Program Requirements
The MA in Philosophy can be completed as a thesis-based degree or as a course-based degree.
Students must declare whether they intend to follow the thesis-based or course-based program at the beginning of their graduate studies.
Students wishing to change their program must obtain the approval of the Department’s Associate Chair, Graduate Studies.
Thesis-based MA
The thesis-based MA program requires the completion of ★18 in coursework taken in the first two semesters of study, and a thesis. Required coursework depends on the area of specialization and the undergraduate background of the student.
Course-based MA
The course-based MA program normally consists of the completion of ★24 in coursework, including a capping project. Required coursework depends on the area of specialization and the undergraduate background of the student.
It normally includes six graduate-level courses (★18), taken in the first two semesters of study, one (★3) graduate-level Directed Reading course (which may be taken in the Fall, Winter, or Spring semester), and one (★3) capstone research project (PHIL 900 ).
There is no language requirement for the degree of MA.
There is no residency requirement for the degree of MA.
Length of Program
The time required to complete the MA will vary with the degree-track selected and the preparation of the candidate for graduate course work.
Thesis-based MA degree candidates who have completed training equivalent to that of graduation with Honors in philosophy from this Department will normally require a minimum of four semesters to complete the requirements for the thesis-based degree. Many candidates take up to two years to complete the requirements for the degree. The maximum time permitted to complete the thesis-based MA program is four years.
Course-based MA degree candidates who have completed training equivalent to that of graduation with Honors in philosophy from this Department will normally require at least three semesters to complete the requirement. Others may require one full calendar year. The maximum time permitted to complete the course-based MA is six years.
Students with very little background in philosophy may be required to enrol in a qualifying year, or as a special student before being considered eligible for admission to a graduate degree program.