Nov 05, 2024  
University of Alberta Calendar 2018-2019 
University of Alberta Calendar 2018-2019 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Professor Emeriti

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| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |

  • Abbott, Harvey L, BA (Memorial U of Nfld, 1959), BA (Memorial U of Nfld, 1961), MSC (U of Alberta, 1963), PHD (U of Alberta, 1965), Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences
  • Abu-Laban, Baha R, Vice President of Research
  • Abu-Laban, Sharon M, BA (U of Washington Seattle, 1961), MA (U of Alberta, 1967), PHD (U of Alberta, 1974), Department of Sociology
  • Adams, Wesley J, Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences - Dept of Agric, Food and Nutri Science
  • Adria, Marco, BA (Athabasca University, 1990), BMUS (U of Alberta, 1982), MA (Trent University, 1992), PHD (Aston University, 1988), Faculty of Extension - Extension Academics
  • Akabutu, John J, MD (Dalhousie U, 1967), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Pediatrics
  • Alderman, Richard Rb, Faculty of Physical Education and Recreation
  • Allegretto, Walter, BASC (U of British Columbia, 1965), PHD (U of British Columbia, 1969), Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences
  • Allen, Marion N, BN (U of New Brunswick, 1966), MSCN (U of Western Ontario, 1974), PHD (Case Western Reserve U, 1985), Faculty of Nursing
  • Allen, Peter S, BSC (U of Leeds, 1960), PHD (U of Leeds, 1964), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Biomedical Engineering
  • Allen, Theresa M, BSC (U of Ottawa, 1965), PHD (Dalhousie U, 1971), RT (U of Ottawa, 1961), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Pharmacology
  • Allison, Bruce N, BSC (U of Alberta, 1966), PHD (Yale University, 1970), Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences
  • Almon, Bert L, BA (U of Texas, 1965), MA (U of New Mexico, 1967), PHD (U of New Mexico, 1971), Department of English
  • Amrhein, Carl G, BSC (Pennsylvania State U, 1978), PHD (State U of NY Buffalo, 1984), Faculty of Science - Earth & Atmospheric Sciences
  • Andersen, Ken F, BSC (U of British Columbia, 1967), MSC (U of Toronto, 1968), PHD (U of Toronto, 1970), Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences
  • Anderson, Ruby May, Coordinator for the Council on Health Sciences
  • Antonelli, Peter L, BS (Syracuse University, 1963), MA (Syracuse University, 1965), PHD (Syracuse University, 1967), Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences
  • Apedaile, Leonard P, BSC (McGill University, 1960), PHD (Iowa State U, 1968), Vice President Research - Research Services Office
  • Archer, Walter Elmer, BA (U of Alberta, 1967), BED (U of Alberta, 1980), MA (Cornell University, 1972), PHD (U of Alberta, 1988), Faculty of Extension - Extension Academics
  • Armstrong, William W, BA (U of Saskatchewan, 1958), DIPL (Georg Aug U Gottingen, 1963), PHD (U of British Columbia, 1966), Department of Computing Science
  • Arnal, Marc Claude, BA (U of Manitoba, 1969), CERTED (U of Manitoba, 1972), PHD (U of Alberta, 1999), Campus Saint-Jean
  • Arnold, Stephen H, BA (U of Oregon, 1965), PHD (U of Oregon, 1970), Faculty of Arts - Office of Interdisciplinary Studies
  • Arora, Balraj Bk, Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Dentistry
  • Asch, Michael I, BA (U of Chicago, 1965), PHD (Columbia University, 1972), Vice President Research - Research Services Office
  • Assheton-Smith, Marilyn Islay, BSC (U of Alberta, 1961), MPH (U of Minnesota, 1965), PHD (U of Alberta, 1986), Department of Educational Policy Studies
  • Aunger, Edmund A, BA (Wilfred Laurier U, 1970), MSC (U of London, 1971), PHD (U of California, 1978), Campus Saint Jean - Academic Admin
  • Austin, Wendy Joan, BSCN (U of Alberta, 1973), MED (U of Alberta, 1985), PHD (U of Alberta, 1997), Faculty of Nursing
  • Ayling, Ronald Rf, Department of Drama
  • Bachynsky, John A, BSCPHM (U of Saskatchewan, 1959), MSC (Philadelphia Clg Pharm, 1962), PHD (U of Wisconsin, 1967), Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
  • Baggs, Ivan, BA (Memorial U of Nfld, 1961), BSC (Memorial U of Nfld, 1962), MSC (U of Alberta, 1966), PHD (U of Alberta, 1970), Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences
  • Bagnall, Keith M, BED (U of Nottingham, 1971), CERTED (Loughborough U of Tech, 1970), MSC (Loughborough U of Tech, 1974), PHD (Loughborough U of Tech, 1976), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Surgery
  • Bailey, Arthur W, BSA (U of British Columbia, 1960), MS (Oregon State U, 1963), PHD (Oregon State U, 1966), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences - Dept of Agric, Food and Nutri Science
  • Bainbridge, Joyce M, BED (U of Lethbridge, 1972), EDD (U of Northern Colorado, 1983), MA (U of Northern Colorado, 1980), Department of Elementary Education
  • Baine, David A, BA (U of British Columbia, 1966), EDD (U of British Columbia, 1975), MA (U of British Columbia, 1970), Department of Educational Psychology
  • Baker, Charles G, DMD (U of Manitoba, 1968), MSCD (U of Toronto, 1975), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Dentistry
  • Baker, Glen B, BSP (U of Saskatchewan, 1970), MSC (U of Saskatchewan, 1972), PHD (U of Saskatchewan, 1974), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Pharmacology Dept
  • Ball, George Ge, Department of Biological Sciences
  • Ball, Ronald O, BSCAGR (U of Alberta, 1974), DPHIL (U of Guelph, 1984), MSC (U of Alberta, 1979), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences - Dept of Agric, Food and Nutri Science
  • Baragar, Francis A, BSC (U of Manitoba, 1955), MSC (U of Manitoba, 1956), Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences
  • Barbour, Douglas F, BA (Acadia University, 1962), MA (Dalhousie U, 1964), PHD (Queen’s University, 1976), Department of English
  • Barnet, David, DIPL (Rose Bruford College, 1966), Faculty of Arts - Drama Dept
  • Barron, Kenneth, BSC (U of London, 1954), BSC (U of London, 1955), MSC (U of London, 1957), PHD (U of London, 1970), Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
  • Bartl, Peter F, Department of Art and Design
  • Barton PhD, Susanne C, BSC (U of London, 1963), PHD (U of London, 1967), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Physiology
  • Basu, Tapan K, BSC (U of Calcutta, 1959), BVSC (U of Calcutta, 1962), MSC (U of London, 1968), PHD (U of Surrey, 1971), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences - Dept of Agric, Food and Nutri Science
  • Bauman, Richard Wayne, BA (U of Alberta, 1973), DPHIL (U of Oxford, 1995), LLB (U of Alberta, 1981), LLM (Dalhousie U, 1984), MED (U of Alberta, 1983), Faculty of Law
  • Baxter, Cecilia I, BSC (McMaster University, 1977), MD (U of Calgary, 1980), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Pediatrics
  • Bayley, Suzanne E, BSC (Washington College, 1963), PHD (John Hopkins U, 1970), Department of Biological Sciences
  • Beach, Jeremy, MBBS (U Newcastle Upon Tyne, 1983), MD (U Newcastle Upon Tyne, 1996), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Medicine Dept
  • Beattie, Owen B, BA (Simon Fraser U, 1972), PHD (Simon Fraser U, 1981), Department of Anthropology
  • Beatty, David D, BS (Western Washington U, 1957), MS (U of Wyoming, 1959), PHD (U of Oregon, 1964),
  • Beck, Charles H M, BA (U of Toronto, 1961), MSC (Pennsylvania State U, 1963), PHD (Pennsylvania State U, 1965), Department of Psychology
  • Beck, James A, BS (U of California, 1963), PHD (U of California, 1977), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences - Department of Renewable Resources
  • Beck, Roger L, BS (Massachusetts Inst of Tech, 1962), CA (Illinois State U, 1964), MBA (Northwestern U, 1963), PHD (U of Chicago, 1972), Department of Marketing, Business Economics and Law
  • Befus, A Dean, BSC (U of Alberta, 1970), MSC (U of Toronto, 1972), PHD (U of Glasgow, 1975), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Medicine Dept
  • Begg, David A, AB (Colby College, 1965), MS (U of Pennsylvania, 1967), PHD (U of Pennsylvania, 1975), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Anatomy
  • Bell, Gordon John, BED (U of Saskatchewan, 1980), BSCPE (U of Saskatchewan, 1984), MA (U of Victoria, 1986), PHD (U of Alberta, 1989), Faculty of Physical Education and Recreation - Academic Programs
  • Bell, John B, BED (U of Alberta, 1963), MSC (U of Alberta, 1968), PHD (Cornell University, 1972), Department of Biological Sciences
  • Bellow, Donald Dg, Vice President Research - Research Services Office
  • Ben Zvi, Ehud, BA (Everyman’s U Ramat Aviv, 1985), BSC (Hebrew U of Jerusalem, 1974), MA (Tel Aviv University, 1987), PHD (Emory U, 1990), Faculty of Arts - History & Classics Dept
  • Benishin, Christina G, BA (Bowdoin College, 1978), MS (Rhode Island College, 1980), PHD (Texas Tech University, 1984), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Physiology
  • Bentsen, Ramon G, BS (U of Oklahoma, 1955), MS (U of Pennsylvania, 1964), PHD (U of Pennsylvania, 1968), Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
  • Bentz, Bruce B, BSC (U of Wisconsin, 1965), MDES (Royal College of Art, 1981), MFA (U of Wisconsin, 1967), Department of Art and Design
  • Berg, Roy T, Ancillary Services Parking
  • Berg, Wesley P, BMUS (U of Alberta, 1970), MMUS (U of Alberta, 1971), PHD (U of Washington Seattle, 1979), Department of Music
  • Bergum, Vangie, BSCN (U of British Columbia, 1962), DPHIL (U of Alberta, 1986), MED (St Francis Xavier U, 1980), Faculty of Nursing
  • Bertie, John E, BSC (U of London, 1957), PHD (U of London, 1960), Department of Chemistry
  • Bertram, Sheila K, BLS (U of Toronto, 1963), BSC (McMaster University, 1962), MS (U of Illinois Chicago, 1966), PHD (U of Illinois Chicago, 1970), School of Library and Information Studies
  • Bessai, Diane De, Vice President Research - Research Services Office
  • Beveridge, Stephen H, BCOM (U of Alberta, 1968), MBA (U of Chicago, 1970), PHD (U of Chicago, 1975), Department of Finance and Statistical Analysis
  • Bhambhani, Yagesh N, BPE (U of Alberta, 1977), BSC (SKSJT Inst, 1970), MSC (U of Alberta, 1979), PHD (U of Alberta, 1982), Department of Occupational Therapy
  • Bibby, Mary Ann, BA (Mount Allison U, 1967), MED (Smith College, 1970), PHD (U of British Columbia, 1993), Department of Educational Psychology
  • Bielawski, Ellen, BA (Northwestern U, 1974), PHD (U of Calgary, 1981), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sci - Resource Economics & Environmental Sociology
  • Biggs, David F, BPHARM (U of Nottingham, 1961), PHD (U of London, 1967), Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
  • Bilsland, John Winstanley, Student Services - Office of Services for Students with Disabilities
  • Bisanz, Jeffrey H, BA (U of Michigan, 1973), PHD (U of Pittsburgh, 1979), Faculty of Arts - Psychology Dept
  • Bischof, Walter F, MA (University of Berne, 1981), PHD (University of Berne, 1982), Department of Computing Science
  • Bishop, Edward L, BA (U of Alberta, 1972), MA (Queen’s University, 1974), PHD (Queen’s University, 1978), Faculty of Arts - English & Film Studies Dept
  • Blackburn, Edward V, BSC (U of London, 1963), PHD (U of Nottingham, 1969), Campus Saint Jean - Academic Admin
  • Blakey, Janis M, BS (Kansas State U, 1962), EDD (U of British Columbia, 1980), MS (Emporia State U, 1963), Department of Elementary Education
  • Bland, Roger C, MBCHB (U of Liverpool, 1960), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Psychiatry
  • Blenis, Peter Van Atten, BSC (State U of New York, 1977), MSC (U of Wisconsin, 1980), PHD (U of Wisconsin, 1982), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sci - Renewable Resources Dept
  • Blodgett, Edward D, MA (U of Minnesota, 1961), PHD (Rutgers University, 1969), Faculty of Arts - Office of Interdisciplinary Studies
  • Boag, David A, BSC (U of Alberta, 1957), MSC (U of Alberta, 1958), PHD (U of Washington Seattle, 1964), Department of Biological Sciences
  • Boeglin, John A, BA (U of Paris X Nanterre, 1972), MA (U of Paris X Nanterre, 1977), PHD (University of Montreal, 1986), Campus Saint-Jean - Academic Support OR Admin
  • Boersma, Frederic J, BS (Western Michigan U, 1960), MA (Western Michigan U, 1961), PHD (Michigan State U, 1964),
  • Bollinger, Kenneth E, BE (U of Saskatchewan, 1966), MSC (U of Saskatchewan, 1968),
  • Bortolussi Dixon, Marisa, BA (Carleton University, 1976), MA (Carleton University, 1978), PHD (Laval University, 1983), Faculty of Arts - Modern Languages and Cultural Studies Dept
  • Borys, Andrea H, BPE (U of Alberta, 1962), CERT (U of Alberta, 1963), EDD (Columbia University, 1982), MSC (U of Oregon, 1964), Department of Secondary Education
  • Bosley, Richard N, BA (Utah State U, 1959), MA (U of California, 1963), PHD (Georg Aug U Gottingen, 1969), Department of Philosophy
  • Bouffard, Marcel, LEP (Laval University, 1973), MSC (University of Montreal, 1978), PHD (U of Alberta, 1986), Faculty of Physical Education and Recreation - Academic Programs
  • Bour, Jean A, BA (U of Rochester, 1961), MA (U of Rochester, 1962), PHD (Princeton U, 1969), Campus Saint-Jean
  • Bourassa, Charles M, BA (Michigan State U, 1956), MA (Michigan State U, 1960), PHD (Michigan State U, 1962),
  • Bowers, Rick, BA (Dalhousie U, 1979), MA (McMaster University, 1980), PHD (Dalhousie U, 1984), Faculty of Arts - English & Film Studies Dept
  • Bowes, Kenneth L, MD (Queen’s University, 1962), MSC (U of Alberta, 1965), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Surgery
  • Bradford, Samuel Sa, BSC (U of Missouri, 1951), MSC (U of Missouri, 1956), PHD (Iowa State U, 1961), Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering
  • Braun, Richard E, AB (U of Michigan, 1956), AM(MA) (U of Michigan, 1957), PHD (U of Texas, 1969), Department of History and Classics
  • Braun, Willi, BA (U of Manitoba, 1980), MA (U of Toronto, 1985), PHD (U of Toronto, 1993), Faculty of Arts - History & Classics Dept
  • Brauss, Helmut Hf, Department of Music
  • Breault, Lorraine Janet, BED (U of Alberta, 1980), MED (U of Alberta, 1983), PHD (U of Alberta, 1990), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Psychiatry Dept
  • Brett, Michael J, BSC (Queen’s University, 1979), MSC (U of British Columbia, 1981), PHD (U of British Columbia, 1985), Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
  • Briggs, Keith G, BA (U of Cambridge, 1964), DIPAGSC (U of Cambridge, 1965), MA (U of Cambridge, 1968), PHD (U of Manitoba, 1969), Vice President Research - Research Services Office
  • Brink, Pamela J, BS (Whittier  College, 1952), MSN (Catholic U of America, 1959), PHD (Boston University, 1969), Faculty of Nursing
  • Brintnell, E Sharon G, BOT (U of Alberta, 1972), DIPPOTH (U of Toronto, 1964), MSCOT (U of Alberta, 1981), Faculty of Rehabilitation - Occupational Therapy
  • Brodie, Janine M, BA (U of Windsor, 1974), MA (U of Windsor, 1975), PHD (Carleton University, 1981), Faculty of Arts - Political Science Dept
  • Brooke, Michael H, MBCHB (U of Cambridge, 1958), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Medicine
  • Brouwer, Wytze, BSC (U of Alberta, 1962), MSC (U of Alberta, 1963), PHD (U of Alberta, 1968), Department of Secondary Education
  • Brown, John L, BCOM (U of Saskatchewan, 1964), MBA (U of Washington Seattle, 1966), PHD (Cornell University, 1971), Department of Strategic Management and Organization
  • Brown, Neil E, BSC (U of Toronto, 1968), MD (U of Toronto, 1971), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Medicine
  • Browne, Margaret P J, BED (U of Alberta, 1961), MED (U of Alberta, 1965), PHD (U of Alberta, 1971),
  • Brundin, Robert E, School of Library and Information Studies
  • Bryan, Ruth G, Department of Anthropology
  • Buck, Robert Rj, Ancillary Services Parking
  • Budney, David R, BSC (U of Alberta, 1964), MSC (U of Alberta, 1965), PHD (U of New South Wales, 1971), Department of Mechanical Engineering
  • Bullock, Christopher James, BA (U of Leeds, 1966), PHD (U of Leeds, 1974), Department of English
  • Bundle, David R, BSC (U of Nottingham, 1968), PHD (U Newcastle Upon Tyne, 1971), Department of Chemistry
  • Burch, Robert R, BA (U of Toronto, 1972), MA (U of Toronto, 1974), PHD (U of Toronto, 1982), Department of Philosophy
  • Burton, Jeffrey R, MD (U of Toronto, 1966), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Medicine Dept
  • Burton, Thomas L, BSC (U of London, 1963), PHD (U of London, 1967), Faculty of Physical Education and Recreation
  • Busch, Robert L, BA (U of Michigan, 1964), MA (U of Michigan, 1967), PHD (U of Michigan, 1972), Department of Modern Languages and Comparative Studies
  • Buse, Adolf, BA (U of Alberta, 1962), PHD (U of Birmingham, 1968), Department of Economics
  • Butler, James R, BSC (Ohio State University, 1968), MA (Manhattanville College, 1974), PHD (U of Washington Seattle, 1980), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences - Department of Renewable Resources
  • Cabay, Stanley, BSC (U of Alberta, 1967), MSC (U of Alberta, 1968), PHD (U of Toronto, 1971), Department of Computing Science
  • Cadrin, Gilles C, BA (U of Ottawa, 1964), BED (U of Alberta, 1966), MA (U of Alberta, 1968), Campus Saint-Jean
  • Cairns, Debra, BMUS (U of Western Ontario, 1976), DMA (U of Illinois Chicago, 1993), MMUS (U of Western Ontario, 1979), Department of Music
  • Calder, Peter, BA (Sir George Williams U, 1965), DIPTCH (McGill University, 1966), MS (State U of New York, 1969), PHD (Indiana State U, 1971), Department of Educational Psychology
  • Cameron, Brenda Leigh, BSCN (U of Alberta, 1972), MSCN (U of Wales, 1988), PHD (U of Alberta, 1998), Faculty of Nursing
  • Cameron, Judith Anne, BED (U of Alberta, 1979), MED (U of Alberta, 1986), PHD (U of Alberta, 1992), Department of Educational Psychology
  • Campbell, Shelagh D, BIS (U of Waterloo, 1980), MSC (U of Guelph, 1984), PHD (U of Connecticut, 1990), Faculty of Science - Biological Sciences
  • Campenot, Robert B, BA (Rutgers University, 1968), MS (U of California LA, 1971), PHD (Massachusetts Inst of Tech, 1976), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Cell Biology
  • Cantine, David L, BA (U of Iowa, 1962), MA (U of Iowa, 1964), Department of Art and Design
  • Cantwell, Frederick F, BS (Allegheny College, 1963), PHD (U of Iowa, 1972), Department of Chemistry
  • Capjack, Clarence E, BSC (U of Alberta, 1962), MSC (U of Alberta, 1965), PHD (U of Alberta, 1968), Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
  • Capjack, Linda M, BSC (U of Alberta, 1965), DIPEDUC (U of Alberta, 1966), MSC (U of Alberta, 1990), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences - Department of Human Ecology
  • Capri, Anton Z, BASC (U of Toronto, 1961), MA (Princeton U, 1965), PHD (Princeton U, 1967), Department of  Physics
  • Carlson, Allen A, BA (Macalester College, 1965), PHD (U of Michigan, 1971), Department of Philosophy
  • Carmichael, Donald J, BA (Queen’s University, 1966), MA (Queen’s University, 1967), PHD (U of Toronto, 1978), Department of Political Science
  • Carney, Robert J, BA (U of British Columbia, 1957), DIPTCH (U of British Columbia, 1959), MED (U of British Columbia, 1962), PHD (U of Alberta, 1971), Faculty of Education - Educational Policy Studies Dept
  • Carroll, Linda, BA (U of Saskatchewan, 1976), MA (U of Manitoba, 1980), PHD (U of Manitoba, 1983), School of Public Health
  • Carson, Terrance Ronald, BA (U of Alberta, 1968), BED (Memorial U of Nfld, 1973), MED (U of Alberta, 1974), PHD (U of Alberta, 1984), Department of Secondary Education
  • Carter, Henry Albert, BSC (McGill University, 1966), PHD (U of British Columbia, 1970), Augustana - Sciences
  • Carver, Peter J, LLB (McGill University, 1981), LLM (U of British Columbia, 1990), MA (U of Toronto, 1976), Faculty of Law - Admin
  • Cass PhD, Carol E, BSC (U of Oklahoma, 1963), MSC (U of Oklahoma, 1965), PHD (U of California, 1971), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Oncology
  • Cass, David D, BS (Butler University, 1961), PHD (U of Oklahoma, 1967), Department of Biological Sciences
  • Cathcart, W George, BED (U of Alberta, 1965), MED (U of Alberta, 1967), PHD (U of Alberta, 1969), Department of Elementary Education
  • Cavell, Ronald G, BSC (McGill University, 1958), MSC (U of British Columbia, 1960), PHD (U of British Columbia, 1962), PHD (U of Cambridge, 1964), Department of Chemistry
  • Chambers, Edward J, BA (U of British Columbia, 1946), BCOM (U of British Columbia, 1945), MA (U of British Columbia, 1947), PHD (U of Nebraska Lincoln, 1953), Faculty of Business - Western Centre for Economic Research
  • Chambers, Graham A, BA (U of British Columbia, 1965), MA (U of Wisconsin, 1966), PHD (U of Wisconsin, 1969), Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences
  • Chan, Victor C, BA (U of Nevada Las Vegas, 1972), MA (U of California, 1973), PHD (Stanford University, 1982), Department of Art and Design
  • Chanasyk, David S, BSC (U of Alberta, 1974), MSC (U of Saskatchewan, 1976), PHD (U of Alberta, 1980), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences - Department of Renewable Resources
  • Chard PhD, Sylvia C, BA (U of Bristol, 1959), MED (U of Illinois Chicago, 1971), PHD (U of Illinois Chicago, 1985), Department of Elementary Education
  • Chatterton, Brian D E, BA (U of Dublin Trinity Clg, 1965), MA (U of Dublin Trinity Clg, 1968), PHD (Australian National U, 1970), Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
  • Chaytors, Richard Gordon, BSC (U of Alberta, 1969), MD (U of Alberta, 1969), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Family Medicine
  • Checkel, M David, BSC (U of Alberta, 1976), DPHIL (U of Cambridge, 1981), Department of Mechanical Engineering
  • Cheeseman, Christopher I, BSC (U of Sheffield, 1968), PHD (U of Sheffield, 1973), Human Resource Services - Associate Vice-President
  • Chik, Constance L, BSC (U of Toronto, 1973), MD (U of Toronto, 1978), PHD (McMaster University, 1986), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Medicine Dept
  • Chisholm, Dianne Lynn, BED (U of Alberta, 1979), BPE (U of Alberta, 1975), MA (U of Alberta, 1984), PHD (U of Oxford, 1989), Department of English
  • Christensen, Ferrel M, Department of Philosophy
  • Christian, Timothy J, BA (U of Alberta, 1973), LLB (U of Cambridge, 1976), Faculty of Law
  • Christopherson, Robert J, BSA (U of Manitoba, 1963), MSC (U of Manitoba, 1967), PHD (U of Alberta, 1971), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences - Dept of Agric, Food and Nutri Science
  • Chuang, Karl T, BSENG (Natl Cheng Kung U, 1963), MSC (St Francis Xavier U, 1968), PHD (U of Alberta, 1971), Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering
  • Chute, Frederick S, BASC (U of British Columbia, 1962), MASC (U of British Columbia, 1964), PHD (U of Alberta, 1966), Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
  • Clanachan, Alexander S, BSC (U of Glasgow, 1972), PHD (U of Glasgow, 1976), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Pharmacology Dept
  • Clandinin, Dorothy J, BA (U of Alberta, 1969), MED (U of Alberta, 1972), PHD (U of Toronto, 1983), Department of Elementary Education
  • Clandinin, Michael T, BSC (U of Alberta, 1970), PHD (U of Alberta, 1973), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences - Dept of Agric, Food and Nutri Science
  • Clements, Patricia D, BA (U of Alberta, 1964), DPHIL (U of Oxford, 1973), Department of English
  • Cliff, Gerald H, BSC (McGill University, 1970), MS (U of Illinois Chicago, 1971), PHD (U of Illinois Chicago, 1975), Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences
  • Collett, David J, BED (U of Alberta, 1966), MED (U of Alberta, 1969), PHD (U of Alberta, 1981), Department of Educational Policy Studies
  • Comeau, Philip G, BSC (U of Victoria, 1976), PHD (U of British Columbia, 1986), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sci - Renewable Resources Dept
  • Connor, Herbert W, BA (U of New Brunswick, 1976), MA (U of New Brunswick, ), MA (U of New Brunswick, 1977), MA (U of Western Ontario, 1982), PHD (U of New Brunswick, 1981), Provost & Vice-President Academic - Approved Contingency Expenditure
  • Cook, Albert Moore, BS (U of Colorado, 1966), MS (U of Wyoming, 1968), PHD (U of Wyoming, 1970), Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine - Communication Sciences and Disorders
  • Cooper, Wesley Edward, BA (Occidental College, 1966), BLITT (U of Oxford, 1971), PHD (U of Calgary, 1976), Department of Philosophy
  • Cormack, George D, BASC (U of British Columbia, 1955), MSC (U of British Columbia, 1960), PHD (U of British Columbia, 1962), Faculty of Engineering - Electrical & Computer Engineering Dept
  • Cornell, Edward H, BA (U of California, 1967), MA (San Jose State U, 1970), PHD (Case Western Reserve U, 1973), Faculty of Arts - Psychology
  • Cossins, Edwin A, BSC (U of London, 1958), DSC (U of London, 1981), PHD (U of London, 1961), Department of Biological Sciences
  • Couch, Robert M, BSC (U of British Columbia, 1970), MD (U of British Columbia, 1978), MSC (U of Toronto, 1972), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Pediatrics
  • Coutts, Ronald T, BSC (U of Glasgow, 1955), DSC (U of Glasgow, 1976), PHD (U of Glasgow, 1959), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Psychiatry
  • Cowie, Martin, BSC (McMaster University, 1969), PHD (U of Alberta, 1974), Department of Chemistry
  • Cox, E Diane W, BSC (McMaster University, 1959), MA (U of Toronto, 1961), PHD (McGill University, 1968), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Medical Genetics
  • Cox-Bishop, Marlene J, BED (U of British Columbia, 1967), PHD (Illinois State U, 1979), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences - Department of Human Ecology
  • Craggs, Anthony, BSC (U of Durham, 1962), PHD (U of Southampton, 1969), Department of Mechanical Engineering
  • Craig, Douglas A, BSC (U of Canterbury, 1963), PHD (U of Canterbury, 1966), Department of Biological Sciences
  • Craig, Leon H, BA (U of Washington Seattle, 1963), PHD (U of Illinois Chicago, 1977), Department of Political Science
  • Crawford, Robert J, Faculty of Science
  • Creore, Jo Ann, MA (U of Washington Seattle, 1963), Department of Modern Languages and Comparative Studies
  • Crites-Battie, Michele M, BS (Washington State U, 1979), BS (U of Washington Seattle, 1981), MSC (U of Washington Seattle, 1984), PHD (U of Goteborg, 1989), Faculty of Rehabilitation - Physical Therapy
  • Crockford, Peter M, MD (U of Alberta, 1959), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Medicine
  • Crown, Elizabeth M, BHSC (U of Guelph, 1966), MSC (U of Guelph, 1967), PHD (U of Alberta, 1978), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences - Department of Human Ecology
  • Crown, Peter H, BSA (U of Guelph, 1966), MSC (U of Guelph, 1968), PHD (U of Alberta, 1977), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences - Department of Renewable Resources
  • Cruden, David M, BA (U of Oxford, 1964), MA (U of Oxford, 1968), MSC (U of Alberta, 1966), PHD (U of London, 1969), Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
  • Culberson, Joseph C, BSC (U of New Brunswick, 1982), MMATH (U of Waterloo, 1984), PHD (U of Waterloo, 1985), Department of Computing Science
  • Cullen, Dallas M, BA (U of Alberta, 1963), MS (Iowa State U, 1966), PHD (Ohio State University, 1968), Department of Strategic Management and Organization
  • Cumming, David C, MBCHB (U of Liverpool, 1968), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
  • Currah, Randolph Sidney, BSC (U of Guelph, 1976), MSC (U of Alberta, 1979), PHD (U of Alberta, 1984), Department of Biological Sciences
  • Dacks, Gurston, BA (U of Toronto, 1967), PHD (Princeton U, 1975), Department of Political Science
  • Dafoe, William, BSC (Queen’s University, 1970), MD (McMaster University, 1978), PENG (Queen’s University, 1972), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Medicine Dept
  • Dahlby, Beverly G, BA (U of Saskatchewan, 1973), MA (Queen’s University, 1974), PHD (U of London, 1979), Department of Economics
  • Dale, James Douglas, BSC (U of Alberta, 1961), MSC (U of Alberta, 1963), PHD (U of Washington Seattle, 1969), Department of Mechanical Engineering
  • Dale, Mark Rt, BSC (U of Toronto, 1972), MSC (U of Toronto, 1975), PHD (Dalhousie U, 1979), Department of Biological Sciences
  • D’Alquen, Richard J E, BA (U of Nottingham, 1956), MA (U of Alberta, 1962), PHD (U of Illinois Chicago, 1967), Department of Modern Languages and Cultural Studies
  • Dancik, Bruce P, BS (U of Michigan, 1965), MF (U of Michigan, 1967), PHD (U of Michigan, 1972), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences - Devonian Botanic Garden
  • Daniel, Terrence E, BENG (McGill University, 1965), MS (Massachusetts Inst of Tech, 1967), PHD (Stanford University, 1974), Department of Accounting, Operations and  Information Systems
  • Darrah, Johanna Mary, BSC (U of Western Ontario, 1972), MSC (U of Alberta, 1989), PHD (U of Alberta, 1996), Department of Physical Therapy
  • Das, Jagannath Jp, Vice President Research - Research Services Office
  • Dasgupta, Mrinal K, MBBS (U of Calcutta, 1961), MD (U of Calcutta, 1967), MSC (U of Alberta, 1981), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Medicine
  • Dastoor, Naorayex K, BA (U of Essex, 1975), MA (U of Essex, 1976), PHD (U of Essex, 1983), Department of Economics
  • Davis, Paul, CHB (U of Bristol, 1969), MB (U of Bristol, 1969), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Medicine
  • Day, Rene A, BSC (U of Alberta, 1966), MSC (U of Hawaii, 1975), PHD (U of Alberta, 1986), Faculty of Nursing
  • de Frece, Robert J, BED (U of Alberta, 1975), BSC (U of Alberta, 1969), DMA (U of Oregon, 1988), MMUS (U of Oregon, 1982), Department of Elementary Education
  • de Gara, Christopher, MBBS (U of London, 1977), MS (U of London, 1987), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Surgery Dept
  • Decore, Anne Marie J, BA (U of Alberta, 1963), MA (U of Alberta, 1966), PHD (U of Alberta, 1976), Office of the Provost & Vice-President (Academic)
  • Decoste, Frederick C, BA (Saint Dunstan’s, 1969), LLB (U of Saskatchewan, 1985), MA (U of Western Ontario, 1970), MSW (Carleton University, 1975), Faculty of Law
  • Defelice, James V, AB (Northeastern U, 1959), MA (Tufts University, 1965), Department of Drama
  • Demianczuk, Nestor N, BSC (Loyola College, 1970), FRCS (University of Montreal, 1978), MD (University of Montreal, 1974), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
  • Denham, Ross A, BCOM (U of Alberta, 1958), FCA (U of Alberta, 1980), MBA (U of Toronto, 1966), PHD (U of Minnesota, 1972), Department of Accounting, Operations and  Information Systems
  • Dennis, Thelma B, Ancillary Services Parking
  • D’Entremont, Yvette M, BA (Mount St Vincent U, 1974), BED (Acadia University, 1975), MA (Mount St Vincent U, 1984), PHD (U of Alberta, 1990), Campus Saint-Jean - Academic Support OR Admin
  • Derwing PhD, Bruce L, AB (South Dakota State U, 1960), AB (South Dakota State U, 1961), MS (Indiana State U, 1965), PHD (Indiana State U, 1970), Department of Linguistics
  • Derwing, Tracey Mary, BA (U of Alberta, 1973), MSC (U of Alberta, 1979), PHD (U of Alberta, 1987), Department of Educational Psychology
  • Dick, Henry M,
  • Dier, Kathleen Annis, Ancillary Services Parking
  • Ditzian, Zeev, MSC (Hebrew U of Jerusalem, 1962), PHD (Hebrew U of Jerusalem, 1965), Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences
  • Dobbs, Allen R, BSC (Washington State U, 1963), MSC (Washington State U, 1965), PHD (U of Iowa, 1968), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Neurosciences
  • Doherty, Maryanne, BED (U of Alberta, 1969), MSC (U of Alberta, 1975), PHD (U of Alberta, 1981), Department of Secondary Education
  • Domier, Kenneth W, BE (U of Saskatchewan, 1955), MSC (U of Saskatchewan, 1957), PHD (Michigan State U, 1967), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences - Dept of Agric, Food and Nutri Science
  • Donoff, Michel G, MD (U of Alberta, 1977), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Family Medicine Dept
  • Dossetor, John Jb, University of Alberta Press
  • Dozzi, Peter Sp, Vice President Research - Research Services Office
  • Dranchuk, Peter Joseph, Faculty of Business
  • Drummond, Garry T, FRCS (U of Alberta, 1987), MD (U of Calgary, 1982), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Opthalmology Clinical Services
  • Drummond, Jane Elizabeth, BSCN (U of Toronto, 1972), MSC (U of Alberta, 1981), PHD (U of British Columbia, 1992), Office of the Provost and Vice-President (Academic)-Approved Contingency Expenditures
  • Dryden, William F, BSC (U of Glasgow, 1963), PHD (U of Strathclyde, 1968), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Pharmacology
  • Dube, Paul J, BA (U of Manitoba, 1970), MA (U of Alberta, 1974), PHD (U of Alberta, 1981), Campus Saint Jean - Academic Admin
  • Dudas, Marvin, BSC (U of Alberta, 1966), MSC (U of Alberta, 1968), PHD (Oregon State U, 1972), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences - Department of Renewable Resources
  • Dunford, Brian Hb, Vice President Research - Research Services Office
  • Dunlop, Charles R B, BA (U of Alberta, 1956), LLB (U of Alberta, 1959), LLM (U of London, 1962), MA (U of Alberta, 1971), Faculty of Law
  • Duszyk PhD, Marek, MSC (U of Warsaw, 1977), PHD (U of Warsaw, 1984), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Physiology
  • Eadie PhD, Reginald L, BASC (U of Toronto, 1967), MASC (U of Toronto, 1969), PHD (U of Toronto, 1976), Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering
  • Eberlein PhD, Larry El, Ancillary Services Parking
  • Egerton, Raymond F, BA (U of Cambridge, 1964), BA (U of Cambridge, 1965), PHD (Imperial Clg U of London, 1968), Department of  Physics
  • Eidem, Rodney, Ancillary Services Parking
  • Einsiedel, Albert A, MA (U of California, 1970), PHD (U of Indiana, 1973), Faculty of Extension - Extension Academics
  • Eisenstein, Zdenek, DIPENG (Czech Tech U, 1959), PHD (Czech Tech U, 1965), Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
  • Elbadrawy, Hossam E, DDS (Cairo University, 1966), HDD (Cairo University, 1972), MS (U of Minnesota, 1978), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Dentistry
  • Elio, Renee Elaine, BA (Smith College, 1977), MS (Carnegie Mellon U, 1979), PHD (Carnegie Mellon U, 1981), Faculty of Science - Computing Science
  • Elliott, Frank Benjamin, BED (U of Alberta, ), BSC (U of Alberta, ), DPHIL (U of Alberta, ), MED (U of Alberta, ), Department of Educational Policy Studies
  • Elliott, Robert J, BA (New College U of Oxford, 1961), PHD (U of Cambridge, 1965), SCD (U of Cambridge, 1983), Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences
  • Elliott, Ruth M, BSCN (U of Alberta, 1956), MS (U of California, 1965), PHD (Simon Fraser U, 1988), Faculty of Nursing
  • Ellis, Julia L, BA (U of Calgary, 1972), EDD (U of British Columbia, 1983), MA (U of British Columbia, 1975), Department of Elementary Education
  • Ellis, Margaret,
  • Ellyin, Fernand, MSC (U of Tehran, 1962), PHD (U of Waterloo, 1966), Department of Mechanical Engineering
  • Elrod, Terry, BA (Columbia University, 1976), MBA (Columbia University, 1978), PHD (Columbia University, 1984), Faculty of Business
  • Elwi, Alaa E, BSC (Cairo University, 1973), MSC (U of Alberta, 1977), PHD (U of Alberta, 1980), Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
  • England, John H, BA (U of Windsor, 1968), MA (U of Colorado, 1969), PHD (U of Colorado, 1974), Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
  • Epp, Garrett Pj, BA (Acadia University, 1979), MA (U of Toronto, 1983), PHD (U of Toronto, 1988), Department of English
  • Erbe, Lynn H, BA (Concordia College Minn, 1963), MA (U of Nebraska Lincoln, 1966), PHD (U of Nebraska Lincoln, 1968), Vice President Research - Research Services Office
  • Erdmer, Philippe, BSC (U of Ottawa, 1977), MSC (Queen’s University, 1979), PHD (Queen’s University, 1982), Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
  • Evans, Michael Edwin, BSC (U of Birmingham, 1963), MSC (U of Birmingham, 1964), PHD (Australian National U, 1969), Department of  Physics
  • Everett-Turner, Lorene M, BED (U of Alberta, 1967), MED (U of Alberta, 1968), PHD (U of Alberta, 1984), Vice President Research - Research Services Office
  • Fagan, William T, BA (Memorial U of Nfld, 1964), BED (Memorial U of Nfld, 1964), MED (U of Alberta, 1965), PHD (U of Alberta, 1969), Department of Elementary Education
  • Fairbairn, Kenneth J, BA (U of Canterbury, 1960), MA (U of Canterbury, 1962), PHD (U of Melbourne, 1968), Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
  • Fanning, E Anne, MD (U of Western Ontario, 1963), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Medicine
  • Farouq Ali, Syed M, BENG (U of Karachi, 1955), BSC (U of Birmingham, 1960), MS (U of Pennsylvania, 1962), PHD (U of Pennsylvania, 1964), Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
  • Faryon, Richard R, BA (U of Western Ontario, 1960), MBA (Columbia University, 1962), Faculty of Extension - Extension Academics
  • Faulkner, MGary, BSC (U of Alberta, 1963), MSC (U of Alberta, 1966), PHD (U of California, 1969), Department of Mechanical Engineering
  • Feddes, John Jr, BSC (U of Alberta, 1969), MSC (U of Alberta, 1972), PHD (U of Nebraska Lincoln, 1986), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences - Dept of Agric, Food and Nutri Science
  • Fedorak, Phillip Michael, BSC (U of Alberta, 1972), MSC (U of Alberta, 1975), PHD (U of Alberta, 1984), Department of Biological Sciences
  • Feeny, David H, BA (U of Illinois Chicago, 1970), MA (U of Wisconsin, 1972), PHD (U of Wisconsin, 1976), Department of Economics
  • Field, Peggy Anne, Faculty of Nursing
  • Fields, Anthony La, MA (U of Cambridge, 1969), MD (U of Alberta, 1974), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Oncology
  • Fiertel, Neil O, BA (U of Miami, 1965), BS (U of Chicago, 1964), MFA (Florida State U, 1968), Department of Art and Design
  • Fifield, Benita B, Department of Occupational Therapy
  • Filanovsky, Igor, MSC (U of Leningrad, 1962), PHD (U of Leningrad, 1968), Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
  • Finn, Adam, BASC (U of Melbourne, 1967), MBA (U of New South Wales, 1978), PHD (U of Illinois Urbana, 1983), Faculty of Business
  • Finucane, Brendan T, FFARCS (U of Liverpool, 1971), MBBCHBA (U of Dublin Trinity Clg, 1967), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Dept of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine
  • Fishburne, Graham Josep, BSC (U Newcastle Upon Tyne, 1972), MED (Manchester Metro U, 1976), PHD (U of Alberta, 1980), Department of Elementary Education
  • Fisher, Edward G, BA (U of Colorado, 1967), MA (U of Indiana, 1970), PHD (U of British Columbia, 1977), Department of Strategic Management and Organization
  • Fitzsimmons PhD, George W, BED (U of Calgary, 1966), MED (U of Calgary, 1970), PHD (U of Toronto, 1973), Department of Educational Psychology
  • Flock, Merlin Donald, Faculty of Education
  • Flynn, Peter Charles, BSC (U of Delaware, 1967), MENG (U of California Berkeley, 1968), PHD (U of Alberta, 1974), Department of Mechanical Engineering
  • Foght, Julia Margrethe, BSC (U of Alberta, 1976), PHD (U of Alberta, 1985), Department of Biological Sciences
  • Forest, Tom W, BASC (U of Toronto, 1970), MASC (U of Toronto, 1972), PHD (U of Toronto, 1977), Department of Mechanical Engineering
  • Foster, Rosemary, BA (York University, 1974), MED (U of Alberta, 1992), PHD (U of Alberta, 1998), Faculty of Education - Educational Policy Studies Dept
  • Foth, Dennis L, BSC (U of Alberta, 1966), MSC (U of Alberta, 1968), PHD (U of Alberta, 1971), Faculty of Extension - Extension Academics
  • Foxcroft, George R, BSC (U of Nottingham, 1968), PHD (U of Nottingham, 1972), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences - Dept of Agric, Food and Nutri Science
  • Fraga, Serafin S, Vice President Research - Research Services Office
  • Frascara, Jorge D, CERTPG (Natl Sch of Fine Arts, 1964), DIPFA (Natl Sch of Fine Arts, 1960), DIPVA (Natl Sch of Visual Art, 1958), Department of Art and Design
  • Fraser, Roderick D, BA (U of Alberta, 1961), MA (U of Alberta, 1963), PHD (U of London, 1965), President’s Office
  • Freedman, Herb I, BSC (U of Manitoba, 1962), MA (U of Minnesota, 1964), PHD (U of Minnesota, 1967), Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences
  • Freeman, Gordon Gr, Vice President Research - Research Services Office
  • Freeman, Milton, BSC (U of Reading, 1957), BSC (U of Reading, 1958), PHD (McGill University, 1965), Department of Anthropology
  • Frender, Robert H, BSC (McGill University, 1969), MA (Harvard University, 1973), PHD (Harvard University, 1975), Department of Educational Psychology
  • Friedman, Alinda R, BA (State U of NY StonyBrook, 1971), MA (U of Colorado, 1973), PHD (U of Colorado, 1977), Faculty of Arts - Psychology
  • Fris, Joe, BA (U of Auckland, 1965), MA (U of Toronto, 1972), PHD (U of Toronto, 1976), Department of Educational Policy Studies
  • Frost, Laura S, BSC (U of Alberta, 1970), PHD (U of Alberta, 1978), Department of Biological Sciences
  • Gaa, James C, AM(MA) (U of Washington Seattle, 1973), BA (Michigan State U, 1970), PHD (U of Illinois Chicago, 1982), PHD (U of Washington Seattle, 1975), Department of Accounting, Operations and  Information Systems
  • Gallin, Warren J, BSC (McMaster University, 1976), PHD (Rockefeller University, 1983), Faculty of Science - Biological Sciences
  • Gander, Lois Elaine, BA (U of Alberta, 1970), LLB (U of Alberta, 1971), LLM (U of Alberta, 1999), Faculty of Extension - Extension Academics
  • Garg, Krishna Km, Ancillary Services Parking
  • Gartrell, John W, BA (McMaster University, 1964), MA (U of Wisconsin, 1966), PHD (U of Wisconsin, 1973), Department of Sociology
  • Gati, Wendy P, BSC (U of British Columbia, 1966), DPHIL (U of Zurich, 1976), MSC (U of Western Ontario, 1968), PHD (U of Zurich, 1976), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Pharmacology
  • Gauk, Ehor, BSC (U of Manitoba, 1958), MD (U of Manitoba, 1958), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Pediatrics
  • Gburzynski, Pawel, MSC (U of Warsaw, 1976), PHD (U of Warsaw, 1982), Department of Computing Science
  • Gephart, Robert P, BSC (Michigan State U, 1972), MA (U of Calgary, 1975), PHD (U of British Columbia, 1978), Alberta School of Business - Strategic Management and Organization Dept
  • Gervais, Pierre Leo, BA (U of New Brunswick, 1978), BPE (U of New Brunswick, 1976), MHK (U of Windsor, 1980), PHD (U of Alberta, 1986), Faculty of Physical Education and Recreation
  • Gibbins, Michael, BCOM (U of British Columbia, 1966), CA (U of British Columbia, 1966), MBA (York University, 1971), PHD (Cornell University, 1976), Department of Accounting, Operations and  Information Systems
  • Gibney, Noel R T, MDCM (Univ College Dublin, 1975), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Critical Care Medicine
  • Gibson, Nancy Loreen, BA (U of Alberta, 1982), DIPLOMA (McGill University, 1965), MA (U of Alberta, 1985), PHD (U of Alberta, 1995), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences - Department of Human Ecology
  • Giesbrecht-Segger, Marnie Lynn, BMUS (U of Alberta, 1975), DMUS (U of Alberta, 1988), MMUS (Eastman School Of Music, 1979), Department of Music
  • Gignac, L Dennis, BED (U of Ottawa, 1971), BSC (Laurentian U, 1970), MSC (Laurentian U, 1986), PHD (U of Alberta, 1990), Campus Saint-Jean
  • Giovannetti, Phyllis B J, BN (McGill University, 1964), PHD (John Hopkins U, 1981), SCD (John Hopkins U, 1981), Faculty of Nursing
  • Glassford, Robert G, BPE (U of British Columbia, 1959), DIPTCH (U of British Columbia, 1960), MA (U of Alberta, 1964), PHD (U of Illinois Chicago, 1970), Nursing - Center for Health Promo Studies
  • Glover, Kenneth E, BSC (U of Alberta, 1958), DDS (U of Alberta, 1962), DIPORTH (U of Washington Seattle, 1979), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Dentistry
  • Godbout, Laurent Aj, BA (U of Ottawa, 1958), PHD (U of Ottawa, 1969), Campus Saint-Jean
  • Goldberg PhD, Jack S, BA (Yeshiva College, 1961), DPS (University of Montreal, 1975), MSC (McGill University, 1965), Department of Educational Psychology
  • Goldsand, George, MD (U of Alberta, 1959), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Medicine
  • Gombay, Edit, MSC (A Jozsef U Szeged, 1979), PHD (U of Calgary, 1986), Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences
  • Good, Allen G, BSC (Trent University, 1978), MSC (U of Windsor, 1982), PHD (U of Ottawa, 1986), Faculty of Science - Biological Sciences
  • Gooding, Ronald H, BSC (U of Alberta, 1957), MA (Rice University, 1960), SCD (John Hopkins U, 1964), Department of Biological Sciences
  • Gordon, Philip A, BSC (U of Alberta, 1973), MD (U of Alberta, 1977), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Dept of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology
  • Gordon, Tessa, BSC (U of Cape Town, 1967), MSC (U of Birmingham, 1979), PHD (U of Birmingham, 1972), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Physical Medical/Rehabilitation
  • Gordon-Craig, Christopher, BA (U of Auckland, 1965), LTCL (Trinity Clg Music U London, 1963), MA (U of Auckland, 1966), PHD (U of New Brunswick, 1969), Department of English
  • Gortel, Zbigniew W, MSC (U of Warsaw, 1967), PHD (U of Warsaw, 1976), Department of  Physics
  • Goud, Paul A, BSC (U of Alberta, 1959), MASC (U of British Columbia, 1961), PHD (U of British Columbia, 1965), Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
  • Gourishankar, Vembu V, Ancillary Services Parking
  • Graham, William A, BA (U of Saskatchewan, 1952), MA (U of Saskatchewan, 1953), PHD (Harvard University, 1956), Faculty of Science
  • Grant, Douglas S, BA (State U of New York, 1971), MA (U of Western Ontario, 1972), PHD (U of Western Ontario, 1974), Department of Psychology
  • Grant, Raymond J S, MA (Aberdeen University, 1964), PHD (U of Cambridge, 1971), Department of English
  • Gray, Genevieve, MSC (Manchester Metro U, 1977), Faculty of Nursing
  • Gray, Murray R, BASC (U of Toronto, 1978), MENG (U of Calgary, 1980), PHD (Calif Inst of Tech, 1984), Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering
  • Greeniaus, L Gordon, BSC (U of Manitoba, 1967), PHD (U of Manitoba, 1972), Department of  Physics
  • Greenwood, Royston, BSOCSC (U of Birmingham, 1967), MSOCSC (U of Birmingham, 1969), PHD (U of Birmingham, 1976), Alberta School of Business - Strategic Management and Organization Dept
  • Greiter, Susan C, BA (Michigan State U, 1967), MA (Michigan State U, 1969), PHD (Michigan State U, 1971), Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine - Communication Sciences and Disorders
  • Griffiths, Derek J, BA (U of Cambridge, 1960), PHD (U of St Andrews, 1964), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Biomedical Engineering
  • Grover, Wayne D, BENG (Carleton University, 1976), MSC (U of Essex, 1981), PHD (U of Alberta, 1989), Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
  • Grundy, Isobel M, BA (U of Oxford, 1960), DPHIL (U of Oxford, 1971), Department of English
  • Gualtieri, Maurizio, MA (U of Pennsylvania, 1966), PHD (U of Pennsylvania, 1977), Department of Modern Languages and Comparative Studies
  • Guilbert, Larry J, BS (North Dakota State U, 1963), PHD (U of Washington Seattle, 1971), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Dept of Medical Microbiology and Immunology
  • Gunnars, Kristjana E, BA (Oregon State U, 1973), MA (U of Regina, 1978), Department of English
  • Gural-Migdal, Anna, BA (University of Montreal, 1977), MA (University of Montreal, 1982), PHD (University of Montreal, 1990), Faculty of Arts - Modern Languages and Cultural Studies Dept
  • Gustafson, Brenda J, BSC (U of Alberta, 1976), MED (U of Alberta, 1985), PHD (U of Alberta, 1988), Faculty of Education - Elementary Middle School Teacher Education
  • Hackborn, William Walter, BMATH (U of Waterloo, 1978), MSC (U of Toronto, 1981), PHD (U of Toronto, 1987), Augustana - Sciences
  • Hackler, James C, BS (U of California, 1952), MA (San Jose State U, 1959), PHD (U of Washington Seattle, 1965),
  • Hagler, Paul H, BA (Wichita State University, 1970), MA (Wichita State University, 1972), PHD (Indiana University, 1987), Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine - Communication Sciences and Disorders
  • Hall, David J, BA (U of Calgary, 1965), MA (U of Toronto, 1966), PHD (U of Toronto, 1973), Department of History and Classics
  • Hall, M Ann, BA (Queen’s University, 1963), BPE (Queen’s University, 1964), MA (U of Alberta, 1968), PHD (U of Birmingham, 1974), Faculty of Physical Education and Recreation - Academic Programs
  • Hamilton, Stewart M, BA (McGill University, 1972), MDCM (McGill University, 1977), MSC (U of Alberta, 1982), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Surgery
  • Hannon, Susan J, BSC (U of Guelph, 1974), MSC (U of Alberta, 1978), PHD (U of British Columbia, 1982), Department of Biological Sciences
  • Haraphongse, Mant, FRCP(C) (U of Alberta, 1972), MD (Mahidol U, 1964), MSC (Mahidol U, 1968), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Medicine
  • Harber, Victoria J, BED (U of Western Ontario, 1979), BPE (U of Ottawa, 1978), PHD (McMaster University, 1988), Faculty of Physical Education and Recreation - Academic Programs
  • Harding, Pat J R, BASC (U of British Columbia, 1959), MASC (U of British Columbia, 1963), Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
  • Hare, Carl Rd, BA (U of Alberta, 1954), DIPL (Royal Academy of Art, 1959), MA (U of Alberta, 1960), Department of Drama
  • Harland, Paul Wesley, BA (U of Winnipeg, 1976), MA (U of Western Ontario, 1978), PHD (U of Western Ontario, 1983), Augustana - Fine Arts & Humanities
  • Harley, Charles H, MD (U of Alberta, 1965), MSC (U of Alberta, 1969), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Medicine
  • Harley, Frances L, BA (Smith College, 1961), MD (U of Western Ontario, 1965), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Pediatrics
  • Harley, William T, BSC (U of Alberta, 1956), CERT (U of Washington Seattle, 1967), DDS (U of Alberta, 1960), MSCD (U of Washington Seattle, 1967), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Dentistry
  • Harrell, William Andrew, BA (Pomona College, 1967), MA (U of Washington Seattle, 1969), PHD (U of Washington Seattle, 1971), Department of Sociology
  • Harris, Brian L, BMUS (U of Alberta, 1967), MMUS (U of Alberta, 1969), PHD (U of Washington Seattle, 1979), Department of Music
  • Harris, Walter, Faculty of Extension - Extension Academics
  • Harrison, Margaret Joan, BSCN (U of British Columbia, 1964), MSCN (Rhode Island College, 1973), PHD (U of Alberta, 1988), Faculty of Nursing
  • Harrison, Richard T, BA (U of British Columbia, 1958), MA (U of British Columbia, 1965), PHD (U of Western Ontario, 1975), Department of English
  • Hartnagel, Timothy F, BA (Santa Clara University, 1963), MA (U of Indiana, 1965), PHD (U of Indiana, 1968), Department of Sociology
  • Harvey, Stephen, BSC (U of Leeds, 1974), PHD (U of Leeds, 1977), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Physiology Dept
  • Hastings, Philip John, BA (U of Cambridge, 1962), PHD (U of Cambridge, 1965), Department of Biological Sciences
  • Haughey, Margaret L, BA (Queen’s University, 1965), MED (U of Alberta, 1972), PHD (U of Alberta, 1976), Department of Educational Policy Studies
  • Hawrysh, Zenovia J, BSC (U of Alberta, 1959), MS (Michigan State U, 1960), PHD (Michigan State U, 1970), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences - Dept of Agric, Food and Nutri Science
  • Hazlett, Clarke B, BED (U of Alberta, 1965), MED (U of Alberta, 1969), PHD (U of Alberta, 1972), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Family Medicine
  • Hedden, Douglas M, MD (Queen’s University, 1978), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Surgery Dept
  • Heming, Bruce S, BSA (U of Guelph, 1963), PHD (U of North Carolina, 1968), Department of Biological Sciences
  • Henderson, Joseph Frank,
  • Henn, Marianne Emilie, BA (U of Alberta, 1977), MA (U of Alberta, 1979), PHD (U of Alberta, 1984), Department of Modern Languages and Cultural Studies
  • Hess, Gretchen C, BA (De Pauw University, 1970), BED (U of Manitoba, 1977), MED (U of Manitoba, 1979), PHD (U of Alberta, 1983), Department of Educational Psychology
  • Heth, Chester Donald, BA (New College USA, 1970), PHD (Yale University, 1974), Department of Psychology
  • Hibberd, Judith Mary, BSCN (U of Toronto, 1966), DIPNURS (U of Toronto, 1963), MHSA (U of Alberta, 1972), PHD (U of Alberta, 1987), Faculty of Nursing
  • Hickey, Clifford G, AM(MA) (Brown University, 1969), BA (U of Arizona, 1964), PHD (Brown University, 1977), Department of Anthropology
  • Hickman, Michael, BSC (U of Western Ontario, 1966), PHD (U of Bristol, 1970), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences - Devonian Botanic Garden
  • Hicks, Faye Ellen, BSC (U of New Brunswick, 1981), MSC (U of Alberta, 1985), PHD (U of Alberta, 1990), Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
  • Himka, John-Paul, BA (U of Michigan, 1971), PHD (U of Michigan, 1977), Department of History and Classics
  • Hinch, Thomas D, BA (Brandon University, 1978), MA (U of Alberta, 1984), PHD (U of Western Ontario, 1991), Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation - Academic Programs
  • Hinings, C Robin, BA (U of Leeds, 1960), Department of Strategic Management and Organization
  • Hiruki, Chuji C, Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences - Dept of Agric, Food and Nutri Science
  • Hjartarson, Paul I, BA (U of Alberta, 1970), MA (U of Alberta, 1976), PHD (Queen’s University, 1981), Department of English
  • Hnatko, Gary Sg, BMEDSC (U of Alberta, 1978), LMCC (U of Alberta, 1980), MD (U of Alberta, 1980), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Psychiatry
  • Ho PhD, Anthony K, BSCPHM (U of Bradford, 1978), PHD (U of Bradford, 1982), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Physiology Dept
  • Hoddinott, John, BSC (U of London, 1968), MSC (Memorial U of Nfld, 1970), PHD (U of Alberta, 1974), Augustana -  Dean’s Office
  • Hodge, Megan M, BSC (U of Alberta, 1973), MSC (U of Arizona, 1979), PHD (U of Wisconsin, 1989), Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine - Communication Sciences and Disorders
  • Hodges, Robert S, BSC (U of Saskatchewan, 1965), PHD (U of Alberta, 1971), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Biochemistry
  • Hodgetts, Ross B, BSC (Queen’s University, 1963), MS (Yale University, 1965), PHD (Yale University, 1967), Department of Biological Sciences
  • Hodgson, M J, BA (Carleton University, 1968), MA (U of Toronto, 1969), PHD (U of Toronto, 1973), Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
  • Hoffpauir, Richard, AB (U of California, 1965), MA (U of California, 1967), PHD (U of London, 1969), Department of English
  • Holdaway, Edward A, BED (U of Melbourne, 1957), BSC (U of Melbourne, 1954), MED (U of Alberta, 1966), PHD (U of Alberta, 1968), Faculty of Education - Educational Policy Studies Dept
  • Holden, Kyril T, BSC (U of Alberta, 1963), MA (U of Alberta, 1965), PHD (U of Texas, 1972), Faculty of Arts - Office of Interdisciplinary Studies
  • Holdgrafer, Gary E, BA (Moorhead State U, 1967), MA (U of Kansas, 1969), PHD (U of Kansas, 1974), Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine - Communication Sciences and Disorders
  • Hollingshead, Gregory Af, BA (U of Toronto, 1968), MA (U of Toronto, 1970), PHD (U of London, 1974), Department of English
  • Hollis, Vivien, MSC (U of Exeter, 1991), PHD (U of Exeter, 1997), Department of Occupational Therapy
  • Holmes, John C, Faculty of Science
  • Holte, Robert, BSC (U of Manitoba, 1977), MSC (U of Manitoba, 1980), PHD (Brunel University, 1988), Department of Computing Science
  • Honore, R Louis H, Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Dept of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology
  • Hoo, Cheong S, BSC (U of Auckland, 1960), MSC (U of Auckland, 1961), PHD (Syracuse University, 1964), Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences
  • Hoover, H James, BSC (U of Alberta, 1978), MSC (U of Toronto, 1979), PHD (U of Toronto, 1987), Department of Computing Science
  • Hopp, Ronald G, BED (U of Alberta, 1962), LLB (U of Alberta, 1971), Faculty of Law
  • Horlick, Gary, BSC (U of Alberta, 1965), PHD (U of Illinois Chicago, 1970), Department of Chemistry
  • Horowitz, Myer, Department of Elementary Education
  • Horwood, Donald G, BED (Memorial U of Nfld, 1968), BPE (Memorial U of Nfld, 1968), MA (U of Alberta, 1979), Faculty of Physical Education and Recreation
  • Hoskins, Colin G G, BA (Manchester Metro U, 1962), PHD (Manchester Metro U, 1967), Vice President Research - Research Services Office
  • Hrudey, Steven E, BSC (U of Alberta, 1970), DIC (Imperial Clg U of London, 1971), MSC (U of London, 1971), PHD (U of London, 1979), School of Public Health - Public Health Sciences
  • Hrudey, Terry M, BSC (U of Alberta, 1966), MSC (U of Alberta, 1967), PHD (U of Alberta, 1971), Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
  • Hube, Douglas P, BSC (U of Toronto, 1964), MA (U of Toronto, 1965), PHD (U of Toronto, 1968), Department of  Physics
  • Hughes, David G, BSC (U of Wales, 1954), PHD (U of Wales, 1957), Department of  Physics
  • Hughes, Elaine Lois, BSC (U of Alberta, 1980), LLB (U of Alberta, 1984), LLM (U of British Columbia, 1988), Faculty of Law
  • Hutchison, Kenneth J, MBBCHBA (Queens U Belfast, 1961), MD (Queens U Belfast, 1966), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Physiology
  • Huzinaga, S, Vice President Research - Research Services Office
  • Ilnytzkyj, Oleh S, BA (City College NY, 1971), MA (Harvard University, 1975), PHD (Harvard University, 1983), Faculty of Arts - Modern Languages and Cultural Studies Dept
  • Ingram, Elizabeth L, BA (York University, 1972), MVA (U of Alberta, 1976), Faculty of Arts - Art & Design Dept
  • Ingram, Ernest J, Faculty of Arts - Parkland Institute
  • Ironside, R Geoffrey, BA (U of Durham, 1959), PHD (U of Durham, 1965), Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
  • Irvin, Randall T, BSC (U of Calgary, 1974), PHD (U of Calgary, 1977), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Dept of Medical Microbiology and Immunology
  • Israel, Werner, Department of  Physics
  • Ivankovich, Ivan F, BA (Canisius College, 1968), LLB (U of New Brunswick, 1975), MBA (U of Wisconsin, 1971), Faculty of Business
  • Iveson, Margaret L, BED (U of Alberta, 1970), MED (U of Alberta, 1979), PHD (U of Calgary, 1988), Department of Secondary Education
  • Jackel, David, BA (U of Toronto, 1964), MA (U of Toronto, 1965), PHD (U of Toronto, 1970), Department of English
  • Jacknicke, Kenneth G, BED (U of Alberta, 1964), MED (U of Alberta, 1967), PHD (Colorado State U, 1975), Department of Secondary Education
  • Jackson PhD, Robert K, BED (McGill University, 1964), MED (U of Alberta, 1968), PHD (U of Alberta, 1970), Department of Elementary Education
  • Jackson, Edgar L, BA (London Sch Hyg Trop Med, 1967), MA (U of Calgary, 1970), PHD (U of Toronto, 1974), Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
  • Jacobs, Susan Elaine, MSC (McGill University, 1967), PHD (U of British Columbia, 1971), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Physiology
  • James, C Robert, BASC (U of British Columbia, 1960), MASC (U of British Columbia, 1961), PHD (U of British Columbia, 1964), Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
  • James, Michael N G, BSC (U of Manitoba, 1962), DPHIL (U of Oxford, 1966), MSC (U of Manitoba, 1963), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Biochemistry
  • Janowska-Wieczorek, Anna, MD (Medical Academy Poland, 1969), PHD (Inst of Haematology, 1977), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Medicine
  • Janssen, Christian T I, BA (U of Goteborg, 1963), MBA (U of Goteborg, 1964), PHD (Cornell University, 1970), Department of Finance and Statistical Analysis
  • Janzen PhD, Henry L, BED (U of British Columbia, 1966), MED (U of Calgary, 1968), PHD (U of Calgary, 1971), Department of Educational Psychology
  • Jarvis, George K, BA (Brigham Young U, 1960), PHD (U of Michigan, 1972), Department of Sociology
  • Jelen, Pavel J, MSC (Czech Tech U, 1965), PHD (U of Minnesota, 1972), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences - Dept of Agric, Food and Nutri Science
  • Jensen, Louise Ann, BSCN (U of Alberta, 1970), DPHIL (U of Alberta, 1989), MN (U of Alberta, 1982), Faculty of Nursing
  • Jensen, Susan E, BSC (U of Alberta, 1970), PHD (U of Alberta, 1975), Department of Biological Sciences
  • Jevne PhD, Ronna Fay, BED (U of Alberta, 1970), MA (U of Calgary, 1974), PHD (U of Calgary, 1978), Department of Educational Psychology
  • Jewell, Laurence D, BA (U of Alberta, 1963), MD (U of Alberta, 1968), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Dept of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology
  • Jia, Rongqing, MA (U of Wisconsin Madison, 1981), PHD (U of Wisconsin Madison, 1983), Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences
  • Jobson, John D, BSC (U of Alberta, 1963), MS (Iowa State U, 1970), PHD (Iowa State U, 1972), Department of Finance and Statistical Analysis
  • Johansen, John G, BA (U of Lethbridge, 1972), MA (U of Alberta, 1977), PHD (U of Sheffield, 1984), Augustana - Humanities
  • Johnson, Edward S, MD (U of Alberta, 1971), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Dept of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology
  • Johnston, Ingrid, BA (U of Natal, 1965), MED (U of Alberta, 1991), PHD (U of Alberta, 1996), Vice President of Research
  • Johnston, William A, BA (CW Post College, 1962), MA (CW Post College, 1966), PHD (York University, 1982), Department of Sociology
  • Jones, Adrian B, MD (U of Alberta, 1964), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Pediatrics
  • Jones, Frank D, BA (U of Alberta, 1956), LLB (Dalhousie U, 1959), LLM (U of Toronto, 1960), Faculty of Law
  • Jones, Frederick W, BSC (Mount Allison U, 1961), MSC (Dalhousie U, 1963), PHD (McGill University, 1968), Department of  Physics
  • Jones, Raymond E, BA (U of Windsor, 1967), MA (U of Windsor, 1970), PHD (U of Alberta, 1977), Department of English
  • Jones, Richard L, BS (St Thomas U USA, 1966), MS (Marquette University, 1969), PHD (Marquette University, 1970), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Medicine
  • Jordan, Robert B, BSC (U of Western Ontario, 1961), PHD (U of Chicago, 1965), Department of Chemistry
  • Judson, Charles Fred, BA (Lewis & Clark College, 1967), MA (U of Alberta, 1978), PHD (U of Alberta, 1982), Department of Political Science
  • Jugdutt, Bodh I, BSC (U of Glasgow, 1966), MBCHB (U of Glasgow, 1970), MSC (U of Alberta, 1977), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Medicine
  • Jule, Walter W, BA (U of Washington Seattle, 1963), MFA (U of Washington Seattle, 1966), Department of Art and Design
  • Juliebo, Moira Fraser F, Vice President Research - Research Services Office
  • Juma, Noorallah G, BSC (Southern Illinois U, 1974), MSC (Iowa State U, 1976), PHD (U of Saskatchewan, 1981), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences - Department of Renewable Resources
  • Kach, Nick N, Ancillary Services Parking
  • Kachanoski, R Gary, BSC (U of Saskatchewan, 1976), MSC (U of Saskatchewan, 1980), PHD (U of California Davis, 1984), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences - Department of Renewable Resources
  • Kamal, Abdul N, PHD (U of Liverpool, 1962), Department of  Physics
  • Kao, Jennifer Lingchi, BCOM (U of Alberta, 1981), PHD (U of British Columbia, 1991), Department of Accounting, Operations and  Information Systems
  • Kass, Heidi, BED (U of Alberta, 1961), BSC (U of Alberta, 1963), MED (Harvard University, 1965), PHD (U of Alberta, 1969), Department of Secondary Education
  • Kaufman, W Reuben, BSC (McGill University, 1965), MSC (McGill University, 1967), PHD (U of British Columbia, 1972), Department of Biological Sciences
  • Kay, Cyril Cm, Ancillary Services Parking
  • Keating, Norah C, BA (McMaster University, 1969), MA (U of Guelph, ), PHD (Syracuse University, 1977), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences - Department of Human Ecology
  • Keating, Thomas F, BA (U of Windsor, 1974), MA (U of Windsor, 1976), PHD (Dalhousie U, 1982), Department of Political Science
  • Kebarle, Paul P, Department of Chemistry
  • Kennedy, Laurie Djl, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
  • Kennelly, John J, BSCAGR (Natl U of Ireland, 1976), PHD (U of Alberta, 1980), Provost & Vice-President Academic - Admin
  • Kernahan, John A, BSC (Queen’s University, 1964), BSC (Queen’s University, 1965), PHD (Queen’s University, 1968), Department of  Physics
  • Kerr, Nancy, BHSC (U of Toronto, 1963), MSC (U of California, 1966), PHD (U of North Carolina, 1982), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences - Department of Human Ecology
  • Kerr, Rosalind, BA (U of Toronto, 1964), MA (U of Toronto, 1965), MA (U of Toronto, 1989), PHD (U of Toronto, 1993), Department of Drama
  • Khanna, Faqir C, BSC (Panjab University, 1955), MSC (Panjab University, 1956), PHD (U of Florida, 1962), Department of  Physics
  • Kieren, Dianne K, BA (U of Minnesota, 1963), MS (U of Minnesota, 1966), PHD (U of Minnesota, 1969), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences - Dept of Agric, Food and Nutri Science
  • Kieren, Thomas E, BA (Carleton College, 1962), MA (Northwestern U, 1966), PHD (U of Minnesota, 1968), Department of Secondary Education
  • Kikuchi, June Fumiko, BSCN (U of Toronto, 1962), MN (U of Pittsburgh, 1969), PHD (U of Pittsburgh, 1979), Faculty of Nursing
  • King, Jane R, BSC (U of Liverpool, 1972), BSC (U of Liverpool, 1973), PHD (U of Liverpool, 1978), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences - Dept of Agric, Food and Nutri Science
  • Kirman PhD, Joseph M, BA (Brooklyn College, 1958), MA (New York University, 1963), PHD (New York University, 1967), Department of Elementary Education
  • Kitching, Peter, BA (U of Oxford, 1960), MS (Yale University, 1962), PHD (Yale University, 1966), Department of  Physics
  • Klar, Lewis N, BA (McGill University, 1967), BCL (McGill University, 1970), LLM (McGill University, 1973), Faculty of Law
  • Knaus, Edward E, BSP (U of Saskatchewan, 1965), MSC (U of Saskatchewan, 1967), PHD (U of Saskatchewan, 1970), Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
  • Kohut, Zenon E, BA (La Salle College, 1966), MA (U of Pennsylvania, 1969), PHD (U of Pennsylvania, 1975), Department of History and Classics
  • Koles, Zoltan J, BSC (U of Alberta, 1965), PHD (U of Alberta, 1970), Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
  • Kopecky, Karl Kr, Department of Chemistry
  • Korkie, Robert M, BSC (U of Saskatchewan, 1965), MBA (U of Saskatchewan, 1968), PHD (U of Washington Seattle, 1973), Department of Finance and Statistical Analysis
  • Kotovych, George, BSC (U of Manitoba, 1963), MSC (U of Manitoba, 1964), PHD (U of Manitoba, 1968), Department of Chemistry
  • Koval, Don O, BSC (U of Saskatchewan, 1965), DIPEE (U of Saskatchewan, 1967), MSC (U of Saskatchewan, 1969), PHD (U of Saskatchewan, 1978), Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
  • Kovalyov, Mikhail, BS (Belorussian U, 1980), MS (Courant Inst of Math Sci, 1983), PHD (Courant Inst of Math Sci, 1986), Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences
  • Kovithavongs, Thavisakdi, MD (Bangkok U, 1965), PHD (U of Alberta, 1976), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Medicine
  • Krahn, Harvey Jacob, BA (U of Western Ontario, 1976), MA (U of Western Ontario, 1978), PHD (U of Alberta, 1983), Faculty of Arts - Sociology Dept
  • Kratochvil, Byron G,
  • Krawcewicz, Wieslaw, MSC (Tech U of Gdansk, 1977), PHD (University of Montreal, 1985), Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences
  • Krishnan, Parameswara, BS (U of Kerala, 1956), MA (Cornell University, 1970), MS (U of Kerala, 1958), PHD (Cornell University, 1971), Department of Sociology
  • Krukoff, Teresa L, BSC (U of Saskatchewan, 1976), MSC (U of Saskatchewan, 1978), PHD (Memorial U of Nfld, 1982), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Cell Biology
  • Kuiken, Donald L, BA (U of Iowa, 1965), PHD (U of Texas, 1970), Faculty of Arts - Psychology Dept
  • Kumar, Shrawan, BSC (U of Allahabad, 1959), DSC (U of Surrey, 1994), MSC (U of Allahabad, 1962), PHD (U of Surrey, 1971), Department of Physical Therapy
  • Kunzle, Hans P, DIPPHYS (E Tech Hochsch Zurich, 1964), PHD (U of London, 1967), Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences
  • Kushner, Kaysi Eastlick, BSCN (U of Alberta, 1978), MN (U of Washington Seattle, 1987), PHD (U of Alberta, 2001), Faculty of Nursing
  • Kuspira, J, Vice President Research - Research Services Office
  • Kuznicki, Steven M, BS (Worcester Polytechnic Inst, 1976), PHD (U of Utah, 1980), Faculty of Engineering - Chemical and Materials Engineering Dept
  • Kysela PhD, Gerard M, BSC (Xavier University, 1964), MA (Xavier University, 1966), PHD (U of Waterloo, 1969), Vice President Research - Research Services Office
  • La France, Albert P, BA (U of Ottawa, 1964), BED (U of Alberta, 1967), MMUS (U of Alberta, 1971), PHD (U of Victoria, 1985), Campus Saint-Jean
  • La Roi, George H, MA (Duke University, 1961), PHD (Duke University, 1964), Department of Biological Sciences
  • Ladouceur, Louise, BA (University of Montreal, 1987), MA (University of Montreal, 1991), PHD (U of British Columbia, 1997), Campus Saint-Jean - Academic Support OR Admin
  • Laing, Lory Jane Mair, BA (U of Alberta, 1972), MA (U of Alberta, 1975), PHD (U of Alberta, 1989), School of Public Health - Public Health Sciences
  • Lambert, Margaret Anne May, BSC (U of Alberta, 1969), MA (U of Washington Seattle, 1971), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences - Department of Human Ecology
  • Lamble, G Wayne, BSC (U of Alberta, 1966), MSC (U of Alberta, 1969), PHD (Texas A & M University, 1980), Faculty of Extension - Extension Academics
  • Lander, Janice, BA (U of Manitoba, 1973), PHD (U of Manitoba, 1981), Faculty of Nursing
  • Landon, Stuart K, BA (McGill University, 1979), MA (U of British Columbia, 1980), PHD (Queen’s University, 1985), Faculty of Arts - Economics Dept
  • Landy, Francis, DPHIL (U of Sussex, 1983), MA (Jesus Clg U of Cambridge, ), MA (Jesus Clg U of Cambridge, 1969), MA (U of Sussex, 1983), Department of History and Classics
  • Larke, R P Bryce, DCLSC (U of Toronto, 1966), MDCM (Queen’s University, 1960), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Pediatrics
  • Larson, David George, BA (Concordia College Minn, 1964), MS (U of Delaware, 1966), PHD (Ohio State University, 1969), Augustana - Sciences
  • Lauber, Murray Leroy, BA (U of Alberta, 1965), BED (U of Alberta, 1966), MED (U of Alberta, 1989), Augustana - Sciences
  • Law, John M, BA (U of Alberta, 1972), LLB (U of Alberta, 1973), LLM (Dalhousie U, 1978), Faculty of Law - Admin
  • Lawson, Ronald P W, BENG (U of Liverpool, 1962), PHD (U of Liverpool, 1967), Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
  • Laxer, Gordon David, BA (U of Toronto, 1966), MA (U of Toronto, 1968), PHD (U of Toronto, 1981), Faculty of Arts
  • LeBlanc, Raymond J, BA (U of Toronto, 1971), MA (Memorial U of Nfld, 1973), PHD (U of Toronto, 1983), Department of Anthropology
  • Lechelt, Eugene C, BSC (U of Alberta, 1964), MSC (U of Alberta, 1966), PHD (U of Alberta, 1969), Faculty of Arts - Psychology
  • Lees, Alan W, BM (U of Oxford, 1963), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Oncology
  • Lefebvre, Verna M, BA (U of Saskatchewan, 1957), BED (U of Alberta, 1963), BSC (U of Saskatchewan, 1959), MSC (Montana State U, 1964), PHD (Iowa State U, 1973), Department of Secondary Education
  • Legris, Andre Maurice, BSC (U of Alberta, 1986), MSC (Trent University, 1991), Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
  • Leonard, Jeremy J, BE (U of Melbourne, 1972), MSC (U Newcastle Upon Tyne, 1977), PHD (U of Alberta, 1986), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences - Dept of Agric, Food and Nutri Science
  • Lerohl, Milburn L, BSC (U of Alberta, 1960), MSA (U of British Columbia, 1962), PHD (Michigan State U, 1965), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences-Resource Economics &Environmental Sociology
  • Lesage, Edward Charles, BA (Calif State U Chico, 1970), DPHIL (Carleton University, 1994), MA (McMaster University, 1971), Faculty of Extension - Extension Academics
  • Leung, Lai Fong, BA (U of Calgary, 1972), MA (U of British Columbia, 1976), PHD (U of British Columbia, 1987), Department of East Asian Studies
  • Levasseur-Ouimet, France C, BED (U of Alberta, 1967), MA (U of Alberta, 1977), PHD (U of Alberta, 1982), Campus Saint-Jean
  • Lewis, James E, BSC (Acadia University, 1964), MA (Dalhousie U, 1967), PHD (Dalhousie U, 1970), Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences
  • Liburd, Rosemary, BA (Queen’s University, 1956), MSW (U of Pennsylvania, 1959), PHD (U of Alberta, 1980), Department of Educational Psychology
  • Lieffers, Victor J J, BSC (U of Saskatchewan, 1974), PHD (U of Manitoba, 1981), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sci - Renewable Resources Dept
  • Lightbody, James W, BA (U of Manitoba, 1966), MA (Carleton University, 1968), PHD (Queen’s University, 1977), Faculty of Arts - Political Science Dept
  • Lightner, David L, BA (Pennsylvania State U, 1963), MA (U of Pennsylvania, 1964), PHD (Cornell University, 1969), Department of History and Classics
  • Lin, Chyi-Chyang, Vice President Research - Research Services Office
  • Lin, Jenn-Shann J, BA (Soochow University, 1969), MA (Kansas State U, 1973), PHD (U of Alberta, 1979), Department of East Asian Studies
  • Lin, Yanping, BS (North East Inst Tech, 1982), MS (Washington State U, 1983), PHD (Washington State U, 1988), Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences
  • Linsky, Bernard, BA (U of Chicago, 1971), PHD (Stanford University, 1975), Faculty of Arts - Philosophy Dept
  • Litman, Morris M, LLB (Osgoode Hall Law Sch, 1972), Faculty of Law
  • Liu, Andrew CF, BSC (McGill University, 1970), MSC (U of Alberta, 1972), PHD (U of Alberta, 1976), Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences
  • Liu, Hsing-Jang, BSC (Natl Taiwan Normal U, 1964), PHD (U of New Brunswick, 1968), Vice President Research - Research Services Office
  • Lock, Gerald S, BSC (U of Durham, 1959), PHD (U of Durham, 1962), Department of Mechanical Engineering
  • Longenecker, B Michael, AB (U of Missouri, 1964), PHD (U of Missouri, 1968), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Dept of Medical Microbiology and Immunology
  • Lovell, Nancy C, BA (Simon Fraser U, 1983), PHD (Cornell University, 1987), Department of Anthropology
  • Lovett, David, DIPNTL (Wimbledon Sch of Art, 1960), Department of Drama
  • Lowe, Graham S, BA (U of Toronto, 1974), MA (U of Toronto, 1975), PHD (U of Toronto, 1979), Department of Sociology
  • Lown, James W, ARCS (U of London, 1956), BSC (U of London, 1956), DIC (U of London, 1960), PHD (U of London, 1960), Department of Chemistry
  • Lown, Peter Jm, LLB (U of Glasgow, 1968), LLM (U of Saskatchewan, 1973), Faculty of Law
  • Lozowski, Edward P, BSC (U of Toronto, 1965), MSC (U of Toronto, 1967), PHD (U of Toronto, 1970), Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
  • Lubell, David, AB (Columbia University, 1964), PHD (Columbia University, 1971), Department of Anthropology
  • Lucy, Charles A, BSC (U of Victoria, 1983), PHD (U of Alberta, 1988), Faculty of Science - Chemistry
  • Ludwig, Garry, BSC (U of Toronto, 1962), PHD (Brown University, 1966), Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences
  • MacDonald, Ian M, BSC (McGill University, 1972), MDCM (McGill University, 1979), MSC (McGill University, 1974), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Ophthamology Dept
  • MacDonald, Neil R N, BA (U of Toronto, 1955), MD (McGill University, 1959), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Medicine
  • MacDonald, R Ian, BSC (Queen’s University, 1965), MENG (Carleton University, 1972), PHD (Carleton University, 1975), Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
  • Machel, Hans G, DIPLOMA (Tech U of Braunschweig, 1980), PHD (McGill University, 1985), Faculty of Science - Earth & Atmospheric Sciences Admin
  • Machin, Geoffrey A, MD (U of Oxford, 1966), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Dept of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology
  • Macintyre, Jean A, BA (Bryn Mawr College, 1956), MA (Yale University, 1957), PHD (Yale University, 1963), Department of English
  • Mackay, William C, BED (U of Alberta, 1965), BSC (U of Alberta, 1961), MSC (U of Alberta, 1967), PHD (Case Western Reserve U, 1971), Department of Biological Sciences
  • Mackey, Margaret, BA (Memorial U of Nfld, 1970), MLIS (U of Alberta, 1991), PHD (U of Alberta, 1995), Faculty of Education - School of Library and Information Studies
  • Macki, Jack W, BSC (U of Idaho, 1960), PHD (U of California, 1964), Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences
  • MacLaren, Ian S, BA (U of Toronto, 1972), BA (U of Western Ontario, 1975), MA (U of Western Ontario, 1977), PHD (U of Western Ontario, 1983), Faculty of Arts - History & Classics Dept
  • MacLeod, Roderick C, BA (U of Alberta, 1961), MA (Queen’s University, 1968), PHD (Duke University, 1972), Department of History and Classics
  • MacNab, Ross B J, BS (U of Michigan, 1956), MA (Michigan State U, 1959), PHD (Michigan State U, 1963), Faculty of Physical Education and Recreation - Sport Instruction
  • Madill, Helen M, BOT (U of Alberta, 1973), DIPOT (U of New South Wales, 1963), DIPTCH (U of Alberta, 1971), MED (U of Alberta, 1978), PHD (U of Alberta, 1985), Department of Occupational Therapy
  • Magee, David James, BA (Lakehead University, 1968), BPT (U of Alberta, 1972), DIPPT (U of Alberta, 1971), MSC (U of Alberta, 1975), PHD (U of Alberta, 1980), Faculty of Rehabilitation - Physical Therapy
  • Magill-Evans, Joyce Elaine, BSCOT (U of Alberta, 1976), DIPOT (U of Alberta, 1974), MSC (U of Alberta, 1983), PHD (U of Alberta, 1986), Department of Occupational Therapy
  • Mahe, Yvette Therese, BED (U of Calgary, 1972), MED (U of Alberta, 1978), PHD (U of Alberta, 1984), Campus Saint-Jean
  • Makarechian, Mahmoud H, MSC (Michigan State U, 1958), PHD (Michigan State U, 1961), PHD (U of Tehran, 1957), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences - Dept of Agric, Food and Nutri Science
  • Malhotra, Sudarshan Sk, Department of Biological Sciences
  • Malicky, Grace V, BA (U of Alberta, 1965), MED (U of Alberta, 1968), PHD (U of Alberta, 1974), Department of Elementary Education
  • Mallet, Nicole E, MA (U of Paris I, 1962), PHD (U of Paris-Sorbonne, 1973), Department of Modern Languages and Comparative Studies
  • Man, Godfrey C, MBBS (U of Hong Kong, 1972), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Medicine Dept
  • Man, Shu Fan Paul, BSC (U of Alberta, 1969), MD (U of Alberta, 1970), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Medicine
  • Mant, Michael J, CHB (U of Otago, 1964), MB (U of Otago, 1964), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Medicine
  • Margolin, Uri, BA (Hebrew U of Jerusalem, 1966), MA (Cornell University, 1970), PHD (Cornell University, 1972), Department of Modern Languages and Cultural Studies
  • Marrie, Thomas J, MD (Dalhousie U, 1970), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry
  • Marsden, David J, BSC (U of Alberta, 1955), DIPENG (Cranfield Inst of Tech, 1957), PHD (U of Toronto, 1965), Department of Mechanical Engineering
  • Marsland, TA Tony, BSC (U of Nottingham, 1958), MS (U of Washington Seattle, 1965), PHD (U of Washington Seattle, 1967), Department of Computing Science
  • Martin, Wayne R, BMEDSC (U of Alberta, 1973), MD (U of Alberta, 1975), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Medicine Dept
  • Marusyk, Raymond G, BSC (U of Alberta, 1965), MSC (U of Alberta, 1967), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Dept of Medical Microbiology and Immunology
  • Masliyah, Jacob H, MSC (U of New Brunswick, 1966), PHD (U of British Columbia, 1970), Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering
  • Massey, Donald L, BED (U of Alberta, 1965), DIPEDUC (U of Alberta, 1967), MSC (Kansas State U, 1969), PHD (Kansas State U, 1971), Department of Elementary Education
  • Masson, Jack K, BA (U of Oregon, 1960), MA (U of Oregon, 1962), PHD (U of Washington Seattle, 1971), Faculty of Extension - Extension Academics
  • Mather, Alan Edward, BSENG (U of Alberta, 1960), MSC (U of Alberta, 1962), PHD (U of Michigan, 1967), Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering
  • Mathison, Gary W, BSC (U of Alberta, 1967), PHD (U of Alberta, 1972), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences - Dept of Agric, Food and Nutri Science
  • Maynes, William Gordon, BED (U of Alberta, 1972), MED (U of Alberta, 1979), PHD (U of Alberta, 1989), Department of Educational Policy Studies
  • McBlain, William A, BSC (U of Guelph, 1969), MSC (U of Alberta, 1972), PHD (U of Alberta, 1976), Vice President of Research
  • McCargar, Linda Janet, BHEC (U of Manitoba, 1977), MSC (U of Alberta, 1982), PHD (U of Alberta, 1988), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences - Dept of Agric, Food and Nutri Science
  • McCaw, Kim D, DIPLOMA (National Theatre School, ), Faculty of Arts - Drama Dept
  • McClay, Jill A, BA (U of Pennsylvania, 1974), MED (U of Alberta, 1988), PHD (U of Alberta, 1992), Department of Elementary Education
  • McClung, Ronald E D, BSC (U of Alberta, 1963), PHD (U of California LA, 1967), Department of Chemistry
  • McCormack, Patricia Alice, BA (U of Alberta, 1969), MA (U of Alberta, 1975), PHD (U of Alberta, 1984), Faculty of Native Studies
  • McDaniel, Susan Anderson, BA (U of Massachusetts, 1968), MA (Cornell University, 1970), PHD (U of Alberta, 1977), Department of Sociology
  • McDermid, Heather, BSC (U of Western Ontario, 1979), MSC (U of Western Ontario, 1981), PHD (Queen’s University, 1985), Faculty of Science - Biological Sciences
  • McDonald, Linda M, BA (U of Manitoba, 1970), MA (U of Manitoba, 1977), PHD (U of Alberta, 1980), Department of Educational Psychology
  • McDonald, W John, BSC (U of Saskatchewan, 1959), MSC (U of Saskatchewan, 1961), PHD (U of Ottawa, 1964), Department of  Physics
  • McElhaney, Ronald N, BA (U of Washington Seattle, 1964), PHD (U of Connecticut, 1969), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Biochemistry
  • McFadden, Kenneth David, BA (Concordia College Minn, 1952), MA (U of Iowa, 1958), PHD (U of North Dakota, 1964), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Anatomy
  • McFadyen, Stuart M, BSC (U of Manitoba, 1959), CA (U of British Columbia, 1963), MA (U of British Columbia, 1968), MA (U of California Berkeley, 1967), PHD (U of California Berkeley, 1969), Faculty of Business
  • McIntosh, Gordon Andrew, Faculty of Extension - Government Studies
  • McKay, Roberta A, BED (U of Alberta, 1973), MED (U of Alberta, 1977), PHD (U of Alberta, 1990), Department of Elementary Education
  • McKill, Larry N, BA (Waterloo Lutheran Sem, 1964), BA (Waterloo Lutheran Sem, 1965), MA (U of Alberta, 1967), PHD (State U of New York, 1974), Department of English
  • McLellan, Anne A, BA (Dalhousie U, 1971), LLB (Dalhousie U, 1974), LLM (U of London, 1975), Faculty of Law
  • McMahon, Frank J, BA (U of Ottawa, 1955), BPHIL (U of Rome I La Sapienza, 1957), BTH (U of Rome I La Sapienza, 1960), MTH (U of Ottawa, 1963), Campus Saint-Jean
  • McMaster, Juliet S, BA (U of Oxford, 1959), MA (U of Alberta, 1963), PHD (U of Alberta, 1965), Department of English
  • McMillan, Melville L, BA (U of Alberta, 1964), MSC (U of Alberta, 1967), PHD (Cornell University, 1973), Department of Economics
  • McPherson, Harold J, BA (Queens U Belfast, 1961), MA (U of Alberta, 1963), PHD (McGill University, 1967), Department of Biological Sciences
  • McPherson, Thomas A, MD (U of Alberta, 1962), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Family Medicine
  • McQuarrie, Stephen Andrew, BSC (U of Alberta, 1973), MSC (U of Alberta, 1975), PHD (U of Alberta, 1995), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Oncology
  • Medwidsky, Bohdan, PHD (U of Toronto, 1977), Department of Modern Languages and Cultural Studies
  • Meekison, J Peter, BASC (U of British Columbia, 1959), BA (U of British Columbia, 1961), MA (U of Western Ontario, 1962), PHD (Duke University, 1966), Department of Political Science
  • Mehra, Krishen Kl, Vice President Research - Research Services Office
  • Meilicke, Carl A, BCOM (U of Saskatchewan, 1957), DHA (U of Toronto, 1959), PHD (U of Minnesota, 1967), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Family Medicine
  • Meir, Amram, MSC (Hebrew U of Jerusalem, 1958), PHD (Hebrew U of Jerusalem, 1962),
  • Melançon, Paul R, BSC (McGill University, 1977), PHD (U of Wisconsin, 1983), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Cell Biology Dept
  • Melnychuk, Nancy E, BED (U of Alberta, 1971), MED (U of Alberta, 1980), PHD (U of Alberta, 1990), Department of Secondary Education
  • Mendoza, Carl A, BASC (U of British Columbia, 1984), MSC (U of Waterloo, 1989), PHD (U of Waterloo, 1992), Faculty of Science - Earth & Atmospheric Sciences Admin
  • Mercer, John R, BSC (Mount Allison U, 1972), MSC (U of Alberta, 1975), PHD (U of Alberta, 1985), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Oncology
  • Merrett, Robert J, BA (U of Birmingham, 1967), PHD (U of Birmingham, 1969), Department of English
  • Miall, David S, AGSM (Guildhall Sch of Music, 1967), BA (U of Stirling, 1976), PHD (U of Wales, 1980), Department of English
  • Micko, Michael M, BENG (Slovak Tech U Bratislava, 1959), CERT (Slovak Tech U Bratislava, 1966), PHD (U of British Columbia, 1973), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences - Department of Renewable Resources
  • Miedzinski, Lilly J, BA (U of Alberta, 1972), MD (U of Alberta, 1976), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Medicine
  • Mielke, Bruce W, BSC (U of Alberta, 1955), MD (U of Alberta, 1959), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Dept of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology
  • Mill, Judith Ellen, BN (U of Calgary, 1980), MN (U of Alberta, 1996), PHD (U of Alberta, 2000), Faculty of Nursing
  • Millar, Robert F,
  • Mioduchowski, Andrew, MENG (Warsaw U of Tech, 1962), PHD (Polish Academy of Science, 1969), Department of Mechanical Engineering
  • Mirus, K Rolf R, MA (U of Minnesota, 1965), PHD (U of Minnesota, 1973), Faculty of Business
  • Mis, Walter K, BA (U of Alberta, 1963), LLB (U of Alberta, 1964), LLM (London Sch of Econ, 1965), Faculty of Law
  • Mitchell, Beverley K, BSC (U of New Brunswick, 1968), PHD (U of New Brunswick, 1972), Department of Biological Sciences
  • Mitchell, Bryan F, MD (U of Western Ontario, 1971), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Obstetrics & Gynaecology Dept
  • Mitchell, John J, BA (U of Washington Seattle, 1963), MED (U of Washington Seattle, 1964), PHD (U of Oregon, 1969), Department of Educational Psychology
  • Mitchelson, E Barry, BA (U of Western Ontario, 1964), BPE (U of Alberta, 1966), MA (U of Alberta, 1968), PHD (Ohio State University, 1971), Faculty of Physical Education and Recreation
  • Mohr, Jonathan Jeffrey James, BMUS (Pacific Lutheran U, 1975), MMUS (U of Alberta, 1980), PHD (U of Alberta, 2002), Augustana - Sciences
  • Molnar, George D,
  • Montgomerie, T Craig, BSC (U of Alberta, 1967), MED (U of Alberta, 1973), PHD (U of Alberta, 1981), Department of Educational Psychology
  • Montgomery, Amanda P, BA (U of Washington Seattle, 1977), DMUSED (U of Indiana, 1987), MA (U of Indiana, 1980), Faculty of Education - Elementary Education
  • Moody, Robert V, BA (U of Saskatchewan, 1962), MA (U of Toronto, 1964), PHD (U of Toronto, 1966), Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences
  • Moon, John W, MA (Michigan State U, 1960), PHD (U of Alberta, 1962), Vice President Research - Research Services Office
  • Moore, Katherine Nancy, BA (McMaster University, 1982), BN (Dalhousie U, 1984), MN (U of Alberta, 1989), PHD (U of Alberta, 1997), Faculty of Nursing
  • Morcos, Camila Monica, Department of Biological Sciences
  • Morgenstern, Norbert R, BASC (U of Toronto, 1956), DENG (U of Toronto, 1983), DIC (U of London, 1964), PHD (U of London, 1964), Faculty of Engineering
  • Morrow, Raymond A, BA (Pomona College, 1967), MA (U of British Columbia, 1973), PHD (York University, 1981), Department of Sociology
  • Morse, Janice M, BS (Pennsylvania State U, 1977), MA (U of Utah, 1980), MS (Pennsylvania State U, 1978), PHD (U of Utah, 1981), Faculty of Nursing
  • Morton, Roger David, BSC (U of Nottingham, 1956), PHD (U of Nottingham, 1958), Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
  • Mos PhD, Leendert P, BA (U of Alberta, 1966), DPHIL (U of Alberta, 1974), MSC (U of Alberta, 1969), Faculty of Arts - Psychology
  • Moser, Walter, Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research
  • Moskalyk PhD, Richard E, BSCPHM (U of Saskatchewan, 1956), MSC (U of Saskatchewan, 1959), PHD (U of Alberta, 1965), Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
  • Moss, David J, BED (U of Alberta, 1966), DIPTCH (St Lukes U, 1960), DPHIL (U of Oxford, 1973), MA (U of Alberta, 1967), Department of History and Classics
  • Mouat, Jeremy, BA (Massey University, 1979), MA (U of Canterbury, 1982), PHD (U of British Columbia, 1988), Augustana - Social Sciences
  • Moulton, Elizabeth A, BA (Queen’s University, 1974), Faculty of Arts - Drama Dept
  • Moyles, R Gordon, BA (Memorial U of Nfld, 1965), BED (Memorial U of Nfld, 1963), MA (Memorial U of Nfld, 1967), PHD (U of London, 1969), Department of English
  • Mozejko, Edward, MA (Jagiellonian U Cracow, 1956), PHD (Jagiellonian U Cracow, 1964), Faculty of Arts - Office of Interdisciplinary Studies
  • Mucz, Michael, BSC (U of Manitoba, 1970), PHD (U of Alberta, 1974), Augustana - Sciences
  • Mulcahy PhD, Robert F, BED (U of Alberta, 1970), MED (U of Alberta, 1972), PHD (U of Alberta, 1975), Department of Educational Psychology
  • Muldowney, James S, BSC (Natl U of Ireland, 1960), MSC (Natl U of Ireland, 1961), PHD (U of Alberta, 1965), Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences
  • Mulvihill, James D, BA (Laurentian U, 1977), MA (McMaster University, 1979), MLS (U of Western Ontario, 1984), PHD (McMaster University, 1982), Department of English
  • Mumey, Glen A, BSC (U of North Dakota, 1955), MA (U of North Dakota, 1957), PHD (U of Washington Seattle, 1965), Department of Finance and Statistical Analysis
  • Mundel, Hans-Dittmar, MA (Georg Aug U Gottingen, 1969), PHD (Graduate Theological Union, 1981), Augustana - Fine Arts
  • Munn, Alexandra M, AMUS (U of Alberta, 1953), DIPLOMA (Juilliard School, 1955), LMUS (U of Alberta, 1952), LRSM (U of London, 1953), Department of Music
  • Munro, Kenneth J, BA (U of Toronto, 1968), MA (McMaster University, 1969), PHD (U of Ottawa, 1973), Department of History and Classics
  • Munro, Stanley R, BA (U of Hawaii, 1962), MA (U of Hawaii, 1965), Department of East Asian Studies
  • Murie, Jan O, BS (Colorado State U, 1959), MA (Montana State U, 1963), PHD (U of Pennsylvania, 1967), Department of Biological Sciences
  • Murphy, Michael F, BSC (Dalhousie U, ), MD (Dalhousie U, ), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Anesthesiology & Pain Medicine
  • Murphy, Peter Pj, Vice President Research - Research Services Office
  • Murray, David William, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
  • Murray, Eloise C, BS (Mount Allison U, 1958), MS (U of Pennsylvania, 1966), PHD (U of Pennsylvania, 1968), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences-Resource Economics &Environmental Sociology
  • Myrick, A Florence, BN (Memorial U of Nfld, 1980), MSCN (U of Western Ontario, 1986), PHD (U of Alberta, 1998), Faculty of Nursing
  • Nahachewsky, Andriy W, BA (U of Saskatchewan, 1979), BFA (York University, 1982), MA (U of Alberta, 1985), PHD (U of Alberta, 1991), Faculty of Arts - Modern Languages and Cultural Studies Dept
  • Nandakumar, Krishnaswamy, BTECH (U of Madras, 1973), MSC (U of Saskatchewan, 1975), PHD (Princeton U, 1979), Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering
  • Nargang, Frank E, BSC (U of Saskatchewan, 1974), PHD (U of Regina, 1978), Faculty of Science - Biological Sciences
  • Nash, David, BSC (U of London, 1960), PHD (U of Cambridge, 1963), Department of Biological Sciences
  • Nearey, Terrance M, BA (U of Wisconsin, 1969), PHD (U of Connecticut, 1976), Department of Linguistics
  • Neil, David H, BVSC (U of Liverpool, 1959), Vice President - Research - University Veterinarian
  • Nelson, Thomas Tm, Faculty of Arts - Psychology
  • Neufeld, M Anne, BSN (U of Saskatchewan, 1966), MA (U of Regina, 1974), PHD (U of Saskatchewan, 1986), Faculty of Nursing
  • Neumaier, Eva K, DPHIL (Ludwig-Max U of Munich, 1976), PHD (Ludwig-Max U of Munich, 1966), Faculty of Arts - Office of Interdisciplinary Studies
  • Newman, John, BA (U of Queensland, 1969), MA (Monash University, 1972), PHD (U of California San Diego, 1981), Department of Linguistics
  • Newman, Stephen C, BSC (Dalhousie U, 1972), MA (Dalhousie U, 1974), MD (U of Toronto, 1979), MSC (U of Toronto, 1983), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Psychiatry
  • Newton, James D, BS (U of New Mexico, 1957), MBA (U of Washington Seattle, 1967), PHD (U of Washington Seattle, 1972), Department of Strategic Management and Organization
  • Nguyen, Khanh G, MD (U of Saigon, 1969), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Dept of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology
  • Nielsen, Arne B, BPE (U of Alberta, 1972), MA (U of Alberta, 1974), PHD (Arizona State U, 1985), Faculty of Physical Education and Recreation - Academic Programs
  • Nielsen, Rosemary M, MA (U of Washington Seattle, 1964), PHD (U of Washington Seattle, 1967), Department of Modern Languages and Comparative Studies
  • Nowrouzian, Behrooz, BSC (Ayra-Mehr U of Tech, 1975), MSC (Imperial Clg U of London, 1976), PHD (Imperial Clg U of London, 1983), Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
  • Nyborg, Marvin Pk, BSA (U of Saskatchewan, 1955), MSC (U of Saskatchewan, 1957), PHD (McGill University, 1963), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences - Department of Renewable Resources
  • Oberg, Dianne Joan, BED (U of Alberta, 1967), DIPGRAD (U of Alberta, 1978), MLS (U of Alberta, 1984), PHD (U of Alberta, 1992), Department of Elementary Education
  • O’Brien, Beverley A, BSCN (U of British Columbia, 1972), DNS (Rush University, 1990), MSC (U of California, 1982), Faculty of Nursing
  • Offenberger, Allan A, BASC (U of British Columbia, 1962), MASC (U of British Columbia, 1963), PHD (Massachusetts Inst of Tech, 1968), Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
  • Ogilvie, Linda D, BSCN (U of Toronto, 1975), MSCN (U of Western Ontario, 1983), PHD (U of Alberta, 1993), Faculty of Nursing
  • Olley, Peter M, MBBS (U of London, 1960), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Pediatrics
  • Olson, Alton T, MS (U of Illinois Chicago, 1962), PHD (U of Wisconsin, 1970), Department of Secondary Education
  • Olson, John Otto, BA (Gustavus Adolphus College, 1965), PHD (U of Minnesota, 1971), Augustana - Sciences
  • Ooraikul, Buncha, BTECH (Massey University, 1966), DIPAGR (Kasetsart University, 1962), MTECH (Massey University, 1968), PHD (U of Alberta, 1973), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences - Dept of Agric, Food and Nutri Science
  • Osadetz, Carl Cj, Vice President Research - Research Services Office
  • Osborn, Jeffrey W, BDS (U of London, 1955), PHD (U of London, 1966), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Dentistry
  • Osborne, John W, BA (U of Sydney, 1958), DIPTCH (U of Sydney, 1958), MS (U of Wisconsin, 1969), PHD (U of Wisconsin Madison, 1970), Department of Educational Psychology
  • Osborne, Lyndal J, Department of Art and Design
  • Otto, Fred D, BSC (U of Alberta, 1957), MSC (U of Alberta, 1959), PHD (U of Michigan, 1963), Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering
  • Overton, Thomas R, BSC (U of Hull, 1959), PHD (U of Leeds, 1963), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Biomedical Engineering
  • Owram, Douglas R, BA (Queen’s University, 1970), MA (Queen’s University, 1972), PHD (U of Toronto, 1976), Department of History and Classics
  • Pabst, Henry F, FRCP(C) (U of Alberta, 1967), MD (U of Alberta, 1962), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Pediatrics
  • Paetkau, Verner H, BSC (U of Alberta, 1963), MSC (U of Wisconsin, 1965), PHD (U of Wisconsin, 1967), Vice President Research - Research Services Office
  • Page, William J, BSC (U of British Columbia, 1968), PHD (U of British Columbia, 1973), Department of Biological Sciences
  • Pagliaro, Ann Marie, BSN (U of California, 1973), MSN (U of California, 1976), Faculty of Nursing
  • Pagliaro, Louis Anthony, MS (U of California, 1977), PHARMD (U of California, 1974), PHD (U of Alberta, 1981), Department of Educational Psychology
  • Palmer, Allison Richard, BS (New York University, 1973), PHD (U of Washington Seattle, 1980), Faculty of Science - Biological Sciences
  • Pannu, Rajinder S, MA (Panjab University, 1959), MED (U of Alberta, 1966), PHD (U of Alberta, 1973), Department of Educational Policy Studies
  • Parent, Roger Adelard, BA (U of Ottawa, 1968), BED (U of Alberta, 1972), MA (Laval University, 1983), PHD (Laval University, 1992), Campus Saint Jean - Academic Admin
  • Parsons, James B, BA (U of Kentucky, 1970), MA (U of Kentucky, 1971), PHD (U of Texas, 1976), Faculty of Education - Secondary Education Dept
  • Pasutto, Franco M, BSC (U of Alberta, 1972), PHD (U of Alberta, 1978), Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
  • Paszkowski, Cynthia A, AB (Albion College, 1973), MS (U of Wisconsin Madison, 1980), PHD (U of Wisconsin Madison, 1983), Faculty of Science - Biological Sciences
  • Patchett, Barry Martin, BASC (U of Toronto, 1962), MSC (Cranfield Inst of Tech, 1964), PHD (U of Birmingham, 1970), Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering
  • Paton, David M, DSC (U of the Witwatersrand, 1981), MBCHB (U of Cape Town, 1961), MD (U of the Witwatersrand, 1974), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Dentistry
  • Paulson, Barbara Lynn, BA (U of Manitoba, 1967), BED (U of Manitoba, 1971), MED (U of Manitoba, 1974), PHD (U of Alberta, 1984), Department of Educational Psychology
  • Pausch, Holger A, MA (Free U of Berlin, 1968), PHD (McGill University, 1974), Department of Modern Languages and Cultural Studies
  • Pawluk, Steve,
  • Peacock, Graham S, BFA (U of London, 1966), Department of Art and Design
  • Peacocke, Charles Ct, Department of Drama
  • Pearson, Keir G, BENG (U of Tasmania, 1964), DPHIL (U of Oxford, 1968), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Physiology
  • Pehowich, Daniel Joseph, BSC (U of Alberta, 1972), MSC (U of Alberta, 1980), PHD (U of Alberta, 1984), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Dentistry Dept
  • Pelletier, Francis Jeffry, BED (U of Nebraska Lincoln, 1965), MA (U of Nebraska Lincoln, 1966), MSC (U of Alberta, 1983), PHD (U of California LA, 1971), Department of Philosophy
  • Percy, Michael B, BA (U of Victoria, 1971), MA (Queen’s University, 1975), PHD (Queen’s University, 1977), Faculty of Business
  • Peters, J Frank, BA (U of Dublin Trinity Clg, 1964), BED (U of Alberta, 1971), MED (U of Alberta, 1977), PHD (U of Alberta, 1986), Department of Educational Policy Studies
  • Petersen, Nils O, BSC (U of Western Ontario, 1972), PHD (California Inst of Technology, 1978), Department of Chemistry
  • Petersen, Stewart R, BA (U of Victoria, 1975), MA (U of Victoria, 1981), PHD (U of Alberta, 1987), Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation - Academic Programs
  • Peterson, Arthur E, BASC (U of British Columbia, 1964), MS (Cornell University, 1966), Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
  • Petruk, Milton W, BSC (U of Alberta, 1960), MED (U of Alberta, 1967), PHD (U of Alberta, 1973), Faculty of Extension - Extension Academics
  • Philippon, Donald J, BA (U of Saskatchewan, 1968), BED (U of Saskatchewan, 1969), MA (U of Saskatchewan, 1973), PHD (U of Alberta, 1979), School of Public Health - Public Health Sciences
  • Philips, Lisa, BA (U of Oregon, 1976), MA (U of Oregon, 1978), PHD (U of Texas, 1990), Department of Anthropology
  • Phillips, Linda M, BA (Memorial U of Nfld, 1972), BA (Memorial U of Nfld, 1975), MED (Memorial U of Nfld, 1977), PHD (U of Alberta, 1981), Department of Elementary Education
  • Phillips, William E, BSC (McGill University, 1961), MS (U of Connecticut, 1964), PHD (U of California, 1967), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences-Resource Economics &Environmental Sociology
  • Pickard, Michael A, BSC (U of Liverpool, 1964), PHD (U of Liverpool, 1967), Department of Biological Sciences
  • Pier, Fordyce C, BFA (U of New Mexico, 1961), DMA (Boston University, 1979), MMUS (Yale University, 1964), Department of Music
  • Pierce, W David, BA (York University, 1971), MA (York University, 1972), PHD (York University, 1975), Department of Sociology
  • Pilarski, Linda M, BA (Elmhurst College, 1963), BSC (Elmhurst College, 1963), PHD (U of Adelaid, 1973), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Oncology Dept
  • Pimlott, Janice Frances Leigh, BSC (U of Toronto, 1980), DIPDHYG (U of Toronto, 1973), MSC (U of Toronto, 1983), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Dentistry
  • Pimm, David John, BSC (U of Warwick, 1974), MA (U of Wisconsin, 1979), MSC (Cornell University, 1978), PHD (Open University - England, 1994), Department of Secondary Education
  • Pinnington, Eric H, BSC (U of London, 1959), PHD (U of London, 1962), Department of  Physics
  • Pitcher, Edward Wr, BA (U of Western Ontario, 1966), MA (U of Western Ontario, 1968), PHD (U of Leeds, 1973), Department of English
  • Platt, Peggie Jean, BED (U of Alberta, 1965), MED (U of Alberta, 1969), PHD (U of Alberta, 1982), Department of Elementary Education
  • Plecash, James M, Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Dentistry
  • Plitt, Loverne R, BSC (U of Alberta, 1957), MSC (U of Alberta, 1966), Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
  • Plourde, Andre R, BA (U of New Brunswick, 1978), MA (U of New Brunswick, 1979), PHD (U of British Columbia, 1985), Department of Economics
  • Pocklington, Thomas C, BA (U of Toronto, 1958), PHD (Indiana State U, 1964), Department of Political Science
  • Poliquin, Rene A, MS (U of Sherbrooke, 1984), PHD (U of Washington Seattle, 1989), Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
  • Porteous, Kenneth C, BENG (McGill University, 1964), MCHE (U of Delaware, 1968), PHD (U of Delaware, 1971), Faculty of Engineering Centre for Cooperative Education
  • Potvin, Claudine, BA (University of Quebec, 1969), MA (McGill University, 1975), PHD (University of Montreal, 1983), Department of Modern Languages and Cultural Studies
  • Powrie, Thomas L, Department of Economics
  • Pratt, Lawrence R, BA (Carleton University, 1967), MA (U of Toronto, 1968), PHD (London Sch of Econ, 1973), Department of Political Science
  • Preiksaitis, Jutta Krista, BSC (McMaster University, 1974), MD (McMaster University, 1976), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Medicine Dept
  • Preshing, William A, Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
  • Prest, Harry Vincent Stewart, BA (U of Saskatchewan, 1970), MA (U of Saskatchewan, 1973), PHD (McMaster University, 1977), Augustana - Fine Arts & Humanities
  • Prestwich, Patricia E, BA (U of Toronto, 1964), MA (U of Toronto, 1965), PHD (Stanford University, 1973), Department of History and Classics
  • Price, Mick A, BSCAGR (U of Rhodesia, 1967), MRURSC (U of New England, 1970), PHD (U of New England, 1976), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences - Dept of Agric, Food and Nutri Science
  • Price, Richard T, BCOM (U of Alberta, 1964), BD (U of Alberta, 1968), MA (U of Alberta, 1986), Faculty of Native Studies
  • Prideaux, Gary D, BA (Rice University, 1961), PHD (U of Texas, 1966), Department of Linguistics
  • Priestly, Tom Michael Sidney, BA (U of Cambridge, 1960), DIPEDUC (U of Oxford, 1961), MA (U of Cambridge, 1965), PHD (Simon Fraser U, 1972), Department of Modern Languages and Cultural Studies
  • Prithipaul, Dulari, Campus Saint-Jean
  • Prokop, Manfred, MA (Notre Dame College, 1967), PHD (Notre Dame College, 1971), Vice President Research - Research Services Office
  • Pylypiuk, Natalia, BA (Northwestern U, 1972), MA (Harvard University, 1979), PHD (Harvard University, 1989), Faculty of Arts - Modern Languages and Cultural Studies Dept
  • Quinney, H Arthur, BA (U of Saskatchewan, 1966), BED (U of Saskatchewan, 1966), MSC (U of Saskatchewan, 1968), PHD (U of Alberta, 1974), Office of the Provost & Vice-President (Academic)
  • Qureshi, Regula, MA (U of Pennsylvania, 1962), MMUS (U of Alberta, 1973), PHD (U of Alberta, 1981), Department of Music
  • Rabinovitch, Alexander, BSC (McGill University, 1961), MD (McGill University, 1965), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Medicine
  • Raborn, George W, DDS (Med College of Virginia, 1965), MS (Florida State U, 1979), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Dentistry
  • Radford, Frederick L, BA (U of British Columbia, 1966), MA (U of Washington Seattle, 1969), PHD (U of Washington Seattle, 1970), Department of English
  • Rajaratnam, Nallamuthu, BENG (U of Madras, 1957), MSC (U of Madras, 1958), PHD (Indian Inst of Sc, 1961), Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
  • Rajotte, Raymond V, BSC (U of Alberta, 1971), DIPXRAY (Northern AB Inst Tech, 1965), MSC (U of Alberta, 1973), PHD (U of Alberta, 1975), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Surgery
  • Rasmussen, Raymond V, BS (U of California Berkeley, 1963), PHD (U of California Berkeley, 1970), Department of Strategic Management and Organization
  • Ratsoy, Eugene Ew, Ancillary Services Parking
  • Raworth, Philip M, BA (Manchester Metro U, 1964), LLB (U of Alberta, 1977), LLM (U of Alberta, 1984), MPHIL (U of Southampton, 1970), Faculty of Business
  • Razavy, Mohsen M, MA (U of Tehran, 1956), PHD (Louisiana State U, 1961), Department of  Physics
  • Read, Daphne F, BA (York University, 1973), MA (York University, 1979), PHD (York University, 1987), Department of English
  • Redmond, Gerald, DIPL (Loughborough U of Tech, 1959), DIPTCH (Loughborough U of Tech, 1957), MS (U of Massachusetts, 1969), PHD (U of Alberta, 1972), Faculty of Physical Education and Recreation - Sport Instruction
  • Reese, Willard F, Ancillary Services Parking
  • Reha-Krantz, Linda J, BSC (U of Washington Seattle, 1971), PHD (John Hopkins U, 1975), Department of Biological Sciences
  • Reid, David C, BPT (U of Alberta, 1970), MCH (U of Liverpool, 1980), MD (U of Alberta, 1974), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Surgery
  • Reimer, Stephen R, BA (U of Winnipeg, 1978), MA (York University, 1979), PHD (U of Toronto, 1983), Faculty of Arts - English & Film Studies Dept
  • Reinhold, Ernest, Ancillary Services Parking
  • Renke, Wayne Norman, BA (U of Alberta, 1981), LLB (U of Alberta, 1985), LLM (Osgoode Hall Law Sch, 1993), MA (U of Alberta, 1990), Faculty of Law
  • Reschenthaler, Gilbert B, BA (Texas W College, 1963), MA (U of Texas, 1966), PHD (U of Texas, 1969), Department of Marketing, Business Economics and Law
  • Reutter, Linda Isabel, BA (U of Alberta, 1973), BSCN (U of Alberta, 1968), MSCN (U of Colorado, 1980), PHD (U of Alberta, 1991), Faculty of Nursing
  • Rhemtulla, Akbar H, BSC (U of London, 1963), PHD (U of Cambridge, 1966), Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences
  • Richards, Donald M, BED (U of Alberta, 1968), MED (U of Alberta, 1969), PHD (U of Alberta, 1971), Department of Educational Policy Studies
  • Richards, Elizabeth Anne, BSC (U of Alberta, 1966), MS (Utah State U, 1968), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences - Department of Human Ecology
  • Riemenschneider, Sherman D, BA (Hiram College, 1965), MA (Syracuse University, 1967), PHD (Syracuse University, 1969), Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences
  • Rink, Raymond E, BS (Massachusetts Inst of Tech, 1962), MS (U of New Mexico, 1964), PHD (U of New Mexico, 1967), Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
  • Robertson, Charlene MT, MD (U of Saskatchewan, 1965), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Pediatrics
  • Robertson, Gerald B, LLB (U of Edinburgh, 1976), LLM (McGill University, 1978), Faculty of Law
  • Robertson, James Alexander, Ancillary Services Parking
  • Robertson, Janet A, BA (U of British Columbia, 1959), MSC (McGill University, 1969), PHD (McGill University, 1973), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Dept of Medical Microbiology and Immunology
  • Robertson, Peter K, BSC (U of Nottingham, 1972), MASC (U of British Columbia, 1975), PHD (U of British Columbia, 1983), Vice President Research - Research Services Office
  • Robinson, Alexander M, BASC (U of British Columbia, 1961), MSC (U of British Columbia, 1963), PHD (U of British Columbia, 1966), Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
  • Rochet, Anne H, BA (Hollins College, 1968), MS (Purdue University, 1971), PHD (Purdue University, 1973), Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine - Communication Sciences and Disorders
  • Rochet, Bernard L, PHD (U of Alberta, 1970), Department of Linguistics
  • Rodda, Michael, BSC (U of Durham, 1959), PHD (U of Durham, 1964), Department of Educational Psychology
  • Roeder, Michael T, BMUS (U of New Mexico, 1966), MA (U of New Mexico, 1968), PHD (U of California, 1971), Department of Music
  • Rogers PhD, W Todd, BSC (U of British Columbia, 1963), MA (U of British Columbia, 1968), PHD (U of Colorado, 1971), Department of Educational Psychology
  • Rogers, Thomas D, BS (Emory U, 1957), MS (Emory U, 1958), PHD (U of California, 1967), Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences
  • Roland, Jens, BSC (U of Alberta, 1976), MSC (U of British Columbia, 1981), PHD (U of British Columbia, 1986), Department of Biological Sciences
  • Romaniuk PhD, Eugene W, BED (U of Alberta, 1962), MED (U of Alberta, 1968), PHD (U of Alberta, 1970), Department of Educational Psychology
  • Rooke, Patricia T, BED (U of Calgary, 1969), MA (U of Calgary, 1973), PHD (U of Alberta, 1977), Department of Educational Policy Studies
  • Ross Kerr, Janet C, BSCN (U of Toronto, 1961), MSC (U of Wisconsin, 1967), PHD (U of Michigan, 1978), Faculty of Nursing
  • Rossall, Richard Re, Ancillary Services Parking
  • Rostoker, Gordon, BSC (U of Toronto, 1962), MA (U of Toronto, 1963), PHD (U of British Columbia, 1966), Department of  Physics
  • Rothwell, Richard L, BS (U of California, 1962), MF (U of California, 1966), PHD (U of British Columbia, 1975), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences - Department of Renewable Resources
  • Routledge, David, BSC (U of Alberta, 1964), MSC (Queen’s University, 1966), PHD (Queen’s University, 1970), Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
  • Rowell, Patricia Mary, BED (U of Alberta, 1972), BSC (U of London, 1960), MSC (U of Oxford, 1962), PHD (U of Alberta, 1983), Department of Elementary Education
  • Roy, Gerald, BSC (U of Western Ontario, 1959), PHD (Florida State U, 1963), Department of  Physics
  • Roy, Kenneth Leo Joseph, BSC (U of British Columbia, 1962), MSC (U of British Columbia, 1964), PHD (U of British Columbia, 1967), Department of Biological Sciences
  • Rozsypal, Anton J, MSC (Czech Tech U, 1958), PHD (U of Alberta, 1972), Department of Linguistics
  • Rubin, Linda, DIPDSGR (Vancouver Sch of Art, 1968), Department of Drama
  • Rule, Stanley J, MSC (U of Washington Seattle, 1961), PHD (U of Washington Seattle, 1962), Department of Psychology
  • Russell, Anthony S, BCHIR (U of Cambridge, 1963), MA (U of Cambridge, 1964), MB (U of Cambridge, 1963), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Medicine
  • Russell, Donald B, MD (U of Alberta, 1964), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Anatomy
  • Russell, James C, BSC (Dalhousie U, 1958), MSC (U of Saskatchewan, 1959), PHD (U of Saskatchewan, 1962), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Surgery
  • Russell, Michael A, Department of Biological Sciences
  • Rutter, Nathaniel Nw, Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
  • Ryan, David L, BA (Monash University, 1975), MA (Monash University, 1977), PHD (U of British Columbia, 1983), Department of Economics
  • Ryan, Edmond A, MD (U of Dublin Trinity Clg, 1975), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Medicine Dept
  • Samarasekera, Indira, BSC (University of Ceylon, 1974), MS (U of California Davis, 1976), PHD (U of British Columbia, 1980), University of Alberta Presidents Office
  • Samiroden, Walter D, BED (U of Alberta, 1966), BSC (U of Alberta, 1961), MSC (U of Alberta, 1964), PHD (Oregon State U, 1983), Department of Secondary Education
  • Samuel, William M, BSC (Juniata College, 1962), MSC (U of Pennsylvania, 1965), PHD (U of Wisconsin, 1969), Department of Biological Sciences
  • Sande, David J, BPE (U of Alberta, 1961), MA (U of Alberta, 1968), PHD (U of Oregon, 1975), Department of Elementary Education
  • Sanders PhD, Esmond J, BSC (U of Southampton, 1966), PHD (U of Southampton, 1969), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Physiology
  • Saram, Paulu A, BA (U of Colombo, 1961), MA (U of Alberta, 1970), PHD (U of Alberta, 1972), Department of Sociology
  • Sargent, M Elizabeth, BA (Duke University, 1970), PHD (U of Kent, 1975), Faculty of Arts - English & Film Studies Dept
  • Sartoris PhD, Paul C, BA (U of Alberta, 1958), MA (U of Alberta, 1962), PHD (U of Utah, 1966),
  • Sauer, Willem, BSC (McGill University, 1967), MSC (U of Manitoba, 1972), PHD (U of Manitoba, 1976), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences - Dept of Agric, Food and Nutri Science
  • Saunders, L Duncan, MBBCH (U of the Witwatersrand, 1975), PHD (U of the Witwatersrand, 1987), School of Public Health
  • Savage, Harry G, Faculty of Extension - Extension Academics
  • Sawada, Daiyo, BED (U of Alberta, 1964), MED (U of Alberta, 1966), PHD (U of Pennsylvania, 1971), Vice President Research - Research Services Office
  • Sawatzky, D Donald, BA (U of Saskatchewan, 1962), BED (U of Saskatchewan, 1961), MED (U of Alberta, 1968), PHD (U of Alberta, 1969), Department of Educational Psychology
  • Sayer, Derek G, BA (U of Essex, 1972), PHD (U of Durham, 1975), Department of Sociology
  • Schiff, Harry,
  • Schindler, David W, BS (U of North Dakota, 1962), DPHIL (U of Oxford, 1966), DSC (U of North Dakota, 1978), Department of Biological Sciences
  • Schlosser, Milton Rory, BMUS (U of Alberta, 1983), DMUS (U of Alberta, 1995), MM (U of Alberta, 1985), Augustana - Fine Arts & Humanities
  • Schmidt, Alfred R, DIPART (Alta College of Art, 1962), Faculty of Extension - Extension Academics
  • Schmuland, Byron Allan, BSC (U of Alberta, 1981), MSC (U of Alberta, 1983), PHD (Carleton University, 1987), Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
  • Schneck, Rodney E, BSBA (U of Denver, 1959), MBA (U of Washington Seattle, 1961), PHD (U of Denver, 1965), Department of Strategic Management and Organization
  • Schneider, Phyllis, BA (U of Illinois Chicago, 1975), PHD (Northwestern U, 1984), Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine - Communication Sciences and Disorders
  • Schouls, Peter A, BA (U of Toronto, 1960), MPHIL (U of Toronto, 1962), PHD (U of Toronto, 1967), Department of Philosophy
  • Schrader, Alvin M, BA (U of Alberta, 1966), MA (Carleton University, 1972), MLS (U of Toronto, 1975), PHD (U of Indiana, 1983), School of Library and Information Studies
  • Schuller, Paul D, CERT (U of Toronto, 1971), DDS (U of Toronto, 1968), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Dentistry
  • Schwartz, Bernard, BA (Brooklyn College, 1957), EDD (U of Pennsylvania, 1964), Department of Elementary Education
  • Schweger, Charles Earl, BS (U of Wisconsin, 1963), MS (U of Wisconsin, 1966), PHD (U of Alberta, 1976), Department of Anthropology
  • Scott Hoyt, Janet, BMUS (U of Alberta, 1972), MMUS (U of Alberta, 1977), Department of Music
  • Scott PhD, Paul G, BSC (U of Liverpool, 1968), PHD (U of Liverpool, 1973), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Biochemistry
  • Scott, David A, BSC (U of British Columbia, 1964), DDS (U of Alberta, 1976), MSC (U of Alberta, 1967), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Dentistry
  • Scott, Donald Jd, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
  • Scott, Harvey A, BA (U of Western Ontario, 1962), MPE (U of British Columbia, 1964), PHD (U of Alberta, 1973), Faculty of Physical Education and Recreation - Sport Instruction
  • Scott, Thomas W, BCOM (McGill University, 1976), MBA (McGill University, 1979), PHD (Queen’s University, 1988), Department of Accounting, Operations and  Information Systems
  • Sego, David Charles, BSC (U of Alberta, 1972), PHD (U of Alberta, 1980), Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
  • Seguin, Herb Jj, BSC (U of Alberta, 1959), DIC (Imperial Clg U of London, 1963), PHD (U of London, 1963), Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
  • Sehgal, Sudarshan K, BA (Panjab University, 1954), MA (Panjab University, 1956), PHD (Notre Dame College, 1962), Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences
  • Semple, John E, BPT (U of Alberta, 1971), DIPPT (Middlesex U, 1960), DIPTCH (Middlesex U, 1965), HABIL (Middlesex U, 1961), MED (U of Alberta, 1976), Department of Physical Therapy
  • Shah, Sirish L, BSC (U of Leeds, 1971), MSC (Manchester Metro U, 1972), PHD (U of Alberta, 1977), Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering
  • Sharir, Shmuel D, BA (Hebrew U of Jerusalem, 1964), MA (Hebrew U of Jerusalem, 1966), PHD (Columbia University, 1970), Department of Economics
  • Shaw, John, BSC (U of Reading, 1966), PHD (U of Reading, 1969), Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
  • Sherbaniuk, Richard, Faculty of Nursing
  • Sherif, Helmy S, BSC (Cairo University, 1960), MSC (Cairo University, 1964), PHD (U of Washington Seattle, 1968), Department of  Physics
  • Shiner, Roger A, BA (U of Cambridge, 1963), MA (U of Alberta, 1965), MA (U of Cambridge, 1966), PHD (U of Cambridge, 1970), Department of Philosophy
  • Shogan, Debra A, BS (U of Saskatchewan, 1973), MA (U of Western Ontario, 1976), PHD (U of Alberta, 1985), Faculty of Physical Education and Recreation - Academic Programs
  • Short PhD, Robert H, BED (U of Exeter, 1969), MA (U of Oregon, 1972), MSC (U of Oregon, 1971), PHD (U of Oregon, 1975), Department of Educational Psychology
  • Shysh, Alec, BSC (U of Alberta, 1958), MSC (U of Alberta, 1968), PHD (U of Alberta, 1970), Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
  • Sigler, Lynne, BSC (U of Alberta, 1969), MSC (U of Alberta, 1976), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences - Devonian Botanic Garden
  • Sigurdson, Lorenz W, BASC (U of Toronto, 1978), MSC (Calif Inst of Tech, 1980), PHD (Calif Inst of Tech, 1986), Department of Mechanical Engineering
  • Sigurdson, Sol E, BSC (U of Manitoba, 1957), MA (U of Toronto, 1958), PHD (U of Wisconsin, 1962), Department of Elementary Education
  • Sim, Jeong S, BSC (Konkuk University, 1965), MSC (U of Manitoba, 1970), PHD (U of British Columbia, 1973), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences - Dept of Agric, Food and Nutri Science
  • Sinclair, Robert W, BFA (U of Manitoba, 1962), MFA (U of Iowa, 1967), Department of Art and Design
  • Singh, Mohan M, Faculty of Physical Education and Recreation
  • Sinha, Birendra K, BA (Patna University, 1952), MA (Patna University, 1954), PHD (Michigan State U, 1966), Faculty of Arts - Psychology
  • Skakun, Ernest Nick, BED (U of Alberta, 1964), MED (U of Alberta, 1971), PHD (U of Alberta, 1994), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry
  • Skillen, D Lynn, BSCN (McMaster University, 1963), MHSC (McMaster University, 1979), PHD (U of Alberta, 1992), Faculty of Nursing
  • Slemon, Stephen G, BA (Queen’s University, 1974), MA (U of British Columbia, 1977), PHD (U of Queensland, 1988), Faculty of Arts - English & Film Studies Dept
  • Small, Alastair M, BA (U of Oxford, 1964), DPHIL (U of Oxford, 1972), MA (U of Oxford, 1968), Vice President Research - Research Services Office
  • Small, James M, MED (U of Alberta, 1967), PHD (U of Michigan, 1972), Department of Educational Policy Studies
  • Smith, Burton M, Department of History and Classics
  • Smith, Daniel W, BS (U of California, 1967), MSC (U of California, 1968), PHD (U of Kansas, 1970), Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
  • Smith, David Geoffrey, DPHIL (U of Alberta, 1983), MA (U of British Columbia, 1978), Department of Secondary Education
  • Smith, Donna Lynn, BSCN (U of Alberta, 1970), DIPEDUC (U of Alberta, 1973), MED (U of Alberta, 1980), RN (U of Alberta, 1967), Faculty of Nursing
  • Smith, Dorian Gw, BSC (U of London, 1959), MA (U of Oxford, 1964), MSC (U of Alberta, 1960), PHD (U of Cambridge, 1963), Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
  • Smith, Garry J, BPE (U of Alberta, 1964), DIPTCH (U of Alberta, 1964), MA (U of Western Ontario, 1968), PHD (U of Alberta, 1974), Faculty of Physical Education and Recreation - Academic Programs
  • Smith, Murray Frank Allen, BED (U of Alberta, ), DPHIL (U of Alberta, ), Department of Secondary Education
  • Smith, Peter A, BSC (U of Southampton, 1971), PHD (U of Southampton, 1974), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Pharmacology Dept
  • Smith, Roger S, BA (Pomona College, 1964), MA (U of California Berkeley, 1967), PHD (U of California Berkeley, 1969), Vice President of Research
  • Smith, Susan L, BA (U of California Irvine, 1982), MA (U of Wisconsin Madison, 1986), PHD (U of Wisconsin Madison, 1991), Faculty of Arts - History & Classics Dept
  • Smy, Peter R, BSENG (U of London, 1957), DSC (U of London, 1978), PHD (U of London, 1960), Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
  • Snart, Fern Darlene, BA (Brandon University, 1972), MA (U of Saskatchewan, 1976), PHD (U of Alberta, 1979), Faculty of Education - Deans Office
  • Snider, Earle L, BA (U of Alberta, 1964), MA (U of Calgary, 1966), PHD (Michigan State U, 1969), Department of Strategic Management and Organization
  • Snyder, Richard E, BA (Wayne State College, 1960), PHD (Wayne State College, 1966), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Biomedical Engineering
  • So, Joseph Wai-Hung, BA (U of Hong Kong, 1975), MSC (U of Alberta, 1978), PHD (U of Alberta, 1984), Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences
  • Sobsey PhD, Richard J, BS (State U of New York, 1976), EDD (West Virginia U, 1981), MED (State U of New York, 1977), Department of Educational Psychology
  • Sorenson, Paul G, BSC (U of Alberta, 1967), MSC (U of Alberta, 1969), PHD (U of Toronto, 1974), Department of Computing Science
  • Soskolne, Colin L, BSC (U of the Witwatersrand, 1970), BSC (U of the Witwatersrand, 1971), PHD (U of Pennsylvania, 1982), School of Public Health - Public Health Sciences
  • Spanos, Thomas Jt, BA (U of Lethbridge, 1971), MSC (U of Alberta, 1974), PHD (U of Alberta, 1977), Department of  Physics
  • Spence, John R, BA (U of Washington Seattle, 1970), MS (U of Vermont, 1974), PHD (U of British Columbia, 1979), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sci - Renewable Resources Dept
  • Spencer, Judith Olive, BA (U of London, 1971), MA (U of Alberta, 1973), PHD (U of Alberta, 1978), Augustana - Fine Arts
  • Sperber, Geoffrey H, BDS (U of the Witwatersrand, 1956), BSC (U of the Witwatersrand, 1954), BSC (U of the Witwatersrand, 1958), MS (U of Rochester, 1962), PHD (U of the Witwatersrand, 1974), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Dentistry
  • Spetch, Marcia L, BA (U of British Columbia, 1977), MA (U of British Columbia, 1979), PHD (U of British Columbia, 1981), Faculty of Science - Psychology Science
  • Spooner, Gordon R, BA (U of Saskatchewan, 1967), BSC (U of Saskatchewan, 1969), MD (U of Saskatchewan, 1974), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Family Medicine
  • Sporns, Peter, BSC (Simon Fraser U, 1970), PHD (U of Alberta, 1977), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences - Dept of Agric, Food and Nutri Science
  • Sproule, Brian Bj, Ancillary Services Parking
  • Stacey, Norm E, BSC (U of British Columbia, 1970), PHD (U of British Columbia, 1977), Department of Biological Sciences
  • Stanford PhD, Lois M, AB (Stanford University, 1956), MA (Brown University, 1966), MA (Stanford University, 1958), PHD (Brown University, 1973), Department of Linguistics
  • Steadward, Robert D, BPE (U of Alberta, 1969), MSC (U of Alberta, 1971), PHD (U of Oregon, 1978), Faculty of Physical Education and Recreation
  • Steffler, Peter Malcolm, BSC (U of Alberta, 1978), MSC (U of Alberta, 1980), PHD (U of Alberta, 1984), Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
  • Stehr, Nico, PHD (Oregon State U, 1970), Vice President Research - Research Services Office
  • Stein, Richard B, BS (Massachusetts Inst of Tech, 1962), DPHIL (U of Oxford, 1966), DSC (U of Waterloo, 1991), MA (U of Oxford, 1966), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Physiology
  • Steiner, Ivan P, BSC (State U of Liege, 1972), MD (McGill University, 1978), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Family Medicine
  • Stemke, Gerald W, BS (Illinois State U, 1957), PHD (U of Illinois Chicago, 1963), Department of Biological Sciences
  • Stephenson, John, BSC (U of London, 1961), DSC (U of London, 1990), PHD (U of London, 1964), Department of  Physics
  • Stewart, Miriam, BSCN (McMaster University, 1967), MN (Dalhousie U, 1976), PHD (Dalhousie U, 1988), Faculty of Nursing
  • Stewart, William H, BA (U of Saskatchewan, 1956), MS (Springfield College, 1957), PHD (U of Alberta, 1974), Faculty of Extension - Extension Academics
  • Stewin PhD, Leonard L, BSC (U of Alberta, 1963), MED (U of Alberta, 1968), PHD (U of Alberta, 1969), Department of Educational Psychology
  • Stiles, Michael Edgecombe, BSC (U of Natal, 1956), MSC (U of Natal, 1958), PHD (U of Illinois Chicago, 1963), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences - Dept of Agric, Food and Nutri Science
  • Stinson, Robert A, BSC (U of Toronto, 1964), PHD (U of Alberta, 1968), Vice President Research - Research Services Office
  • Stinson, Shirley M, Faculty of Business - External Relations
  • Stockey, Ruth A, BS (U of Illinois Chicago, 1972), MS (Ohio University, 1974), PHD (Ohio State University, 1977), Department of Biological Sciences
  • Stone, James C, BSC (U of British Columbia, 1974), MA (Columbia University, 1975), PHD (U of Oregon, 1979), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Biochemistry
  • Stott, Jon C, BA (U of British Columbia, 1961), MA (U of British Columbia, 1965), PHD (U of Toronto, 1971), Department of English
  • Stovel, Nora F, BA (McGill University, 1964), BA (U of Cambridge, 1966), MA (U of Cambridge, 1971), PHD (Dalhousie U, 1983), Department of English
  • Strain, Laurel, BA (Brandon University, 1977), PHD (U of Toronto, 1988), Department of Sociology
  • Strang, Victoria Rosalind, BN (U of Manitoba, 1967), MN (Dalhousie U, 1983), PHD (U of Alberta, 1995), Faculty of Nursing
  • Strathern, Gloria M,
  • Strausz, Otto P, Ancillary Services Parking
  • Street, William, BMUS (Catholic U of America, 1971), DMUS (Northwestern U, 1983), MMUS (Catholic U of America, 1973), Department of Music
  • Stringam, Gary R, BS (Brigham Young U, 1961), MS (U of Minnesota, 1965), PHD (U of Minnesota, 1966), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences - Dept of Agric, Food and Nutri Science
  • Strobeck, Curtis, BA (U of Montana, 1964), MA (U of Montana, 1966), PHD (U of Chicago, 1971), Department of Biological Sciences
  • Stromsmoe, Keith A, BSC (U of Alberta, 1958), MSC (U of New Brunswick, 1963), PHD (Purdue University, 1970), Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
  • Suddaby, Roy Robert, BSC (U of Alberta, 1981), LLB (U of Alberta, 1984), MBA (U of British Columbia, 1991), PHD (U of Alberta, 2001), Department of Sociology
  • Swinnerton, Guy S, BA (London Sch of Econ, 1965), MA (U of British Columbia, 1967), PHD (U of London, 1974), Faculty of Physical Education and Recreation
  • Swyripa, Frances Ann, BA (U of Alberta, 1973), MA (U of Alberta, 1976), PHD (U of Alberta, 1988), Department of History and Classics
  • Sydie, Rosalind A, BA (U of Liverpool, 1962), DIPLOMA (U of Liverpool, 1963), MA (U of Alberta, 1966), PHD (U of Alberta, 1970), Department of Sociology
  • Sykes, Brian D, BSC (U of Alberta, 1965), PHD (Stanford University, 1969), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Biochemistry Dept
  • Syrotuik, Daniel Gary, BA (McMaster University, 1975), BPE (McMaster University, 1975), MSC (U of Alberta, 1975), PHD (U of Alberta, 1984), Faculty of Physical Education and Recreation - Academic Programs
  • Szabo, Franz A, BA (University of Montreal, 1968), MA (U of Alberta, 1970), PHD (U of Alberta, 1976), Department of History and Classics
  • Szabo, Michael, BS (Taylor University, 1962), MS (Purdue University, 1967), PHD (Purdue University, 1969), Department of Educational Psychology
  • Tait, Robert J, BSC (U of Glasgow, 1959), PHD (U of Glasgow, 1962), Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences
  • Takats, Josef, BSC (University of Montreal, 1965), PHD (Massachusetts Inst of Tech, 1969), Department of Chemistry
  • Talwar, Prem P, BA (Punjab Agric U, 1962), PHD (Carnegie Mellon U, 1974), Department of Finance and Statistical Analysis
  • Tardif, Claudine, Campus Saint-Jean
  • Taylor, Alison, BBA (Wilfred Laurier U, 1978), EDD (Ont Inst Studies in Ed, 1996), MED (Queen’s University, 1990), MIR (U of Toronto, 1985), Department of Educational Policy Studies
  • Taylor, Diane E, BSC (U of Toronto, 1972), PHD (U of Toronto, 1975), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Dept of Medical Microbiology and Immunology
  • Taylor, Gerald D, BED (U of Alberta, 1967), MED (U of Alberta, 1971), PHD (U of Toronto, 1979), Department of Educational Policy Studies
  • Taylor, Gregory J, BSC (Queen’s University, 1977), MEDES (U of Calgary, 1981), PHD (Queen’s University, 1983), Faculty of Science - Biological Sciences
  • Teply, Stanislav, DIPENG (Czech Tech U, 1957), PHD (Czech Tech U, 1991), Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
  • Tewari, Jalpa P, BSC (U of Lucknow, 1957), MSC (U of Lucknow, 1959), PHD (U of Lucknow, 1963), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences - Dept of Agric, Food and Nutri Science
  • Thompson, Gordon W, DDS (U of Alberta, 1965), MSCD (U of Toronto, 1967), PHD (U of Toronto, 1971), Vice President Research - Research Services Office
  • Thomson, Alan Br, BA (Queen’s University, 1965), MD (Queen’s University, 1967), MSC (Queen’s University, 1970), PHD (Queen’s University, 1971), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Medicine
  • Thornberry, Robert S, BA (Queens U Belfast, 1965), MA (McMaster University, 1968), PHD (U of Alberta, 1973), Department of Modern Languages and Cultural Studies
  • Thurston, Olin G, BA (U of Saskatchewan, 1956), MD (U of Saskatchewan, 1958), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Surgery
  • Tiessen, Peter, BCOM (U of Manitoba, 1964), CMA (Soc of Industrial Accts, 1971), MBA (McMaster University, 1969), PHD (U of Minnesota, 1976), Department of Accounting, Operations and  Information Systems
  • Timourian, James G, BA (Hamilton College, 1961), PHD (Syracuse University, 1967), Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences
  • Tinga, Wayne R, BSC (U of Alberta, 1962), MSC (U of Alberta, 1965), PHD (U of Alberta, 1969), Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
  • Titus, Stephen J, BS (Oregon State U, 1965), MF (Oregon State U, 1967), PHD (U of California, 1979), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences - Department of Renewable Resources
  • Toh, Swee-Hin, BSC (La Trobe University, 1970), DIPEDUC (La Trobe University, 1971), MED (U of Alberta, 1974), PHD (U of Alberta, 1980), Department of Educational Policy Studies
  • Tomczak-Jaegermann, Nicole, BSC (U of Warsaw, 1963), HABIL (U of Warsaw, 1981), MSC (U of Warsaw, 1968), PHD (U of Warsaw, 1974), Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences
  • Tomkins, Darrell J, BSC (McGill University, 1968), MSC (McGill University, 1971), PHD (McGill University, 1975), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Medical Genetics
  • Tonn, William M, BA (Macalester College, 1976), MS (U of Wisconsin Madison, 1980), PHD (U of Wisconsin Madison, 1983), Department of Biological Sciences
  • Toth, Ellen Louise, BSC (U of Buenos Aires, 1978), MD (U of Buenos Aires, 1978), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Medicine
  • Toth, Jozsef J, MSC (Utrecht U, 1960), PHD (Utrecht U, 1980), Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
  • Treit, Dallas R, BA (U of British Columbia, 1975), MA (U of British Columbia, 1978), PHD (U of British Columbia, 1981), Department of Psychology
  • Trumpener, Ulrich, BA (U of Oregon, 1954), MA (U of California, 1957), PHD (U of California, 1960), Department of History and Classics
  • Turnell, Roger, BSC (U of British Columbia, 1968), MDCM (McGill University, 1978), PHD (U of British Columbia, 1972), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
  • Turner, A Robert, BSC (McGill University, 1970), MD (McGill University, 1972), MDCM (McGill University, 1972), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Medicine
  • Tweedale, Martin M, BA (Princeton U, 1959), PHD (U of California LA, 1965), Department of Philosophy
  • Tyrchniewicz, Edward W, BSA (U of Manitoba, 1962), MSC (Purdue University, 1963), PHD (Purdue University, 1967), Vice President Research - Research Services Office
  • Ubelacker PhD, Sandra D, BA (U of Western Ontario, 1963), MA (U of North Dakota, 1967), PHD (U of North Dakota, 1971), Department of Secondary Education
  • Ulan, Raymond A, MD (U of Alberta, 1961), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Medicine
  • Urion, Carl A, BED (U of Alberta, 1970), PHD (U of Alberta, 1978), Faculty of Arts - folkwaysAlive!
  • Urtasun, Raul C, BA (U of Buenos Aires, 1952), MD (U of Buenos Aires, 1959), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Neurosciences
  • Vallance, Janette M, BA (U of Western Ontario, 1959), MA (York University, 1975), PHD (U of Alberta, 1989), Department of Elementary Education
  • Van de Pitte, Margaret M, MA (U of Detroit, 1963), PHB (U of Detroit, 1959), PHD (U of Southern California, 1966), Department of Philosophy
  • Van Manen, Max Mj, BED (U of Alberta, 1970), MED (U of Alberta, 1971), PHD (U of Alberta, 1973), Department of Secondary Education
  • Vance, Dennis E, BSC (Dickinson College, 1964), PHD (U of Pittsburgh, 1968), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Biochemistry Dept
  • Vance, Jean E, BSC (U of London, 1964), PHD (U of Pittsburgh, 1969), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Medicine Dept
  • Vanden Born, William Wh, Vice President Research - Research Services Office
  • Vander Well PhD, Allen Ar, Ancillary Services Parking
  • Vaneldik, Jan F, BSC (U of Alberta, 1962), MSC (U of Alberta, 1966), PHD (U of Alberta, 1970), Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • Varnhagen, Connie K, BA (Kenyon College, 1977), MA (Notre Dame College, 1980), PHD (U of California, 1985), Faculty of Arts - Psychology
  • Veeman, Michele M, BAGRSC (Massey University, 1963), MAGRSC (U of Adelaid, 1965), PHD (U of California, 1972), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences-Resource Economics &Environmental Sociology
  • Veeman, Terrence S, PHD (U of California Berkeley, 1975), Department of Economics
  • Verdicchio, Massimo, BA (U of British Columbia, 1969), MA (U of British Columbia, 1973), MA (Yale University, 1974), MPHIL (Yale University, 1976), PHD (Yale University, 1981), Faculty of Arts - Modern Languages and Cultural Studies Dept
  • Vermeulen, Frederick E, BSC (U of Alberta, 1960), MASC (U of British Columbia, 1962), PHD (U of Alberta, 1966), Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
  • Videman, Keijo, DMEDSC (U of Helsinki, 1970), MD (U of Helsinki, 1967), Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine
  • Vitt, Dale H, BSC (SE Missouri State U, 1967), MS (U of Michigan, 1968), PHD (U of Michigan, 1970), Department of Biological Sciences
  • Voisey, Paul, BA (U of Calgary, 1971), MA (U of Calgary, 1975), PHD (U of Toronto, 1983), Department of History and Classics
  • Volden, Joanne Coral, BSC (U of Alberta, 1976), MCLINSC (U of Western Ontario, 1978), PHD (U of Alberta, 1991), Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine - Communication Sciences & Disorders
  • Von Borstel, Robert Rc, Vice President Research - Research Services Office
  • Von Tigerstrom, Barbara Joanne, Faculty of Law
  • Voss, Walter Ag, Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
  • Wahlsten, Douglas L, BSC (Alma College, 1965), PHD (U of California, 1969), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Neurosciences
  • Walker, Foster N, BA (U of Winnipeg, 1970), BA (U of Winnipeg, 1971), MA (U of Western Ontario, 1973), PHD (U of Western Ontario, 1979), Department of Educational Policy Studies
  • Wallace, Janice, BA (U of Western Ontario, 1992), MED (U of Western Ontario, 1994), PHD (U of Toronto, 2000), Department of Educational Policy Studies
  • Wallace, Jo-Ann C, BA (Concordia U, 1977), MA (York University, 1979), PHD (York University, 1985), Department of English
  • Wangler, David G, Department of Educational Policy Studies
  • Wanke PhD, Sieghard E, BSENG (U of Alberta, 1964), MSC (U of Alberta, 1966), PHD (U of California, 1969), Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering
  • Wankel, Leonard M, BA (U of Saskatchewan, 1963), BED (U of Saskatchewan, 1964), MA (U of Alberta, 1969), PHD (U of Alberta, 1971), Vice President Research - Research Services Office
  • Ware, Robert L, BMUS (U of S Mississippi, 1958), EDD (U of Oregon, 1968), MMUSED (U of S Mississippi, 1959), Department of Elementary Education
  • Warrack, Allan Alexander, BSC (U of Alberta, 1961), MS (Iowa State U, 1963), PHD (Iowa State U, 1967), Department of Marketing, Business Economics and Law
  • Warren, Kenneth G, BA (U of Western Ontario, 1968), MD (U of Western Ontario, 1972), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Medicine
  • Warren, Sharon A, BA (U of Western Ontario, 1968), BED (Queen’s University, 1969), MA (U of Western Ontario, 1971), PHD (U of Western Ontario, 1973), Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine
  • Wasylishen, Roderick E, BSC (U of Waterloo, 1968), MSC (U of Manitoba, 1972), PHD (U of Manitoba, 1972), Department of Chemistry
  • Watkinson, Jane, BA (McMaster University, 1970), BPE (McMaster University, 1970), MA (U of Western Ontario, 1971), PHD (Michigan State U, 1977), Faculty of Physical Education and Recreation - Academic Programs
  • Watson, William G, BA (U of Sussex, 1966), PHD (U of Sussex, 1971), Faculty of Arts - English & Film Studies Dept
  • Waugh, Earle H, BA (McMaster University, 1961), MA (McMaster University, ), PHD (U of Chicago, 1972), Faculty of Arts - Office of Interdisciplinary Studies
  • Wayman, Michael L, BASC (U of British Columbia, 1964), MSC (McMaster University, 1966), PHD (U of Cambridge, 1968), Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering
  • Weideman, Donald J, BCOM (U of Alberta, 1962), CERTED (U of Manitoba, 1968), MBA (U of Western Ontario, 1970), PHD (Georgia State U, 1986), Faculty of Extension - Extension Academics
  • Wein, Ross W, BSA (U of Guelph, 1965), MSC (U of Guelph, 1966), PHD (Utah State U, 1969), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences - Department of Renewable Resources
  • Weiner, Joel H, BS (McGill University, 1968), PHD (Cornell University, 1972), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Biochemistry Dept
  • Weiss, Alfred R, BSC (U of Alberta, 1971), MS (Ohio State University, 1973), PHD (Ohio State University, 1980), Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
  • Weselake, Randall Joseph, BSC (U of Manitoba, 1971), MSC (U of Manitoba, 1981), PHD (U of Manitoba, 1984), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sci - Ag, Food & Nutri Sci Dept
  • West, Douglas S, BA (U of Michigan, 1975), PHD (U of British Columbia, 1979), Faculty of Arts - Economics Dept
  • Westlake, Donald fRANK, Vice President Research - Research Services Office
  • Whitaker, Muriel Ai,
  • Whitehouse, Ronald L, BSC (U of Nottingham, 1959), MSC (U of Alberta, 1961), PHD (U of Alberta, 1965), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Dept of Medical Microbiology and Immunology
  • Whitinger, Raleigh G, BA (U of British Columbia, 1966), PHD (U of British Columbia, 1976), Department of Modern Languages and Cultural Studies
  • Whitson, David J, BA (U of Toronto, 1966), BA (U of Toronto, 1969), MED (Ont Inst Studies in Ed, 1973), PHD (U of Queensland, 1987), Department of Political Science
  • Whittaker, John D, BSENG (U of Alberta, 1962), PHD (City U London, 1971), SM (Massachusetts Inst of Tech, 1963), Department of Mechanical Engineering
  • Wiebe, Leonard Irving, BSP (U of Saskatchewan, 1963), DSC (U of Sydney, 1970), MSC (U of Saskatchewan, 1966), PHD (U of Sydney, 1969), Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
  • Wiebe, Rudy H, Department of English
  • Wiens, Douglas P, BSC (U of Calgary, 1972), MSC (U of Calgary, 1974), MSC (U of Calgary, 1979), PHD (U of Calgary, 1982), Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
  • Wiens, Harold H, BA (Waterloo Lutheran Sem, 1967), Department of Music
  • Wilberg, Robert B, BED (U of Alberta, 1958), MS (U of Oregon, 1960), PHD (U of Oregon, 1967), Faculty of Physical Education and Recreation - Sport Instruction
  • Wilcocks, Robert Wf, BA (U of Hull, 1963), PHD (U of Khartoum, 1967), Department of Modern Languages and Cultural Studies
  • Wilde, Warren Deloy, BED (U of Alberta, 1962), MA (Michigan State U, 1968), PHD (Michigan State U, 1972), Department of Elementary Education
  • Wilkinson, Bruce W, Department of Economics
  • Williams, Beverly Ann, BSCN (U of Alberta, 1975), DIPNURS (U of Calgary, 1972), MN (U of Alberta, 1992), PHD (U of Alberta, 2001), Faculty of Nursing
  • Williams, David Charles, BSC (U of Alberta, 1988), MD (U of Alberta, 1992), MSC (U of Missouri, 1996), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Surgery Dept
  • Williams, Michael C, BSENG (U of Wisconsin Madison, 1959), MS (U of Wisconsin Madison, 1960), PHD (U of Wisconsin Madison, 1964), Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering
  • Willson, Katherine J, BA (U of Alberta, 1971), DIPPROF (U of Alberta, 1972), MED (U of Oregon, 1974), PHD (U of Oregon, 1982), Department of Elementary Education
  • Wilson, David J, BSC (U of Manitoba, 1964), MS (U of Minnesota, 1967), PHD (U of Minnesota, 1970), Faculty of Engineering - Mechanical Engineering Dept
  • Wilson, Leonard S, BED (U of Alberta, 1970), BSC (U of Alberta, 1965), MA (U of Alberta, 1971), PHD (U of Essex, 1974), Department of Economics
  • Wilson, Mark Vh, BSC (U of Toronto, 1968), MSC (U of Toronto, 1970), PHD (U of Toronto, 1974), Department of Biological Sciences
  • Wilson, Robert R, BA (U of Chicago, 1956), DIPL (McGill University, 1955), MA (U of Chicago, 1958), PHD (U of Oregon, 1967), Department of English
  • Wolfaardt, Johan F, BSC (U of the Witwatersrand, 1976), DPHIL (U of the Witwatersrand, 1984), MSC (U of the Witwatersrand, 1984), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Surgery Dept
  • Wolfe, Frederick H, PHD (Texas Tech University, 1966), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences - Dept of Agric, Food and Nutri Science
  • Wood, Marilynn J, BSN (U of British Columbia, 1959), DRPH (U of California, 1971), MPH (U of California, 1968), Faculty of Nursing
  • Wood, Norman K, DDS (U of Toronto, 1958), MS (Northwestern U, 1966), PHD (Northwestern U, 1968), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Dentistry
  • Wood, Reginald Kenneth, BE (U of Saskatchewan, 1958), MSC (U of Alberta, 1960), PHD (Northwestern U, 1963), Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering
  • Woodard, Paul M, BSF (U of Vermont, 1969), MS (U of Washington Seattle, 1974), PHD (U of Washington Seattle, 1977), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences - Department of Renewable Resources
  • Wormsbecker, Gordon T, BSC (U of Alberta, 1972), Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
  • Wright, John, Faculty of Education
  • Xia, Zi Hui, BS (Tsinghua University, 1970), MS (Tsinghua University, 1981), PHD (Tsinghua University, 1984), Department of Mechanical Engineering
  • Yakimets, Walter John, BSC (U of Alberta, 1983), MD (U of Alberta, 1988), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Surgery
  • Yeh, Francis Cho C, BSC (U of Calgary, 1970), PHD (U of Calgary, 1974), Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences - Department of Renewable Resources
  • Yeung Laiwah, Albert A C, BSC (U of Glasgow, 1971), MBCHB (U of Glasgow, 1974), MSC (U of Glasgow, 1974), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Pharmacology
  • Yewchuk PhD, Carolyn Rose, BA (Queen’s University, 1959), MED (U of Calgary, 1969), PHD (U of Alberta, 1972), Department of Educational Psychology
  • Young, Beth, BA (U of Alberta, 1969), MED (U of Alberta, 1984), PHD (U of Alberta, 1989), Department of Educational Policy Studies
  • Young, Catherine Denise, BA (McMaster University, 1982), MA (McMaster University, 1983), PHD (U of Toronto, 1989), Faculty of Arts - Economics Dept
  • Young, Darius R, BSC (Colorado State U, 1962), MED (Colorado State U, 1964), PHD (Ohio State University, 1968), Department of Secondary Education
  • Young, David E, BA (U of Indiana, 1959), BD (Yale University, 1962), MA (U of Hawaii, 1965), PHD (Stanford University, 1970), Department of Anthropology
  • Young, Jean H, BS (Northwestern U, 1955), PHD (Northwestern U, 1971), Department of Elementary Education
  • Young, John R, BED (U of Alberta, 1964), MED (U of Alberta, 1968), Department of Educational Policy Studies
  • Young, Richard A, BA (U of London, 1964), MA (U of Alberta, 1966), PHD (U of Alberta, 1970), Department of Modern Languages and Cultural Studies
  • Young, Wo-Sang V, BSC (U of Hong Kong, 1967), MS (Purdue University, 1970), PHD (Purdue University, 1973), Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences
  • Zakariasen, Ken L, BA (U of Minnesota, 1966), CBUSADM (Harvard University, 1996), DDS (U of Minnesota, 1970), MS (U of Minnesota, 1975), MSC (Case Western Reserve U, 2001), PHD (U of Minnesota, 1978), School of Public Health
  • Zemrau, Edwin Ed, Faculty of Physical Education and Recreation
  • Zizler, Vaclav V, MSC (Charles University, 1965), PHD (Charles University, 1969), Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences

Clinical Emeriti

  • Boulton, James J, BSC (U of Alberta, 1961), MD (U of Alberta, 1965), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
  • Daniel, Edwin, BA (John Hopkins U, 1947), MA (John Hopkins U, 1949), PHD (U of Utah, 1952), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Pharmacology
  • Field, Gordon Colin, BSC (U of Guelph, 1980), MSC (U of Toronto, 1984), PHD (U of Alberta, 1988), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Oncology Dept
  • Greenwood, Paul V, BSC (U of Leeds, 1969), MBCHB (U of Leeds, 1972), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Medicine Dept
  • Loomis, Joan Elizabeth, BPT (U of Alberta, 1971), DIPPT (U of Alberta, 1969), MED (U of Alberta, 1983), Department of Physical Therapy
  • Petruk, Kenneth Cameron, BSC (U of Alberta, 1964), MD (U of Alberta, 1967), PHD (U of Alberta, 1976), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Oncology
  • Shaw, Andrew R E, BSC (U of London, 1966), PHD (U of Southampton, 1969), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Oncology Dept
  • Turner, M Joan, BSC (U of Pittsburgh, 1971), MSC (U of Alberta, 1981), PHD (U of Alberta, 1985), Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Department of Oncology

Librarian Emeriti

  • Buckingham, Jeanette F, BA (U of Saskatchewan, 1966), MLS (U of Alberta, 1980), University of Alberta Library - Health Sciences
  • Carter, Kathleen E, BA (U of Calgary, 1971), BLS (U of Alberta, 1974), University of Alberta Library - Bibliographic Services
  • Distad, N Merrill, BA (U of Minnesota, 1967), MA (U of Minnesota, 1969), MLS (U of Toronto, 1984), PHD (U of Toronto, 1976), University Libraries - Information Resources
  • Ingles, Ernest B, BA (U of Calgary, 1970), MA (U of Calgary, 1973), MLIBR (U of British Columbia, 1974), Learning Services - Chief Librarian Office
  • Jones, David Leonard, BSC (McMaster University, 1968), MLS (U of Western Ontario, 1971), University of Alberta Library - Science
  • Law, Margaret Zelman, BA (Carleton University, 1973), BED (Dalhousie U, 1979), MBA (Athabasca University, 1997), MLS (U of British Columbia, 1986), Learning Services - Chief Librarian Office
  • McClary, Maryon Louise, BA (U of Alberta, 1972), BED (U of Alberta, 1984), MLS (U of Hawaii, 1980), University of Alberta Library - HASSL Reference
  • Reichardt, Randall Paul, BSC (U of Manitoba, 1975), MLS (U of Alberta, 1978), Libraries - Public Services
  • Rooney, Sieglinde Eh, BA (U of Saskatchewan, 1962), BLS (U of Toronto, 1963), MA (U of Alberta, 1978), University of Alberta Library - Office of the Chief Librarian