Jan 25, 2025
University of Alberta Calendar 2018-2019 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Elementary Education Route
General Information
The Department of Elementary Education prepares teachers to teach all subjects and to facilitate the learning of all children at the elementary school level within our multicultural society. Teaching proficiency depends on knowledge of subject matter, pedagogy, critical thinking and problemsolving skills, professional ethics, sensitivity to and respect for children and the sociocultural contexts in which they live, and an understanding of schooling in their social/political/economic environment. Developing attributes, fostering a sense of community, and developing a strong professional commitment reflected in a personal philosophy of education are the intent of the Department of Elementary Education.
Components of the Program
All students in the Elementary Route are enrolled in a generalist program that prepares prospective teachers in the required elementary school subjects. This degree consists of ★120. Students should consult the program sheet provided at admission and seek advice from the Faculty of Education Undergraduate Student Services Office.
Program Requirements (★120)
Education Courses (★9)
Note: It is recommended that students take all three Education courses of Years 1 and 2 prior to registration in Year 3 of the program.
Non-Education Elements Courses (★51)
Note: Students must take at least ★42 of the Non-Education Elements coursework (a - h above) of Years 1 and 2 prior to registration in Year 3 of the program.
Chosen from the following eight areas:
a. Aboriginal and Indigenous Histories and Culture (★3)
c. Language/Literature (★9)
★3 chosen from
- Senior English
- Linguistics
Up to ★3 may be chosen from
A minimum of ★3 chosen from
★3 chosen from the list above or from
f. Physical and Health Education (★6)
g. Social Science (★6)
As specified below:
★3 in Canadian history chosen from:
h. Non-Education Options (★9)
These ★9 can be used to further develop teaching interests in specific areas.
Year 3
- EDEL 305 and EDEL 316 must be taken in year 3 as pre/co-requisites to EDFX 325 .
- EDEL 305 is normally offered in Fall term. Enrolment in EDEL 305 in Winter term will require consent of the department (see Bear Tracks).
Fall Term: Course Requirements
Winter Term: Introductory Professional Term
Fall Term: Advanced Professional Term
Winter Term: Course Requirements