Mar 06, 2025  
University of Alberta Calendar 2018-2019 
University of Alberta Calendar 2018-2019 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Faculty of Arts

Return to: Admission Requirements by Faculty  



Admission to the Faculty of Arts is competitive. The number of high school and transfer admissions or readmissions to the Faculty may be limited in any given year depending on the number of applicants and their qualifications. Some majors require higher averages and/or specific courses and additional admission criteria. Presentation of the minimum requirements does not guarantee admission. Applicants will be assessed on the basis of their academic records as described below.

  1. High School Requirements
    High school applicants will be considered for admission based on their admission average on five subjects noted below. See High School Applicants  for minimum grade and admission average requirements.

Subject Requirements

  1. English Language Arts 30-1
  2. Four subjects from Group A, B and/or C. A maximum of one Group B may be presented for admission. In order to maximize their future program and course choices, all students are encouraged to present a broad range of subjects across Group A and C.
  3. Mathematics 30-2 may be used for admission to the Faculty of Arts, though some disciplines require Mathematics 30-1 as a prerequisite for required courses (see notes below). Only one of Mathematics 30-1 or 30-2 will be used for admission purposes.
  4. See additional requirements below for specific majors and minors.


  1. Admission to the major in Planning is competitive and Alberta residence students may be given preference. The minimum requirements are as follows:
    1. English Language Arts 30-1, Social Studies 30-1, Mathematics 30-1 or Mathematics 30-2, and two subjects from Group A, B and/or C.
    2. A maximum of one Group B may be presented for admission.
    3. A minimum competitive average of at least 75% in the above five subjects and an AGPA of 2.3 on any transferable courses.
  1. For a major in Political Science Social Studies 30-1 is recommended.
  2. For a major or minor in Psychology students should present one of Mathematics 30-1 or 30-2.
  3. For a major in Economics students must present Mathematics 30-1. Presentation of Mathematics 31 is recommended. Mathematics 30-1 does not have to be included as one of the five 30-level courses for admission, but the major requires courses for which Mathematics 30-1 is a prerequisite.
  4. For a major in Mathematics students must present both Mathematics 30-1 and Mathematics 31. For a minor in Mathematics students should present Mathematics 30-1. Mathematics 30-1 or Mathematics 31 do not have to be included in the five 30-level courses used for admission, but the discipline requires courses for which Mathematics 30-1 and Mathematics 31 are prerequisites.
  5. Students intending to transfer to the Faculty of Business must present Mathematics 30-1.
  6. The Faculty of Arts accepts proficiency in an Aboriginal language recognized in Canada (e.g., Cree, Slavey, etc.) to meet a Group A admission requirement. Proficiency is measured either by a test, administered by the University if such can be arranged, or by boards of examiners appointed by the University. Candidates having passed the required test of an Aboriginal language have their averages calculated on the remaining four matriculation subjects.
  1. Transfer Applicants
    Please refer to BA, Postsecondary Applicants and Transfer from a Postsecondary Institutions .
  2. Nonmatriculated Applicants

Please refer to Nonmatriculated Applicants. Note that there is no NMA admission to the BA major in Planning program.

BA Honors

  1. General Admission Requirements
    Entrance to the Honors programs ordinarily takes place at the end of the first year of university studies. Students planning to seek admission to an Honors program should consult the appropriate department Honors advisor before first-year registration. A few departments will consider applications to transfer to Honors submitted by students who have completed the second year of another program. In rare cases, a few departments may consider applications from students who have already completed their third year of studies in another program. There is normally no January admission to Honors.

    Admission to Honors requires a minimum admission grade point average (AGPA) of 3.0 with an average of 3.3 or better in all courses in the areas of concentration and the recommendation of the Department concerned whose required grade point average may exceed the Faculty minimum. To be eligible for admission to Honors, applicants must also have successfully completed a minimum of ★24. Refer to Transfer from a Postsecondary Institutions  for information on the calculation of the admission grade point average.
    1. High School Requirements: Normally, there is no admission directly from high school; however, applicants must present the high school subject requirements as specified in High School Requirements
    2. Transfer Applicants: Refer to High School Requirements and Transfer Applicants, General Admission Requirements (above) and Postsecondary Applicants.
    3. Nonmatriculated Applicants: There is no direct admission. Presentation of the admission requirements to the BA program (Nonmatriculated Applicants) and completion of the first year in the BA program are required.
  2. Specific Admission Requirements
    The Faculty of Arts offers BA Honors programs in the subject areas listed in Admission Chart 6.
  3. Combined Honors Programs
    For combined Honors programs, students must meet the minimum GPA requirements as specified in each area of concentration (see Admission Chart 6) and obtain the recommendation of each department concerned.
  4. Admission Requirements for Cooperative Work Option Within Honors Programs
    Students must have successfully completed a minimum of two years (★60) in an academic program and otherwise meet the requirements for admission to the academic honors program. [See General Admission Requirements and Specific Admission Requirements (above).]

Admissions Chart 6 Specific Admission Requirements to BA Honors Programs

Honors Program AGPA Requirements Other
Anthropology A minimum AGPA of 3.0 with an average of 3.3 or better in Anthropology courses Entrance to Honors in Anthropology will ordinarily take place at the end of the first year of university study. Students planning to apply for admission should consult the department Honors advisor for first-year course selection which should include ANTHR 101 .
Classical Languages or Classical Studies A minimum AGPA of 3.0 with an average of 3.3 or better in Classics and Latin and Greek courses. Entrance to Honors in Classical Languages or Classical Studies ordinarily takes place at the end of the first year of university study. Students planning to apply for admission should consult the Department Honors advisor for first-year course selection which should include LATIN 101 /LATIN 102  and GREEK 101 /GREEK 102 .
Comparative Literature A minimum AGPA of 3.0 with an average of 3.3 or better in Comparative Literature courses. Entrance to Honors in Comparative Literature will ordinarily take place at the end of the first year of university study. Students planning to apply for admission should consult the Program Honors advisor for first-year course selection which should include C LIT 100 and a Language other than English.
Creative Writing (Department of English and Film Studies) A minimum AGPA of 3.3 with a minimum average of 3.3 or better in all Creative Writing courses completed. Entrance to a Combined Honors in Creative Writing ordinarily takes place at the end of the second year of university study, with the completion of at least one of WRITE 294 , WRITE 295 , or WRITE 298 . Note: The submission of a writing sample is required prior to registration in all Creative Writing courses, except WRITE 294 , WRITE 295 WRITE 298 , WRITE 397 , WRITE 398  and WRITE 498 .
Drama A minimum AGPA of 3.0 with an average of 3.3 or better in Drama courses. Entrance to Honors ordinarily takes place at the end of the first or second year of university study. Students planning to apply for admission to the Honors program should consult BA Honors for common admission requirements for the Honors program. Normally, the students entering Honors will have taken DRAMA 103  and DRAMA 150 .
East Asian Studies  A minimum AGPA of 3.0 is required with an average of 3.3 or better in the area of the major by the Department of  East Asian Studies. Entrance to Honors in East Asian Studies will ordinarily take place at the end of the first year of university study. Students planning to apply for admission to the Honors program should consult the Department Honors advisor for first-year course selection.
Economics A minimum AGPA of 3.0 with an average of 3.3 or better in Economics courses. Entrance to Honors in Economics will ordinarily take place at the end of the first year of university study. Entrance may be granted by the Department at an earlier or later stage depending on circumstances. Students planning to apply for admission to the Honors program should consult Bachelor of Arts (Honors)  for general program requirements and the Department Honors advisor.
English A minimum AGPA of 3.3 with a minimum average of 3.3 or better in English courses (at least ★6). Application to the Honors program in English is normally made at the end of the first year, when students will have completed ★6 selected from ENGL 102 ENGL 103  ENGL 125 WRS 101 , or equivalent. Students applying for admission to the Honors program in English should consult BA Honors. See Bachelor of Arts (Honors)  for Faculty regulations concerning the Honors program.
Germanic Languages
(See Modern Languages and Cultural Studies)
History A minimum AGPA of 3.3 with an average of 3.3 or better in History courses. Entrance to Honors in History will ordinarily take place at the end of the first or second year of university study. Students planning to apply for admission to the Honors program should consult the Department Honors advisor for first-year course selections which should include a 100-level History course.
History of Art, Design, and Visual Culture A minimum AGPA of 3.0 with an average of 3.3 or better in Art History courses. Entrance to Honors in History of Art, Design, and Visual Culture will ordinarily take place at the end of the first year of University study. Entrance may be granted by the Department at an earlier or later stage depending on circumstances. Students planning to apply for admission should consult the Department Honors advisor for first-year course selection which should include ART H 101/ART H 102, and a Language other than English (normally French, German, or Italian).
Human Geography A minimum AGPA of 3.0 with an average of 3.3 or better in Human Geography courses. Entrance to Honors in Human Geography will ordinarily take place at the end of the second year of university study. Entrance may be granted by the Department at an earlier or later stage depending on circumstances. Students with an interest in Honors are advised to enrol in the BA Major in Human Geography (see Human Geography [Arts] ) and choose courses in consultation with the Human Geography Honors advisor.
Linguistics A minimum AGPA of 3.0 with an average of 3.3 or better in Linguistics courses. Entrance to Honors in Linguistics may take place at the end of the first, second or third year of university study. Students planning to apply for admission to the Honors program should consult the Department Honors advisor.
(see also BSc (Honors)  and Admissions Chart 7  for BSc admission requirements)
A minimum AGPA of 3.0 with an average of 3.3 or better in Mathematics courses. Entrance to Honors in Mathematics will ordinarily take place at the end of the first year of university study. Entrance may be granted at an earlier or later date depending on circumstances. Recommended first year courses include MATH 117 , MATH 118 , MATH 125 , and MATH 228 .
Modern Languages and Cultural Studies:
Germanic, Romance, French, German, Romance Languages, Scandinavian (Combined Program only), Spanish and Latin American Studies
A minimum AGPA of 3.0 with an average of 3.3 or better in courses in the major subject area. Entrance to all Honors programs in the Department of Modern Languages and Cultural Studies will ordinarily take place at the end of the first year of university study. Students planning to apply for admission to the Honors program should consult the advisor in the appropriate area.
Music A minimum AGPA of 3.0 with an average of 3.3 or better in Music courses. Entrance to Honors in Music will ordinarily take place at the end of the first year of University study. Entrance may be granted at an earlier or later date depending on circumstances. Students should consult Honors in Music  for requirements in Honors programs in Music. The Departmental Honors advisor should be consulted for first year course selection. First year music options include MUSIC 124 , MUSIC 126  and MUSIC 127 . An audition is required for admission to MUSIC 124 , MUSIC 126  and MUSIC 127 . (Auditions take place in March and May.)
Philosophy A minimum AGPA of 3.0 with an average of 3.3 or better in Philosophy courses. Entrance to Honors in Philosophy will ordinarily take place at the end of the first or second year of study.
Political Science A minimum AGPA of 3.3 with an average of 3.3 or better in all Political Science courses. Entrance to Honors in Political Science will ordinarily take place at the end of the second year of university study. First-year students with an interest in Honors are advised to enrol in the BA program (see Bachelor of Arts (Honors) ) and choose courses in consultation with the Department Honors advisor. These courses should include POL S 101 .
Psychology A minimum GPA of 3.0 on ★24 in each of the two preceding Fall/Winter Terms, and a minimum GPA of 3.3 on required Psychology and Statistics courses. Entrance to Honors in Psychology can take place only after completion of a minimum of ★48. Students must complete PSYCO 104  or SCI 100; PSYCO 105 ; two of PSYCO 223 , PSYCO 239 , PSYCO 241 , two of PSYCO 258 , PSYCO 275 , PSYCO 282 , and STAT 151  or SCI 151  (STAT 141  may be substituted) prior to admission. Acceptance is dependent upon obtaining written approval from a potential research supervisor by August 31. Students planning to apply for admission should consult the Department Honors advisor.
Religious Studies A minimum AGPA of 3.0 with an average of 3.3 or better in Religious Studies courses. Entrance to Honors in Religious Studies will ordinarily take place at the end of the first year of university study. Students planning to apply for admission to the Honors program should consult the Program Honors advisor for first-year course selection which should include ★6 Junior ENGL, or ★3 Junior ENGL and ★3 Junior WRS; and ★6 in Religious Studies at the 100-level.
Romance Languages
(See Modern Languages and Cultural Studies)
Slavic Languages
(See Modern Languages and Cultural Studies)
Sociology A minimum AGPA of 3.3 with an average of 3.3 or better in all Sociology courses and no grade of less than B- in any Sociology course. Admission to Honors in Sociology normally occurs after completion of a minimum of ★24 of university study including SOC 100 . Faculty compulsory common requirements should be met as detailed in Bachelor of Arts (Honors) .
Women’s and Gender Studies A minimum AGPA of 3.0 with an average of 3.3 or better in any Women’s and Gender Studies (WGS) courses and cross-listed Women’s and Gender Studies courses. Entrance to Honors in Women’s and Gender Studies will ordinarily take place at the end of the second year of university-level studies. Students planning to apply for admission should consult the Women’s and Gender Studies program advisor.

BA (Criminology)

A quota of 45 students exists in the program, and admission is determined on a competitive basis from among eligible applicants. To be eligible for consideration for admission, the minimum requirements are as follows:

  1. High School Requirements
    There is no admission directly from high school; however, applicants must present the high school subjects as specified in High School Requirements.
  2. Transfer Applicants
    Successful completion of ★30 of the University of Alberta BA or its equivalent at an accredited institution. Students are strongly advised to include ★6 of junior ENGL, Sociology 100 (★3), Psychology 104 (★3) and 105 (★3), and a Language other than English (★6), or their equivalents, in their first year. No more than ★78 will be granted in transfer credit toward the BA (Criminology) program. See Transfer from a Postsecondary Institutions  and Transfer of Credit .

Other Requirements

  1. A minimum GPA of 2.7 on the most recent ★30
  2. Two relevant letters of reference attesting to ability and personal suitability for employment in the criminal justice system
  3. A resumé of personal data, particularly volunteer or work experience in the criminal justice system
  4. A written statement of career objectives
  5. An interview

Refer to Application Procedures and Deadlines .

  1. Nonmatriculated Applicants
    There is no direct admission. Presentation of the admission requirements to the BA program (Nonmatriculated Applicants) and completion of the first year in the BA program are required.

Bachelor of Fine Arts (Art and Design) and Bachelor of Design

A successful portfolio is required for all applicants [see Notes (1) and (2) below]. Applicants must also meet the following admission requirements:

  1. High School Requirements
    1. English Language Arts 30-1
    2. Four subjects from Group A, B and/or C. A maximum of one Group B may be presented for admission. In order to maximize their future program and course choices, all students are encouraged to present a broad range of subjects across Group A and C.
    3. Mathematics 30-2 may be used for admission to the BFA or BDes programs, though some routes require or Mathematics 30-1 as a prerequisite for required courses (see below). Only one of Mathematics 30-1 or 30-2 will be used for admission purposes.
    4. See additional requirements below for specific routes.

For applicants intending to enter the BDes Engineering Route, Mathematics 30-1 is required. Mathematics 31 and Physics 30 are recommended.

For applicants intending to enter the BDes Computing Science Route, Mathematics 30-1 is required.

Note: Applicants intending to enter the BDes Social Sciences Route with a concentration in Psychology are advised that Mathematics 30-1 is a prerequisite for certain courses.

  1. Transfer Requirements
    Applicants with the high school requirements and with the required matriculation average are considered for admission if they also meet the Faculty Transfer regulations specified in Postsecondary Applicants. Applicants who do not present the high school requirements or the required matriculation average may be considered for admission if they successfully complete, at an accredited postsecondary institution, one year (★30) or more of coursework transferable to the BFA (Art and Design) or the BDes program. This work is accepted in place of matriculation subject requirements, except for English Language Arts 30-1 (or equivalent), which is required. Such applicants must also meet the Faculty transfer regulations specified in Readmission and Transfer b, c, and d and Transfer from the Transition Year Program.
  2. Nonmatriculated Applicants
    Refer to Nonmatriculated Applicants.


  1. Because enrolment is limited and because the studies in this interpretive/creative field involve highly specialized training, candidates must satisfy a selection committee that they have the ability and commitment to undertake the program. The selection committee decides based on evidence derived from an assessment of any course that may have been taken and a portfolio of work done by the candidate.
  2. Portfolios and applications must be received by the deadlines noted in Undergraduate Application Deadlines for Admission and Readmission .
  3. Enquiries regarding the detailed artistic requirements for admission to these programs should be directed initially to the Department of Art and Design, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2C9; telephone (780) 492-5712, e-mail
  4. Students seeking readmission to the BFA (Art and Design) program (see Withdrawal ) or readmission to the BDes program (see Withdrawal ) following a recommendation not to continue must meet the program readmission requirements.

Bachelor of Fine Arts (Drama) in Acting

  1. High School Requirements
    There is no admission to the program directly from high school. See II below.
  2. Transfer Requirements
    Normally successful completion of ★30, transferable to a BA program in the Faculty, is required. Applicants presenting less than the normal ★30, but no less than ★21, may be admitted. Any and all units of course weight less than the normal ★30 must be completed before the Fall Term of the third year. Credits must include ★6 in junior-level English, or ★3 Junior English and ★3 WRS 101 . The remaining credits are optional; however, courses in the Humanities, Social Sciences, and Fine Arts are recommended. A maximum of ★12 DRAMA and a maximum of ★6 junior ENGL are permitted, as is a maximum of ★12 in non-Arts or non-Science courses.
    Also refer to Readmission and Transfer b, c, and d, and Transfer from the Transition Year Program for Faculty transfer regulations.
  3. Nonmatriculated Applicants
    There is no direct admission of nonmatriculated applicants to this program. Such applicants must apply for admission to the BA program (see Nonmatriculated Applicants) and complete the first year of that program to qualify as a Transfer applicant as described in II above.


  1. Ideally, students should possess some knowledge and understanding of the liberal arts; however, applicants with other academic backgrounds (e.g., science, business, etc.) will be considered if they meet the transfer requirements outlined in II above.
  2. Because enrolment is necessarily limited and because the studies in this interpretive-creative field involve highly specialized training, candidates must satisfy a selection committee that they have the ability and commitment to undertake the program. The selection committee decides based on the evidence derived from an assessment of any courses in drama that may have been taken by the candidates, the testimony of their teachers, experience in dramatic work, and an interview and audition.
  3. Candidates must apply to the Department of Drama for an audition by the audition deadline in Undergraduate Application Deadlines for Admission and Readmission . Application to the Faculty must be made before the program deadline in Undergraduate Application Deadlines for Admission and Readmission . Students requesting readmission or internal transfer to the BFA Program must apply to the Faculty before the program deadline in Undergraduate Application Deadlines for Admission and Readmission .
  4. Inquiries regarding the artistic requirements for admission to this program should be directed initially to Department of Drama, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2C9; telephone (780) 492-2271, e-mail
  5. Applicants wishing to be considered for an alternative program in Arts must meet the specified matriculation and postsecondary admission requirements for that program.

Bachelor of Fine Arts (Drama) in Design

General Admission Requirements

All applicants must successfully complete portfolio requirements and submit an assigned design project and three references (see Notes 3, 4, and 5 below).

  1. High School Requirements
    1. English Language Arts 30-1
    2. Four subjects from Group A, B and/or C. A maximum of one Group B may be presented for admission. In order to maximize their future program and course choices, all students are encouraged to present a broad range of subjects across Group A and C.
    3. Mathematics 30-2 may be used for admission to this BFA (Drama) program, but only one of Mathematics 30-1 or 30-2 will be used for admission purposes.
  2. Transfer Requirements
    Refer to Postsecondary Transfer Applicants  and Postsecondary Applicants.

    Note: The Department requires an admission grade point average of at least 2.3. Students admitted with less than ★30 will be required to complete all non-Drama requirements by the beginning of their fourth year. Transfer of any Drama course is subject to approval of the Department of Drama.

  3. Nonmatriculated Applicants
    Refer to Nonmatriculated Applicants.


  1. Ideally, students should possess some knowledge and understanding of the liberal arts; however, applicants with other academic backgrounds (e.g., Science, Business) will be considered (if they meet the transfer requirements outlined in II above).
  2. Because enrolment is limited and because the studies in this interpretive/creative field involve highly specialized training, candidates must satisfy a selection committee that they have the ability, artistic skills and commitment to undertake the program. The selection committee decides based on an assessment of the candidate’s portfolio, submission of an assigned design project, testimony of three referees, and an interview (when feasible).

    The selection committee encourages every applicant to come for an interview to view the facilities, meet the instructors, and gain a first-hand impression of the daily workings of the Drama Department.

    Those students in other parts of Canada who want to know more about a possible interview should write to Department of Drama, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2C9; telephone (780) 492-2271, e-mail

  3. Every prospective BFA (Drama) Design student must submit a portfolio indicating thier ability. Anything the applicant considers interesting, exciting, or appropriate (i.e., painting, drawing, or photos of craft work or high school drama work) is considered. A portfolio should consist of any evidence of the candidate’s skills in visual communication (e.g., drawing, painting, drafting, photography, arts and crafts, graphic arts).
  4. Candidates must contact the Department of Drama, in writing, not later than the portfolio deadline in Undergraduate Application Deadlines for Admission and Readmission . (Early application is encouraged.) Application to the University should be made after successfully completing the selection process and before the application deadline in Undergraduate Application Deadlines for Admission and Readmission .
  5. Inquiries regarding the professional requirements for admission to this program should be directed to Department of Drama, 3-146 Fine Arts Centre, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2C9; telephone (780) 492-2271, e-mail
  6. Applicants who want to be considered for an alternate program in Arts must meet the specified matriculation and postsecondary admission requirements for that program.

Bachelor of Fine Arts (Drama) in Technical Theatre

General Admission Requirements

A maximum of eight students are accepted into each of the two routes. Submission of a letter of intent, a resumé, three letters of reference and an interview (when feasible) are required.

Applicants must also meet the admission requirements described below.

  1. High School Requirements
    1. English Language Arts 30-1
    2. Four subjects from Group A, B and/or C. A maximum of one Group B may be presented for admission. In order to maximize their future program and course choices, all students are encouraged to present a broad range of subjects across Group A and C.
    3. Mathematics 30-2 may be used for admission to this BFA (Drama) program, but only one of Mathematics 30-1 or 30-2 will be used for admission purposes.
  2. Transfer Requirements
    Refer to Postsecondary Transfer Applicants  and Postsecondary Applicants.

    Note: The Department requires an admission grade point average of at least 2.0. Students admitted with less than ★30 will be required to complete all non-Drama requirements before the beginning of their fourth year. Transfer of any Drama course is subject to approval of the Department of Drama.

  3. Nonmatriculated Applicants
    Refer to Nonmatriculated Applicants.
  4. Additional Information
    1. Ideally, students should possess some knowledge and understanding of the liberal arts; however, applicants with other academic backgrounds (e.g., Science, Business, etc.) will be considered (if they meet the transfer requirements outlined in II above).
    2. Because enrolment is limited and because the studies in this interpretive/creative field involve highly specialized training, candidates must satisfy a selection committee that they have the ability, skills, and commitment to undertake the program. The selection committee decides based on the applicant’s letter of intent, resumé, and testimony of three referees, and an interview (when feasible).

      The selection committee encourages every applicant (when feasible) to come for an interview to view the facilities, meet the instructors and gain a first-hand impression of the daily workings of the Drama Department.

      Students in other parts of Canada who want to know more about a possible interview should write to Department of Drama, 3-146 Fine Arts Centre, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2C9; telephone (780) 492-2271, e-mail

    3. Candidates must contact the Department of Drama, in writing, not later than May 1 (see Admission and Readmission Deadlines ). Early application is encouraged.
    4. Inquiries regarding the requirements for admission should be directed to Department of Drama, 3-146 Fine Arts Centre, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2C9; telephone (780) 492-2271, e-mail
    5. Applicants who want to be considered for an alternative program in Arts must meet the matriculation and postsecondary admission requirements for that program.
    6. A nonrefundable deposit toward tuition fees, on official notification of acceptance, is required of successful applicants.

Bachelor of Music (General)

General Admission Requirements

  1. Audition
  2. Theory Placement Exam
  1. High School Requirements
    1. English Language Arts 30-1
    2. Four subjects from Group A, B and/or C. A maximum of one Group B may be presented for admission. In order to maximize their future program and course choices, all students are encouraged to present a broad range of subjects across Group A and C.
    3. Mathematics 30-2 may be used for admission to this BMus program, but only one of Mathematics 30-1 or 30-2 will be used for admission purposes.
  2. Transfer Applicants
    Refer to Postsecondary Transfer Applicants  and Postsecondary Applicants.
    Note: The Department requires an admission grade point average of at least 2.3.
  3. Nonmatriculated Applicants
    Refer to Nonmatriculated Applicants.


  1. Because enrolment is limited and because the study in this interpretive/creative field involves highly specialized education, applicants must demonstrate an adequate measure of musical ability. An audition committee considers applicants’ musical background and goals as discussed during the audition which includes musical performance. The Department’s admission recommendation to the Faculty considers the report of the audition committee as well as the results of departmentally administered aural and music rudiments examinations.
  2. Candidates should apply as early as January 1, even though applications will be received until the application deadline in Undergraduate Application Deadlines for Admission and Readmission . Candidates must apply to the Department of Music for an admission audition before the audition deadline in Undergraduate Application Deadlines for Admission and Readmission .
  3. Enquiries regarding artistic requirements for admission to this program should be directed to Department of Music, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2C9; telephone (780) 492-3263, e-mail
  4. Admission to the BMus programs with transfer credits from other programs and institutions requires an admission grade point average of 2.3. See Transfer from a Postsecondary Institutions .

Bachelor of Music (Performance) and Bachelor of Music (Composition and Theory)

General Admission Requirements

Entrance to the Bachelor of Music (BMus) (Performance or Composition and Theory) programs normally takes place at the end of the first or second year of enrolment in the BMus program. An admission GPA of 2.3 on courses previously completed (minimum ★24) in the BMus program and the recommendation of the Department are required. Interested students must contact the Department of Music by April 1.

Candidates may choose from piano, organ, voice, violin, viola, violoncello, double bass, classical guitar, lute, flute, oboe, clarinet, saxophone, bassoon, trumpet, horn, trombone, baritone horn, tuba, percussion, and harp.

  1. High School Requirements
    There is no admission directly from high school.
  2. Transfer Applicants
    Refer to General Requirements and other Faculty requirements outlined in Postsecondary Applicants.
  3. Nonmatriculated Applicants
    Nonmatriculated applicants normally complete the first year in the Bachelor of Music program [see Bachelor of Music (General)] and would be required to present the admission requirements for that program, noted in Nonmatriculated Applicants.

Bachelor of Music/Bachelor of Education (Elementary) Combined Degrees and Bachelor of Music/Bachelor of Education (Secondary) Combined Degrees

General Admission Requirements

  1. Audition
  2. Theory Placement Exam

Note: Students who do not pass a theory placement examination may be required to complete MUSIC 100  (extra to degree) before enrolling in MUSIC 155 .

  1. High School Requirements
    1. English Language Arts 30-1
    2. Four subjects from Group A, B and/or C. A maximum of one Group B may be presented for admission. In order to maximize their future program and course choices, all students are encouraged to present a broad range of subjects across Group A and C.
    3. Mathematics 30-2 may be used for admission to these combined degrees programs, but only one of Mathematics 30-1 or 30-2 will be used for admission purposes. Depending on the student’s choice of minor in the BEd portion of the program, Mathematics 30-1 may be required as a prerequisite for required courses.
  2. Transfer Requirements
    Refer to Postsecondary Transfer Applicants  and Postsecondary Applicants.
    Note: The Department requires an admission grade point average of at least 2.3.
  3. Nonmatriculated Applicants
    Refer to Nonmatriculated Applicants.
  4. Year 4 in the Faculty of Education
    All qualified Year 3 BMus/BEd Combined Degrees program students will be promoted to Year 4 in the Faculty of Education provided that
    1. A minimum AGPA of 2.3 has been achieved, and
    2. A minimum of ★99 applicable to this program has been successfully completed.
    3. Spoken English Requirement: Applicants must also meet a spoken English requirement. See Spoken English Requirement .

General Notes on Admission

  1. Because enrolment is necessarily limited and because the study in this interpretive-creative field involves highly specialized education, applicants must demonstrate an adequate measure of musical ability to begin study in the degree program. An audition committee bases its admission recommendation upon consideration of applicants’ musical background and goals as discussed during the audition, which includes musical performance. The Department’s admission recommendation to the Faculty of Arts will take into account the report of the audition committee as well as the results of departmentally administered aural and music rudiments examinations.
  2. Candidates are encouraged to apply as early as January 1, even though applications are received until the application deadline noted in Undergraduate Application Deadlines for Admission and Readmission . Candidates must apply to the Department of Music for an admission audition prior to the audition deadline noted in Undergraduate Application Deadlines for Admission and Readmission .
  3. Enquiries regarding the artistic requirements for admission to this program should be directed to Department of Music, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2C9; telephone (780) 492-3263, e-mail
  4. Admission to the BMus programs with transfer credits from other programs and institutions requires an admission grade point average of 2.3. General requirements are set out in Transfer from a Postsecondary Institutions  

Bachelor of Arts (Drama)/BEd (Secondary) Combined Degrees

  1. High School Requirements
    See BA.
  2. Transfer Requirements
    Refer to Postsecondary Transfer Applicants  and Postsecondary Applicants.
    Note: This program requires an admission grade point average of at least 2.3.
  3. Nonmatriculated Applicants
    Refer to Nonmatriculated Applicants.
  4. Year 4 in the Faculty of Education
    All qualified Year 3 BA (Drama)/BEd (Secondary) Combined Degrees program students will be promoted to Year 4 in the Faculty of Education provided that
    1. A minimum AGPA of 2.3 has been achieved, and
    2. A minimum of ★90 applicable to this program has been successfully completed.
    3. Spoken English Requirement: Applicants must also meet a spoken English requirement. See Spoken English Requirement .

Bachelor of Arts in Environmental Studies

This program is offered jointly by the Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences and the Faculty of Arts. Students can apply for admission to either Faculty

  1. High School Applicants

Subject Requirements

  1. English Language Arts 30-1
  2. Mathematics 30-1 or Mathematics 30-2
  3. Biology 30
  4. Subject from Group A (Social Studies 30 or 30-1 recommended)
  5. Subject from Group A or C
  1. Nonmatriculated Applicants
    Nonmatriculated applicants must present the competitive average for the program based on the following three courses:

Subject Requirements

  1. English Language Arts 30-1

  2. Mathematics 30-1 or Mathematics 30-2

  3. Biology 30

Students must also meet other requirements for nonmatriculated application for the Faculty of Arts. See also Subject Requirements (3) and Subject Requirements (4) and Other Requirements (1) and Other Requirements (2).

  1. Transfer Applicants
    Please refer to Transfer from a Postsecondary Institutions , Postsecondary Applicants and High School Requirements.

Postsecondary Applicants

  1. Readmission and Transfer: These regulations are for applicants with previous postsecondary education who want to apply for readmission to the Faculty after an absence, or to change programs within Arts, as well as those who wish to transfer from other Faculties and other postsecondary institutions.
    1. Applicants to programs except BA Environmental Studies and the BA major in Planning who do not present either the high school requirements or the required matriculation average may be considered for admission if they successfully complete transferable course work, at an accredited postsecondary institution as follows:
      1. ★24 or more of coursework transferable to the Faculty of Arts with a competitive average for the appropriate program. Or,
      2. ★18 - ★21 of coursework transferable to the Faculty of Arts with an average of 2.7 or higher. Or,
      3. ★12 - ★15 of coursework transferable to the Faculty of Arts with an average of 3.0 or higher.

This work is accepted in place of matriculation subject requirements, except for English Language Arts 30-1 (or equivalent), which is required for all applicants.

Note: This coursework may not include any courses equivalent to ones previously passed at this or any other institution. For a course to be considered transferable from another postsecondary institution a minimum final grade of C- is required.

  1. Postsecondary applicants to the BA major in Planning and the BA Environmental Studies programs must meet specific high school course requirements as outlined in BA and Bachelor of Arts in Environmental Studies in order to meet prerequisite requirements for required courses in the program. All requirements as outlined in BA and Bachelor of Arts in Environmental Studies for the BA major in Planning and the BA Environmental Studies programs must be met.
  2. Postsecondary applicants to the BA major in Economics must present an AGPA of at least 2.3 on all courses transferable to the Faculty of Arts.
  3. Students may apply for admission or readmission to the BA program in the Faculty if they have a competitive AGPA (minimum 2.0) and meet all other admission requirements. Applicants should note, however, that presentation of the minimum requirements does not guarantee admission. Some programs and BA majors require minimum averages greater than 2.0. Refer to specific program requirements.
  4. See also Transfer from a Postsecondary Institutions .
  1. Transfer from the Transition Year Program: See Transition Year Program for Aboriginal Applicants .
  2. Applicants who have previously been required to withdraw (or equivalent by the standards of the Faculty of Arts, see Academic Standing and Graduation  for details)

Internal Transfer Students

  1. Applicants who have previously been required to withdraw once from any Faculty at the University of Alberta may be considered for admission or readmission. Following the requirement to withdraw:
    1. Applicants must normally discontinue studies for at least 12 months and apply for admission or readmission for a future term by the published deadline. Students who are admitted under these guidelines must maintain satisfactory academic standing for the duration of their studies in the Faculty of Arts or they will be required to withdraw.
    2. Applicants who choose to take one or more course(s) through Open Studies or another institution after being required to withdraw from any University of Alberta Faculty and before admission to the Faculty of Arts must present a competitive average on those courses. The minimum average is 2.0; however, presentation of the minimum average does not guarantee admission.
      Note: The average for admission for students who choose to take less than ★24 after being required to withdraw will be calculated on any work completed since the requirement to withdraw. Students who choose to take ★24 or more after being required to withdraw will be calculated using normal AGPA (Admission Grade Point Average) regulations (see Transfer from a Postsecondary Institutions ).

Transfer Students from other Postsecondary Institutions

  1. Applicants who have previously been required to withdraw once (or equivalent by the standards of the Faculty of Arts, see Academic Standing and Graduation  for details) from any other postsecondary institution will be considered for admission on the basis of the AGPA as described in Transfer from a Postsecondary Institutions . Such applicants must either:
    1. Have completed ★18 of postsecondary courses transferable to the Faculty of Arts subsequent to the requirement to withdraw with a GPA of at least 2.7 or
    2. Have completed ★24 of postsecondary courses transferable to the Faculty of Arts subsequent to the requirement to withdraw with an AGPA of at least 2.0.

Note: The average for admission for students who choose to take less than ★24 after being required to withdraw will be calculated on any work completed since the requirement to withdraw. Students who choose to take ★24 or more after being required to withdraw will be calculated using normal AGPA (Admission Grade Point Average) regulations (see Transfer from a Postsecondary Institutions ).

Applicants from any Postsecondary Institution, including the University of Alberta, who have been Required to Withdraw twice

  1. Applicants whose previous postsecondary records indicate they have been required to withdraw twice [or equivalent by the standards of the Faculty of Arts, see Academic Standing and Graduation  for details] or who have failed probation from any postsecondary institution will be considered for admission
    1. Five years after the last requirement to withdraw or
    2. Three years after the last requirement to withdraw if the applicant has also completed

★18 transferable to the Faculty of Arts with a GPA of at least 2.7 subsequent to the last requirement to withdraw or

★24 transferable to the Faculty of Arts with a competitive average subsequent to the last requirement to withdraw. The minimum average is 2.0; however, presentation of the minimum average does not guarantee admission

Note: Students who meet condition 1) above, and who also choose to take one or more course(s) through Open Studies or another institution after being required to withdraw for the second time and before admission to the Faculty of Arts at the University of Alberta, must present a competitive average on those courses. The minimum average is 2.0; however, presentation of the minimum average does not guarantee admission.

  1. All applicants whose previous postsecondary records indicate they have been required to withdraw and/or failed probation more than twice (or equivalent by the standards of the Faculty of Arts, see Academic Standing and Graduation  for details) will not be considered for admission.
    Note: Students who meet condition 1) above, and who choose to take one or more course(s) through Open Studies or another institution after being required to withdraw for the second time and before admission to the Faculty of Arts at the University of Alberta, must present a competitive average on those courses. The minimum average is 2.0; however, presentation of the minimum average does not guarantee admission.
  1. Transfer credit: Transfer credit may be granted for coursework completed at a recognized postsecondary institution provided:
    1. The course is applicable to the degree program to which the student is being admitted and
    2. A minimum final grade of C- (or equivalent) is presented.
    3. Credit will not normally be given for coursework of a professional nature.

Nonmatriculated Applicants

Subject Requirements

  1. English Language Arts 30-1 or ★3 in transferable English at the 100-level
  2. Another 30-level subject from Group A, B, or C (or equivalent)
  3. Presentation of Faculty minimum average on (1) and (2), and a competitive AGPA if any postsecondary-level coursework is presented.
  4. Presentation of no more than ★21 of postsecondary-level coursework. Any applicant who has successfully completed ★24 or more at the postsecondary level will be considered a transfer applicant. (See Transfer from a Postsecondary Institutions  and Postsecondary Applicants.)

Other Requirements

  1. See general nonmatriculated applicant requirements Nonmatriculated Applicants .
  2. NMA applicants are not considered for admission to the BA major in Planning.

Visiting Students

Students from other universities or colleges are eligible to be considered for admission to the Faculty of Arts as Visiting Students if

  1. They are degree program students at their home institution;
  2. Their home institution provides a letter of permission;
  3. They have completed a minimum of ★24 at the home institution;
  4. Their academic record shows satisfactory standing.

Visiting student status is granted for up to 12 months from the initial confirmed registration. Visiting students must reapply each year and present a new letter of permission from their home institution.

Note: Arts students at this University who wish to attend another institution as a Visiting Student should refer to Letter of Permission .

Aboriginal Applicants

See Admission of Aboriginal Applicants .

Special Students

Special students are those who have been permitted to register in one or more courses not being taken for credit toward a degree program. To be considered for admission as a Special Student in the Faculty of Arts, applicants must normally have received a university degree from an accredited postsecondary institution, must present a competitive admission grade point average, and meet English language proficiency requirements specified in Language Proficiency Requirements . As the Faculty of Arts is a limited enrolment Faculty, priority in admission is given to applicants to degree programs.