Feb 13, 2025  
University of Alberta Calendar 2017-2018 
University of Alberta Calendar 2017-2018 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Faculty Regulations

Return to: Faculty of Business  


Graduate Study

For information regarding Graduate Study, please consult Business  of the Graduate Program section of the Calendar.

Undergraduate Study

General university admission requirements are set out in Admission to Undergraduate Programs  and General Admission Requirements . Detailed admission requirements for the Faculty of Business are set out in Faculty of Business .

Continuing Students

Students in good standing who are continuing their program without interruption do not have to reapply for admission; they need only obtain their registration material and use the Bear Tracks web registration system at www.registrarsoffice.ualberta.ca

Changes in Registration

The Faculty makes every effort to assure that program requirements are met by the courses in which a student is registered. However, the responsibility for the completeness and accuracy of registration rests with the student, and the student should be satisfied that the program is in accordance with degree specifications.

Adding or Dropping Courses
The deadlines for adding Fall Term, Fall/Winter, and Winter Term courses can be found in Academic Schedule . Courses dropped before the deadline will not be part of the student’s record.

Withdrawing from Courses
The deadlines for withdrawing from courses are as noted in Major Deadlines from the 2017-2018 Academic Schedule .

A grade of W (withdrawal) will be recorded on a student’s record if they withdraw from a course after the add/drop deadline but before the withdrawal deadline. No withdrawal after the deadline will be permitted except for major causes beyond a student’s control, such as extended illness.

Withdrawal from the University

Subject to the provisions specified in Changes in Registration, a student may withdraw from the University at any time but should seek advice from Faculty advisors or Student Counselling Services before taking such action. Further information regarding fee refunds or exemption from fees is found in Refunds and Withdrawals .

Discontinuance of Attendance

Students must apply for permission before discontinuing their registration if they wish to retain their place in the program and not be required to requalify. The consequence of unapproved discontinuances is the requirement to requalify in accordance with provisions in force at the time of reapplication.

  1. Individuals registered as students in the Faculty of Business must have the permission of the Associate Dean, Undergraduate Program, if they wish to discontinue their attendance and retain their status in good standing in the Faculty.
  2. Students given permission to discontinue their program may not take academic coursework elsewhere unless explicitly permitted to do so in writing.
  3. Students mentioned in (1) above are still required to submit an application for readmission when they choose to return to the program.
  4. Discontinuance is defined to be no course completions for a full Fall/Winter (September-April).
  5. Normally, discontinuance will be allowed for many reasons related to an individual’s well-being. These may include health reasons, the necessity for personal reflection or other similar reasons, and they may or may not relate to employment. It is expected that a date of recommencement and expression of commitment to degree completion are established at the time discontinuance is allowed.
  6. Discontinuance is not permitted to enable the student to pursue another academic degree or program at the University of Alberta or elsewhere.

Attendance at Another Institution

Students admitted to the Bachelor of Commerce program are expected to complete all remaining requirements at the University of Alberta. Students may not receive credit for coursework taken at another institution following admission unless permitted to do so by either Attendance at Another Institution as a Visiting Student or Attendance at Another Institution on a Recognized Exchange. There is no obligation to grant transfer credit unless prior permission has been obtained in writing.

Attendance at Another Institution as a Visiting Student

BCom students who present circumstances that justify taking coursework at another institution may apply to the Associate Dean, Undergraduate Program, for permission to take that coursework and receive transfer credit if

  1. they have already completed a minimum of ★24 of their program at the University of Alberta;
  2. they present “Satisfactory” academic standing (i.e., GPA of 2.0 or greater);
  3. they have fewer than ★60 in transferable courses to the Bachelor of Commerce program; and
  4. they have evidence of special personal or academic circumstances that make it appropriate for an exception to the normal rules to be granted.

Permission will not normally be granted if an equivalent course is given on campus in the same term. Approval will not be granted for requests where the student has already received the maximum allowable transfer credit (★60). Qualified students should contact the Undergraduate Office, 2-20 Business Building, to request permission prior to enrolling in any course at another institution.

Attendance at Another Institution on a Recognized Exchange

For students already admitted to a degree program in the Faculty of Business who are participating in approved international exchange programs, credit will be considered on a credit-fail (CR-F) basis only. Approved international exchanges include exchanges through the University of Alberta or the Faculty of Business. Grades achieved in such courses will not normally be included in promotion or graduation average. Credit may be granted if a passing grade is achieved. Students must contact the Undergraduate Office to have transfer credit approved. There is no obligation to grant transfer credit unless prior permission has been obtained in writing.

Academic Standing and Graduation

  1. Records of academic performance for individual students are maintained in the Undergraduate Office. Students should consult their records from time to time to attest to their accuracy.
    Academic performance is normally measured by grade point average attained during the academic year.
    Determination of each student’s academic performance will normally occur after the end of the regular academic year based on work during that year. However, no student will be classified as marginal or unsatisfactory on the basis of fewer than ★15 attempted since initial enrolment in the Faculty or since the last year-end evaluation of performance. A student whose academic performance evaluation is deferred under the terms of this provision may be evaluated at either or both of the following mid-year and year-end times, with appropriate classification and possible action as follows.
  2. Promotion of the student from year to year depends on satisfactory academic performance.
    1. Satisfactory standing: A grade point average of 2.0 or more. Students who maintain satisfactory standing are permitted to continue their studies in the Faculty.
    2. Marginal standing: A grade point average of less than 2.0 but not less than 1.7.
      Students receiving the assessment of marginal standing for the first time are permitted to continue, under academic warning, until the next assessment of academic standing. At that time, students who obtain a minimum GPA of 2.0 on all courses attempted since the last assessment may continue in satisfactory standing. Students who fail to achieve a minimum GPA of 2.0 on all courses attempted since the last assessment will be required to withdraw. Students receiving the assessment of marginal standing for a second or subsequent time will be required to withdraw.
    3. Unsatisfactory standing: A grade point average of less than 1.7. In such cases, the student must withdraw from the Faculty.
      Students whose performance has once been classified as either marginal or unsatisfactory must in all subsequent years in the degree program demonstrate satisfactory performance.
  3. Readmission after a Requirement to Withdraw Refer to Bachelor of Commerce (BCom)  for information on the regulations pertaining to readmission to the Faculty of Business after a requirement to withdraw. Students required to withdraw from the Faculty of Business are not normally required to complete coursework elsewhere before being considered for readmission. A student who has been required to withdraw from the Faculty but is subsequently readmitted or allowed to continue in the Faculty due to a successful appeal of their academic standing, must maintain a GPA of 2.0 or again be required to withdraw. Continuation on marginal standing below 2.0 is not permitted in such cases. All students who have previously been required to withdraw from the Faculty of Business are not permitted any subsequent marginal performance.
  4. First-Class Standing, With Distinction and Dean’s List All interpretations of the following sections must be made ensuring that the principles of the Duty to Accommodate under the Alberta Human Rights Act are applied. This may include considering a reduced course load as a full course load. In those cases, students are entitled to be considered for First Class Standing, “With Distinction” and or Dean’s List when they have accumulated the credits required by each category, regardless of the number of terms.
    1. First-Class Standing is awarded to each student who achieves a grade point average of at least 3.5 on ★27 or more of academic study during a Fall/Winter.
    2. The notation “With Distinction” is inscribed on the permanent record and graduate parchment if the candidate has obtained a grade point average of 3.5 or higher, over the last ★60 of the program, subject to the following:
      1. Students must have completed at least 4 academic terms at the University of Alberta with a minimum of ★12 completed in each term.
      2. For the purposes of this section “term” means Fall Term, Winter Term or Spring/Summer Terms combined.
    3. The Dean’s List commends the superior academic performance of each student who has completed ★30 during the Fall/Winter with a grade point average of 3.7 or more.
  5. Graduation
    1. In order to graduate, students are required to apply for graduation on Bear Tracks (https://www.beartracks.ualberta.ca) in their graduating year by the applicable deadline. See the Academic Schedule  for application deadlines for Bachelor of Commerce degrees to be awarded at Spring and Fall Convocations.
    2. To qualify for graduation, the student must satisfy all degree requirements as specified in BCom (General)  and demonstrate satisfactory academic performance (as defined in (2) above) during the last academic year of the program.
    3. If such final year involved less than ★30, a sufficient number of immediately preceding full terms of study shall be added to the basis of evaluation to provide a minimum of ★30.
    4. Students who have successfully completed all program requirements but are not in satisfactory academic standing, may appeal to be permitted one further Fall/Winter of study to bring their GPA up to the required satisfactory standing. See Appeals and Grievances.
  6. Reexaminations: Reexaminations are not normally permitted in the Faculty of Business except in circumstances that would justify the granting of a deferred examination. Students wishing to be considered for a reexamination in a course in the Faculty of Business must, in addition to meeting the requirements set out in Reexaminations , also meet the following conditions:
    1. Students must provide evidence of a medical condition or similarly compelling circumstance existing at the time of the writing of the examination; and
    2. provide evidence that the student’s performance in the final examination was so affected by circumstances as shown in a. that there was a substantial difference between the final examination results and the term work.

Students requesting a reexamination in the final term of their graduating year may be granted such reexamination notwithstanding their inability to provide evidence of a. and/or b. above. A maximum of one such reexamination will be granted where the student would otherwise fail to graduate.

Transfer of Credit and Residency Requirements

  1. Students may be granted a maximum of ★60 in transfer credit for coursework completed prior to admission to the Faculty of Business.
  2. Once admitted to the BCom program, a student may not receive transfer credit for any coursework taken at any other institution without the prior written permission of the Associate Dean, Undergraduate Program.
  3. Students without a previous university degree must normally:
    1. successfully complete at least ★60 in University of Alberta courses, and
    2. be registered as a student in the Faculty of Business while taking these courses.
  4. Of the ★60 referred to in (3) above, ★45 must be required primary or secondary core courses in Business or senior Business electives in the Faculty of Business. Of this ★45, ★15 must be 300- and 400-level courses in the student’s major area of concentration.
  5. Students in the BCom After-Degree program who hold a prior university degree may fulfill their program requirements by taking a minimum of ★45 and a maximum of ★60. All coursework must be in the Faculty of Business at the University of Alberta with the exception of out of faculty courses required by the student’s major area of concentration. (See Program Information )

Course Load Requirements

Each BCom student normally must, at some time during the program, be registered as a full-time student during at least two terms (not necessarily consecutive) of the regular academic year.

★30 is the normal course load for undergraduate students during the Fall/Winter. Students considering a heavier load should first consult the Undergraduate Office.

Students who plan to do a significant portion of the degree on a part-time basis should consult the Undergraduate Office concerning difficulties they may encounter. The University and the Faculty are unable to assure that courses will be available during terms and at times convenient for students with full-time employment. In particular, resource constraints prevent the University from offering large numbers of evening classes.

Time Limit to Complete Program

Each BCom student normally must complete all degree requirements within eight years, beginning with the year original admission to the program was granted.

Appeals and Grievances

There are four major areas in which appeals may be made in the Faculty of Business. Policies and procedure may vary according to the reasons for appeal. Detailed formal policies of the Faculty in these areas are available from the Undergraduate Office, 2-20 Business Building. Students are advised to consult the Undergraduate Office early with respect to deadlines for appeals. A student may submit an informal appeal/petition to the Associate Dean, Undergraduate. Regardless of whether or not a student initiates an appeal, however, the Associate Dean, Undergraduate, may issue any remedy that waives the Faculty’s academic standing regulations as approved by GFC and published in the University Calendar. This informal process is meant to precede and to avoid formal appeal, but does not preclude formal appeal to the Faculty Academic Appeals Committee. The following are general rules to be followed for various classes of appeals.

  1. Academic standing appeals: These include appeals from decision involving promotion, graduation and the requirement to withdraw. Such appeals are heard in the first instance by the Faculty of Business Academic Appeals Committee. A student may have a further right of appeal to the GFC Academic Appeals Committee. The GFC Academic Appeals Committee may only entertain and uphold an appeal if a miscarriage of justice has occurred. See Appeals and Grievances .
  2. Grades: Appeals concerning marks or grades must be first referred to the relevant instructor for resolution. Where the dispute cannot be resolved with the instructor, the student must discuss the matter with the relevant Department Chairman and then with the Associate Dean, Undergraduate Program. Where no resolution occurs, the student may have a right to appeal to the Faculty Appeals Committee. The Faculty decision is final and may not be appealed.
  3. Residency: Appeals relating to residency requirements may be permitted where these requirements differ from general University policy. The student may appeal to the Faculty Appeals Committee. The Faculty decision is final and may not be appealed.
  4. Cooperative Education program: Failure in a work term or removal from the Cooperative Education program may be appealed to the Faculty Appeals Committee. Appeals concerning such decisions must first be discussed with the Director of Business Career Services, and then with the Associate Dean, Undergraduate Program.
    1. If the dispute cannot be resolved, and the dispute concerns the student’s failure to fulfill the academic requirements of the Cooperative Education program or any part of them, an appeal may be made to the Faculty of Business Appeals Committee. The Faculty decision in this case is final and may not be appealed.
    2. Where withdrawal or denial of a cooperative work placement by the Faculty has occurred because of concerns relating to safe, ethical and competent professional practice, an appeal may be made to the Faculty of Business Appeals Committee. A student may have a further right of appeal to the GFC Practice Review Board in some cases. Students should contact University Governance (www.governance.ualberta.ca) for information concerning such an appeal. See the University of Alberta Practicum Intervention Policy.

Student Advising

The administrative details associated with students’ programs are handled by (a) the Undergraduate Office for undergraduates; (b) the MBA Office for masters students; and (c) the PhD Office for doctoral students. These offices maintain records of their students’ course registrations, course marks, and status within the program. Students should consult the appropriate office about program regulations and administration, e.g., admissions, course enrolment, and degree requirements.

All academic members of the Faculty are available to students in all programs for consultation relating to areas of study and career planning.

Credit by Special Assessment

The Credit by Special Assessment procedure is normally not available for courses taught by the Faculty. In any case where the Credit by Special Assessment is granted, the assessment will be by written examination. Further details may be obtained from the Undergraduate Office. See also Credit by Special Assessment .