmuir, AHS - North Zone
A Peter, AHS - South Zone
C Mann, Covenant Health
C Kelly, Covenant Health
K Meghji, LifeMark Health
J Bogaart, LifeMark Health
B Graham, LifeMark Health
K Oura, LifeMark Health
K Mang, LifeMark Health
W Russell, Other - Non-Health Agencies
D Doyle, Rehab - Private
K Wilson, Rehab - Private
D Hurta, Rehab - Private
J Begg, Rehab - Private
J Dean, Rehab - Private
L Thompson, Rehab - Private
F Ostowari, Rehab - Private
T Willes, Schools - Elementary/Secondary/Independent
Clinical Assistant Professors
B Brown-Hall, Foothills Medical Centre
A Chiu, Alberta Children’s Hospital
I Hallworth, Glen Sather University of Alberta Sports Medicine Centre
D Klassen, Royal Alexandra Hospital
L Latta, Royal Alexandra Hospital
G M’Pova, Alberta Hospital Edmonton
Clinical Associate Professors
S Bergsten, University of Alberta Hospital
M Phillips, Royal Alexandra Hospital
B Shular, Glen Sather University of Alberta Sports Medicine Centre
N Milligan, AHS Edmonton
J Holman, AHS Edmonton
E Lee, AHS Edmonton
Clinical Professors
J Holman, University of Alberta Hospital Rehabilitation Medicine
Additional Members of the Faculty Council
President and Vice-Chancellor
D Turpin, CM, PhD, LLD, FRSC
Representatives from other Faculties
B Tucker (Arts)
D Ali (Science)
M Kim (Education)
LM Collins (Office of the Registrar)
E Dennett (JW Scott Health Services Library)
Representatives from Professional Organizations
A Assaly, Alberta College of Speech Language Pathologists and Audiologists
D Millette, Physiotherapy Alberta - College + Association
M Fulford, Alberta College of Occupational Therapists
R Telasky, Society of Alberta Occupational Therapists