Dec 06, 2024  
University of Alberta Calendar 2019-2020 
University of Alberta Calendar 2019-2020 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Professor Emeriti

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| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |

  • Abbott, Harvey L, BA (Memorial U of Nfld), BA (Memorial U of Nfld), MSC (Alberta), PHD (Alberta), Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences (1967, 1995)
  • Abu-Laban, Baha R, BA MA(Beirut) PHD Washington Seattle, Department of Sociology (1999, 1996)
  • Abu-Laban, Sharon M, BA (Washington Seattle), MA (Alberta), PHD (Alberta), Department of Sociology (1975, 2001)
  • Adams, Wesley J, BS MSSW(Wisconson) PHD(Leihigh), Department of Family Studies (1971, 1988)
  • Adria, Marco, BA (Athabasca University), BMUS (Alberta), MA (Trent University), PHD (Aston University), Faculty of Extension - Extension Academics (2000, 2010)
  • Akabutu, John J, MD (Dalhousie), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Pediatrics (1972, 2002)
  • Alderman, Richard B, BPE MPE(Bristish Columbia) EdD(California), Faculty of Physical Education and Recreation (1999, 1993)
  • Allegretto, Walter, BASC (British Columbia), PHD (British Columbia), Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences (1970, 2013)
  • Allen, Marion N, BN (New Brunswick), MSCN (Western Ontario), PHD (Case Western Reserve), Faculty of Nursing (1985, 2008)
  • Allen, Peter S, BSC (Leeds), PHD (Leeds), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Biomedical Engineering (1983, 2004)
  • Allen, Theresa M, BSC (Ottawa), PHD (Dalhousie), RT (Ottawa), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Pharmacology (1977, 2009)
  • Allison, Bruce N, BSC (Alberta), PHD (Yale University), Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences (1971, 2005)
  • Almon, Bert L, BA (Texas), MA (New Mexico), PHD (New Mexico), Department of English (1968, 2010)
  • Amrhein, Carl G, BSC (Pennsylvania State), PHD (State U of NY Buffalo), Faculty of Science - Earth & Atmospheric Sciences (2003, 2018)
  • Andersen, Ken F, BSC (British Columbia), MSC (Toronto), PHD (Toronto), Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences (1971, 2007)
  • Anderson, Ruby May, Coordinator for the Council on Health Sciences (2004, 1981)
  • Antonelli, Peter L, BS (Syracuse University), MA (Syracuse University), PHD (Syracuse University), Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences (1970, 2006)
  • Apedaile, Leonard P, BSC (McGill University), PHD (Iowa State), Resource Economics and Environmental Sociology (1966, 1995)
  • Archer, Walter Elmer, BA (Alberta), BED (Alberta), MA (Cornell University), PHD (Alberta), Faculty of Extension - Extension Academics (1988, 2000)
  • Armstrong, William W, BA (Saskatchewan), DIPL (Georg Aug U Gottingen), PHD (British Columbia), Department of Computing Science (1982, 2000)
  • Arnal, Marc Claude, BA (Manitoba), CERTED (Manitoba), PHD (Alberta), Campus Saint-Jean (2003, 2013)
  • Arnold, Stephen H, BA (Oregon), PHD (Oregon), Faculty of Arts - Office of Interdisciplinary Studies (1970, 2000)
  • Arora, Balraj K, BSC(Delhi) MS(Illinois)DMD(Saskatchewan), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Dentistry (2000, 1994)
  • Asch, Michael I, BA (Chicago), PHD (Columbia University), Department of Anthropology (1971, 1998)
  • Assheton-Smith, Marilyn Islay, BSC (Alberta), MPH (Minnesota), PHD (Alberta), Department of Educational Policy Studies (1975, 1997)
  • Aunger, Edmund A, BA (Wilfred Laurier), MSC (London), PHD (California), Campus Saint Jean - Academic Admin (1976, 2012)
  • Austin, Wendy Joan, BSCN (Alberta), MED (Alberta), PHD (Alberta), Faculty of Nursing (1985, 2014)
  • Ayling, Ronald Rf, BA(Nottingham) PHD(Bristol), Department of Drama (1970, 1997)


  • Bachynsky, John A, BSCPHM (Saskatchewan), MSC (Philadelphia Clg Pharm), PHD (Wisconsin), Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (1981, 2000)
  • Bagchee, Shyamal, BA (Delhi), MA (Visvabharati), MA (McMaster), PhD (York), FRSA, Professor of English and Film Studies (1982, 1991)
  • Baggs, Ivan, BA (Memorial U of Nfld), BSC (Memorial U of Nfld), MSC (Alberta), PHD (Alberta), Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences (1973, 2005)
  • Bagnall, Keith M, BED (Nottingham), CERTED (Loughborough U of Tech), MSC (Loughborough U of Tech), PHD (Loughborough U of Tech), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Surgery (1979, 2009)
  • Bailey, Arthur W, BSA (British Columbia), MS (Oregon State), PHD (Oregon State), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences - Dept of Agric, Food and Nutri Science (1966, 1997)
  • Bainbridge, Joyce M, BED (Lethbridge), EDD (Northern Colorado), MA (Northern Colorado), Department of Elementary Education (1983, 2010)
  • Baine, David A, BA (British Columbia), EDD (British Columbia), MA (British Columbia), Department of Educational Psychology (1972, 1995)
  • Baker, Charles G, DMD (Manitoba), MSCD (Toronto), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Dentistry (1980, 2000)
  • Baker, Glen B, BSP (Saskatchewan), MSC (Saskatchewan), PHD (Saskatchewan), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Pharmacology Dept (2000, 2017)
  • Ball, Ronald O, BSCAGR (Alberta), DPHIL (Guelph), MSC (Alberta), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences - Dept of Agric, Food and Nutri Science (1997, 2010)
  • Baragar, Francis A, BSC (Manitoba), MSC (Manitoba), Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences (1962, 2004)
  • Barbour, Douglas F, BA (Acadia University), MA (Dalhousie), PHD (Queen’s University), Department of English (1969, 2005)
  • Barnet, David, DIPL (Rose Bruford College), Faculty of Arts - Drama Dept (1972, 2017)
  • Barron, Kenneth, BSC (London), BSC (London), MSC (London), PHD (London), Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (1999, 1998)
  • Bartl, Peter F, DIP, Department of Art and Design (1972, 2000)
  • Barton, Susanne C, BSC (London), PHD (London), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Physiology (1965, 2009)
  • Bashaw, Howard E, BMUS (British Columbia), DMA (British Columbia), MMUS (British Columbia), Faculty of Arts - Music Dept (1993, 2018)
  • Basu, Tapan K, BSC (Calcutta), BVSC (Calcutta), MSC (London), PHD (Surrey), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences - Dept of Agric, Food and Nutri Science (1981, 2005)
  • Bauman, Richard Wayne, BA (Alberta), DPHIL (Oxford), LLB (Alberta), LLM (Dalhousie), MED (Alberta), Faculty of Law (1987, 2013)
  • Baxter, Cecilia I, BSC (McMaster University), MD (Calgary), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Pediatrics (1986, 2004)
  • Bayley, Suzanne E, BSC (Washington College), PHD (John Hopkins), Department of Biological Sciences (1989, 2010)
  • Beach, Jeremy, MBBS (U Newcastle Upon Tyne), MD (U Newcastle Upon Tyne), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Medicine Dept (2002, 2013)
  • Beamish, John Richard, BSC (Alberta), MSC (Alberta), PHD (Alberta), Department of Physics (1991, 2019)
  • Beattie, Owen B, BA (Simon Fraser), PHD (Simon Fraser), Department of Anthropology (1980, 2010)
  • Beatty, David D, BS (Western Washington), MS (Wyoming), PHD (Oregon), Department of Zoology (1964, 1991)
  • Beck, James A, BS (California), PHD (California), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences - Department of Renewable Resources (1971, 2006)
  • Beck, Roger L, BS (Massachusetts Inst of Tech), CA (Illinois State), MBA (Northwestern), PHD (Chicago), Department of Marketing, Business Economics and Law (1972, 1997)
  • Befus, A. Dean, BSC (Alberta), MSC (Toronto), PHD (Glasgow), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Medicine Dept (1993, 2017)
  • Begg, David A, AB (Colby College), MS (Pennsylvania), PHD (Pennsylvania), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Anatomy (1991, 2013)
  • Bell, Catherine E, BA (Regina), LLB (Saskatchewan), Faculty of Law - Admin (1989, 2019)
  • Bell, Gordon John, BED (Saskatchewan), BSCPE (Saskatchewan), MA (Victoria), PHD (Alberta), Faculty of Physical Education and Recreation - Academic Programs (1993, 2014)
  • Bell, John B, BED (Alberta), MSC (Alberta), PHD (Cornell University), Department of Biological Sciences (1974, 2005)
  • Bellow, Donald G, BASC(British Columbia), MSC PHD(Alberta), Department of Mechanical Engineering (1963, 1996)
  • Ben Zvi, Ehud, BA (Everyman’s U Ramat Aviv), BSC (Hebrew U of Jerusalem), MA (Tel Aviv University), PHD (Emory), Faculty of Arts - History & Classics Dept (1989, 1997)
  • Benishin, Christina G, BA (Bowdoin College), MS (Rhode Island College), PHD (Texas Tech University), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Physiology (1987, 2011)
  • Bentsen, Ramon G, BS (Oklahoma), MS (Pennsylvania), PHD (Pennsylvania), Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (1968, 1999)
  • Bentz, Bruce B, BSC (Wisconsin), MDES (Royal College of Art), MFA (Wisconsin), Department of Art and Design (1967, 2001)
  • Berg, Wesley P, BMUS (Alberta), MMUS (Alberta), PHD (Washington Seattle), Department of Music (1975, 2004)
  • Bergum, Vangie, BSCN (British Columbia), DPHIL (Alberta), MED (St Francis Xavier), Faculty of Nursing (1986, 2005)
  • Bertie, John E, BSC (London), PHD (London), Department of Chemistry (1967, 1996)
  • Bertram, Sheila K, BLS (Toronto), BSC (McMaster University), MS (Illinois Chicago), PHD (Illinois Chicago), School of Library and Information Studies (1970, 1996)
  • Bessai, Diane E, BA(Western Ontario) MA PHD (London), Department of English (1961, 1995)
  • Beveridge, Stephen H, BCOM (Alberta), MBA (Chicago), PHD (Chicago), Department of Finance and Statistical Analysis (1973, 2002)
  • Bhambhani, Yagesh N, BPE (Alberta), BSC (SKSJT Inst), MSC (Alberta), PHD (Alberta), Department of Occupational Therapy (1986, 2014)
  • Bibby, Mary Ann, BA (Mount Allison), MED (Smith College), PHD (British Columbia), Department of Educational Psychology (1980, 2008)
  • Bielawski, Ellen, BA (Northwestern), PHD (Calgary), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sci - Resource Economics & Environmental Sociology (2003, 2018)
  • Biggs, David F, BPHARM (Nottingham), PHD (London), Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (1969, 1996)
  • Bisanz, Jeffrey H, BA (Michigan), PHD (Pittsburgh), Faculty of Arts - Psychology Dept (1979, 2017)
  • Bischof, Walter F, MA (University of Berne), PHD (University of Berne), Department of Computing Science (1987, 2014)
  • Bishop, Edward L, BA (Alberta), MA (Queen’s University), PHD (Queen’s University), Faculty of Arts - English & Film Studies Dept (1979, 2018)
  • Blackburn, Edward V, BSC (London), PHD (Nottingham), Campus Saint Jean - Academic Admin (1971, 2014)
  • Blakey, Janis M, BS (Kansas State), EDD (British Columbia), MS (Emporia State), Department of Elementary Education (1969, 1995)
  • Blenis, Peter Van Atten, BSC (State U of New York), MSC (Wisconsin), PHD (Wisconsin), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sci - Renewable Resources Dept (1982, 2010)
  • Boeglin, John A, BA (Paris X Nanterre), MA (Paris X Nanterre), PHD (University of Montreal), Campus Saint-Jean - Academic Support OR Admin (1991, 2017)
  • Boersma, Frederic J, BS (Western Michigan), MA (Western Michigan), PHD (Michigan State), Educational Psychology (1965, 1993)
  • Boliek, Carol, BS (Colorado State), PHD (Northern Colorado), Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine - Communication Sciences & Disorders (2002, 2019)
  • Bortolussi Dixon, Marisa, BA (Carleton University), MA (Carleton University), PHD (Laval University), Faculty of Arts - Modern Languages and Cultural Studies Dept (1986, 2018)
  • Borys, Andrea H, BPE (Alberta), CERT (Alberta), EDD (Columbia University), MSC (Oregon), Department of Secondary Education (1975, 1997)
  • Bosley, Richard N, BA (Utah State), MA (California), PHD (Georg Aug U Gottingen), Department of Philosophy (1964, 1995)
  • Bouffard, Marcel, LEP (Laval University), MSC (University of Montreal), PHD (Alberta), Faculty of Physical Education and Recreation - Academic Programs (1989, 2014)
  • Bour, Jean A, BA (Rochester), MA (Rochester), PHD (Princeton), Campus Saint-Jean (1985, 2000)
  • Bourassa, Charles M, BA (Michigan State), MA (Michigan State), PHD (Michigan State), Department of Psychology (1969, 1996)
  • Bowers, Rick, BA (Dalhousie), MA (McMaster University), PHD (Dalhousie), Faculty of Arts - English & Film Studies Dept (1987, 2017)
  • Bowes, Kenneth L, MD (Queen’s University), MSC (Alberta), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Surgery (1971, 2001)
  • Bradford, Samuel Sa, BSC (Missouri), MSC (Missouri), PHD (Iowa State), Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering (2000, 1994)
  • Braun, Richard E, AB (Michigan), AM (MA) (Michigan), PHD (Texas), Department of History and Classics (1962, 1996)
  • Braun, Willi, BA (Manitoba), MA (Toronto), PHD (Toronto), Faculty of Arts - History & Classics Dept (1999, 2018)
  • Brauss, Helmut Hf, Department of Music (2000, 1995)
  • Breault, Lorraine Janet, BED (Alberta), MED (Alberta), PHD (Alberta), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Psychiatry Dept (2000, 2017)
  • Brett, Michael J, BSC (Queen’s University), MSC (British Columbia), PHD (British Columbia), Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering (1986, 2014)
  • Briggs, Keith G, BA (Cambridge), DIPAGSC (Cambridge), MA (Cambridge), PHD (Manitoba), Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science (1969, 1999)
  • Brink, Pamela J, BS (WhittierCollege), MSN (Catholic U of America), PHD (Boston University), Faculty of Nursing (1988, 1999)
  • Brintnell, E Sharon G, BOT (Alberta), DIPPOTH (Toronto), MSCOT (Alberta), Faculty of Rehabilitation - Occupational Therapy (1971, 2018)
  • Brodie, Janine M, BA (Windsor), MA (Windsor), PHD (Carleton University), Faculty of Arts - Political Science Dept (1997, 2018)
  • Brouwer, Wytze, BSC (Alberta), MSC (Alberta), PHD (Alberta), Departments of Secondary Education and Physics (1970, 1999)
  • Brown, John L, BCOM (Saskatchewan), MBA (Washington Seattle), PHD (Cornell University), Department of Strategic Management and Organization (1971, 1997)
  • Brown, Neil E, BSC (Toronto), MD (Toronto), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Medicine (1988, 2000)
  • Browne, Margaret P J, BED (Alberta), MED (Alberta), PHD (Alberta), Elementary Education (1970, 1992)
  • Bryan, Ruth G, BA PHD(Radcliffe), Department of Anthropology (1963, 1996)
  • Budney, David R, BSC (Alberta), MSC (Alberta), PHD (New South Wales), Department of Mechanical Engineering (1980, 1997)
  • Bullard, Michael J, BSC (Alberta), MD (Alberta), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Emergency Medicine Division (1998, 2018)
  • Bullock, Christopher James, BA (Leeds), PHD (Leeds), Department of English (1969, 2000)
  • Bundle, David R, BSC (Nottingham), PHD (U Newcastle Upon Tyne), Department of Chemistry (1993, 2014)
  • Burch, Robert R, BA (Toronto), MA (Toronto), PHD (Toronto), Department of Philosophy (1983, 2016)
  • Burton, Jeffrey R, MD (Toronto), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Medicine Dept (1981, 2018)
  • Burton, Thomas L, BSC (London), PHD (London), Faculty of Physical Education and Recreation (1976, 1997)
  • Busch, Robert L, BA (Michigan), MA (Michigan), PHD (Michigan), Department of Modern Languages and Comparative Studies (1971, 1996)
  • Buse, Adolf, BA (Alberta), PHD (Birmingham), Department of Economics (1966, 1997)
  • Butler, James R, BSC (Ohio State University), MA (Manhattanville College), PHD (Washington Seattle), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences - Department of Renewable Resources (1979, 2005)


  • Cabay, Stanley, BSC (Alberta), MSC (Alberta), PHD (Toronto), Department of Computing Science (1971, 1999)
  • Cadrin, Gilles C, BA (Ottawa), BED (Alberta), MA (Alberta), Campus Saint-Jean (1975, 1997)
  • Cairns, Debra, BMUS (Western Ontario), DMA (Illinois Chicago), MMUS (Western Ontario), Department of Music (1989, 2014)
  • Calder, Peter, BA (Sir George Williams), DIPTCH (McGill University), MS (State U of New York), PHD (Indiana State), Department of Educational Psychology (1971, 1998)
  • Cameron, Brenda Leigh, BSCN (Alberta), MSCN (Wales), PHD (Alberta), Faculty of Nursing (1992, 2014)
  • Cameron, Judith Anne, BED (Alberta), MED (Alberta), PHD (Alberta), Department of Educational Psychology (1992, 2009)
  • Campbell, Shelagh D, BIS (Waterloo), MSC (Guelph), PHD (Connecticut), Faculty of Science - Biological Sciences (1997, 2018)
  • Campenot, Robert B, BA (Rutgers University), MS (California LA), PHD (Massachusetts Inst of Tech), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Cell Biology (1987, 2014)
  • Cantine, David L, BA (Iowa), MA (Iowa), Department of Art and Design (1965, 1996)
  • Cantwell, Frederick F, BS (Allegheny College), PHD (Iowa), Department of Chemistry (1975, 2001)
  • Capjack, Clarence E, BSC (Alberta), MSC (Alberta), PHD (Alberta), Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering (1969, 2005)
  • Capjack, Linda M, BSC (Alberta), DIPEDUC (Alberta), MSC (Alberta), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences - Department of Human Ecology (1991, 2007)
  • Capri, Anton Z, BASC (Toronto), MA (Princeton), PHD (Princeton), Department ofPhysics (1968, 1998)
  • Carlson, Allen A, BA (Macalester College), PHD (Michigan), Department of Philosophy (1969, 2008)
  • Carmichael, Donald J, BA (Queen’s University), MA (Queen’s University), PHD (Toronto), Department of Political Science (1972, 2011)
  • Carney, Robert J, BA (British Columbia), DIPTCH (British Columbia), MED (British Columbia), PHD (Alberta), Faculty of Education - Educational Policy Studies Dept (1976, 1994)
  • Carroll, Linda, BA (Saskatchewan), MA (Manitoba), PHD (Manitoba), School of Public Health (2016, 2017)
  • Carson, Terrance Ronald, BA (Alberta), BED (Memorial U of Nfld), MED (Alberta), PHD (Alberta), Department of Secondary Education (1982, 2010)
  • Carter, Henry Albert, BSC (McGill University), PHD (British Columbia), Augustana - Sciences (2004, 2010)
  • Carver, Peter J, LLB (McGill University), LLM (British Columbia), MA (Toronto), Faculty of Law - Admin (2000, 2018)
  • Cass, Carol E, BSC (Oklahoma), MSC (Oklahoma), PHD (California), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Oncology (1977, 2010)
  • Cass, David D, BS (Butler University), PHD (Oklahoma), Department of Biological Sciences (1969, 2004)
  • Cathcart, W George, BED (Alberta), MED (Alberta), PHD (Alberta), Department of Elementary Education (1971, 1995)
  • Chambers, Edward J, BA (British Columbia), BCOM (British Columbia), MA (British Columbia), PHD (Nebraska Lincoln), Faculty of Business - Western Centre for Economic Research (1968, 1992)
  • Chambers, Graham A, BA (British Columbia), MA (Wisconsin), PHD (Wisconsin), Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences (1969, 2004)
  • Chan, Dave H K, BENG (McMaster University), ME (McMaster University), PHD (Alberta), Faculty of Engineering - Civil and Environmental Engineering Dept (1985, 2019)
  • Chan, Victor C, BA (Nevada Las Vegas), MA (California), PHD (Stanford University), Department of Art and Design (1976, 2000)
  • Chanasyk, David S, BSC (Alberta), MSC (Saskatchewan), PHD (Alberta), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences - Department of Renewable Resources (1978, 2013)
  • Chard, Sylvia C, BA (Bristol), MED (Illinois Chicago), PHD (Illinois Chicago), Department of Elementary Education (1989, 2003)
  • Chatterton, Brian D E, BA (Dublin Trinity Clg), MA (Dublin Trinity Clg), PHD (Australian National), Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences (1970, 2006)
  • Chaytors, Richard Gordon, BSC (Alberta), MD (Alberta), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Family Medicine (1978, 2009)
  • Checkel, M David, BSC (Alberta), DPHIL (Cambridge), Department of Mechanical Engineering (1981, 2010)
  • Cheeseman, Christopher I, BSC (Sheffield), PHD (Sheffield), Department of Psychology (1978, 1988)
  • Cheng, Jung-June R, BS (Natl Cheng Kung), MS (Texas Austin), PHD (Texas Austin), Faculty of Engineering - Civil and Environmental Engineering Dept (1984, 2019)
  • Cheung, Po-Yin, MBBS (Hong Kong), PHD (Alberta), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Pediatrics Dept (2001, 2019)
  • Chik, Constance L, BSC (Toronto), MD (Toronto), PHD (McMaster University), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Medicine Dept (1988, 2018)
  • Chisholm, Dianne Lynn, BED (Alberta), BPE (Alberta), MA (Alberta), PHD (Oxford), Department of English (1989, 2014)
  • Christensen, Ferrel M, BA(Utah) MA PHD(Indiana), Department of Philosophy (1971, 1996)
  • Christian, Timothy J, BA (Alberta), LLB (Cambridge), Faculty of Law (1978, 2010)
  • Christopherson, Robert J, BSA (Manitoba), MSC (Manitoba), PHD (Alberta), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences - Dept of Agric, Food and Nutri Science (1971, 2004)
  • Chuang, Karl T, BSENG (Natl Cheng Kung), MSC (St Francis Xavier), PHD (Alberta), Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering (1986, 2006)
  • Chute, Frederick S, BASC (British Columbia), MASC (British Columbia), PHD (Alberta), Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering (1968, 1994)
  • Clanachan, Alexander S, BSC (Glasgow), PHD (Glasgow), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Pharmacology Dept (1976, 2017)
  • Clandinin, Dorothy J, BA (Alberta), MED (Alberta), PHD (Toronto), Department of Elementary Education (1990, 2014)
  • Clandinin, Michael T, BSC (Alberta), PHD (Alberta), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences - Dept of Agric, Food and Nutri Science (1984, 2011)
  • Clements, Patricia D, BA (Alberta), DPHIL (Oxford), Department of English (1970, 2005)
  • Cliff, Gerald H, BSC (McGill University), MS (Illinois Chicago), PHD (Illinois Chicago), Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences (1977, 2013)
  • Collett, David J, BED (Alberta), MED (Alberta), PHD (Alberta), Department of Educational Policy Studies (1975, 1997)
  • Comeau, Philip G, BSC (Victoria), PHD (British Columbia), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sci - Renewable Resources Dept (2000, 2017)
  • Connor, Herbert W, BA (New Brunswick), MA (New Brunswick), MA (New Brunswick), MA (Western Ontario), PHD (New Brunswick), Provost & Vice-President Academic - Approved Contingency Expenditure (1982, 2018)
  • Cook, Albert Moore, BS (Colorado), MS (Wyoming), PHD (Wyoming), Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine - Communication Sciences and Disorders (1994, 2013)
  • Cooper, David J, BSC (London Sch of Econ), PHD (Manchester Metro), Alberta School of Business - Accounting, Operations andInformation Systems Dept (1989, 2019)
  • Cooper, Wesley Edward, BA (Occidental College), BLITT (Oxford), PHD (Calgary), Department of Philosophy (1972, 2009)
  • Cormack, George D, BASC (British Columbia), MSC (British Columbia), PHD (British Columbia), Faculty of Engineering - Electrical & Computer Engineering Dept (1982, 1993)
  • Cornell, Edward H, BA (California), MA (San Jose State), PHD (Case Western Reserve), Faculty of Arts - Psychology (1975, 2006)
  • Cossins, Edwin A, BSC (London), DSC (London), PHD (London), Department of Biological Sciences (1962, 1996)
  • Couch, Robert M, BSC (British Columbia), MD (British Columbia), MSC (Toronto), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Pediatrics (1990, 2014)
  • Couture, Claude, BA (University of Montreal), MA (University of Montreal), PHD (University of Montreal), Campus Saint-Jean - Academic Support OR Admin (1988, 2020)
  • Cowie, Martin, BSC (McMaster University), PHD (Alberta), Department of Chemistry (1976, 1987)
  • Cox, E.Diane W., BSC (McMaster University), MA (Toronto), PHD (McGill University), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Medical Genetics (1996, 2005)
  • Cox-Bishop, Marlene J, BED (British Columbia), PHD (Illinois State), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences - Department of Human Ecology (1981, 2007)
  • Craggs, Anthony, BSC (Durham), PHD (Southampton), Department of Mechanical Engineering (1969, 1995)
  • Craig, Douglas A, BSC (Canterbury), PHD (Canterbury), Department of Biological Sciences (1966, 1997)
  • Craig, Leon H, BA (Washington Seattle), PHD (Illinois Chicago), Department of Political Science (1972, 2004)
  • Creore, Jo Ann, MA (Washington Seattle), Department of Modern Languages and Comparative Studies (1966, 1992)
  • Crites-Battie, Michele M, BS (Washington Seattle), BS (Washington State), MSC (Washington Seattle), PHD (Goteborg), Faculty of Rehabilitation - Physical Therapy (1995, 2016)
  • Crockford, Peter M, MD (Alberta), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Medicine (1966, 1997)
  • Crown, Elizabeth M, BHSC (Guelph), MSC (Guelph), PHD (Alberta), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences - Department of Human Ecology (2009, 2004)
  • Crown, Peter H, BSA (Guelph), MSC (Guelph), PHD (Alberta), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences - Department of Renewable Resources (1977, 2002)
  • Cruden, David M, BA (Oxford), MA (Oxford), MSC (Alberta), PHD (London), Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (1971, 2003)
  • Culberson, Joseph C, BSC (New Brunswick), MMATH (Waterloo), PHD (Waterloo), Department of Computing Science (1985, 1999)
  • Cullen, Dallas M, BA (Alberta), MS (Iowa State), PHD (Ohio State University), Department of Strategic Management and Organization (1969, 2007)
  • Cumming, David C, MBCHB (Liverpool), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (1981, 1990)
  • Currah, Randolph Sidney, BSC (Guelph), MSC (Alberta), PHD (Alberta), Department of Biological Sciences (1980, 2010)


  • D’Entremont, Yvette M, BA (Mount St Vincent), BED (Acadia University), MA (Mount St Vincent), PHD (Alberta), Campus Saint-Jean - Academic Support OR Admin (1990, 2014)
  • Dacks, Gurston, BA (Toronto), PHD (Princeton), Department of Political Science (1971, 2008)
  • Dafoe, William, BSC (Queen’s University), MD (McMaster University), PENG (Queen’s University), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Medicine Dept (2002, 2018)
  • Dahlby, Beverly G, BA (Saskatchewan), MA (Queen’s University), PHD (London), Department of Economics (1978, 2012)
  • Dale, James Douglas, BSC (Alberta), MSC (Alberta), PHD (Washington Seattle), Department of Mechanical Engineering (1969, 2003)
  • Dale, Mark Rt, BSC (Toronto), MSC (Toronto), PHD (Dalhousie), Department of Biological Sciences (1981, 2009)
  • Damaraju, Sambasivarao, BSC (Osmania University), MSC (University of Hyderabad), PHD (Osmania University), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Laboratory Medicine & Pathology Dept (1987, 2018)
  • Dancik, Bruce P, BS (Michigan), MF (Michigan), PHD (Michigan), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences - Devonian Botanic Garden (1973, 2009)
  • Daniel, Terrence E, BENG (McGill University), MS (Massachusetts Inst of Tech), PHD (Stanford University), Department of Accounting, Operations andInformation Systems (1971, 2010)
  • Darrah, Johanna Mary, BSC (Western Ontario), MSC (Alberta), PHD (Alberta), Department of Physical Therapy (1997, 2014)
  • Das, Jagannath Jp, BA(Utkal) MA(Patna) PHD(London), Department of Educational Psychology (1968, 1996)
  • Dasgupta, Mrinal K, MBBS (Calcutta), MD (Calcutta), MSC (Alberta), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Medicine (1982, 2003)
  • Dastoor, Naorayex K, BA (Essex), MA (Essex), PHD (Essex), Department of Economics (1985, 2009)
  • Davis, Faith Gladys, BSC (Alberta), MPA (Harvard University), MPH (Harvard University), MSC (Harvard University), PHD (Yale University), School of Public Health (2012, 2018)
  • Davis, Paul, CHB (Bristol), MB (Bristol), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Medicine (1976, 2014)
  • Day, Rene A, BSC (Alberta), MSC (Hawaii), PHD (Alberta), Faculty of Nursing (1968, 1989)
  • de Frece, Robert J, BED (Alberta), BSC (Alberta), DMA (Oregon), MMUS (Oregon), Department of Elementary Education (2012, 2008)
  • de Gara, Christopher, MBBS (London), MS (London), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Surgery Dept (1997, 2018)
  • Decore, Anne Marie J, BA (Alberta), MA (Alberta), PHD (Alberta), Department of Educational Policy Studies (1970, 2002)
  • Defelice, James V, AB (Northeastern), MA (Tufts University), Department of Drama (1969, 2002)
  • Demianczuk, Nestor N, BSC (Loyola College), FRCS (University of Montreal), MD (University of Montreal), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (1989, 2013)
  • Denham, Ross A, BCOM (Alberta), FCA (Alberta), MBA (Toronto), PHD (Minnesota), Department of Accounting, Operations andInformation Systems (1963, 1996)
  • Dennis, Thelma B, BSC Hec(Alberta) MS(Pennsylvaia State), Clothing and Textiles (2000, 1988)
  • Derwind, Bruce L, AB (South Dakota State), AB (South Dakota State), MS (Indiana State), PHD (Indiana State), Department of Linguistics (1970, 1996)
  • Derwing, Tracey Mary, BA (Alberta), MSC (Alberta), PHD (Alberta), Department of Educational Psychology (1990, 2014)
  • Dick, Henry M, DDS(Alberta) MSC(Manitoba), Oral Biology (1999, 1995)
  • Ditzian, Zeev, MSC (Hebrew U of Jerusalem), PHD (Hebrew U of Jerusalem), Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences (1967, 2001)
  • Dobbs, Allen R, BSC (Washington State), MSC (Washington State), PHD (Iowa), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Neurosciences (1968, 1996)
  • Doherty, Maryanne, BED (Alberta), MSC (Alberta), PHD (Alberta), Department of Secondary Education (1992, 2005)
  • Domier, Kenneth W, BE (Saskatchewan), MSC (Saskatchewan), PHD (Michigan State), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences - Dept of Agric, Food and Nutri Science (1969, 1993)
  • Donoff, Michel G, MD (Alberta), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Family Medicine Dept (1979, 2018)
  • Dossetor, John Jb, BM BCh(London) FRCP (C) PHD(McGill) , Medicine (2007, 1992)
  • Drummond, Garry T, FRCS (Alberta), MD (Calgary), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Opthalmology Clinical Services (1988, 2013)
  • Drummond, Jane Elizabeth, BSCN (Toronto), MSC (Alberta), PHD (British Columbia), Office of the Provost and Vice-President (Academic)-Approved Contingency Expenditures (1975, 2015)
  • Dryden, William F, BSC (Glasgow), PHD (Strathclyde), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Pharmacology (1976, 2008)
  • Dube, Paul J, BA (Manitoba), MA (Alberta), PHD (Alberta), Campus Saint Jean - Academic Admin (1981, 2014)
  • Dudas, Marvin, BSC (Alberta), MSC (Alberta), PHD (Oregon State), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences - Department of Renewable Resources (1975, 2007)
  • Dunford, Brian Hb, MSC(Alberta) PHD(McGill), Department of Chemistry (1957, 1993)
  • Dunlop, Charles R B, BA (Alberta), LLB (Alberta), LLM (London), MA (Alberta), Faculty of Law (1974, 2001)
  • Duszyk, Marek, MSC (Warsaw), PHD (Warsaw), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Physiology (1993, 2010)


  • Eadie, Reginald L, BASC (Toronto), MASC (Toronto), PHD (Toronto), Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering (1983, 2010)
  • Eberlein, E Larry, BS JD(Wisconsin) BD(Garrett Theo. Seminary) PHD(Michigan State), Educational Psychology (2000, 1992)
  • Egerton, Raymond F, BA (Cambridge), BA (Cambridge), PHD (Imperial Clg U of London), Department ofPhysics (1991, 2004)
  • Eggert, Michael F, DDS (Toronto), MSC (Toronto), PHD (Cambridge), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Dentistry Dept (1981, 2018)
  • Eidem, Rodney, BA(Saskatchewan) MD(Alberta), Medicine (2000, 1993)
  • Einsiedel, Albert A, MA (California), PHD (Indiana), Faculty of Extension - Extension Academics (1982, 2004)
  • Eisenstein, Zdenek, DIPENG (Czech Tech), PHD (Czech Tech), Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (1970, 1996)
  • Elbadrawy, Hossam E, DDS (Cairo University), HDD (Cairo University), MS (Minnesota), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Dentistry (1987, 2007)
  • Elio, Renee Elaine, BA (Smith College), MS (Carnegie Mellon), PHD (Carnegie Mellon), Faculty of Science - Computing Science (1985, 2018)
  • Elliott, Frank Benjamin, BED (Alberta), BSC (Alberta), DPHIL (Alberta), MED (Alberta), Department of Educational Policy Studies (1946, 1981)
  • Elliott, Robert J, BA (New College U of Oxford), PHD (Cambridge), SCD (Cambridge), Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences (1986, 2001)
  • Elliott, Ruth M, BSCN (Alberta), MS (California), PHD (Simon Fraser), Faculty of Nursing (1987, 1999)
  • Ellis, Julia L, BA (Calgary), EDD (British Columbia), MA (British Columbia), Department of Elementary Education (1992, 2014)
  • Ellis, Margaret, DIP(Chelsea College) Teach Cert(London) MA PHD(iowa), Physical Education and Sport Studies (1997, 1990)
  • Ellsworth, Janet E, MD (Manitoba), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Pediatrics Dept (1987, 2020)
  • Ellyin, Fernand, MSC (Tehran), PHD (Waterloo), Department of Mechanical Engineering (1981, 2004)
  • Elrod, Terry, BA (Columbia University), MBA (Columbia University), PHD (Columbia University), Faculty of Business (2013, 2010)
  • Elwi, Alaa E, BSC (Cairo University), MSC (Alberta), PHD (Alberta), Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (1983, 2006)
  • England, John H, BA (Windsor), MA (Colorado), PHD (Colorado), Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences (1975, 2012)
  • Epp, Garrett Pj, BA (Acadia University), MA (Toronto), PHD (Toronto), Department of English (1988, 2014)
  • Erbe, Lynn H, BA (Concordia College Minn), MA (Nebraska Lincoln), PHD (Nebraska Lincoln), Department of Mathematical Sciences (1970, 1996)
  • Erdmer, Philippe, BSC (Ottawa), MSC (Queen’s University), PHD (Queen’s University), Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences (1984, 1995)
  • Evans, Michael Edwin, BSC (Birmingham), MSC (Birmingham), PHD (Australian National), Department ofPhysics (1972, 1998)
  • Everall, Robin Donne, BA (Alberta), MED (Alberta), PHD (Alberta), Department of Elementary Education (1995, 2018)
  • Everett-Turner, Lorene M, BED (Alberta), MED (Alberta), PHD (Alberta), Vice President Research - Research Services Office (1969, 1997)


  • Fagan, William T, BA (Memorial U of Nfld), BED (Memorial U of Nfld), MED (Alberta), PHD (Alberta), Department of Elementary Education (1969, 1994)
  • Fairbairn, Kenneth J, BA (Canterbury), MA (Canterbury), PHD (Melbourne), Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences (1970, 1995)
  • Fanning, E Anne, MD (Western Ontario), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Medicine (1987, 2005)
  • Farouq Ali, Syed M, BENG (Karachi), BSC (Birmingham), MS (Pennsylvania), PHD (Pennsylvania), Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (1979, 1999)
  • Faryon, Richard R, BA (Western Ontario), MBA (Columbia University), Faculty of Extension - Extension Academics (1967, 1993)
  • Faulkner, M. Gary, BSC (Alberta), MSC (Alberta), PHD (California), Department of Mechanical Engineering (1969, 2005)
  • Feddes, John Jr, BSC (Alberta), MSC (Alberta), PHD (Nebraska Lincoln), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences - Dept of Agric, Food and Nutri Science (1983, 2007)
  • Fedorak, Phillip Michael, BSC (Alberta), MSC (Alberta), PHD (Alberta), Department of Biological Sciences (1975, 2010)
  • Feeny, David H, BA (Illinois Chicago), MA (Wisconsin), PHD (Wisconsin), Department of Economics (1998, 2009)
  • Field, Peggy Anne, BN (McGill) MN(Washington) PHD(Alberta), Faculty of Nursing (2000, 1994)
  • Fields, Anthony, MA (Cambridge), MD (Alberta), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Oncology (1980, 1998)
  • Fiertel, Neil O, BA (Miami), BS (Chicago), MFA (Florida State), Department of Art and Design (1969, 2005)
  • Filanovsky, Igor, MSC (Leningrad), PHD (Leningrad), Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering (1981, 2005)
  • Finn, Adam, BASC (Melbourne), MBA (New South Wales), PHD (Illinois Urbana), Faculty of Business (1982, 2013)
  • Finucane, Brendan T, FFARCS (Liverpool), MBBCHBA (Dublin Trinity Clg), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Dept of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine (1989, 2008)
  • Fishburne, Graham Josep, BSC (U Newcastle Upon Tyne), MED (Manchester Metro), PHD (Alberta), Department of Elementary Education (1982, 1988)
  • Fisher, Bruce William, BSC (Carleton University), MD (Ottawa), MSC (Alberta), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Medicine Dept (1992, 2019)
  • Fisher, Edward G, BA (Colorado), MA (Indiana), PHD (British Columbia), Department of Strategic Management and Organization (1977, 2010)
  • Fitzsimmons, George W, BED (Calgary), MED (Calgary), PHD (Toronto), Department of Educational Psychology (1973, 1997)
  • Flock, Merlin Donald, Faculty of Education (1969, 1990)
  • Flynn, Peter Charles, BSC (Delaware), MENG (California Berkeley), PHD (Alberta), Department of Mechanical Engineering (1999, 2010)
  • Foght, Julia Margrethe, BSC (Alberta), PHD (Alberta), Department of Biological Sciences (1994, 2014)
  • Forest, Tom W, BASC (Toronto), MASC (Toronto), PHD (Toronto), Department of Mechanical Engineering (1976, 2004)
  • Foster, Rosemary, BA (York University), MED (Alberta), PHD (Alberta), Faculty of Education - Educational Policy Studies Dept (2002, 2009)
  • Foth, Dennis L, BSC (Alberta), MSC (Alberta), PHD (Alberta), Faculty of Extension - Extension Academics (1985, 2009)
  • Foxcroft, George R, BSC (Nottingham), PHD (Nottingham), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences - Dept of Agric, Food and Nutri Science (1988, 2012)
  • Fraga, Serafin S, LICSC DSC(Madrid), Department of Chemistry (1963, 1994)
  • Frascara, Jorge D, CERTPG (Natl Sch of Fine Arts), DIPFA (Natl Sch of Fine Arts), DIPVA (Natl Sch of Visual Art), Department of Art and Design (1976, 2005)
  • Fraser, Roderick D., BA (Alberta), MA (Alberta), PHD (London), Department of Economics (1995, 2005)
  • Freedman, Herb I, BSC (Manitoba), MA (Minnesota), PHD (Minnesota), Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences (1999, 1997)
  • Freeman, Gordon R, MA(Saskatchewan) PHD(McGill) DPHIL(Oxford), Department of Chemistry (1958, 1995)
  • Freeman, Milton, BSC (Reading), BSC (Reading), PHD (McGill University), Department of Anthropology (1978, 1989)
  • Frender, Robert H, BSC (McGill University), MA (Harvard University), PHD (Harvard University), Department of Educational Psychology (1978, 2011)
  • Friedman, Alinda R, BA (State U of NY StonyBrook), MA (Colorado), PHD (Colorado), Faculty of Arts - Psychology (1979, 2014)
  • Fris, Joe, BA (Auckland), MA (Toronto), PHD (Toronto), Department of Educational Policy Studies (1975, 2003)
  • Frost, Laura S, BSC (Alberta), PHD (Alberta), Department of Biological Sciences (1978, 2010)


  • Gaa, James C, AM (MA) (Washington Seattle), BA (Michigan State), PHD (Illinois Chicago), PHD (Washington Seattle), PHD (Washington Seattle), Department of Accounting, Operations andInformation Systems (1995, 2015)
  • Galambos, Nancy, BS (State U of New York), MS (Pennsylvania State), PHD (Pennsylvania State), Faculty of Arts - Psychology Dept (2002, 2018)
  • Gallin, Warren J, BSC (McMaster University), PHD (Rockefeller University), Faculty of Science - Biological Sciences (1987, 2017)
  • Gander, Lois Elaine, BA (Alberta), LLB (Alberta), LLM (Alberta), Faculty of Extension - Extension Academics (1994, 2016)
  • Garg, Krishna M, MSC PHD(Lucknow), Department of Mathematics and Statistical Sciences (2000, 1994)
  • Gartrell, John W, BA (McMaster University), MA (Wisconsin), PHD (Wisconsin), Department of Sociology (1976, 1999)
  • Gati, Wendy P, BSC (British Columbia), DPHIL (Zurich), MSC (Western Ontario), PHD (Zurich), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Pharmacology (1992, 2006)
  • Gauk, Ehor, BSC (Manitoba), MD (Manitoba), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Pediatrics (1964, 2000)
  • Gburzynski, Pawel, MSC (Warsaw), PHD (Warsaw), Department of Computing Science (1985, 2010)
  • Gephart, Robert P, BSC (Michigan State), MA (Calgary), PHD (British Columbia), Alberta School of Business - Strategic Management and Organization Dept (1979, 2018)
  • Gervais, Pierre Leo, BA (New Brunswick), BPE (New Brunswick), MHK (Windsor), PHD (Alberta), Faculty of Physical Education and Recreation (1983, 2012)
  • Gibbins, Michael, BCOM (British Columbia), CA (British Columbia), MBA (York University), PHD (Cornell University), Department of Accounting, Operations andInformation Systems (1984, 2008)
  • Gibney, Richard Thomas Noel, MDCM (Univ College Dublin), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Critical Care Medicine (2002, 2018)
  • Gibson, Nancy Loreen, BA (Alberta), DIPLOMA (McGill University), MA (Alberta), PHD (Alberta), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences - Department of Human Ecology (1996, 2006)
  • Giesbrecht-Segger, Marnie Lynn, BMUS (Alberta), DMUS (Alberta), MMUS (Eastman School Of Music), Department of Music (1988, 2014)
  • Gignac, L Dennis, BED (Ottawa), BSC (Laurentian), MSC (Laurentian), PHD (Alberta), Campus Saint-Jean (1990, 2012)
  • Giovannetti, Phyllis B J, BN (McGill University), PHD (John Hopkins), SCD (John Hopkins), Faculty of Nursing (1981, 2004)
  • Glassford, Robert G, BPE (British Columbia), DIPTCH (British Columbia), MA (Alberta), PHD (Illinois Chicago), Department of Physical Education and Sport Studies (1965, 1994)
  • Godbout, Laurent A, BA (Ottawa), PHD (Ottawa), Campus Saint-Jean (1970, 1996)
  • Goldberg, Jack S, BA (Yeshiva College), DPS (University of Montreal), MSC (McGill University), Department of Educational Psychology (1971, 2004)
  • Goldsand, George, MD (Alberta), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Medicine (1967, 2001)
  • Gombay, Edit, MSC (A Jozsef U Szeged), PHD (Calgary), Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences (1987, 2014)
  • Good, Allen G, BSC (Trent University), MSC (Windsor), PHD (Ottawa), Faculty of Science - Biological Sciences (1989, 2002)
  • Gooding, Ronald H, BSC (Alberta), MA (Rice University), SCD (John Hopkins), Department of Biological Sciences (1966, 2002)
  • Gordon, Philip A, BSC (Alberta), MD (Alberta), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Dept of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology (1993, 2004)
  • Gordon, Tessa, BSC (Cape Town), MSC (Birmingham), PHD (Birmingham), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Physical Medical/Rehabilitation (1981, 2009)
  • Gordon-Craig, Christopher, BA (Auckland), LTCL (Trinity Clg Music U London), MA (Auckland), PHD (New Brunswick), Department of English (1969, 2006)
  • Gortel, Zbigniew W, MSC (Warsaw), PHD (Warsaw), Department ofPhysics (1983, 2009)
  • Goud, Paul A, BSC (Alberta), MASC (British Columbia), PHD (British Columbia), Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering (1966, 1996)
  • Gow, Andrew C., BA (Carleton University), MA (Toronto), PHD (Arizona), Faculty of Arts - Interdisciplinary Studies (1993, 2019)
  • Graham, William A, BA (Saskatchewan), MA (Saskatchewan), PHD (Harvard University), Department of Chemistry (1962, 1995)
  • Gramit, David E, BA (Carleton University), MA (Duke University), PHD (Duke University), Faculty of Arts - Music Dept (1991, 2019)
  • Grant, Douglas S, BA (State U of New York), MA (Western Ontario), PHD (Western Ontario), Department of Psychology (1976, 2013)
  • Grant, Raymond J S, MA (Aberdeen University), PHD (Cambridge), Department of English (1967, 1997)
  • Graves, Heather, BA (Waterloo), MA (Waterloo), PHD (Ohio State University), Faculty of Arts - Interdisciplinary Studies (2008, 2018)
  • Graves, Roger, BA (Waterloo), BED (Toronto), MA (Waterloo), PHD (Ohio State University), Faculty of Arts - English & Film Studies Dept (2008, 2020)
  • Gray, Genevieve, MSC (Manchester Metro), Faculty of Nursing (2000, 2006)
  • Gray, Murray R, BASC (Toronto), MENG (Calgary), PHD (Calif Inst of Tech), Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering (1983, 2014)
  • Greeniaus, L.Gordon, BSC (Manitoba), PHD (Manitoba), Department ofPhysics (1989, 2000)
  • Greenwood, Royston, BSOCSC (Birmingham), MSOCSC (Birmingham), PHD (Birmingham), Alberta School of Business - Strategic Management and Organization Dept (1982, 2018)
  • Greer, John James, BSC (Guelph), PHD (Alberta), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Physiology Dept (1992, 2018)
  • Greiter, Susan C, BA (Michigan State), MA (Michigan State), PHD (Michigan State), Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine - Communication Sciences and Disorders (1982, 2001)
  • Griffiths, Derek J, BA (Cambridge), PHD (St Andrews), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Biomedical Engineering (1988, 1999)
  • Grover, Wayne D, BENG (Carleton University), MSC (Essex), PHD (Alberta), Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering (1992, 2010)
  • Grundy, Isobel M, BA (Oxford), DPHIL (Oxford), Department of English (1990, 2003)
  • Gualtieri, Maurizio, MA (Pennsylvania), PHD (Pennsylvania), Department of Modern Languages and Comparative Studies (1978, 1997)
  • Guilbert, Larry J, BS (North Dakota State), PHD (Washington Seattle), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Dept of Medical Microbiology and Immunology (2000, 2010)
  • Gunnars, Kristjana E, BA (Oregon State), MA (Regina), Department of English (1991, 2003)
  • Gural-Migdal, Anna, BA (University of Montreal), MA (University of Montreal), PHD (University of Montreal), Faculty of Arts - Modern Languages and Cultural Studies Dept (1996, 2018)
  • Gustafson, Brenda J, BSC (Alberta), MED (Alberta), PHD (Alberta), Faculty of Education - Elementary Middle School Teacher Education (1989, 2017)


  • Hackborn, William Walter, BMATH (Waterloo), MSC (Toronto), PHD (Toronto), Augustana - Sciences (2004, 2021)
  • Hackler, James C, BS (California), MA (San Jose State), PHD (Washington Seattle), Department of Sociology (1997, 1995)
  • Hagler, Paul H, BA (Wichita State University), MA (Wichita State University), PHD (Indiana University), Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine - Communication Sciences and Disorders (1975, 2010)
  • Hall, David J, BA (Calgary), MA (Toronto), PHD (Toronto), Department of History and Classics (1969, 2004)
  • Hall, Linda May, BSC (Alberta), MSC (Alberta), PHD (Saskatchewan), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sci - Ag, Food & Nutri Sci Dept (2001, 2019)
  • Hall, M Ann, BA (Queen’s University), BPE (Queen’s University), MA (Alberta), PHD (Birmingham), Faculty of Physical Education and Recreation - Academic Programs (1968, 1997)
  • Hamilton, Stewart M, BA (McGill University), MDCM (McGill University), MSC (Alberta), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Surgery (1987, 2014)
  • Hannon, Susan J, BSC (Guelph), MSC (Alberta), PHD (British Columbia), Department of Biological Sciences (1984, 2008)
  • Haraphongse, Mant, FRCP (C) (Alberta), MD (Mahidol), MSC (Mahidol), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Medicine (1981, 2004)
  • Harber, Victoria J, BED (Western Ontario), BPE (Ottawa), PHD (McMaster University), Faculty of Physical Education and Recreation - Academic Programs (1991, 2014)
  • Harding, Pat J R, BASC (British Columbia), MASC (British Columbia), Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering (1966, 1991)
  • Hare, Carl, BA (Alberta), DIPL (Royal Academy of Art), MA (Alberta), Department of Drama (1998, 1997)
  • Harland, Paul Wesley, BA (Winnipeg), MA (Western Ontario), PHD (Western Ontario), Augustana - Fine Arts & Humanities (2004, 2017)
  • Harley, Charles H, MD (Alberta), MSC (Alberta), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Medicine (1972, 2004)
  • Harley, Frances L, BA (Smith College), MD (Western Ontario), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Pediatrics (1974, 2000)
  • Harley, William T, BSC (Alberta), CERT (Washington Seattle), DDS (Alberta), MSCD (Washington Seattle), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Dentistry (1967, 1995)
  • Harrell, William Andrew, BA (Pomona College), MA (Washington Seattle), PHD (Washington Seattle), Department of Sociology (1972, 2009)
  • Harris, Brian L, BMUS (Alberta), MMUS (Alberta), PHD (Washington Seattle), Department of Music (1969, 2000)
  • Harrison, Margaret Joan, BSCN (British Columbia), MSCN (Rhode Island College), PHD (Alberta), Faculty of Nursing (1981, 2004)
  • Harrison, Richard T, BA (British Columbia), MA (British Columbia), PHD (Western Ontario), Department of English (1967, 1995)
  • Hartnagel, Timothy F, BA (Santa Clara University), MA (Indiana), PHD (Indiana), Department of Sociology (1971, 2007)
  • Harvey, Stephen, BSC (Leeds), PHD (Leeds), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Physiology Dept (2000, 2017)
  • Hastings, Philip John, BA (Cambridge), PHD (Cambridge), Department of Biological Sciences (1968, 1995)
  • Haughey, Margaret L, BA (Queen’s University), MED (Alberta), PHD (Alberta), Department of Educational Policy Studies (1986, 2008)
  • Hawrysh, Zenovia J, BSC (Alberta), MS (Michigan State), PHD (Michigan State), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences - Dept of Agric, Food and Nutri Science (1960, 1996)
  • Hazlett, Clarke B, BED (Alberta), MED (Alberta), PHD (Alberta), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Family Medicine (1973, 2003)
  • Hedden, Douglas M, MD (Queen’s University), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Surgery Dept (2005, 2017)
  • Henderson, Joseph Frank, MS(Arizona) PHD(Wisconsin), Department of Biochemistry (1963, 1989)
  • Henn, Marianne Emilie, BA (Alberta), MA (Alberta), PHD (Alberta), Department of Modern Languages and Cultural Studies (1979, 2009)
  • Hess, Gretchen C, BA (De Pauw University), BED (Manitoba), MED (Manitoba), PHD (Alberta), Department of Educational Psychology (1989, 2008)
  • Heth, Chester Donald, BA (New College USA), PHD (Yale University), Department of Psychology (1975, 2012)
  • Hibberd, Judith Mary, BSCN (Toronto), DIPNURS (Toronto), MHSA (Alberta), PHD (Alberta), Faculty of Nursing (1983, 1997)
  • Hickey, Clifford G, AM (MA) (Brown University), BA (Arizona), PHD (Brown University), Department of Anthropology (1971, 2003)
  • Hickman, Michael, BSC (Western Ontario), PHD (Bristol), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences - Devonian Botanic Garden (1970, 2008)
  • Hicks, Faye Ellen, BSC (New Brunswick), MSC (Alberta), PHD (Alberta), Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (1988, 2014)
  • Hickson, Clive Nigel, BED (Avery Hill College), MA (Victoria), PHD (Alberta), Faculty of Education - Elementary Education (2000, 2019)
  • Himka, John-Paul, BA (Michigan), PHD (Michigan), Department of History and Classics (1977, 2014)
  • Hinch, Thomas D, BA (Brandon University), MA (Alberta), PHD (Western Ontario), Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation - Academic Programs (1991, 2018)
  • Hinings, C. Robin, BA (Leeds), Department of Strategic Management and Organization (1982, 2002)
  • Hiruki, Chuji C, BS PHD(Kyushu), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences - Dept of Agric, Food and Nutri Science (1966, 1996)
  • Hjartarson, Paul I, BA (Alberta), MA (Alberta), PHD (Queen’s University), Department of English (1982, 2014)
  • Hnatko, Gary Sg, BMEDSC (Alberta), LMCC (Alberta), MD (Alberta), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Psychiatry (2004, 2014)
  • Ho, Anthony K, BSCPHM (Bradford), PHD (Bradford), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Physiology Dept (1988, 1997)
  • Hoddinott, John, BSC (London), MSC (Memorial U of Nfld), PHD (Alberta), Augustana -Dean’s Office (1976, 1996)
  • Hodge, Megan M, BSC (Alberta), MSC (Arizona), PHD (Wisconsin), Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine - Communication Sciences and Disorders (1992, 2005)
  • Hodges, Robert S, BSC (Saskatchewan), PHD (Alberta), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Biochemistry (1974, 2001)
  • Hodgetts, Ross B, BSC (Queen’s University), MS (Yale University), PHD (Yale University), Department of Biological Sciences (1970, 2003)
  • Hodgson, M J, BA (Carleton University), MA (Toronto), PHD (Toronto), Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences (1972, 2004)
  • Hoffpauir, Richard, AB (California), MA (California), PHD (London), Department of English (1969, 1998)
  • Holdaway, Edward A, BED (Melbourne), BSC (Melbourne), MED (Alberta), PHD (Alberta), Faculty of Education - Educational Policy Studies Dept (1968, 1999)
  • Holden, Kyril T, BSC (Alberta), MA (Alberta), PHD (Texas), Department of Modern Languages (1967, 1998)
  • Holdgrafer, Gary E, BA (Moorhead State), MA (Kansas), PHD (Kansas), Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine - Communication Sciences and Disorders (1974, 2000)
  • Hollingshead, Gregory A, BA (Toronto), MA (Toronto), PHD (London), Department of English (1975, 2005)
  • Hollis, Vivien, MSC (Exeter), PHD (Exeter), Department of Occupational Therapy (1998, 2012)
  • Holmes, John C, BA(Minnesota) MA PHD(Rice), Department of Biological Sciences (2000, 1994)
  • Holte, Robert, BSC (Manitoba), MSC (Manitoba), PHD (Brunel University), Department of Computing Science (2000, 2014)
  • Honore, R Louis H, MB ChB (Edinburgh) FRCP (C) LMCC, Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Dept of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology (1979, 2001)
  • Hoo, Cheong S, BSC (Auckland), MSC (Auckland), PHD (Syracuse University), Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences (1965, 1997)
  • Hoover, H James, BSC (Alberta), MSC (Toronto), PHD (Toronto), Department of Computing Science (1987, 2014)
  • Hopp, Ronald G, BED (Alberta), LLB (Alberta), Faculty of Law (1975, 2005)
  • Horowitz, Myer, BA(Sir George Williams) MED(Alberta) EDD (Stanford), Education (1969, 1990)
  • Horwood, Donald G, BED (Memorial U of Nfld), BPE (Memorial U of Nfld), MA (Alberta), Faculty of Physical Education and Recreation (1983, 2008)
  • Hoskins, Colin G G, BA (Manchester Metro), PHD (Manchester Metro), Marketing, Business Economics and Law (1966, 1997)
  • Hrudey, Steven E, BSC (Alberta), DIC (Imperial Clg U of London), MSC (London), PHD (London), School of Public Health - Public Health Sciences (2008, 2007)
  • Hrudey, Terry M, BSC (Alberta), MSC (Alberta), PHD (Alberta), Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (1976, 2005)
  • Hube, Douglas P, BSC (Toronto), MA (Toronto), PHD (Toronto), Department ofPhysics (1969, 1999)
  • Hughes, David G, BSC (Wales), PHD (Wales), Department ofPhysics (1965, 1998)
  • Hughes, Elaine Lois, BSC (Alberta), LLB (Alberta), LLM (British Columbia), Faculty of Law (1989, 2014)
  • Hutchison, Kenneth J, MBBCHBA (Queens U Belfast), MD (Queens U Belfast), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Physiology (1969, 1997)
  • Huzinaga, S, BSC MSC(Kyushu) PHD(Kyoto), Department of Chemistry (1968, 1991)


  • Ilnytzkyj, Oleh S, BA (City College NY), MA (Harvard University), PHD (Harvard University), Faculty of Arts - Modern Languages and Cultural Studies Dept (1983, 2017)
  • Ingram, Elizabeth L, BA (York University), MVA (Alberta), Faculty of Arts - Art & Design Dept (1982, 1991)
  • Ingram, Ernest J, BED MED PHD(Alberta), Department of Educational Administration (1999, 1988)
  • Ironside, R Geoffrey, BA (Durham), PHD (Durham), Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences (1963, 1996)
  • Irvin, Randall T, BSC (Calgary), PHD (Calgary), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Dept of Medical Microbiology and Immunology (1989, 2012)
  • Israel, Werner, MSC(Capetown) PHD(Dublin) FRSC, Department ofPhysics (1999, 1996)
  • Ivankovich, Ivan F, BA (Canisius College), LLB (New Brunswick), MBA (Wisconsin), Faculty of Business (1980, 2004)
  • Iveson, Margaret L, BED (Alberta), MED (Alberta), PHD (Calgary), Department of Secondary Education (1986, 2013)


  • Jackel, David, BA (Toronto), MA (Toronto), PHD (Toronto), Department of English (1969, 1996)
  • Jacknicke, Kenneth G, BED (Alberta), MED (Alberta), PHD (Colorado State), Department of Secondary Education (1967, 1996)
  • Jackson, Robert K, BED (McGill University), MED (Alberta), PHD (Alberta), Department of Elementary Education (1970, 2002)
  • Jackson, Edgar L, BA (London Sch Hyg Trop Med), MA (Calgary), PHD (Toronto), Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences (1975, 2007)
  • Jacobs, Philip, Department of Medicine (2017)
  • Jacobs, Susan Elaine, MSC (McGill University), PHD (British Columbia), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Physiology (1977, 2002)
  • Jamali, Fakhreddin, MSC (British Columbia), PHARMD (Tehran), PHD (British Columbia), Faculty of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences (1981, 2018)
  • James, C Robert, BASC (British Columbia), MASC (British Columbia), PHD (British Columbia), Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering (1965, 1995)
  • James, Michael N G, BSC (Manitoba), DPHIL (Oxford), MSC (Manitoba), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Biochemistry (1968, 2005)
  • Janowska-Wieczorek, Anna, MD (Medical Academy Poland), PHD (Inst of Haematology), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Medicine (1987, 2013)
  • Janssen, Christian T I, BA (Goteborg), MBA (Goteborg), PHD (Cornell University), Department of Finance and Statistical Analysis (1969, 1997)
  • Janzen, Henry L, BED (British Columbia), MED (Calgary), PHD (Calgary), Department of Educational Psychology (1971, 2008)
  • Jarvis, George K, BA (Brigham Young), PHD (Michigan), Department of Sociology (1974, 1996)
  • Jay, Jennifer W, BA (British Columbia), MA (British Columbia), PHD (Australian National), Faculty of Arts - History & Classics Dept (1986, 2019)
  • Jelen, Pavel J, MSC (Czech Tech), PHD (Minnesota), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences - Dept of Agric, Food and Nutri Science (1973, 2006)
  • Jensen, Louise Ann, BSCN (Alberta), DPHIL (Alberta), MN (Alberta), Faculty of Nursing (1981, 2014)
  • Jensen, Susan E, BSC (Alberta), PHD (Alberta), Department of Biological Sciences (1981, 2010)
  • Jevne, Ronna Fay, BED (Alberta), MA (Calgary), PHD (Calgary), Department of Educational Psychology (1986, 2003)
  • Jewell, Laurence D, BA (Alberta), MD (Alberta), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Dept of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology (1975, 2009)
  • Jia, Rongqing, MA (Wisconsin Madison), PHD (Wisconsin Madison), Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences (1991, 2014)
  • Jobson, John D, BSC (Alberta), MS (Iowa State), PHD (Iowa State), Department of Finance and Statistical Analysis (1971, 2005)
  • Johansen, John G, BA (Lethbridge), MA (Alberta), PHD (Sheffield), Augustana - Humanities (1982, 2013)
  • Johnson, Edward S, MD (Alberta), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Dept of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology (1980, 2013)
  • Johnson, Paul Edwin, BA (Alberta), BFA (Saskatchewan), MA (Alberta), Augustana - Fine Arts & Humanities (2004, 2022)
  • Johnston, Ingrid, BA (Natal), MED (Alberta), PHD (Alberta), Department of Secondary Education (1997, 2014)
  • Johnston, William A, BA (CW Post College), MA (CW Post College), PHD (York University), Department of Sociology (1991, 2006)
  • Jones, Adrian B, MD (Alberta), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Pediatrics (1970, 2005)
  • Jones, Frank D, BA (Alberta), LLB (Dalhousie), LLM (Toronto), Faculty of Law (1976, 1995)
  • Jones, F Walter, BSC (Mount Allison), MSC (Dalhousie), PHD (McGill University), Department ofPhysics (1970, 2003)
  • Jones, Raymond E, BA (Windsor), MA (Windsor), PHD (Alberta), Department of English (1985, 2010)
  • Jones, Richard L, BS (St Thomas U USA), MS (Marquette University), PHD (Marquette University), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Medicine (1976, 2009)
  • Jordan, Robert B, BSC (Western Ontario), PHD (Chicago), Department of Chemistry (1965, 2004)
  • Judson, Charles Fred, BA (Lewis & Clark College), MA (Alberta), PHD (Alberta), Department of Political Science (1986, 2010)
  • Jugdutt, Bodh I, BSC (Glasgow), MBCHB (Glasgow), MSC (Alberta), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Medicine (1980, 2004)
  • Jule, Walter W, BA (Washington Seattle), MFA (Washington Seattle), Department of Art and Design (1971, 2006)
  • Juliebo, Moira Fraser F, MSC Pennsylvania) PHD(Alberta), Department of Elementary Education (1986, 1998)
  • Juma, Noorallah G, BSC (Southern Illinois), MSC (Iowa State), PHD (Saskatchewan), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences - Department of Renewable Resources (1983, 2008)


  • Kach, Nick N, BED EDD(Alberta), Educational Foundations (2000, 1993)
  • Kachanoski, R. Gary, BSC (Saskatchewan), MSC (Saskatchewan), PHD (California Davis), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences - Department of Renewable Resources (2001, 2010)
  • Kamal, Abdul N, MSC(Dacca) PHD(Liverpool), Department ofPhysics (1964, 1996)
  • Kao, Jennifer Lingchi, BCOM (Alberta), PHD (British Columbia), Department of Accounting, Operations andInformation Systems (1998, 2015)
  • Kaufman, W Reuben, BSC (McGill University), MSC (McGill University), PHD (British Columbia), Department of Biological Sciences (1977, 2012)
  • Kay, Cyril M, BSC(McGill) PHD(British Columbia) FRSC, Department of Biochemistry (1958, 1995)
  • Keating, Norah C, BA (McMaster University), MA (Guelph), PHD (Syracuse University), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences - Department of Human Ecology (2003, 2013)
  • Keating, Thomas F, BA (Windsor), MA (Windsor), PHD (Dalhousie), Department of Political Science (1978, 2013)
  • Kebarle, Paul P, DIPING(Zurich) PHD(British Columbia), Department of Chemistry (1958, 1992)
  • Kelly, Jennifer Rosemarie, BED (Manchester Metro), MED (Alberta), PHD (Alberta), Faculty of Education - Educational Policy Studies Dept (1996, 2018)
  • Kennelly, John J, BSCAGR (Natl U of Ireland), PHD (Alberta), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Science - Food and Nutritional Science (1980, 1987)
  • Kernahan, John A, BSC (Queen’s University), BSC (Queen’s University), PHD (Queen’s University), Department ofPhysics (1970, 1999)
  • Kerr, Nancy, BHSC (Toronto), MSC (California), PHD (North Carolina), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences - Department of Human Ecology (1969, 2004)
  • Kerr, Rosalind, BA MA PHD(Toronto), Department of Drama (1997, 2012)
  • Khanna, Faqir C, BSC (Panjab University), MSC (Panjab University), PHD (Florida), Department ofPhysics (1984, 2000)
  • Kieren, Dianne K, BA (Minnesota), MS (Minnesota), PHD (Minnesota), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences - Dept of Agric, Food and Nutri Science (1970, 1997)
  • Kieren, Thomas E, BA (Carleton College), MA (Northwestern), PHD (Minnesota), Department of Secondary Education (1970, 1997)
  • Kikuchi, June Fumiko, BSCN (Toronto), MN (Pittsburgh), PHD (Pittsburgh), Faculty of Nursing (1979, 1997)
  • King, Jane R, BSC (Liverpool), BSC (Liverpool), PHD (Liverpool), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences - Dept of Agric, Food and Nutri Science (1984, 2013)
  • Kirman, Joseph M, BA (Brooklyn College), MA (New York University), PHD (New York University), Department of Elementary Education (1968, 2002)
  • Kitching, Peter, BA (Oxford), MS (Yale University), PHD (Yale University), Department ofPhysics (1970, 2000)
  • Klar, Lewis N, BA (McGill University), BCL (McGill University), LLM (McGill University), Faculty of Law (1973, 2011)
  • Knaus, Edward E, BSP (Saskatchewan), MSC (Saskatchewan), PHD (Saskatchewan), Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (1972, 2008)
  • Kohut, Zenon E, BA (La Salle College), MA (Pennsylvania), PHD (Pennsylvania), Department of History and Classics (1992, 2015)
  • Koles, Zoltan J, BSC (Alberta), PHD (Alberta), Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering (1971, 2007)
  • Kononenko, Natalie, BA (Radcliffe), MA (Harvard University), PHD (Harvey Mudd College), Faculty of Arts - Economics Dept (2004, 2019)
  • Kopecky, Karl Kr, BSC(Iowa State) PHD(UCLA), Department of Chemistry (1961, 1996)
  • Korkie, Robert M, BSC (Saskatchewan), MBA (Saskatchewan), PHD (Washington Seattle), Department of Finance and Statistical Analysis (1973, 2003)
  • Kotovych, George, BSC (Manitoba), MSC (Manitoba), PHD (Manitoba), Department of Chemistry (1970, 2006)
  • Koval, Don O, BSC (Saskatchewan), DIPEE (Saskatchewan), MSC (Saskatchewan), PHD (Saskatchewan), Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering (1980, 2010)
  • Kovalyov, Mikhail, BS (Belorussian), MS (Courant Inst of Math Sci), PHD (Courant Inst of Math Sci), Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences (1987, 2013)
  • Kovithavongs, Thavisakdi, MD (Bangkok), PHD (Alberta), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Medicine (1977, 2005)
  • Krahn, Harvey Jacob, BA (Western Ontario), MA (Western Ontario), PHD (Alberta), Faculty of Arts - Sociology Dept (1983, 2017)
  • Kratochvil, Byron G, MS PHD(Iowa State), Department of Chemistry (1999, 1998)
  • Krawcewicz, Wieslaw, MSC (Tech U of Gdansk), PHD (University of Montreal), Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences (1988, 2009)
  • Kresta, Suzanne M, BSENG (New Brunswick), MSC (Leeds), PHD (McMaster University), Faculty of Engineering - Chemical and Materials Engineering Dept (1992, 2019)
  • Krishnan, Parameswara, BS (Kerala), MA (Cornell University), MS (Kerala), PHD (Cornell University), Department of Sociology (1972, 1998)
  • Krukoff, Teresa L, BSC (Saskatchewan), MSC (Saskatchewan), PHD (Memorial U of Nfld), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Cell Biology (1985, 2010)
  • Kuiken, Donald L, BA (Iowa), PHD (Texas), Faculty of Arts - Psychology Dept (1969, 2017)
  • Kumar, Shrawan, BSC (Allahabad), DSC (Surrey), MSC (Allahabad), PHD (Surrey), Department of Physical Therapy (1977, 2005)
  • Kunzle, Hans P, DIPPHYS (E Tech Hochsch Zurich), PHD (London), Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences (1970, 2006)
  • Kushner, Kaysi Eastlick, BSCN (Alberta), MN (Washington Seattle), PHD (Alberta), Faculty of Nursing (1998, 2018)
  • Kuspira, John, BSA MSC(Saskatchewan) PHD(Alberta), Department of Biological Sciences (1954, 1990)
  • Kuznicki, Steven M, BS (Worcester Polytechnic Inst), PHD (Utah), Faculty of Engineering - Chemical and Materials Engineering Dept (2004, 2018)
  • Kysela, Gerard M, BSC (Xavier University), MA (Xavier University), PHD (Waterloo), Department of Educational Psychology (1969, 1997)


  • La France, Albert P, BA (Ottawa), BED (Alberta), MMUS (Alberta), PHD (Victoria), Campus Saint-Jean (1971, 2003)
  • Ladouceur, Louise, BA (University of Montreal), MA (University of Montreal), PHD (British Columbia), Campus Saint-Jean - Academic Support OR Admin (2000, 2017)
  • Laing, Lory Jane Mair, BA (Alberta), MA (Alberta), PHD (Alberta), School of Public Health - Public Health Sciences (1977, 1994)
  • Lambert, Margaret Anne May, BSC (Alberta), MA (Washington Seattle), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences - Department of Human Ecology (1971, 2010)
  • Lamble, G. Wayne, BSC (Alberta), MSC (Alberta), PHD (Texas A & M University), Faculty of Extension - Extension Academics (1968, 2004)
  • Lander, Janice, BA (Manitoba), PHD (Manitoba), Faculty of Nursing (1981, 2012)
  • Landon, Stuart K, BA (McGill University), MA (British Columbia), PHD (Queen’s University), Faculty of Arts - Economics Dept (1985, 2018)
  • Landy, Francis, DPHIL (Sussex), MA (Jesus Clg U of Cambridge), MA (Jesus Clg U of Cambridge), MA (Sussex), Department of History and Classics (1984, 2013)
  • Larke, R P Bryce, DCLSC (Toronto), MDCM (Queen’s University), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Pediatrics (1975, 2001)
  • Larson, David George, BA (Concordia College Minn), MS (Delaware), PHD (Ohio State University), Augustana - Sciences (2004, 2012)
  • Lauber, Murray Leroy, BA (Alberta), BED (Alberta), MED (Alberta), Augustana - Sciences (2004, 2007)
  • Law, John M, BA (Alberta), LLB (Alberta), LLM (Dalhousie), Faculty of Law - Admin (1978, 2018)
  • Lawson, Ronald P W, BENG (Liverpool), PHD (Liverpool), Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering (1967, 2001)
  • Laxer, Gordon David, BA (Toronto), MA (Toronto), PHD (Toronto), Department of Sociology (1982, 2013)
  • LeBlanc, Raymond J, BA (Toronto), MA (Memorial U of Nfld), PHD (Toronto), Department of Anthropology (1987, 2010)
  • Lechelt, Eugene C, BSC (Alberta), MSC (Alberta), PHD (Alberta), Faculty of Arts - Psychology (1972, 2003)
  • Lees, Alan W., BM (Oxford), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Oncology (1975, 2004)
  • Legris, Andre Maurice, BSC (Alberta), MSC (Trent University), Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences (2002, 1997)
  • Lele, Subhash R., BA (Poona), BCOM (Poona), MA (Poona), PHD (Pennsylvania State), Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences (1999, 2019)
  • Leonard, Jeremy J, BE (Melbourne), MSC (U Newcastle Upon Tyne), PHD (Alberta), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences - Dept of Agric, Food and Nutri Science (1982, 2010)
  • Lerohl, Milburn L, BSC (Alberta), MSA (British Columbia), PHD (Michigan State), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences-Resource Economics &Environmental Sociology (1974, 2003)
  • Lesage, Edward Charles, BA (Calif State U Chico), DPHIL (Carleton University), MA (McMaster University), Faculty of Extension - Extension Academics (1975, 2006)
  • Leung, Lai Fong, BA (Calgary), MA (British Columbia), PHD (British Columbia), Department of East Asian Studies (1985, 2007)
  • Levasseur-Ouimet, France C, BED (Alberta), MA (Alberta), PHD (Alberta), Campus Saint-Jean (1971, 2004)
  • Lewis, James E, BSC (Acadia University), MA (Dalhousie), PHD (Dalhousie), Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences (1975, 2013)
  • Liburd, Rosemary, BA (Queen’s University), MSW (Pennsylvania), PHD (Alberta), Department of Educational Psychology (1976, 1994)
  • Lieffers, Victor J J, BSC (Saskatchewan), PHD (Manitoba), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sci - Renewable Resources Dept (1983, 2017)
  • Lightner, David L, BA (Pennsylvania State), MA (Pennsylvania), PHD (Cornell University), Department of History and Classics (1977, 2007)
  • Lin, Chyi-Chyang, BSC(Taiwan) MSC PHD(Manitoba), Laboratory Medicine and Pathology (1985, 1998)
  • Lin, Jenn-Shann J, BA (Soochow University), MA (Kansas State), PHD (Alberta), Department of East Asian Studies (1981, 2014)
  • Lin, Yanping, BS (North East Inst Tech), MS (Washington State), PHD (Washington State), Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences (1990, 2014)
  • Linsky, Bernard, BA (Chicago), PHD (Stanford University), Faculty of Arts - Philosophy Dept (1975, 2018)
  • Litman, Morris M, LLB (Osgoode Hall Law Sch), Faculty of Law (1974, 2013)
  • Liu, Andrew CF, BSC (McGill University), MSC (Alberta), PHD (Alberta), Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences (1980, 2013)
  • Liu, Hsing-Jang, BSC (Natl Taiwan Normal), PHD (New Brunswick), Department of Chemistry (1971, 1998)
  • Lock, Gerald S, BSC (Durham), PHD (Durham), Department of Mechanical Engineering (1962, 1993)
  • Longenecker, B. Michael, AB (Missouri), PHD (Missouri), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Dept of Medical Microbiology and Immunology (1974, 1995)
  • Lovell, Nancy C, BA (Simon Fraser), PHD (Cornell University), Department of Anthropology (1999, 2012)
  • Lovett, David, DIPNTL (Wimbledon Sch of Art), Department of Drama (1976, 2004)
  • Lowe, Graham S, BA (Toronto), MA (Toronto), PHD (Toronto), Department of Sociology (1979, 2006)
  • Lown, James W, ARCS (London), BSC (London), DIC (London), PHD (London), Department of Chemistry (1964, 1998)
  • Lown, Peter Jm, LLB (Glasgow), LLM (Saskatchewan), Faculty of Law (2008, 2004)
  • Lozowski, Edward P, BSC (Toronto), MSC (Toronto), PHD (Toronto), Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences (1971, 2004)
  • Lubell, David, AB (Columbia University), PHD (Columbia University), Department of Anthropology (1969, 2001)
  • Lucy, Charles A, BSC (Victoria), PHD (Alberta), Faculty of Science - Chemistry (1999, 2017)
  • Ludwig, Garry, BSC (Toronto), PHD (Brown University), Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences (1966, 2003)
  • Luo, Jingli, BENG (Beijing U(Peking U)), PHD (McMaster University), Faculty of Engineering - Chemical and Materials Engineering Dept (1995, 2019)


  • MacDonald, Ian M., BSC (McGill University), MDCM (McGill University), MSC (McGill University), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Ophthamology Dept (1992, 2016)
  • MacDonald, Neil R N, BA (Toronto), MD (McGill University), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Medicine (1976, 1994)
  • MacDonald, R.Ian, BSC (Queen’s University), MENG (Carleton University), PHD (Carleton University), Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering (1987, 1998)
  • MacLaren, Ian S, BA (Toronto), BA (Western Ontario), MA (Western Ontario), PHD (Western Ontario), Faculty of Arts - History & Classics Dept (1985, 1995)
  • MacLeod, Roderick C, BA (Alberta), MA (Queen’s University), PHD (Duke University), Department of History and Classics (1969, 2005)
  • MacNab, Ross B J, BS (Michigan), MA (Michigan State), PHD (Michigan State), Faculty of Physical Education and Recreation - Sport Instruction (1963, 1994)
  • Machel, Hans G, DIPLOMA (Tech U of Braunschweig), PHD (McGill University), Faculty of Science - Earth & Atmospheric Sciences Admin (1987, 2018)
  • Machin, Geoffrey A., MD(Oxford) MRCP LMCC FRCP (C), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Dept of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology (1988, 1996)
  • Macintyre, Jean A, BA (Bryn Mawr College), MA (Yale University), PHD (Yale University), Department of English (1962, 2000)
  • Mackay, William C, BED (Alberta), BSC (Alberta), MSC (Alberta), PHD (Case Western Reserve), Department of Biological Sciences (1971, 1995)
  • Mackey, Margaret, BA (Memorial U of Nfld), MLIS (Alberta), PHD (Alberta), Faculty of Education - School of Library and Information Studies (1997, 2015)
  • Macki, Jack W, BSC (Idaho), PHD (California), Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences (1966, 2002)
  • Madill, Helen M, BOT (Alberta), DIPOT (New South Wales), DIPTCH (Alberta), MED (Alberta), PHD (Alberta), Department of Occupational Therapy (1970, 1986)
  • Magee, David James, BA (Lakehead University), BPT (Alberta), DIPPT (Alberta), MSC (Alberta), PHD (Alberta), Faculty of Rehabilitation - Physical Therapy (1972, 2016)
  • Maguire PhD, Thomas Owens, BED (Alberta), BSC (Alberta), MED (Alberta), PHD (Illinois Chicago), Faculty of Education - Educational Psychology Dept (1976, 1999)
  • Mahe, Yvette Therese, BED (Calgary), MED (Alberta), PHD (Alberta), Campus Saint-Jean (1980, 2006)
  • Makarechian, Mahmoud H, MSC (Michigan State), PHD (Michigan State), PHD (Tehran), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences - Dept of Agric, Food and Nutri Science (1979, 2001)
  • Malhotra, Sudarshan Sk, BSC MSC PHD(Punjab) DPHIL DSC(Oxford), Department of Biological Sciences (1967, 1995)
  • Malicky, Grace V, BA (Alberta), MED (Alberta), PHD (Alberta), Department of Elementary Education (1975, 1999)
  • Mallet, Nicole E, MA (Paris I), PHD (Paris-Sorbonne), Department of Modern Languages and Comparative Studies (1967, 1993)
  • Man, Godfrey C, MB BSC (Hong Kong) FRCP LMCC, Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Medicine Dept (1988, 2002)
  • Man, Shu Fan Paul, BSC MD(Alberta) FRCP (C) FACP FCCP DABIM, Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Medicine (1976, 2004)
  • Mant, Michael J, CHB MB (Otago) FRACP FRCP (C) FACP, Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Medicine (1975, 2006)
  • Margolin, Uri, BA (Hebrew U of Jerusalem), MA (Cornell University), PHD (Cornell University), Department of Modern Languages and Cultural Studies (1972, 2005)
  • Marrie, Thomas J, MD (Dalhousie) FRCP (C) , Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry (1999, 2009)
  • Marsden, David J, BSC (Alberta), DIPENG (Cranfield Inst of Tech), PHD (Toronto), Department of Mechanical Engineering (1965, 1994)
  • Marsland, Tony A, BSC (Nottingham), MS (Washington Seattle), PHD (Washington Seattle), Department of Computing Science (1970, 2002)
  • Martin, Wayne R, BMEDSC MD(Alberta) FRCP (C), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Medicine Dept (1990, 2015)
  • Marusyk, Raymond G, BSC MSC(Alberta) FIL DR (Stockholm) RM (CCM), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Dept of Medical Microbiology and Immunology (1972, 1997)
  • Masliyah, Jacob H, MSC (New Brunswick), PHD (British Columbia), Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering (1977, 2008)
  • Massey, Donald L, BED (Alberta), DIPEDUC (Alberta), MSC (Kansas State), PHD (Kansas State), Department of Elementary Education (1971, 1992)
  • Masson, Jack K, BA (Oregon), MA (Oregon), PHD (Washington Seattle), Faculty of Extension - Extension Academics (1999, 1992)
  • Mather, Alan Edward, BSENG (Alberta), MSC (Alberta), PHD (Michigan), Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering (1967, 2004)
  • Mathison, Gary W, BSC (Alberta), PHD (Alberta), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences - Dept of Agric, Food and Nutri Science (1973, 2000)
  • Maynes, William Gordon, BED (Alberta), MED (Alberta), PHD (Alberta), Department of Educational Policy Studies (1990, 2004)
  • McBlain, William A, BSC (Guelph), MSC (Alberta), PHD (Alberta), Oncology (1980, 2011)
  • McCargar, Linda Janet, BHEC (Manitoba), MSC (Alberta), PHD (Alberta), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences - Dept of Agric, Food and Nutri Science (1995, 2014)
  • McCartney, Daryl, BSC (Manitoba), MSC (Manitoba), PHD (Manitoba), Faculty of Engineering - Civil and Environmental Engineering Dept (2002, 2020)
  • McCaw, Kim D, DIPLOMA (National Theatre School), Faculty of Arts - Drama Dept (1997, 2004)
  • McClay, Jill A, BA (Pennsylvania), MED (Alberta), PHD (Alberta), Department of Elementary Education (1996, 2014)
  • McClung, Ronald E D, BSC (Alberta), PHD (California LA), Department of Chemistry (1969, 1999)
  • McCormack, Patricia Alice, BA (Alberta), MA (Alberta), PHD (Alberta), Faculty of Native Studies (1994, 2012)
  • McDaniel, Susan Anderson, BA (Massachusetts), MA (Cornell University), PHD (Alberta), Department of Sociology (1988, 2004)
  • McDermid, Heather, BSC (Western Ontario), MSC (Western Ontario), PHD (Queen’s University), Faculty of Science - Biological Sciences (1988, 2017)
  • McDonald, Linda M, BA (Manitoba), MA (Manitoba), PHD (Alberta), Department of Educational Psychology (1985, 2007)
  • McDonald, W John, BSC (Saskatchewan), MSC (Saskatchewan), PHD (Ottawa), Department ofPhysics (1965, 2002)
  • McElhaney, Ronald N, BA (Washington Seattle), PHD (Connecticut), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Biochemistry (1970, 2014)
  • McEwan, Alexander J B, MBBS (Middlesex), MSC (Middlesex), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Oncology Dept (1986, 2018)
  • McFadden, Kenneth David, BA (Concordia College Minn), MA (Iowa), PHD (North Dakota), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Anatomy (1999, 1993)
  • McFadyen, Stuart M, BSC (Manitoba), CA (British Columbia), MA (British Columbia), MA (California Berkeley), PHD (California Berkeley), Faculty of Business (1969, 2003)
  • McIntosh, Gordon Andrew, MSC(Saskatchewan) EDM EDD(Harvard), Department of Educational Policy Studies (1970, 1997)
  • McKay, Roberta A, BED (Alberta), MED (Alberta), PHD (Alberta), Department of Elementary Education (1990, 2008)
  • McKill, Larry N, BA (Waterloo Lutheran Sem), BA (Waterloo Lutheran Sem), MA (Alberta), PHD (State U of New York), Department of English (1970, 2004)
  • McLellan, Anne A, BA (Dalhousie), LLB (Dalhousie), LLM (London), Faculty of Law (1980, 2013)
  • McMahon, Frank J, BA (Ottawa), BPHIL (Rome I La Sapienza), BTH (Rome I La Sapienza), MTH (Ottawa), Campus Saint-Jean (1970, 2002)
  • McMaster, Juliet S, BA (Oxford), MA (Alberta), PHD (Alberta), Department of English (1965, 2000)
  • McMillan, Melville L, BA (Alberta), MSC (Alberta), PHD (Cornell University), Department of Economics (1975, 2010)
  • McPherson, Harold J, BA (Queens U Belfast), MA (Alberta), PHD (McGill University), Department of Biological Sciences (1970, 1994)
  • McPherson, Thomas A, MD (Alberta), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Family Medicine (1968, 1994)
  • McQuarrie, Stephen Andrew, BSC (Alberta), MSC (Alberta), PHD (Alberta), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Oncology (1976, 2010)
  • Medwidsky, Bohdan, BA MA(Ottawa) PHD(Toronto), Department of Modern Languages and Cultural Studies (1971, 2002)
  • Meekison, J Peter, BA (British Columbia), BASC (British Columbia), MA (Western Ontario), PHD (Duke University), Department of Political Science (1967, 1996)
  • Mehra, Krishen Kl, MA(Punjab) PHD(California), Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences (1963, 1993)
  • Meilicke, Carl A, BCOM (Saskatchewan), DHA (Toronto), PHD (Minnesota), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Family Medicine (1966, 1993)
  • Meir, Amram, MSC (Hebrew U of Jerusalem), PHD (Hebrew U of Jerusalem), Department of Mathematical and Statisical Sciences (1997, 1992)
  • Melançon, Paul R, BSC (McGill University), PHD (Wisconsin), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Cell Biology Dept (1997, 2018)
  • Melnychuk, Nancy E, BED (Alberta), MED (Alberta), PHD (Alberta), Department of Secondary Education (1998, 2013)
  • Mendoza, Carl A, BASC (British Columbia), MSC (Waterloo), PHD (Waterloo), Faculty of Science - Earth & Atmospheric Sciences Admin (1992, 2017)
  • Mercer, John R, BSC (Mount Allison), MSC (Alberta), PHD (Alberta), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Oncology (1992, 2013)
  • Merrett, Robert J, BA (Birmingham), PHD (Birmingham), Department of English (1969, 1981)
  • Miall, David S, AGSM (Guildhall Sch of Music), BA (Stirling), PHD (Wales), Department of English (1990, 2000)
  • Micko, Michael M, BENG (Slovak Tech U Bratislava), CERT (Slovak Tech U Bratislava), PHD (British Columbia), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences - Department of Renewable Resources (1977, 1996)
  • Miedzinski, Lilly J, BA (Alberta), MD (Alberta), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Medicine (1982, 2003)
  • Mielke, Bruce W, BSC (Alberta), MD (Alberta), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Dept of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology (1960, 1997)
  • Mill, Judith Ellen, BN (Calgary), MN (Alberta), PHD (Alberta), Faculty of Nursing (1999, 2013)
  • Mioduchowski, Andrew, MENG (Warsaw U of Tech), PHD (Polish Academy of Science), Department of Mechanical Engineering (1976, 2005)
  • Mirus, K Rolf R, MA (Minnesota), PHD (Minnesota), Faculty of Business (1970, 2006)
  • Mis, Walter K, BA (Alberta), LLB (Alberta), LLM (London Sch of Econ), Faculty of Law (1972, 1996)
  • Mitchell, Beverley K, BSC (New Brunswick), PHD (New Brunswick), Department of Biological Sciences (1975, 2001)
  • Mitchell, Bryan F, MD (Western Ontario) FRCS (C), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Obstetrics & Gynaecology Dept (1986, 2016)
  • Mitchell, John J, BA (Washington Seattle), MED (Washington Seattle), PHD (Oregon), Department of Educational Psychology (1969, 1998)
  • Mitchelson, E. Barry, BA (Western Ontario), BPE (Alberta), MA (Alberta), PHD (Ohio State University), Faculty of Physical Education and Recreation (1968, 1997)
  • Mohr, Jonathan Jeffrey James, BMUS (Pacific Lutheran), MMUS (Alberta), PHD (Alberta), Augustana - Sciences (2004, 2016)
  • Molzahn, Anita Erica, BSCN (Alberta), MN (Alberta), PHD (Alberta), Faculty of Nursing (2007, 2021)
  • Montgomerie, T Craig, BSC (Alberta), MED (Alberta), PHD (Alberta), Department of Educational Psychology (1986, 2004)
  • Montgomery, Amanda P, BA (Washington Seattle), DMUSED (Indiana), MA (Indiana), Faculty of Education - Elementary Education (1993, 2018)
  • Moodie, T Bryant, BSC (Carleton University), MSC (Toronto), PHD (Toronto), Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences (1973, 2010)
  • Moody, Robert V, BA (Saskatchewan), MA (Toronto), PHD (Toronto), Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences (1989, 2003)
  • Moon, John W, MA (Michigan State), PHD (Alberta), Department of Mathematical and Statisical Sciences (1964, 1996)
  • Moore, Katherine Nancy, BA (McMaster University), BN (Dalhousie), MN (Alberta), PHD (Alberta), Faculty of Nursing (1997, 2013)
  • Morcos, Camila Monica, DIP ENS(Ecole Normal Supre) PHD(Paris), Faculte Saint-Jean (2000, 1993)
  • Morgenstern, Norbert R, BASC (Toronto), DENG (Toronto), DIC (London), PHD (London), Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (1968, 1999)
  • Morrow, Raymond A, BA (Pomona College), MA (British Columbia), PHD (York University), Department of Sociology (1984, 2010)
  • Morse, Janice M, BS (Pennsylvania State), MA (Utah), MS (Pennsylvania State), PHD (Utah), Faculty of Nursing (1997, 2007)
  • Morton, Roger David, BSC (Nottingham), PHD (Nottingham), Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences (1967, 1995)
  • Mos, Leendert P, BA (Alberta), DPHIL (Alberta), MSC (Alberta), Faculty of Arts - Psychology (1974, 2007)
  • Moser, Walter, Univ Dozent DPHIL(Innsbruck), Department of Biological Sciences (1979, 1989)
  • Moskalyk, Richard E, BSCPHM (Saskatchewan), MSC (Saskatchewan), PHD (Alberta), Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (1963, 2000)
  • Moss, David J, BED (Alberta), DIPTCH (St Lukes), DPHIL (Oxford), MA (Alberta), Department of History and Classics (1971, 2001)
  • Mouat, Jeremy, BA (Massey University), MA (Canterbury), PHD (British Columbia), Augustana - Social Sciences (2003, 2017)
  • Moulton, Elizabeth A, BA (Queen’s University), Faculty of Arts - Drama Dept (1990, 2016)
  • Moyles, R Gordon, BA (Memorial U of Nfld), BED (Memorial U of Nfld), MA (Memorial U of Nfld), PHD (London), Department of English (1969, 1997)
  • Mozejko, Edward, MA (Jagiellonian U Cracow), PHD (Jagiellonian U Cracow), Department of English and Film Studies (2000, 1998)
  • Mucz, Michael, BSC (Manitoba), PHD (Alberta), Augustana - Sciences (2004, 2013)
  • Mulcahy, Robert, BED (Alberta), MED (Alberta), PHD (Alberta), Department of Educational Psychology (1974, 1997)
  • Muldowney, James S, BSC (Natl U of Ireland), MSC (Natl U of Ireland), PHD (Alberta), Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences (1968, 2005)
  • Mulvihill, James D., BA (Laurentian), MA (McMaster University), MLS (Western Ontario), PHD (McMaster University), Department of English and Film Studies (1984, 2014)
  • Mumey, Glen A, BSC (North Dakota), MA (North Dakota), PHD (Washington Seattle), Department of Finance and Statistical Analysis (1970, 1998)
  • Mundel, Hans-Dittmar, MA (Georg Aug U Gottingen), PHD (Graduate Theological Union), Augustana - Fine Arts (2004, 2014)
  • Munn, Alexandra M, AMUS (Alberta), DIPLOMA (Juilliard School), LMUS (Alberta), LRSM (London), Department of Music (1962, 1991)
  • Munro, Kenneth J, BA (Toronto), MA (McMaster University), PHD (Ottawa), Department of History and Classics (1974, 1997)
  • Munro, Stanley R, BA (Hawaii), MA (Hawaii), Department of East Asian Studies (1966, 1993)
  • Murie, Jan O, BS (Colorado State), MA (Montana State), PHD (Pennsylvania), Department of Biological Sciences (1967, 1996)
  • Murphy, Michael F, BSC (Dalhousie), MD (Dalhousie), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Anesthesiology & Pain Medicine (2010, 2016)
  • Murphy, Peter Pj, BSC(New Brunswick) MSCF (Montana) PHD (British Columbia)Department of Forest Science, Vice President Research - Research Services Office (1973, 1993)
  • Murray, Eloise C, BS (Mount Allison), MS (Pennsylvania), PHD (Pennsylvania), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences-Resource Economics &Environmental Sociology (1986, 1996)
  • Myrick, A Florence, BN (Memorial U of Nfld), MSCN (Western Ontario), PHD (Alberta), Faculty of Nursing (2003, 2014)


  • Nahachewsky, Andriy W, BA (Saskatchewan), BFA (York University), MA (Alberta), PHD (Alberta), Faculty of Arts - Modern Languages and Cultural Studies Dept (1989, 2018)
  • Nandakumar, Krishnaswamy, BTECH (Madras), MSC (Saskatchewan), PHD (Princeton), Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering (1983, 2008)
  • Nargang, Frank E, BSC (Saskatchewan), PHD (Regina), Faculty of Science - Biological Sciences (1981, 2017)
  • Nash, David, BSC (London), PHD (Cambridge), Department of Biological Sciences (1965, 1996)
  • Nearey, Terrance M, BA (Wisconsin), PHD (Connecticut), Department of Linguistics (1976, 2014)
  • Neil, David H, BVSC (Liverpool), University Veterinarian (1986, 2001)
  • Nelson, Thomas Tm, BA MA PHD(Michigan State), Faculty of Arts - Psychology (1964, 1992)
  • Neufeld, M Anne, BSN (Saskatchewan), MA (Regina), PHD (Saskatchewan), Faculty of Nursing (1987, 2010)
  • Neumaier, Eva K, DPHIL (Ludwig-Max U of Munich), PHD (Ludwig-Max U of Munich), Department of English and Film Studies (1991, 2003)
  • Newman, John, BA (Queensland), MA (Monash University), PHD (California San Diego), Department of Linguistics (2002, 2013)
  • Newman, Stephen C, BSC (Dalhousie), MA (Dalhousie), MD (Toronto), MSC (Toronto), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Psychiatry (1985, 2010)
  • Newton, James D, BS (New Mexico), MBA (Washington Seattle), PHD (Washington Seattle), Department of Strategic Management and Organization (1971, 1998)
  • Nguyen, Khanh G, MD (Saigon) FRCPC CSPQ AB Path Intl B Cytopath, Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Dept of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology (1988, 2006)
  • Nielsen, Arne B, BPE (Alberta), MA (Alberta), PHD (Arizona State), Faculty of Physical Education and Recreation - Academic Programs (2008, 2007)
  • Nielsen, Rosemary M, MA (Washington Seattle), PHD (Washington Seattle), Department of History and Classics (1966, 1996)
  • Nowrouzian, Behrooz, BSC (Ayra-Mehr U of Tech), MSC (Imperial Clg U of London), PHD (Imperial Clg U of London), Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering (1997, 2014)
  • Nyborg, Marvin Pk, BSA (Saskatchewan), MSC (Saskatchewan), PHD (McGill University), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences - Department of Renewable Resources (1968, 1996)


  • O’Brien, Beverley A, BSCN (British Columbia), DNS (Rush University), MSC (California), Faculty of Nursing (1990, 2014)
  • Oberg, Dianne Joan, BED (Alberta), DIPGRAD (Alberta), MLS (Alberta), PHD (Alberta), Department of Elementary Education (1987, 2000)
  • Offenberger, Allan A, BASC (British Columbia), MASC (British Columbia), PHD (Massachusetts Inst of Tech), Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering (1968, 1995)
  • Ogilvie, Linda D, BSCN (Toronto), MSCN (Western Ontario), PHD (Alberta), Faculty of Nursing (1983, 2014)
  • Olley, Peter M, MBBS (London), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Pediatrics (1986, 2002)
  • Olson, Alton T, MS (Illinois Chicago), PHD (Wisconsin), Department of Secondary Education (1970, 1994)
  • Olson, John Otto, BA (Gustavus Adolphus College), PHD (Minnesota), Augustana - Sciences (2004, 2009)
  • Ooraikul, Buncha, BTECH (Massey University), DIPAGR (Kasetsart University), MTECH (Massey University), PHD (Alberta), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences - Dept of Agric, Food and Nutri Science (1975, 2004)
  • Osadetz, Carl Cj, DDS (Toronto) MED(Brock), Dental Health Care (1980, 1995)
  • Osborn, Jeffrey W, BDS (London), PHD (London), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Dentistry (1978, 1995)
  • Osborne, John W, BA (Sydney), DIPTCH (Sydney), MS (Wisconsin), PHD (Wisconsin Madison), Department of Educational Psychology (1972, 1994)
  • Osborne, Lyndal J, MFA(Wisconsin), Department of Art and Design (1971, 2001)
  • Otto, Fred D, BSC (Alberta), MSC (Alberta), PHD (Michigan), Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering (1962, 1996)
  • Overton, Thomas R, BSC (Hull), PHD (Leeds), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Biomedical Engineering (1967, 1994)
  • Owram, Douglas R, BA (Queen’s University), MA (Queen’s University), PHD (Toronto), Department of History and Classics (1976, 2006)


  • Pabst, Henry F, MD(Alberta) FRCP (C), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Pediatrics (1970, 1999)
  • Packer, John G, Faculty of Science - Biological Sciences (1958, 1988)
  • Paetkau, Verner H, BSC (Alberta), MSC (Wisconsin), PHD (Wisconsin), Department of Biochemistry (1973, 2998)
  • Page, William J, BSC (British Columbia), PHD (British Columbia), Department of Biological Sciences (1976, 2009)
  • Pagliaro, Ann Marie, BSN (California), MSN (California), Faculty of Nursing (1977, 2007)
  • Pagliaro, Louis Anthony, MS (California), PHARMD (California), PHD (Alberta), Department of Educational Psychology (1977, 2008)
  • Palmer, Allison Richard, BS (New York University), PHD (Washington Seattle), Faculty of Science - Biological Sciences (1980, 2018)
  • Pannu, Rajinder S, MA (Panjab University), MED (Alberta), PHD (Alberta), Department of Educational Policy Studies (1969, 1996)
  • Parent, Roger Adelard, BA (Ottawa), BED (Alberta), MA (Laval University), PHD (Laval University), Campus Saint Jean - Academic Admin (1992, 2014)
  • Parrila, Rauno Kalevi, MA (Jyvaskyla), PHD (Alberta), Faculty of Education - Educational Psychology Dept (2000, 2018)
  • Parsons, James B, BA (Kentucky), MA (Kentucky), PHD (Texas), Faculty of Education - Secondary Education Dept (1976, 1992)
  • Pasutto, Franco M, BSC (Alberta), PHD (Alberta), Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (1981, 2013)
  • Paszkowski, Cynthia A, AB (Albion College), MS (Wisconsin Madison), PHD (Wisconsin Madison), Faculty of Science - Biological Sciences (1991, 2016)
  • Patchett, Barry Martin, BASC (Toronto), MSC (Cranfield Inst of Tech), PHD (Birmingham), Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering (1979, 2004)
  • Paton, David M, DSC (the Witwatersrand), MBCHB (Cape Town), MD (the Witwatersrand), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Dentistry (1988, 1994)
  • Paulson, Barbara Lynn, BA (Manitoba), BED (Manitoba), MED (Manitoba), PHD (Alberta), Department of Educational Psychology (1982, 2008)
  • Pausch, Holger A, MA (Free U of Berlin), PHD (McGill University), Department of Modern Languages and Cultural Studies (1971, 2006)
  • Pawluk, Steve, BSC MSC(Alberta) PHD(Minnesota), Soil Science (1999, 1994)
  • Peacock, Graham S, DIP(Leeds College of Arts), Department of Art and Design (1969, 2009)
  • Peacocke, Charles T, BED BA(Alberta) MFA(Carnegie-Mellon), Department of Drama (2002, 1998)
  • Pearson, Keir G, BENG (Tasmania), DPHIL (Oxford), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Physiology (1969, 2008)
  • Pehowich, Daniel Joseph, BSC (Alberta), MSC (Alberta), PHD (Alberta), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Dentistry Dept (1986, 2017)
  • Pelletier, Francis Jeffry, BED (Nebraska Lincoln), MA (Nebraska Lincoln), MSC (Alberta), PHD (California LA), Departments of Phiosophy and Computing Science (1971, 2004)
  • Percy, Michael B, BA (Victoria), MA (Queen’s University), PHD (Queen’s University), Faculty of Business (1979, 2013)
  • Peters, Edmund, BSC (Toronto), DDS (Toronto), MSC (Western Ontario), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Dentistry Dept (2003, 2019)
  • Peters, J Frank, BA (Dublin Trinity Clg), BED (Alberta), MED (Alberta), PHD (Alberta), Department of Educational Policy Studies (1985, 2014)
  • Petersen, Nils O, BSC (Western Ontario), PHD (California Inst of Technology), Department of Chemistry (2004, 2014)
  • Petersen, Stewart R, BA (Victoria), MA (Victoria), PHD (Alberta), Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation - Academic Programs (1984, 2017)
  • Peterson, Arthur E, BASC (British Columbia), MS (Cornell University), Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (1983, 2004)
  • Petruk, Milton W, BSC (Alberta), MED (Alberta), PHD (Alberta), Department of Educational Psychology (1965, 1996)
  • Philippon, Donald J, BA (Saskatchewan), BED (Saskatchewan), MA (Saskatchewan), PHD (Alberta), School of Public Health - Public Health Sciences (2000, 2010)
  • Philips, Lisa, BA (Oregon), MA (Oregon), PHD (Texas), Department of Anthropology (2007, 2014)
  • Phillips, Linda M, BA (Memorial U of Nfld), BA (Memorial U of Nfld), MED (Memorial U of Nfld), PHD (Alberta), Department of Elementary Education (1998, 2014)
  • Phillips, William E, BSC (McGill University), MS (Connecticut), PHD (California), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences-Resource Economics &Environmental Sociology (1968, 1995)
  • Pickard, Michael A, BSC (Liverpool), PHD (Liverpool), Department of Biological Sciences (1970, 2003)
  • Pier, Fordyce C, BFA (New Mexico), DMA (Boston University), MMUS (Yale University), Department of Music (1973, 2004)
  • Pierce, W David, BA (York University), MA (York University), PHD (York University), Department of Sociology (1975, 2012)
  • Pilarski, Linda M, BA (Elmhurst College), BSC (Elmhurst College), PHD (Adelaid), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Oncology Dept (1975, 2006)
  • Pimlott, Janice Frances Leigh, BSC (Toronto), DIPDHYG (Toronto), MSC (Toronto), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Dentistry (1985, 2010)
  • Pimm, David John, BSC (Warwick), MA (Wisconsin), MSC (Cornell University), PHD (Open University - England), Department of Secondary Education (1999, 2010)
  • Pinnington, Eric H, BSC (London), PHD (London), Department ofPhysics (1965, 1997)
  • Pitcher, Edward W, BA (Western Ontario), MA (Western Ontario), PHD (Leeds), Department of English (1978, 1999)
  • Platt, Peggie Jean, BED (Alberta), MED (Alberta), PHD (Alberta), Department of Elementary Education (1971, 2001)
  • Plecash, James M, DDS (Alberta) DIP Perio (Oregon) MSC(Alberta), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Dentistry (1999, 1992)
  • Plitt, Loverne R, BSC (Alberta), MSC (Alberta), Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (1966, 1996)
  • Plourde, Andre R, BA (New Brunswick), MA (New Brunswick), PHD (British Columbia), Department of Economics (1998, 2013)
  • Pocklington, Thomas C, BA (Toronto), PHD (Indiana State), Department of Political Science (1961, 1997)
  • Poliquin, Rene A, MS (Sherbrooke), PHD (Washington Seattle), Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences (1988, 2017)
  • Porteous, Kenneth C, BENG (McGill University), MCHE (Delaware), PHD (Delaware), Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering (1985, 2014)
  • Potvin, Claudine, BA (University of Quebec), MA (McGill University), PHD (University of Montreal), Department of Modern Languages and Cultural Studies (1993, 2010)
  • Powrie, Thomas L, BSA MA(Saskatchewan) BPHIL DPHIL(Oxford), Department of Economics (2000, 1994)
  • Preiksaitis, Jutta Krista, BSC (McMaster University), MD (McMaster University), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Medicine Dept (1983, 2018)
  • Preshing, William A, BED BA(Alberta) MBA(Western Ontario) PHD(Illinois), Alberta School of Business - Marketing, Business Economics and Law (1999, 1992)
  • Prest, Harry Vincent Stewart, BA (Saskatchewan), MA (Saskatchewan), PHD (McMaster University), Augustana - Fine Arts & Humanities (2004, 2016)
  • Prestwich, Patricia E, BA (Toronto), MA (Toronto), PHD (Stanford University), Department of History and Classics (1970, 2004)
  • Price, Michael A, BSCAGR (Rhodesia), MRURSC (New England), PHD (New England), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences - Dept of Agric, Food and Nutri Science (1976, 2004)
  • Price, Richard T, BCOM (Alberta), BD (Alberta), MA (Alberta), Faculty of Native Studies (1986, 1998)
  • Prideaux, Gary D, BA (Rice University), PHD (Texas), Department of Linguistics (1966, 1999)
  • Priestly, Tom Michael Sidney, BA (Cambridge), DIPEDUC (Oxford), MA (Cambridge), PHD (Simon Fraser), Department of Modern Languages and Cultural Studies (1970, 2002)
  • Prithipaul, Dulari, BA MA(Banaras Hindu) PHD(Paris), Department of Religious Studies (2000, 1992)
  • Prochazka, Arthur, BA (Melbourne), BSC (Melbourne), DPHIL (Ulm), MSC (Melbourne), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Physiology Dept (1986, 2018)
  • Profetto-McGrath, Joanne, BA (Windsor), BSCN (Windsor), MED (Alberta), PHD (Alberta), Faculty of Nursing (1995, 2019)
  • Prokop, Manfred, MA (Notre Dame College), PHD (Notre Dame College), Department of Modern Languages and Cultural Studies (1969, 1998)
  • Pylypiuk, Natalia, BA (Northwestern), MA (Harvard University), PHD (Harvard University), Faculty of Arts - Modern Languages and Cultural Studies Dept (1992, 2019)


  • Quinney, H Arthur, BA (Saskatchewan), BED (Saskatchewan), MSC (Saskatchewan), PHD (Alberta), Department of Physical Education and Recreation (1976, 2009)
  • Qureshi, Regula, MA (Pennsylvania), MMUS (Alberta), PHD (Alberta), Department of Music (1982, 2005)


  • Rabinovitch, Alexander, BSC (McGill University), MD (McGill University), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Medicine (1988, 2006)
  • Raborn, George W, DDS (Med College of Virginia), MS (Florida State), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Dentistry (1992, 2005)
  • Radford, Frederick L, BA (British Columbia), MA (Washington Seattle), PHD (Washington Seattle), Department of English (1970, 1995)
  • Rajaratnam, Nallamuthu, BENG (Madras), MSC (Madras), PHD (Indian Inst of Sc), Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (1965, 2000)
  • Rajotte, Raymond V, BSC (Alberta), DIPXRAY (Northern AB Inst Tech), MSC (Alberta), PHD (Alberta), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Surgery (1975, 2008)
  • Rasmussen, Raymond V, BS (California Berkeley), PHD (California Berkeley), Department of Strategic Management and Organization (1970, 2003)
  • Ratsoy, Eugene Ew, BSC BED PHD(Alberta), Educational Policy Studies (2001, 1996)
  • Raworth, Philip M, BA (Manchester Metro), LLB (Alberta), LLM (Alberta), MPHIL (Southampton), Faculty of Business (1983, 2002)
  • Razavy, Mohsen M, MA (Tehran), PHD (Louisiana State), Department ofPhysics (1963, 1999)
  • Read, Daphne F, BA (York University), MA (York University), PHD (York University), Department of English (1989, 2014)
  • Redmond, Gerald, DIPL (Loughborough U of Tech), DIPTCH (Loughborough U of Tech), MS (Massachusetts), PHD (Alberta), Faculty of Physical Education and Recreation - Sport Instruction (1973, 1994)
  • Reha-Krantz, Linda J, BSC (Washington Seattle), PHD (John Hopkins), Department of Biological Sciences (1980, 2014)
  • Reid, David C, BPT (Alberta), MCH (Liverpool), MD (Alberta), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Surgery (1972, 2008)
  • Reimer, Stephen R, BA (Winnipeg), MA (York University), PHD (Toronto), Faculty of Arts - English & Film Studies Dept (1987, 2017)
  • Reinhold, Ernest, BSC MA(Alberta) PHD(Michigan), Department of Gemanic Languages (1952, 1985)
  • Renke, Wayne Norman, BA (Alberta), LLB (Alberta), LLM (Osgoode Hall Law Sch), MA (Alberta), Faculty of Law (1993, 2014)
  • Reschenthaler, Gilbert B, BA (Texas W College), MA (Texas), PHD (Texas), Department of Marketing, Business Economics and Law (1967, 1999)
  • Reshef, Yonatan, BA (Tel Aviv University), MA (Tel Aviv University), PHD (Illinois Chicago), Alberta School of Business - Strategic Management and Organization Dept (1985, 2020)
  • Reuter, Gerhard W, BSC (Stellenbosch), BSC (Stellenbosch), MSC (Pretoria), PHD (McGill University), Faculty of Science - Earth & Atmospheric Sciences Admin (1990, 2019)
  • Reutter, Linda Isabel, BA (Alberta), BSCN (Alberta), MSCN (Colorado), PHD (Alberta), Faculty of Nursing (1980, 2009)
  • Rhemtulla, Akbar H, BSC (London), PHD (Cambridge), Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences (1967, 2004)
  • Richards, Donald M, BED (Alberta), MED (Alberta), PHD (Alberta), Department of Educational Policy Studies (1971, 1998)
  • Richards, Elizabeth Anne, BSC (Alberta), MS (Utah State), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences - Department of Human Ecology (1968, 2000)
  • Riemenschneider, Sherman D, BA (Hiram College), MA (Syracuse University), PHD (Syracuse University), Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences (1970, 2000)
  • Rink, Raymond E, BS (Massachusetts Inst of Tech), MS (New Mexico), PHD (New Mexico), Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering (1968, 1995)
  • Robertson, Charlene M.T., MD (Saskatchewan), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Pediatrics (1974, 2005)
  • Robertson, Gerald B, LLB (Edinburgh), LLM (McGill University), Faculty of Law (1983, 2013)
  • Robertson, James Alexander, BSA MSC(Manitoba) PHD(Purdue), Soil Science (2000, 1994)
  • Robertson, Janet A, BA (British Columbia), MSC (McGill University), PHD (McGill University), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Dept of Medical Microbiology and Immunology (1972, 2002)
  • Robertson, Peter K, BSC (Nottingham), MASC (British Columbia), PHD (British Columbia), Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (1988, 2007)
  • Robinson, Alexander M, BASC (British Columbia), MSC (British Columbia), PHD (British Columbia), Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering (1971, 2000)
  • Rochet, Anne H, BA (Hollins College), MS (Purdue University), PHD (Purdue University), Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine - Communication Sciences and Disorders (1983, 2000)
  • Rochet, Bernard L, PHD (Alberta), Department of Linguistics (1970, 1999)
  • Roeder, Michael T, BMUS (New Mexico), MA (New Mexico), PHD (California), Department of Music (1974, 2005)
  • Rogers, W Todd, BSC (British Columbia), MA (British Columbia), PHD (Colorado), Department of Educational Psychology (1989, 2010)
  • Rogers, Thomas D, BS (Emory), MS (Emory), PHD (California), Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences (1967, 2000)
  • Roland, Jens, BSC (Alberta), MSC (British Columbia), PHD (British Columbia), Department of Biological Sciences (1992, 2012)
  • Romaniuk PhD, Eugene W, BED (Alberta), MED (Alberta), PHD (Alberta), Department of Educational Psychology (1972, 2001)
  • Rooke, Patricia T, BED (Calgary), MA (Calgary), PHD (Alberta), Department of Educational Policy Studies (1987, 1998)
  • Ross Kerr, Janet C, BSCN (Toronto), MSC (Wisconsin), PHD (Michigan), Faculty of Nursing (1982, 2005)
  • Rostoker, Gordon, BSC MA(Toronto) PHD(British Columbia) FRSC, Department ofPhysics (2004, 1997)
  • Rothwell, Richard L, BS (California), MF (California), PHD (British Columbia), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences - Department of Renewable Resources (1976, 1997)
  • Routledge, David, BSC (Alberta), MSC (Queen’s University), PHD (Queen’s University), Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering (1971, 2004)
  • Rowell, Patricia Mary, BED (Alberta), BSC (London), MSC (Oxford), PHD (Alberta), Department of Elementary Education (1989, 2004)
  • Roy, Gerald, BSC (Western Ontario), PHD (Florida State), Department ofPhysics (1965, 1996)
  • Roy, Kenneth Leo Joseph, BSC (British Columbia), MSC (British Columbia), PHD (British Columbia), Department of Biological Sciences (1970, 2000)
  • Rozsypal, Anton J, MSC (Czech Tech), PHD (Alberta), Department of Linguistics (1970, 1994)
  • Rubin, Linda, DIPDSGR (Vancouver Sch of Art), Department of Drama (1993, 2009)
  • Rueger, Alexander, DIPLOMA (Konstanz), PHD (Constance), Faculty of Arts - Philosophy Dept (1992, 2018)
  • Rule, Stanley J, MSC (Washington Seattle), PHD (Washington Seattle), Department of Psychology (1962, 1996)
  • Russell, Anthony S, BCHIR (Cambridge), MA (Cambridge), MB (Cambridge), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Medicine (1971, 2004)
  • Russell, Donald B, MD (Alberta) FRCP (C), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Anatomy (1986, 2001)
  • Russell, James C, BSC (Dalhousie), MSC (Saskatchewan), PHD (Saskatchewan), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Surgery (2006, 2004)
  • Russell, Michael A, BSC PHD(Edinburgh), Department of Biological Sciences (1972, 2000)
  • Rutter, Nathaniel Nw, BS (Tufts) MS (Alaska) PHD (Alberta) FRSC, Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences (2000, 1998)
  • Ryan, David L, BA (Monash University), MA (Monash University), PHD (British Columbia), Department of Economics (1983, 2014)
  • Ryan, Edmond A, MD (Dublin Trinity Clg), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Medicine Dept (1983, 2018)


  • Samarasekera, Indira, BSC (University of Ceylon), MS (California Davis), PHD (British Columbia), University of Alberta Presidents Office (2005, 2017)
  • Samiroden, Walter D, BED (Alberta), BSC (Alberta), MSC (Alberta), PHD (Oregon State), Department of Secondary Education (2002, 1996)
  • Samuel, William M, BSC (Juniata College), MSC (Pennsylvania), PHD (Wisconsin), Department of Biological Sciences (1971, 2004)
  • Sande, David J, BPE (Alberta), MA (Alberta), PHD (Oregon), Department of Elementary Education (1968, 2001)
  • Sanders, Esmond J, BSC (Southampton), PHD (Southampton), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Physiology (1970, 2010)
  • Saram, Paulu A, BA (Colombo), MA (Alberta), PHD (Alberta), Department of Sociology (1977, 1997)
  • Sargent, M. Elizabeth, BA (Duke University), PHD (Kent), Faculty of Arts - English & Film Studies Dept (1999, 2005)
  • Sartoris PhD, Paul C, BA (Alberta), MA (Alberta), PHD (Utah), Department of Educational Psychology (1966, 1993)
  • Sauer, Willem, BSC (McGill University), MSC (Manitoba), PHD (Manitoba), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences - Dept of Agric, Food and Nutri Science (1977, 2004)
  • Saunders, L. Duncan, MBBCH (the Witwatersrand), PHD (the Witwatersrand), School of Public Health (1989, 1998)
  • Savage, Harry G, DIP in Art, Faculty of Extension - Extension Academics (1972, 1995)
  • Sawada, Daiyo, BED (Alberta), MED (Alberta), PHD (Pennsylvania), Department of Elementary Education (1966, 1998)
  • Sawatzky, D. Donald, BA (Saskatchewan), BED (Saskatchewan), MED (Alberta), PHD (Alberta), Department of Educational Psychology (1969, 1996)
  • Sayer, Derek G, BA (Essex), PHD (Durham), Department of Sociology (1986, 2005)
  • Schindler, David W, BS (North Dakota), DPHIL (Oxford), DSC (North Dakota), Department of Biological Sciences (1989, 2006)
  • Schlosser, Milton Rory, BMUS (Alberta), DMUS (Alberta), MM (Alberta), Augustana - Fine Arts & Humanities (2000, 2018)
  • Schmidt, Alfred R, DIPART (Alta College of Art), Faculty of Extension - Extension Academics (1977, 2000)
  • Schmitt, Douglas R, BSC (Lethbridge), MSC (Calif Inst of Tech), PHD (Calif Inst of Tech), Department of Physics (1989, 2019)
  • Schmuland, Byron Allan, BSC (Alberta), MSC (Alberta), PHD (Carleton University), Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences (1987, 2017)
  • Schneck, Rodney E, BSBA (Denver), MBA (Washington Seattle), PHD (Denver), Department of Strategic Management and Organization (1966, 2001)
  • Schneider, Phyllis, BA (Illinois Chicago), PHD (Northwestern), Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine - Communication Sciences and Disorders (1989, 2014)
  • Schouls, Peter A, BA (Toronto), MPHIL (Toronto), PHD (Toronto), Department of Philosophy (1967, 1996)
  • Schrader, Alvin M, BA (Alberta), MA (Carleton University), MLS (Toronto), PHD (Indiana), School of Library and Information Studies (1982, 1993)
  • Schuller, Paul D, CERT (Toronto), DDS (Toronto), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Dentistry (1976, 2008)
  • Schwartz, Bernard, BA (Brooklyn College), EDD (Pennsylvania), Department of Elementary Education (1965, 1997)
  • Schweger, Charles Earl, BS (Wisconsin), MS (Wisconsin), PHD (Alberta), Department of Anthropology (1973, 2007)
  • Scott Hoyt, Janet, BMUS (Alberta), MMUS (Alberta), Department of Music (1998, 2016)
  • Scott, Paul G, BSC (Liverpool), PHD (Liverpool), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Biochemistry (1981, 2007)
  • Scott, David A, BSC (British Columbia), DDS (Alberta), MSC (Alberta), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Dentistry (1981, 2010)
  • Scott, J Donald, BSC(Queens) MSC PHD(Illinois), Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (2004, 1993)
  • Scott, Harvey A, BA (Western Ontario), MPE (British Columbia), PHD (Alberta), Faculty of Physical Education and Recreation - Sport Instruction (1971, 1994)
  • Scott, Thomas W, BCOM (McGill University), MBA (McGill University), PHD (Queen’s University), Department of Accounting, Operations andInformation Systems (1987, 2001)
  • Sego, David Charles, BSC (Alberta), PHD (Alberta), Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (1977, 2010)
  • Seguin, Herb Jj, BSC (Alberta), DIC (Imperial Clg U of London), PHD (London), Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering (1966, 2001)
  • Sehgal, Sudarshan K, BA (Panjab University), MA (Panjab University), PHD (Notre Dame College), Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences (1968, 2001)
  • Semple, John E, BPT (Alberta), DIPPT (Middlesex), DIPTCH (Middlesex), HABIL (Middlesex), MED (Alberta), Department of Physical Therapy (1968, 1993)
  • Shah, Sirish L, BSC (Leeds), MSC (Manchester Metro), PHD (Alberta), Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering (1978, 2014)
  • Sharir, Shmuel D, BA (Hebrew U of Jerusalem), MA (Hebrew U of Jerusalem), PHD (Columbia University), Department of Economics (1976, 2005)
  • Sherbaniuk, Richard, BSC MD MSC(Alberta), Department of Medicine (2002, 2000)
  • Sherif, Helmy S, BSC (Cairo University), MSC (Cairo University), PHD (Washington Seattle), Department ofPhysics (1975, 2004)
  • Shiner, Roger A, BA (Cambridge), MA (Alberta), MA (Cambridge), PHD (Cambridge), Department of Philosophy (1965, 1996)
  • Shirvani, Maziar, BSC (Queen Mary Clg U London), PHD (Queen Mary Clg U London), Faculty of Science - Deans Office (1987, 2019)
  • Shogan, Debra A, BS (Saskatchewan), MA (Western Ontario), PHD (Alberta), Faculty of Physical Education and Recreation - Academic Programs (1974, 2006)
  • Short, Robert H, BED (Exeter), MA (Oregon), MSC (Oregon), PHD (Oregon), Department of Educational Psychology (1975, 2008)
  • Shysh, Alec, BSC (Alberta), MSC (Alberta), PHD (Alberta), Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (1970, 1991)
  • Sigler, Lynne, BSC (Alberta), MSC (Alberta), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences - Devonian Botanic Garden (1969, 2010)
  • Sigurdson, Lorenz W, BASC (Toronto), MSC (Calif Inst of Tech), PHD (Calif Inst of Tech), Department of Mechanical Engineering (1988, 2014)
  • Sigurdson, Sol E, BSC (Manitoba), MA (Toronto), PHD (Wisconsin), Department of Elementary Education (1964, 1996)
  • Sim, Jeong S, BSC (Konkuk University), MSC (Manitoba), PHD (British Columbia), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences - Dept of Agric, Food and Nutri Science (1986, 2006)
  • Sinclair, Robert W, BFA (Manitoba), MFA (Iowa), Department of Art and Design (1965, 1996)
  • Sing, Pamela V, BA (British Columbia), MA (British Columbia), PHD (University of Montreal), Campus Saint-Jean - Academic Support OR Admin (1994, 2019)
  • Singh, Mohan M, BA MA DIP(Punjab) MS(Springfield), Faculty of Physical Education and Recreation (1999, 1996)
  • Sinha, Birendra K, BA (Patna University), MA (Patna University), PHD (Michigan State), Faculty of Arts - Psychology (1969, 1999)
  • Skakun, Ernest Nick, BED (Alberta), MED (Alberta), PHD (Alberta), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry (1974, 2004)
  • Skillen, D Lynn, BSCN (McMaster University), MHSC (McMaster University), PHD (Alberta), Faculty of Nursing (1981, 2007)
  • Slemon, Stephen G, BA (Queen’s University), MA (British Columbia), PHD (Queensland), Faculty of Arts - English & Film Studies Dept (1988, 2017)
  • Sloboda, Ronald S, BSC (Manitoba), PHD (Alberta), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Oncology Dept (1996, 2018)
  • Small, Alastair M, BA (Oxford), DPHIL (Oxford), MA (Oxford), Department of History and Classics (1968, 1997)
  • Small, James M, MED (Alberta), PHD (Michigan), Department of Educational Policy Studies (1967, 1994)
  • Smith, Burton M, BA MA(Montana) PHD(Washington State), Department of History and Classics (1999, 1996)
  • Smith, Constance E, BA (McGill University), MA (Queen’s University), PHD (Queen’s University), Faculty of Arts - Economics Dept (1986, 2018)
  • Smith, Daniel W, BS (California), MSC (California), PHD (Kansas), Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (2009, 2006)
  • Smith, David Geoffrey, DPHIL (Alberta), MA (British Columbia), Department of Secondary Education (1998, 2012)
  • Smith, Donna Lynn, BSCN (Alberta), DIPEDUC (Alberta), MED (Alberta), RN (Alberta), Faculty of Nursing (1996, 2013)
  • Smith, Dorian Gw, BSC (London), MA (Oxford), MSC (Alberta), PHD (Cambridge), Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences (1966, 2000)
  • Smith, Garry J, BPE (Alberta), DIPTCH (Alberta), MA (Western Ontario), PHD (Alberta), Faculty of Physical Education and Recreation - Academic Programs (2002, 1997)
  • Smith, Murray Frank Allen, BED PHD(Alberta), Department of Physical Education and Sport Studies (2006, 1988)
  • Smith, Peter A, BSC (Southampton), PHD (Southampton), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Pharmacology Dept (1980, 2018)
  • Smith, Roger S, BA (Pomona College), MA (California Berkeley), PHD (California Berkeley), Department of Marketing, Business Economics and Law (2004, 2002)
  • Smith, Susan L, BA (California Irvine), MA (Wisconsin Madison), PHD (Wisconsin Madison), Faculty of Arts - History & Classics Dept (1991, 2018)
  • Smy, Peter R, BSENG (London), DSC (London), PHD (London), Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering (1966, 1996)
  • Snart, Fern Darlene, BA (Brandon University), MA (Saskatchewan), PHD (Alberta), Faculty of Education - Deans Office (1976, 2017)
  • Snider, Earle L, BA (Alberta), MA (Calgary), PHD (Michigan State), Department of Sociology (2003, 1997)
  • Snyder, Richard E, BA (Wayne State College), PHD (Wayne State College), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Biomedical Engineering (1975, 2004)
  • So, Joseph Wai-Hung, BA (Hong Kong), MSC (Alberta), PHD (Alberta), Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences (1987, 2010)
  • Sobsey PhD, Richard J, BS (State U of New York), EDD (West Virginia), MED (State U of New York), Department of Educational Psychology (1982, 2010)
  • Somerville, Martin, BSC (Western Ontario), MSC (Western Ontario), PHD (Toronto), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Medical Genetics Dept (1996, 2018)
  • Sorenson, Paul G, BSC (Alberta), MSC (Alberta), PHD (Toronto), Department of Computing Science (1989, 2009)
  • Soskolne, Colin L, BSC (the Witwatersrand), BSC (the Witwatersrand), PHD (Pennsylvania), School of Public Health - Public Health Sciences (1985, 2013)
  • Spanos, Timothy J, BA (Lethbridge), MSC (Alberta), PHD (Alberta), Department ofPhysics (1980, 2005)
  • Spence, John R, BA (Washington Seattle), MS (Vermont), PHD (British Columbia), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sci - Renewable Resources Dept (1979, 2017)
  • Spencer, Judith Olive, BA (London), MA (Alberta), PHD (Alberta), Augustana - Fine Arts (2004, 2014)
  • Sperber, Geoffrey H, BDS (the Witwatersrand), BSC (the Witwatersrand), BSC (the Witwatersrand), MS (Rochester), PHD (the Witwatersrand), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Dentistry (1961, 1996)
  • Spetch, Marcia L, BA (British Columbia), MA (British Columbia), PHD (British Columbia), Faculty of Science - Psychology Science (1987, 2018)
  • Spooner, Gordon R, BA (Saskatchewan), BSC (Saskatchewan), MD (Saskatchewan), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Family Medicine (1991, 2013)
  • Sporns, Peter, BSC (Simon Fraser), PHD (Alberta), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences - Dept of Agric, Food and Nutri Science (1980, 2006)
  • Stacey, Norm E, BSC (British Columbia), PHD (British Columbia), Department of Biological Sciences (1980, 2008)
  • Stanford, Lois M, AB (Stanford University), MA (Brown University), MA (Stanford University), PHD (Brown University), Department of Linguistics (1967, 2000)
  • Steadward, Robert D, BPE (Alberta), MSC (Alberta), PHD (Oregon), Faculty of Physical Education and Recreation (1974, 2001)
  • Steffler, Peter Malcolm, BSC (Alberta), MSC (Alberta), PHD (Alberta), Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (1983, 1993)
  • Stehr, Nico, PHD (Oregon State), Department of Sociology (1970, 1997)
  • Stein, Richard B, BS (Massachusetts Inst of Tech), DPHIL (Oxford), DSC (Waterloo), MA (Oxford), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Physiology (1968, 2005)
  • Steiner, Ivan P, BSC (State U of Liege), MD (McGill University), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Family Medicine (1994, 2010)
  • Stemke, Gerald W, BS (Illinois State), PHD (Illinois Chicago), Department of Biological Sciences (1970, 2001)
  • Stephenson, John, BSC (London), DSC (London), PHD (London), Department ofPhysics (1971, 1997)
  • Stewart, Lorna K, BSC (Saskatchewan), MSC (Toronto), PHD (Toronto), Faculty of Science - Computing Science (1986, 2019)
  • Stewart, Miriam, BSCN (McMaster University), MN (Dalhousie), PHD (Dalhousie), Faculty of Nursing (1997, 2015)
  • Stewin, Leonard L, BSC (Alberta), MED (Alberta), PHD (Alberta), Department of Educational Psychology (1969, 2004)
  • Stiles, Michael Edgecombe, BSC (Natal), MSC (Natal), PHD (Illinois Chicago), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences - Dept of Agric, Food and Nutri Science (1968, 2000)
  • Stinson, Robert A, BSC (Toronto), PHD (Alberta), Vice President Research - Research Services Office (1971, 1997)
  • Stinson, Shirley M, Faculty of Nursing (1958, 1992)
  • Stockey, Ruth A, BS (Illinois Chicago), MS (Ohio University), PHD (Ohio State University), Department of Biological Sciences (1978, 2010)
  • Stone, James C, BSC (British Columbia), MA (Columbia University), PHD (Oregon), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Biochemistry (1990, 2014)
  • Stott, Jon C, BA (British Columbia), MA (British Columbia), PHD (Toronto), Department of English (2002, 1997)
  • Stovel, Nora F, BA (Cambridge), BA (McGill University), MA (Cambridge), PHD (Dalhousie), Department of English (1985, 2014)
  • Strain, Laurel, BA (Brandon University), PHD (Toronto), Department of Sociology (2003, 2014)
  • Strang, Victoria Rosalind, BN (Manitoba), MN (Dalhousie), PHD (Alberta), Faculty of Nursing (1991, 2004)
  • Strathern, Gloria M, BA(New Zealand), Library and Information Studies (1997, 1990)
  • Strausz, Otto P, LIC (Eotvos Lorand-Budapest) PHD (Alberta), Department of Chemistry (2000, 1989)
  • Street, William, BMUS (Catholic U of America), DMUS (Northwestern), MMUS (Catholic U of America), Department of Music (1988, 2014)
  • Stringam, Gary R., BS (Brigham Young), MS (Minnesota), PHD (Minnesota), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences - Dept of Agric, Food and Nutri Science (1997, 2002)
  • Strobeck, Curtis, BA (Montana), MA (Montana), PHD (Chicago), Department of Biological Sciences (1976, 2005)
  • Stromsmoe, Keith A, BSC (Alberta), MSC (New Brunswick), PHD (Purdue University), Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering (1963, 1996)
  • Suddaby, Roy Robert, BSC (Alberta), LLB (Alberta), MBA (British Columbia), PHD (Alberta), Department of Sociology (1995, 2014)
  • Swinnerton, Guy S, BA (London Sch of Econ), MA (British Columbia), PHD (London), Faculty of Physical Education and Recreation (1978, 2004)
  • Swyripa, Frances Ann, BA (Alberta), MA (Alberta), PHD (Alberta), Department of History and Classics (1989, 2014)
  • Sydie, Rosalind A, BA (Liverpool), DIPLOMA (Liverpool), MA (Alberta), PHD (Alberta), Department of Sociology (1974, 2006)
  • Sykes, Brian D, BSC (Alberta), PHD (Stanford University), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Biochemistry Dept (1975, 2018)
  • Syrotuik, Daniel Gary, BA (McMaster University), BPE (McMaster University), MSC (Alberta), PHD (Alberta), Faculty of Physical Education and Recreation - Academic Programs (1981, 2012)
  • Szabo, Franz A., BA (University of Montreal), MA (Alberta), PHD (Alberta), Department of History and Classics (1999, 2014)
  • Szabo, Michael, BS (Taylor University), MS (Purdue University), PHD (Purdue University), Department of Educational Psychology (1981, 2004)
  • Szafron, Duane Allen, BSC (Regina), MSC (Regina), PHD (Waterloo), Provost & Vice-President Academic - Approved Contingency Expenditure (1983, 2015)


  • Tait, Robert J, BSC (Glasgow), PHD (Glasgow), Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences (1962, 1996)
  • Takats, Josef, BSC (University of Montreal), PHD (Massachusetts Inst of Tech), Department of Chemistry (1971, 2008)
  • Talwar, Prem P, BA (Punjab Agric), PHD (Carnegie Mellon), Department of Finance and Statistical Analysis (1978, 2009)
  • Tardif, Claudine, BED MED PHD(Alberta), Campus Saint-Jean (1981, 2005)
  • Taylor, Alison, BBA (Wilfred Laurier), EDD (Ont Inst Studies in Ed), MED (Queen’s University), MIR (Toronto), Department of Educational Policy Studies (1999, 2007)
  • Taylor, Diane E, BSC (Toronto), PHD (Toronto), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Dept of Medical Microbiology and Immunology (1981, 2008)
  • Taylor, Gerald D, BED (Alberta), MED (Alberta), PHD (Toronto), Department of Educational Policy Studies (1974, 2004)
  • Taylor, Gregory J, BSC (Queen’s University), MEDES (Calgary), PHD (Queen’s University), Faculty of Science - Biological Sciences (1985, 2017)
  • Teply, Stanislav, DIPENG (Czech Tech), PHD (Czech Tech), Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (1974, 1999)
  • Tewari, Jalpa P, BSC (Lucknow), MSC (Lucknow), PHD (Lucknow), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences - Dept of Agric, Food and Nutri Science (1979, 2003)
  • Thompson, Gordon W, DDS (Alberta), MSCD (Toronto), PHD (Toronto), Department of Dental Health Care (1978, 1995)
  • Thomson, Alan Br, BA (Queen’s University), MD (Queen’s University), MSC (Queen’s University), PHD (Queen’s University), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Medicine (1975, 2007)
  • Thornberry, Robert S, BA (Queens U Belfast), MA (McMaster University), PHD (Alberta), Department of Modern Languages and Cultural Studies (1971, 2008)
  • Thurston, Olin G, BA (Saskatchewan), MD (Saskatchewan), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Surgery (1966, 1988)
  • Tiessen, Peter, BCOM (Manitoba), CMA (Soc of Industrial Accts), MBA (McMaster University), PHD (Minnesota), Department of Accounting, Operations andInformation Systems (1975, 2009)
  • Timourian, James G, BA (Hamilton College), PHD (Syracuse University), Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences (1969, 2000)
  • Tinga, Wayne R, BSC (Alberta), MSC (Alberta), PHD (Alberta), Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering (1968, 2001)
  • Titus, Stephen J, BS (Oregon State), MF (Oregon State), PHD (California), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences - Department of Renewable Resources (1977, 2004)
  • Toh, Swee-Hin, BSC (La Trobe University), DIPEDUC (La Trobe University), MED (Alberta), PHD (Alberta), Department of Educational Policy Studies (1992, 2003)
  • Tomczak-Jaegermann, Nicole, BSC (Warsaw), HABIL (Warsaw), MSC (Warsaw), PHD (Warsaw), Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences (1983, 2014)
  • Tomkins, Darrell J, BSC (McGill University), MSC (McGill University), PHD (McGill University), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Medical Genetics (1998, 2004)
  • Tonkin, Katia Sonia, MBBS (King’s Clg U of London), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Oncology Dept (1999, 2018)
  • Tonn, William M, BA (Macalester College), MS (Wisconsin Madison), PHD (Wisconsin Madison), Department of Biological Sciences (1984, 2012)
  • Toth, Ellen Louise, BSC (Buenos Aires), MD (Buenos Aires), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Medicine (1986, 2014)
  • Toth, Jozsef J, MSC (Utrecht), PHD (Utrecht), Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences (1980, 1996)
  • Treit, Dallas R, BA (British Columbia), MA (British Columbia), PHD (British Columbia), Department of Psychology (1987, 2014)
  • Turnell, Roger, BSC (British Columbia), MDCM (McGill University), PHD (British Columbia), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (2002, 2014)
  • Turner, A. Robert, BSC (McGill University), MD (McGill University), MDCM (McGill University), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Medicine (1977, 2007)
  • Tweedale, Martin M, BA (Princeton), PHD (California LA), Department of Philosophy (1988, 2003)
  • Tyrchniewicz, Edward W, BSA (Manitoba), MSC (Purdue University), PHD (Purdue University), Department of Resource Economics and Environmental Sociology (1988, 1997)


  • Ubelacker, Sandra D, BA (Western Ontario), MA (North Dakota), PHD (North Dakota), Department of Secondary Education (1969, 2004)
  • Ulan, Raymond A, MD (Alberta), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Medicine (1989, 2001)
  • Urion, Carl A, BED (Alberta), PHD (Alberta), Department of Anthropology (2003, 1997)
  • Urquhart, Ian T, BA (British Columbia), MA (Queen’s University), PHD (British Columbia), Faculty of Arts - Political Science Dept (1987, 2018)
  • Urtasun, Raul C, BA (Buenos Aires), MD (Buenos Aires), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Neurosciences (1970, 1998)


  • Vallance, Janette M, BA (Western Ontario), MA (York University), PHD (Alberta), Department of Elementary Education (1975, 1993)
  • Van Manen, Max Mj, BED (Alberta), MED (Alberta), PHD (Alberta), Department of Secondary Education (1976, 2008)
  • Van de Pitte, Margaret M, MA (Detroit), PHB (Detroit), PHD (Southern California), Department of Philosophy (1966, 2002)
  • Vance, Dennis E, BSC (Dickinson College), PHD (Pittsburgh), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Biochemistry Dept (1986, 2017)
  • Vance, Jean E, BSC (London), PHD (Pittsburgh), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Medicine Dept (1986, 2017)
  • Vanden Born, William H, BSC MSC(Alberta) PHD(Toronto), Faculty of Agriculture, Life and Environmental Science- Food and Nutritional Science (1961, 1996)
  • Vander Well, Allen R, BA(Central College) MA PHD(Iowa), Department of Educational Psychology (2001, 1993)
  • Vaneldik, Jan F, BSC (Alberta), MSC (Alberta), PHD (Alberta), Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (1971, 1998)
  • Varnhagen, Connie K, BA (Kenyon College), MA (Notre Dame College), PHD (California), Faculty of Arts - Psychology (2015, 2012)
  • Veeman, Michele M, BAGRSC (Massey University), MAGRSC (Adelaid), PHD (California), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences-Resource Economics &Environmental Sociology (1970, 2006)
  • Veeman, Terrence S, PHD (California Berkeley), Department of Economics (1970, 2005)
  • Verdicchio, Massimo, BA (British Columbia), MA (British Columbia), MA (British Columbia), MA (Yale University), MPHIL (Yale University), PHD (Yale University), Faculty of Arts - Modern Languages and Cultural Studies Dept (1980, 2015)
  • Vermeulen, Frederick E, BSC (Alberta), MASC (British Columbia), PHD (Alberta), Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering (1967, 2001)
  • Videman, Keijo, DMEDSC (Helsinki), MD (Helsinki), Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine (2010, 2006)
  • Vitt, Dale H, BSC (SE Missouri State), MS (Michigan), PHD (Michigan), Department of Biological Sciences (1970, 2000)
  • Voisey, Paul, BA (Calgary), MA (Calgary), PHD (Toronto), Department of History and Classics (1981, 2010)
  • Volden, Joanne Coral, BSC (Alberta), MCLINSC (Western Ontario), PHD (Alberta), Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine - Communication Sciences & Disorders (1999, 2018)
  • Von Tigerstrom, Barbara Joanne, Faculty of Law (1999, 1993)
  • Voss, Walter Ag, BSC PHD(London) PENG(British Columbia) PENG(Alberta), Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering (1964, 1991)


  • Wahlsten, Douglas L, BSC (Alma College), PHD (California), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Neurosciences (1989, 1999)
  • Walker, Foster N, BA (Winnipeg), BA (Winnipeg), MA (Western Ontario), PHD (Western Ontario), Department of Educational Policy Studies (1976, 1996)
  • Walker, Gordon James, BPAS (Regina), PHD (Virginia Polytech Inst), Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation - Academic Programs (1997, 2019)
  • Wallace, Janice, BA (Western Ontario), MED (Western Ontario), PHD (Toronto), Department of Educational Policy Studies (2002, 2013)
  • Wallace, Jo-Ann C, BA (Concordia), MA (York University), PHD (York University), Department of English (1986, 2014)
  • Wangler, David G, BS(LeMoyne) MA PHD(New Mexico), Department of Educational Policy Studies (1969, 2001)
  • Wanke, Sieghard E, BSENG (Alberta), MSC (Alberta), PHD (California), Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering (1970, 2008)
  • Wankel, Leonard M, BA (Saskatchewan), BED (Saskatchewan), MA (Alberta), PHD (Alberta), Department of Physical Education and Recreation (1977, 1997)
  • Ware, Robert L, BMUS (S Mississippi), EDD (Oregon), MMUSED (S Mississippi), Department of Elementary Education (1964, 1995)
  • Warrack, Allan Alexander, BSC (Alberta), MS (Iowa State), PHD (Iowa State), Department of Marketing, Business Economics and Law (1967, 2002)
  • Warren, Kenneth G, BA (Western Ontario), MD (Western Ontario), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Medicine (1978, 2014)
  • Warren, Sharon A, BA (Western Ontario), BED (Queen’s University), MA (Western Ontario), PHD (Western Ontario), Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine (1987, 1993)
  • Wasylishen, Roderick E, BSC (Waterloo), MSC (Manitoba), PHD (Manitoba), Department of Chemistry (2000, 2014)
  • Watkinson, Jane, BA (McMaster University), BPE (McMaster University), MA (Western Ontario), PHD (Michigan State), Faculty of Physical Education and Recreation - Academic Programs (1977, 2006)
  • Watson, William G, BA (Sussex), PHD (Sussex), Faculty of Arts - English & Film Studies Dept (1970, 1983)
  • Waugh, Earle H, BA (McMaster University), MA (McMaster University), PHD (Chicago), Department of Comparative Literature, Religion and Film Studies (1974, 2002)
  • Wayman, Michael L, BASC (British Columbia), MSC (McMaster University), PHD (Cambridge), Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering (1969, 2004)
  • Weideman, Donald J, BCOM (Alberta), CERTED (Manitoba), MBA (Western Ontario), PHD (Georgia State), Faculty of Extension - Extension Academics (1970, 1997)
  • Wein, Ross W, BSA (Guelph), MSC (Guelph), PHD (Utah State), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences - Department of Renewable Resources (1987, 2006)
  • Weiner, Joel H, BS (McGill University), PHD (Cornell University), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Biochemistry Dept (1976, 2016)
  • Weir, Bryce Keith, Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Surgery Dept (1966, 1990)
  • Weiss, Alfred R, BSC (Alberta), MS (Ohio State University), PHD (Ohio State University), Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences (1980, 1990)
  • Weselake, Randall Joseph, BSC (Manitoba), MSC (Manitoba), PHD (Manitoba), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sci - Ag, Food & Nutri Sci Dept (2000, 2017)
  • West, Douglas S, BA (Michigan), PHD (British Columbia), Faculty of Arts - Economics Dept (1981, 2015)
  • Whitinger, Raleigh G, BA (British Columbia), PHD (British Columbia), Department of Modern Languages and Cultural Studies (1974, 2011)
  • Whitson, David J, BA (Toronto), BA (Toronto), MED (Ont Inst Studies in Ed), PHD (Queensland), Department of Political Science (1987, 2010)
  • Whittaker, John D, BSENG (Alberta), PHD (City U London), SM (Massachusetts Inst of Tech), Department of Mechanical Engineering (1975, 2005)
  • Wiebe, Leonard Irving, BSP (Saskatchewan), DSC (Sydney), MSC (Saskatchewan), PHD (Sydney), Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (1970, 2003)
  • Wiebe, Rudy H, BA MA(Alberta) BTHEOL(Menonite Bible College), Department of English (1967, 1990)
  • Wiens, Douglas P, BSC (Calgary), MSC (Calgary), MSC (Calgary), PHD (Calgary), Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences (1987, 1992)
  • Wiens, Harold H, BA (Waterloo Lutheran Sem), Department of Music (1975, 2008)
  • Wilberg, Robert B, BED (Alberta), MS (Oregon), PHD (Oregon), Faculty of Physical Education and Recreation - Sport Instruction (1966, 1994)
  • Wilcocks, Robert Wf, BA (Hull), PHD (Khartoum), Department of Modern Languages and Cultural Studies (1969, 2005)
  • Wilde, Warren Deloy, BED (Alberta), MA (Michigan State), PHD (Michigan State), Department of Elementary Education (1969, 1996)
  • Wilkinson, Bruce W, BCOM (Saskachewan) MA(Alberta) PHD(MIT), Department of Economics (1999, 1998)
  • Williams, Beverly Ann, BSCN (Alberta), DIPNURS (Calgary), MN (Alberta), PHD (Alberta), Faculty of Nursing (2002, 2012)
  • Williams, David Charles, BSC (Alberta), MD (Alberta), MSC (Missouri), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Surgery Dept (2001, 2017)
  • Williams, Michael C, BSENG (Wisconsin Madison), MS (Wisconsin Madison), PHD (Wisconsin Madison), Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering (1990, 2002)
  • Williamson, Janice, BA (Carleton University), MA (York University), PHD (York University), Faculty of Arts - English & Film Studies Dept (1987, 2019)
  • Willson, Katherine J, BA (Alberta), DIPPROF (Alberta), MED (Oregon), PHD (Oregon), Department of Elementary Education (1989, 2008)
  • Wilson, David J, BSC (Manitoba), MS (Minnesota), PHD (Minnesota), Faculty of Engineering - Mechanical Engineering Dept (1971, 2005)
  • Wilson, John D, BSC (Canterbury), MSC (Alberta), PHD (Guelph), Faculty of Science - Earth & Atmospheric Sciences Admin (1985, 2018)
  • Wilson, Leonard S, BED (Alberta), BSC (Alberta), MA (Alberta), PHD (Essex), Department of Economics (1979, 2009)
  • Wilson, Mark Vh, BSC (Toronto), MSC (Toronto), PHD (Toronto), Department of Biological Sciences (1975, 2010)
  • Wilson, Robert R, BA (Chicago), DIPL (McGill University), MA (Chicago), PHD (Oregon), Department of English (1967, 1999)
  • Wolfaardt, Johan F, BSC (the Witwatersrand), DPHIL (the Witwatersrand), MSC (the Witwatersrand), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Surgery Dept (1987, 2018)
  • Wolfe, Frederick H, PHD (Texas Tech University), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences - Dept of Agric, Food and Nutri Science (1968, 1993)
  • Wong, Yau Shu, BSC (Southampton), MSC (Oxford), PHD (Oxford), Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences (1984, 2019)
  • Wood, Marilynn J, BSN (British Columbia), DRPH (California), MPH (California), Faculty of Nursing (1987, 2002)
  • Wood, Reginald Kenneth, BE (Saskatchewan), MSC (Alberta), PHD (Northwestern), Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering (1966, 1997)
  • Woodard, Paul M, BSF (Vermont), MS (Washington Seattle), PHD (Washington Seattle), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences - Department of Renewable Resources (1977, 2010)
  • Wormsbecker, Gordon T, BSC (Alberta), Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (1961, 1993)
  • Wright, John, BED (Saskatchewan) MA PHD(Minnesota), Library Science (1968, 1987)


  • Xia, Zi Hui, BS (Tsinghua University), MS (Tsinghua University), PHD (Tsinghua University), Department of Mechanical Engineering (1998, 2006)


  • Yakimets, Walter John, BSC (Alberta), MD (Alberta), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Surgery (2001, 1996)
  • Yeh, Francis Cho C, BSC (Calgary), PHD (Calgary), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences - Department of Renewable Resources (1985, 2012)
  • Yeung Laiwah, Albert A C, BSC (Glasgow), MBCHB (Glasgow), MSC (Glasgow), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Pharmacology (1985, 2013)
  • Yewchuk, Carolyn R, BA (Queen’s University), MED (Calgary), PHD (Alberta), Department of Educational Psychology (1975, 2003)
  • Young, Beth, BA (Alberta), MED (Alberta), PHD (Alberta), Department of Educational Policy Studies (1990, 2004)
  • Young, Catherine Denise, BA (McMaster University), MA (McMaster University), PHD (Toronto), Faculty of Arts - Economics Dept (1989, 1994)
  • Young, Darius R, BSC (Colorado State), MED (Colorado State), PHD (Ohio State University), Department of Secondary Education (1969, 1994)
  • Young, David E, BA (Indiana), BD (Yale University), MA (Hawaii), PHD (Stanford University), Department of Anthropology (1970, 1997)
  • Young, Jean H, BS (Northwestern), PHD (Northwestern), Department of Elementary Education (1971, 1994)
  • Young, John R, BED (Alberta), MED (Alberta), Department of Educational Policy Studies (1970, 1997)
  • Young, Kue, BSC (McGill University), CM (SUR) (McGill University), DPHIL (Oxford), MD (McGill University), MSC (Toronto), School of Public Health (2013, 2019)
  • Young, Richard A, BA (London), MA (Alberta), PHD (Alberta), Department of Modern Languages and Cultural Studies (1969, 2004)
  • Young, Wo-Sang V, BSC (Hong Kong), MS (Purdue University), PHD (Purdue University), Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences (1980, 2006)


  • Zakariasen, Ken L., BA (Minnesota), CBUSADM (Harvard University), DDS (Minnesota), MS (Minnesota), MSC (Case Western Reserve), PHD (Minnesota), School of Public Health (2004, 2014)
  • Zizler, Vaclav V, MSC (Charles University), PHD (Charles University), Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences (2000, 1997)

Clinical Emeriti

  • Boulton, James J, BSC (Alberta), MD (Alberta), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (2016, 2018)
  • Daniel, Edwin, BA (John Hopkins), MA (John Hopkins), PHD (Utah), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Pharmacology (2000, 2010)
  • Field, Gordon Colin, BSC (Guelph), MSC (Toronto), PHD (Alberta), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Oncology Dept (1998, 2016)
  • Greenwood, Paul V, BSC (Leeds), MBCHB (Leeds), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Medicine Dept (2000, 2016)
  • Loomis, Joan Elizabeth, BPT (Alberta), DIPPT (Alberta), MED (Alberta), Department of Physical Therapy (1976, 2011)
  • Petruk, Kenneth Cameron, BSC (Alberta), MD (Alberta), PHD (Alberta), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Oncology (2002, 2011)
  • Rennie, Robert P, BSC (Manitoba), MSC (Manitoba), PHD (Glasgow), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Laboratory Medicine & Pathology Dept (2000, 2016)
  • Shaw, Andrew R E, BSC (London), PHD (Southampton), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Oncology Dept (2002, 2016)
  • Turner, M Joan, BSC (Pittsburgh), MSC (Alberta), PHD (Alberta), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Oncology (1994, 2010)
  • Venner, Peter Marcus, MD (Alberta), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Oncology Dept (1998, 2016)

Librarian Emeriti

  • Buckingham, Jeanette F, BA (Saskatchewan), MLS (Alberta), University of Alberta Library - Health Sciences (1969, 2019)
  • Carter, Kathleen E, BA (Calgary), BLS (Alberta), University of Alberta Library - Bibliographic Services (1974, 2019)
  • Distad, N. Merrill, BA (Minnesota), MA (Minnesota), MLS (Toronto), PHD (Toronto), University Libraries - Information Resources (1987, 2015)
  • Ingles, Ernest B, BA (Calgary), MA (Calgary), MLIBR (British Columbia), Libraries - Chief Librarian Office (1990, 2019)
  • Jones, David Leonard, BSC (McMaster University), MLS (Western Ontario), University of Alberta Library - Science (1980, 2013)
  • Law, Margaret Zelman, BA (Carleton University), BED (Dalhousie), MBA (Athabasca University), MLS (British Columbia), Libraries - Chief Librarian Office (1997, 2018)
  • McClary, Maryon Louise, BA (Alberta), BED (Alberta), MLS (Hawaii), University of Alberta Library - HASSL Reference (1980, 2019)
  • Reichardt, Randall Paul, BSC (Manitoba), MLS (Alberta), Libraries - Public Services 1 (1983, 2019)
  • Rooney, Sieglinde Eh, BA (Saskatchewan), BLS (Toronto), MA (Alberta), University of Alberta Library - Office of the Chief Librarian (1965, 2006)