Oct 06, 2024  
University of Alberta Calendar 2020-2021 
University of Alberta Calendar 2020-2021 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Faculty Regulations

Return to: Faculty of Nursing  


See Admission to Undergraduate Programs   and General Admission Requirements  for general admission requirements to the University. Specific admission information for the Faculty of Nursing is set out in Faculty of Nursing .

Academic Standing and Graduation

The following regulations apply for all undergraduate degree programs in the Faculty of Nursing with the exception of Academic Performance, With Distinction and Graduation Requirements which are not applicable for students in the BScN-Honors Program.  (Note: Foundational Course Minimum Pass requirements apply to students in the BScN Honors Program for After Degree students.) The promotion and graduation regulations for the BScN-Honors can be found in the program description in Course Sequence .

  1. Academic Performance:

Initial assessment and subsequent reassessment of academic standing is based on students’ performance in a minimum of ★9. If, at the time of review, students have attempted fewer than ★9 since the last assessment, the review is deferred and the academic standing assigned at the last review remains in effect until the next review.
Assessment of academic performance is conducted at the end of each student’s registration in both Fall/Winter and Spring/Summer provided that ★9 have been attempted since the last review.

  1. First-Class Standing: First-class standing is awarded in a given year to students who receive a GPA of 3.5 or higher based on a minimum of ★24 taken during the Fall/Winter.
  2. Satisfactory Standing: For promotion, a student must pass all courses and obtain a minimum GPA of 2.0.
  3. Foundational Course Minimum Grade: Students must achieve a grade of at least C+ in all foundational Nursing courses in order to progress. If a student receives a grade less than C+ in the second attempt of a foundational course, the student will be required to withdraw from the program (See Reregistration In Courses ).

Foundational Courses:
Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BScN) After Degree Program and BScN Honors Program for After Degree Students:

NURS 316 NURS 334 ,  NURS 335 NURS 344 NURS 416  

Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BScN) Bilingual Program:

ANATE 140 MICRE 133 NURS 125 NURS 216 PHYSE 152 SC INF 220    

Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BScN) Collaborative Program:
MMI 133 , NURS 106 , NURS 116 , NURS 120 , NURS 124 , NURS 125 , NURS 216 , NURS 220   

RPN-BScN Program:

NURS 335 NURS 344 NURS 416  

  1. Marginal Standing: Students with a GPA of 1.7 to 1.9 inclusive on a minimum of ★9 will be placed under academic warning. Students who fall into marginal standing who do not have in their postsecondary education a prior requirement to withdraw, a prior academic warning, a probation period or their equivalents may be permitted to continue on probation in the BScN program.
  2. Probation: Probation is granted to Faculty of Nursing students who
  • have a marginal standing (GPA between 1.7-1.9),
  • successfully appeal a requirement to withdraw,
  • fail or withdraw from a clinical course on more than one occasion, or
  • are readmitted after studies were discontinued for academic reasons.

When placed on probation, a student must fulfill any conditions specified by the Associate Dean, Undergraduate Programs. To clear probation, the student must achieve Satisfactory Standing in all terms during the probationary year.

  1. Unsatisfactory Standing: A student with a GPA of less than 1.7 must withdraw from the Faculty.
  2. Fresh Start Program: Year 1 Collaborative and Bilingual BScN students who have completed less than ★40 and who have achieved a GPA of between 1.3 and 1.6 may be permitted to continue at the University of Alberta in the Fresh Start program providing they have not previously been required to withdraw from any postsecondary program. Normally, students who have committed an academic offence under the University of Alberta Code of Student Behavior will not be recommended for the Fresh Start Program.

    The Faculty will determine whether to recommend a student for participation in the Fresh Start program and will notify the student of that option. Further detailed information can be found in First- and Second-Year Students with GPAs of 1.3 to 1.6—Admission to Fresh Start Program , Academic Warning, Academic Probation, Required to Withdraw  and Fresh Start Program .

    If successful in the Fresh Start program and all conditions specified by Open Studies and the Faculty have been fulfilled, students may apply for readmission to the Faculty.
  3. Readmission
    1. Readmission to the Nursing program is not guaranteed and is based on the following:
      1. a review by the Faculty of the reasons for withdrawal and of the student’s academic record.
      2. the length of time the student interrupts studies must not exceed 2 years in total.
      3. an applicant who has been required to withdraw from the Faculty of Nursing must present a minimum of ★18 transferable to the University with a GPA of at least 2.7, of which ★6 must be human anatomy and physiology with a minimum grade of C+. The applicant must consult with the Faculty of Nursing to determine which courses must be taken to be considered for readmission. An applicant must also satisfy any other conditions as specified at the time of withdrawal.
    2. A student who has been required to withdraw and who, after being readmitted, has a GPA below 2.0, will be required to withdraw and not be readmitted to the Faculty
    3. In order to protect the public interest, a student who has been required to withdraw and is applying for readmission may be required, as part of the admission process, to demonstrate nursing knowledge and skills and meet health and safety requirements. A student may be required to repeat previous coursework prior to proceeding in nursing courses.
  1. Promotion and/or Continuation
    1. Continuation in program:
      1. Whenever a student receives a grade of F, D, D+, C-, W, or NC in a nursing non-foundational course, the student’s total academic and clinical performance in the program is reviewed at the end of each term and considered in determining continuation in the program. A student may be required to repeat previous coursework prior to proceeding in clinical nursing courses in order to protect the public interest.
      2. A student who receives a grade of W or F in a course may be granted a second registration in this course or its equivalent and must achieve a minimum grade of C+.
      3. A student who receives a grade of NC in a course may be granted a second registration in this course or its equivalent and must achieve a grade of CR.
      4. A student who receives a grade of W, NC or less than C+ in the second attempt of a course or its equivalent will be required to withdraw from the program (see Reregistration in Courses ).
      5. A student who fails or withdraws from the same clinical course twice will be required to withdraw from the program.
    2. Maintaining Registration:
      Students must follow the required course sequence unless preapproval is given for an alternate program sequence. Students who wish to alter the course sequence of their program as laid out in the calendar, or who have withdrawn from or failed a course, must see the Faculty of Nursing Student Advisor. Students may not continue in their Nursing program if an alternate course sequence is not approved. Reregistration cannot occur without permission from the Faculty.
    3. Leave of Absence:
      1. Students must register in their Nursing program on a continuous basis to maintain a place in the program. The Faculty does, however, recognize that life events do occur that may prompt a student to require a Leave of Absence. Students must obtain prior approval for a Leave of Absence by submitting a request to the Undergraduate Office. A Leave of Absence will not be granted automatically and is considered on a case by case basis. Discontinuance without permission requires the student to apply for Readmission (section 1h.) to the program which is not guaranteed. Normally a Leave of Absence is granted only if all the following conditions are met:
        1. A minimum of one full term must be completed within the degree program before a Leave of Absence is considered
        2. The student has a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0
        3. The leave of absence does not by itself extend the duration of the program beyond the normal limit for completion of the program
      2. An approved Leave of Absence will be granted for a maximum 12-month period of time. If the length of time the student interrupts their studies exceeds two years, the student will be required to apply for readmission to the Nursing Program and restart the program.
    4. Voluntary Withdrawal
      A student choosing to withdraw registration from their program is required to make a written application. Students who do not make a written application to withdraw and do not maintain required course sequence will be withdrawn from the program. See Voluntary Withdrawal from the Faculty of Nursing.
  2. ​​Health and Safety Requirements
    1. Health Status: All students admitted to undergraduate nursing programs must be capable of completing responsibilities and activities required in clinical practice. In order to successfully pass clinical practice courses students must consistently demonstrate the essential skills and abilities required to safely provide nursing care to their assigned patient/client. The requirements for Registered Nurses are applicable to students in the Faculty of Nursing. To review a summary of these requirements see the Faculty of Nursing website at www.ualberta.ca/nursing​.
    2. University Infectious Diseases Regulation: See University Infectious Diseases Regulation .
    3. CPR certification: Undergraduate nursing students must provide evidence of CPR certification at the Basic Life Support (BLS) Level to participate in clinical practice courses. Refer to the Faculty of Nursing website at www.ualberta.ca/nursing​ for program-specific deadlines. A CPR certificate is valid for one year from the date of the course. Evidence of recertification in each subsequent year is required.
    4. Standard First Aid Certificate: Undergraduate nursing students must provide a standard first aid certificate to participate in clinical practice courses. Refer to the Faculty of Nursing website at www.ualberta.ca/nursing​ for program-specific deadlines.
    5. Police Information Check: Under the Protection for Persons in Care Act, all students going to any clinical placement in Alberta are required to complete a Police Information Check (also known as a criminal Record Check, Security Clearance Check, or Police Clearance), which must include a Vulnerable Sector Check. The clinical practice site will determine the criteria for acceptance/denial of a placement. Students are responsible for having a Police Information Check completed prior to commencement of their clinical practica.
      Students who have an unclear Police Information Check may be unable to complete the required student placements and may be required to withdraw from the program.
      Students who have concerns related to their ability to provide a clear Police Information Check should consult with the Faculty of Nursing, Undergraduate Nursing Office, immediately upon being admitted to the program. The ultimate responsibility for ensuring that students meet the requirements of clinical agencies lies with the students. Other background checks may be required by a clinical agency, such as a child intervention record check. Students will be advised if any additional background checks are required by a clinical agency. See Requirement for Police Information Checks  for more information on the general requirements concerning Police Information Checks and the fees associated with them.
    6. Language Competency: Besides demonstrating overall English language proficiency, students entering the Faculty of Nursing in an Undergraduate BScN Program need a further level of spoken English proficiency, regardless of their citizenship status or country of origin. Speech competence is a prerequisite for enrolment in clinical courses. Students who have not achieved the necessary level of competence may not register for these courses. See English Language Proficiency  and Spoken English Requirement . Students in the BScN Bilingual Program have additional requirements about proficiency in French (see BSc in Nursing–Bilingual Program/Baccalauréat ès sciences infirmières (bilingue)  and Admission Requirements ).
    7. Note: For updates on changes to medical testing and immunization refer to the Faculty of Nursing website at www.ualberta.ca/nursing​.
  3. Clinical Performance
    1. Students must complete theory and practice components of nursing courses to receive credit. Students who have not received a pass in the clinical/laboratory portion of a nursing course are not given credit for the course and must repeat both the clinical and non-clinical portions of the course. The clinical component, explained in the course outline, must be completed for credit to be granted.
    2. A student who is absent more than one clinical day in any one clinical nursing course may need to make up the lost time before being allowed to continue in the program.
    3. Students who have withdrawn from or failed NURS 495  or SC INF 495  will normally be required to repeat NURS 494  prior to retaking NURS 495  or SC INF 495 .
    4. The Dean, or supervisor acting on behalf of the Dean, may immediately deny assignment of a student to, withdraw a student from, or vary terms, conditions or site of a practicum/clinical placement if the Dean or supervisor has reasonable grounds to believe that this is necessary in order to protect the public interest. (See Practicum Intervention Policy .) For unprofessional, incompetent or unsafe practice on the part of the student not directly related to medical issues, the transcript will reflect the practices and sanctions delineated in the Code of Student Behavior. Amendments to the Code of Student Behaviour occur throughout the year. The official version of the Code of Student Behaviour, as amended from time to time, is housed on the University Governance website at www.governance.ualberta.ca. The sanction typically includes a grade of F being assigned. The student has the right to appeal the Dean’s decision to the GFC Practice Review Board (PRB).
  4. Professional Ethics/Code of Student Behavior: All students enrolled in the Faculty of Nursing are bound by, and shall comply with the Professional Codes of Ethics governing the profession and practice of Nursing.
    1. “Professional Codes of Ethics” means the current Canadian Nurses Association’s Code of Ethics for Registered Nurses, and all other relevant professional codes and practice standards for registered nurses.
    2. It is the responsibility of each Faculty of Nursing student to obtain, and be familiar with, such Professional Codes of Ethics, and their amendments as may be made from time to time. (See §30.1 and 30.2 of the Code of Student Behaviour). Amendments to the Code of Student Behaviour occur throughout the year. The official version of the Code of Student Behaviour, as amended from time to time, is housed on the University Governance website at www.governance.ualberta.ca.
  5. Performance in Theory Courses
    1. Students must demonstrate satisfactory performance in seminars in order to successfully complete the program. Students who have not received a pass in the seminar portion of a nursing course will not be given credit for the course and will be required to repeat the course. The seminar component, as spelled out in the course outline, must be completed for credit to be granted.
    2. Attendance at seminars is required for successful completion of the course.
    3. Students with advanced standing will still be expected to participate in all seminar activities and will be expected to apply knowledge from those courses in which they have advanced standing.
  6. Residence Requirement: Although advanced credit toward the nursing degree can be given for course work completed at a university other than the University of Alberta, a minimum of 50% of the total units of course weight must be taken at the University of Alberta before the degree can be granted.
  7. With Distinction
    1. The notation “With Distinction” is awarded to a graduating student of the BSc in Nursing-Collaborative Program or the BSc in Nursing-After Degree Program or the BSc in Nursing-Bilingual Program who has obtained a GPA of 3.5 or higher on the last ★60 taken (from the time of admission) for credit toward the degree and has incurred no failing grades throughout the program. Students who have taken part of their work at another university may be granted a degree “With Distinction” at the discretion of the Faculty Council.
    2. The notation “With Distinction” is awarded to a graduating student of the Registered Psychiatric Nurse (RPN) to BScN Program who has obtained a GPA of 3.5 or higher on the last ★36 taken (from the time of admission) for credit toward the degree and has incurred no failing grades throughout the program. Students who have taken part of their work at another university may be granted a degree “With Distinction” at the discretion of the Faculty Council.
  8. Graduation Requirements:
    1. For students in the BScN - Collaborative Program, BScN - Bilingual Program, or the BScN - After Degree Program, a minimum GPA of 2.0 is required on the last ★60. (If ★60 requires including another term or terms, the best results from this term or terms are included. Failing results are not included in the calculation of the graduation GPA.).
    2. For students in the Registered Psychiatric Nurse (RPN) to BScN Program a minimum GPA of 2.0 is required on the last ★36 taken.
    3. Pass/fail courses are included in the credit count but not in the calculation of the GPA.
  9. Reexaminations: See Reexaminations .
  10. Credit by Special Assessment is available in certain courses under specific circumstances. See Credit by Special Assessment , and contact the Faculty of Nursing for any further information.
  11. Dean’s List: All students who receive first-class standing or degree with distinction and have demonstrated satisfactory clinical practice are placed on the Dean’s Honor List for that particular year.

Appeal Procedures

Matters regarding a student’s academic status, including course grades, may become the subject of an appeal. Students with such problems should first consult the instructor of the course concerned and the course coordinator, if necessary. If a satisfactory resolution is not reached, the student can submit an informal appeal application to the Associate Dean or designate, Undergraduate Programs to apply for an informal appeal. A formal appeal application may be submitted from the student to the Dean once an informal appeal decision letter is received. The Faculty of Nursing Appeals Committee meets to consider the case. Details of appeal procedures at the Faculty level are available from the Faculty website. Students have the right to appeal a Faculty of Nursing Appeals Committee decision, except grade appeals, to the General Faculties Council Academic Appeals Committee. See Appeals and Grievances   and Practicum Intervention Policy .