University of Alberta Calendar 2025-2026
Activity Core Electives (Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation)
Faculty approved Activity Core Electives provide engaged, participatory, inclusive, and holistic based learning experiences focused on the development of:
- foundational movement knowledge and theory across an array of movement settings and contexts,
- an expressed understanding of the importance of fundamental movement skills and fundamental movement patterns to lifelong physical activity, rhythmic, recreation, and/or sport participation,
- the construction of common movement analysis functions, and
- the development of intervention strategies in an array of movement settings and contexts.
Activity Core electives at the 300-400 level provide participants opportunities to
- further develop and acquire advanced theory in movement skill development across an array of movement settings and contexts,
- opportunities to construct, modify, and adapt translative, inclusive movement experiences and optimize pedagogical and leadership practices in various movement settings, and
- acquire advanced movement analysis and intervention strategies for development of the movement competency in others across a variety of physical activity, recreation, rhythmic, and/or sporting contexts.