Mar 15, 2025  
University of Alberta Calendar 2025-2026 
University of Alberta Calendar 2025-2026

Minors [Engineering]

Application to a minor: At any time following completion of all courses of their academic terms five and six, engineering students may apply to the Faculty of Engineering to complete a minor in an area of concentration in other Faculties to expand their breadth of knowledge if they have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0. The concentration department and the Faculty of Engineering may impose quotas on the number of students that will be allowed in the minor. In these cases students with the highest cumulative GPA applying to this minor will be allocated their preferred minor choices first.

Completion of minors: Students are responsible to ensure that they meet all the area requirements of the minors. In some minor areas, listed courses may not always be offered or open to all; students should contact the specific department for additional information. Courses taken to satisfy the requirements of the engineering program can be used to satisfy the requirements of the minor program.

Engineering programs are rigid in their timetabling; minors will usually extend the length of an engineering program which must be completed within 72 months of starting a program (requirements to graduate ), including additional courses from a minor. Minors should be undertaken after completing all engineering degree requirements; it is the responsibility of the student to ensure that their schedule allows for timetabling courses of their minor if they choose to complete them earlier. It is recommended that students plan their entire program prior to starting a minor and have the sequence approved by a student advisor.

Students registering in a minor are subject to the minor-related rules and requirements of the granting Faculty.

Minor in Arts

Engineering students may obtain a minor in a Faculty of Arts subject area of concentration (with the exception of Arts Cultural Management). All Arts minors require at least 12 units in senior-level courses, including at least 6 units in 300-level or higher courses, though some minors require specific courses, or more credits than the minimum. See BA Honors and BA Major/Minor Requirements   for specific requirements for each minor.

Minor in Business

The minor in Business seeks to provide students in Engineering with introductory training in a variety of choice business areas. The Engineering Profession is unique in that it is highly analytical, yet requires consideration of business, social, and legal issues. The minor in Business was designed with a view to enabling engineering students to develop an analytical framework within which various organizational and business problems are addressed. It is envisaged that, with an ability to create solutions to these organizational and business challenges, engineering students will be better prepared and informed to serve the Profession.

Engineering students must take ECON 204  as the complementary studies elective if they choose to pursue a minor in Business. A minor in Business may be created in the following way:

  1. Engineering students must complete 34 units to receive a minor in Business. Students must complete five mandatory primary core business courses (15 units) or equivalent: ACCTG 211 , ENGG 420  OR B LAW 201 , FIN 201 , MARK 201 , SEM 301  OR SEM 210 .
  2. 3 units in ENG M 402 ;
  3. 12 units in senior-level (300- or 400-level) courses in the Faculty of Business. Students should select senior–level coursework in accordance with the concentration that they have chosen. Students must have prerequisites for the courses chosen.
  4. 4 units in ENGG 490  
  5. Students may wish to focus their minor in Business in a particular area. A minor in an area of Business may be satisfied by taking any one of the following suggested lists of courses:
    1. Business Economics and Law: BUEC 211 , B LAW 402  or B LAW 403 , 6 units of any 400-level BLAW or BUEC courses;
    2. Business Studies: ACCTG 222 , 9 units of any 300- or 400-level Business courses in at least two different subject areas. Subject areas include Accounting (ACCTG), Business Economics (BUEC), Business Law (B LAW), Finance (FIN), Management Information Systems (MIS), Management Science (MGTSC), Marketing (MARK), Operations Management (OM), and Strategic Management and Organization (SMO). BTM 211 , OM 252 , SEM 441  are recommended;
    3. Finance: FIN 312 , 9 units of any 400–level FIN course;
    4. International Business: 12 units of B LAW 442 , B LAW 444 ; FIN 442 ; MARK 442 ; SEM 417 , SEM 435 ;
    5. Marketing: MARK 312 , MARK 320  and 6 units of any 400-level MARK course; or
    6. Strategic Management and Organization: SEM 441 , 9 units of any 300- or 400-level SMO course.

Students must complete these business minor courses after completing all the requirements of their engineering program.

Minor in Science

Engineering students may obtain a minor in a Faculty of Science concentration area subject to the requirements and pre-requisites of that area. Engineering students may not take a minor in Bioinformatics. Computer Engineering students may not take a minor in Computing Science. Engineering Physics students may not take a minor in Physics. All Science minors must have at least 24 units with at least 6 units in 300-level or higher courses. Acceptance into any minors in Science is contingent on course availability and may be restricted or closed some years.

In cases where Engineering students wish to pursue a minor in mathematics they are required to take:

Additional Information

Engineering students undertaking areas of concentration other than Mathematics must follow the course requirements provided by the concentration program (see zzz*inactive Minors [Science] ). Students should consult with advisors about course equivalencies. Students selecting areas of concentration other than Mathematics and must complete these other Science minors after completing all the requirements of their engineering program.