Feb 10, 2025  
University of Alberta Calendar 2024-2025 
University of Alberta Calendar 2024-2025

Course Listings

Details of Courses

Courses taught at the University of Alberta are listed alphabetically. All courses, except those taught by Faculté Saint-Jean, are described in English.

Courses are numbered according to the following system:

Course Numbering System
Number Range Definition
000-099 Pre-University
100-199 Basic Undergraduate. Normally requires no university-level prerequisites. Designed typically for students in the first year of a program.
200-299 Undergraduate. Prerequisites, if any, are normally at the 100-level. Designed typically for students in the second year of a program.
300-399 Undergraduate. Prerequisites, if any, are normally at the 200-level. Designed typically for students in the third year of a program.
400-499 Advanced Undergraduate. Prerequisites, if any, are normally at the 300-level. Designed typically for students in the fourth year of a program.
500-599 Graduate. Designated for graduate students and certain advanced or honors undergraduate students in their final year.
600-799 Graduate Courses
800-899 Special Registrations
900-999 Graduate Thesis and Project Numbers

Note: Some exceptions to the course number system described above have been granted to the Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry.

Junior and Senior Courses

For the purposes of program descriptions and prerequisite designation, courses numbered 100-199 are designated as Junior Courses and courses numbered 200-499 are designated as Senior Courses.

Terminology Used in Course Descriptions

  • Units - indicates “units of course weight”. The accompanying number indicates the weight of the course as used in computing grade point averages and for meeting degree requirements.
    • A course which runs throughout the Fall/Winter (i.e., from September through April) is usually weighted 6 units.
    • A course that runs for only one term (i.e., Fall: from September to December, or Winter: from January through April) is usually weighted 3 units.
    • Some honors and graduate courses involving research may vary in weight according to the length and difficulty of the project.
    • Some clinical courses may vary in weight according to the length of clinical experience.
    • Some courses, not included in the computation of grade point averages, are offered for credit only and either carry a weight of 0 units, or are marked as “Credit.”
    • Undergraduate students who take courses offered by the Faculty of Engineering but are not registered in Engineering will have a course weight assigned for these courses according to the protocol of their home Faculty.
  • Approved Hours (a-b-c) - the hours of instruction required by the course in a week, or in some cases the total time in a term.
    • Item a indicates lecture hours.
    • Item b indicates seminar hour(s), demonstration hours (d), clinic hours (c), or lecture-laboratory hours (L).
    • Item c indicates laboratory hours.
    • For two-term courses, the hours of instruction are the same in both terms unless otherwise indicated.
    • The expression 3/2 means 3 hours of instruction every second week; 2s/2 means 2 seminar hours every second week.
  • Fee Index - the value used to calculate the instructional fees for each course. The fee index (fi) is multiplied by the fee index value (given in the appropriate subsection of Tuition and Fees ) to give the dollar value of instructional fees for the course.
    • For normal courses, the fee index is twice the value of the units of course weight; for example, a course that is worth 3 units normally has fi 6.
    • In cases where exceptional fees considerations need to be made, the fee index is set differently by the Board of Governors.
    • Note that certain programs (e.g., MD, DDS, etc.) are assessed on a program fee basis for all or certain years. In these cases, the fee index calculation does not apply.
  • Typically Offered - information on when the course is normally offered.
    • The designation “either term” means that the course may be offered either in the first term or in the second term or in each term, at the discretion of the department concerned.
    • The designation “variable” means that the course may be taught either as a single-term or as a full-session course.
  • Prerequisite - information on courses which must be successfully completed before registering in the more advanced course.
  • Corequisite - information on courses which must be taken before or at the same time as the course described in the listing.
    Note: Departments are authorized to cancel the registration of those students registered in a course offered by the department if they do not meet the prerequisite and/or corequisite requirements stated in the course description in this Calendar.

Open Studies Courses

See Registration  for complete details on admission and registration.  To browse courses that have been approved for Open Studies students, see Open Studies Course Listings on the Office of the Registrar website.

Faculty Specific Regulations Regarding Courses

For specific Faculty regulations relating to courses and for a complete list of subjects taught by a Faculty, please consult the Undergraduate Programs section of the Calendar.

Physical Requirements for University Courses

The University has a commitment to the education of all academically qualified students and special services are frequently provided on campus to assist disabled students.

Nevertheless, some courses make certain unavoidable demands on students with respect to the possession of a certain level of physical skill or ability if the academic objectives of the course are to be realized. In case of doubt, students are advised to contact the Department concerned and Academic Success Centre, Office of the Dean of Students.

Because support services cannot be guaranteed for all off-campus courses, instructors may be obliged to refuse registration in such courses.

Course Availability

The following is a comprehensive course listing of all the approved courses that the University of Alberta may offer. The appearance of a course in this list does not guarantee that the course will actually be offered. The most current information on courses is available on Bear Tracks.

Course Listings


English: Undergraduate

Department of English and Film Studies
Faculty of Arts

Note: Courses in the Department of English and Film Studies teach the English language and its several literatures; some works may be taught in translation as necessary to fulfil the primary goal of understanding English literature.

See also Writing, WRITE. Except as noted, WRITE courses may be taken as ENGL courses.


  1. Any two (★6) from ENGL 102 ENGL 103 ENGL 125 , or any one (★3) plus WRS 101  will fulfill degree requirements for degree programs that require ★6 first-year English. Any one (★3) from ENGL 102 , ENGL 103 , ENGL 125 , WRS 101  or WRS 102  will fulfill the BA, BA Honors or BA Criminology degree requirements. All three of the above noted junior ENGL courses study selected works from a range of genres (poetry, drama, fiction or nonfiction).
  2. No more than ★6 in junior English, or equivalent, may be taken for credit in an undergraduate program.
  3. Junior English courses require a substantial amount of writing in essays and tests, and devote a minimum of 30% of class time to writing instruction.
  4. All senior courses have as prerequisite any two (★6) taken from ENGL 102 , ENGL 103 ENGL 125 , ENGL 150   or equivalent; or any one (★3) plus WRS 101  or WRS 102 ; prerequisites for 400-level courses are ★12 of senior ENGL, ★6 of which must be at the 300-level (as numbered in this edition of the Calendar, including any specific course prerequisites in the individual course descriptions).
  5. Not all senior courses are offered in any given year.


English: Graduate

Selected courses from the following list will be offered each year. Details of each year’s program may be obtained early in the preceding spring from the Department.


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