General Information
The five-year program, consisting of ★150, is a combination of the BEd (secondary route) and BSc (general) degrees. Its integrated nature allows a student to receive both the BEd degree and the BSc degree by meeting all the requirements of both programs with the exception of the English literature requirement of the latter which has been replaced by a compulsory course in French or French-Canadian literature. Graduands from the program will meet the requirements for teacher certification.
Students are required to select a major from one of the three areas of Science: Mathematical Sciences, Physical Sciences, and Biological Sciences. One of the two remaining areas must be selected as a Science Minor. In addition, all students are required to present a Minor in French. It is intended that graduands have a sound knowledge of French language and culture in addition to enhanced Science training presented by this teacher-preparation program.
To be admitted into the Combined Bachelor of Education/Bachelor of Science program students must have normally, successfully completed first-year University studies in a BSc program and meet the admission requirements as laid out in Admission Requirements .
Students in either a BEd or a BSc program may also transfer into the combined program after the second year providing that all courses and academic standing of Year One and Year Two of the combined program, as well as all admission requirements, have been met at the time of the transfer. Normally, a student will be able to transfer from the combined program to a BEd or BSc (general) program after Year Two and should be able to complete the single degree within the normal time frame.